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Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2011
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Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.

Generic, as groups. Something significant. Please answer for both, not just one.
I don't know if there's anything we can do to end racism.
Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.

Generic, as groups. Something significant. Please answer for both, not just one.

I don't need to do a god damned thing other than treat every person I meet with decency, and lend a helping hand when they need it.

I am "effing" tired of the race issue.........and I have seen plenty of ugliness due to black and white violence...................... with wrong being on both sides of the issue.

But.............if you come at me acting like a animal, I will treat you like one.
all humans need to make an effort to evolve beyond tribalism, and not just where race is concerned.
We cannot change what's in people's hearts. If hate is in their heart, only they can change that. We cannot legislate morals or ethics.

As with most things, time heals. As each generation progresses through time, racism in this country lessens and lessens even further.

The only thing we could do or stop doing, is to stop keeping it alive. If you're harmed by racism, take the person that harmed you to court, if not, ignore them and move on.

Read my signature below, especially the last sentence.
Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.

Generic, as groups. Something significant. Please answer for both, not just one.

The first thing is to recognize that while racism is to be found in all races and cultures and nations, the most egregious racism in any nation will be committed by the group that is socioeconomically dominant. This is not a white or a black thing, but a human thing. Check any nation you like, and you'll find that the worst actions of prejudice were committed by those belonging to the group with the most power. The only exception I can think of is between two ethnic groups - the Hutu and the Tutsi in Rwanda - in which the Tutsi were the socioeconomically dominant group...and the more-numerous Hutu got tired of it and decided to commit genocide.

Therefore, the first steps to decrease the racism is to recognize which side is and has been the victim, and to deglamorize the racism by that dominant group. Make the racism uncool...and that's what America's tried - and is trying - to do.

America's made great strides in this respect...but then something else has happened along the way: the changing demographics. The demographic makeup of America is changing to where whites will sooner or later be a plurality, but not a majority - and this change appears to be unstoppable and irreversible. In all such instances I can think of through history of demographic changes (be it race, ethnicity, or religion), such has resulted in the dominant group "circling the wagons" to preserve their power...and it's always resulted in widespread violence. One can see this "circling of the wagons" in the Right today, in the GOP, and even among the conservatives here on DP. One can only hope that America's educated enough and courageous enough to be the first nation to ever make this change without widespread violence.
Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans. Stop borrowing money. Stop watching the mainstream news. Stop idolizing idiots on television. Stop supporting war. That would be a good start.

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves...."

Julius Caesar (Act 1, Scene ii, 140-141)
Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.

Generic, as groups. Something significant. Please answer for both, not just one.

Blacks: Take your inner cities back from the thugs. Join your own police forces. Encourage families.

Whites: Especially most white liberals...stop appeasing inner city blacks by telling them that they're always the victim no matter what. Stop using racism as a crutch every time you don't have an argument.
Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans. Stop borrowing money. Stop watching the mainstream news. Stop idolizing idiots on television. Stop supporting war. That would be a good start.

and if I might add...START accepting personal responsibility for all of our actions and deeds.
Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.

Generic, as groups. Something significant. Please answer for both, not just one.

it will never "end" at least not in my lifetime or even my great great grand kids life times.

Racism is based on ignorance plan and simply that's it foundation. On top of that foundation is fear and insecurity.

So how do we address those? only education and time can do that along with the not accepting racism of others :shrug:

But among NORMAL people race relations in general are always improving and better than they have ever been in my lifetime. I don't see anything changing that. Media, hype and fluff and sensational stories has no impact to the reality that a normal person in general is less likely to be racists, and people are less likely to be discriminated against because of their race.

I know you said you wanted two answers but there isn't two, its only one. Education and speaking out against the racism of others. This takes time, a very long time and it will only curb it because for the most part there will always be some small amount of ignorance and fools that teach it.
Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.

Generic, as groups. Something significant. Please answer for both, not just one.

Whites have to be patient and friendly--and support integration and education and creation of jobs for black youth and welcome blacks into their own neighborhoods.

Blacks have to assimilate and quit creating their own alien culture and language in almost totally black neighborhoods. They have to respect police and the law.

Both groups have to quit self-segregating and shutting each other out.

End of dream.
Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.
I'll give you four things. One to think about, and one to actually do, for both groups.


1. Acknowledge that racism is still a big problem, understand that no one is blameless in it, and realize that subconscious and structural racism has nothing to do with an individual's morality.

2. Broaden your social circle and interact or make acquaintances with people of color. (Three quarters of whites don't have any non-white friends.)


1. Stop believing that White America will ever "wake up" to racism.

2. Contrary to #1 above, try not to be discouraged about being open about your experiences as a black man or woman in America. Yes ... it's frustrating, tiring, socially awkward and it shouldn't be up to you to educate white people about race. However I would point out that we white people will never learn if there isn't someone there to teach us.
I'll give you four things. One to think about, and one to actually do, for both groups.


1. Acknowledge that racism is still a big problem, understand that no one is blameless in it, and realize that subconscious and structural racism has nothing to do with an individual's morality.

2. Broaden your social circle and interact or make acquaintances with people of color. (Three quarters of whites don't have any non-white friends.)


1. Stop believing that White America will ever "wake up" to racism.

2. Contrary to #1 above, try not to be discouraged about being open about your experiences as a black man or woman in America. Yes ... it's frustrating, tiring, socially awkward and it shouldn't be up to you to educate white people about race. However I would point out that we white people will never learn if there isn't someone there to teach us.

Can you prove it is? And you also say no one is blameless, does that mean everyone is a racist?
Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans. Stop borrowing money. Stop watching the mainstream news. Stop idolizing idiots on television. Stop supporting war. That would be a good start.

WTF? None of those things will help end racism. I think you are on the wrong thread.
You'll never end individual racism. Some people are just going to hate other people for random things. There really isn't much, if any institutional racism left. People just need to stop pretending that there is.
Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.

Generic, as groups. Something significant. Please answer for both, not just one.

End stereotyping. Study what it is, why it's a logical fallacy, point it out every time someone engages in it, stamp it out.
End stereotyping. Study what it is, why it's a logical fallacy, point it out every time someone engages in it, stamp it out.

What stereotyping is there? I mean yes, it is a fallacy, but most stereotypes have at least some basis in fact. So what, specifically, is the problem?
To stop making race an issue, we need to stop making race an issue.

No time soon apparently.

Maybe one day after Jessie, Al, and Louis have gone on to that great Rainbow Coalition in the sky...
Name one thing that blacks and whites each need to do to help end racism. Or, at least mitigate it quite a bit.

Generic, as groups. Something significant. Please answer for both, not just one.

Similar to what Glen said here:
The first thing is to recognize that while racism is to be found in all races and cultures and nations, the most egregious racism in any nation will be committed by the group that is socioeconomically dominant. This is not a white or a black thing, but a human thing. Check any nation you like, and you'll find that the worst actions of prejudice were committed by those belonging to the group with the most power. The only exception I can think of is between two ethnic groups - the Hutu and the Tutsi in Rwanda - in which the Tutsi were the socioeconomically dominant group...and the more-numerous Hutu got tired of it and decided to commit genocide.

Therefore, the first steps to decrease the racism is to recognize which side is and has been the victim, and to deglamorize the racism by that dominant group. Make the racism uncool...and that's what America's tried - and is trying - to do.

America's made great strides in this respect...but then something else has happened along the way: the changing demographics. The demographic makeup of America is changing to where whites will sooner or later be a plurality, but not a majority - and this change appears to be unstoppable and irreversible. In all such instances I can think of through history of demographic changes (be it race, ethnicity, or religion), such has resulted in the dominant group "circling the wagons" to preserve their power...and it's always resulted in widespread violence. One can see this "circling of the wagons" in the Right today, in the GOP, and even among the conservatives here on DP. One can only hope that America's educated enough and courageous enough to be the first nation to ever make this change without widespread violence.

However, this has to be in the hearts of all peoples and all races. Blacks can't force the issue down people's throats. Whites shouldn't say it doesn't exist. However, this current political climate with both sides going at each other and IMO one group being louder than the other, doesn't really help things all that much. Once things calm down and people stop propping up these new political groups that just want to grab whatever power they can hold onto and keep it for as long as possible, they don't really care about change. They might scream loud but they are really just looking for their 15 minutes of fame so they can say, we accomplished something. NO! Killing fellow people and destroying property is NOT accomplishing something!!!! If those groups would ever acknowledge this as well, then we can start to get somewhere, but as of now that's the problem I see with all this activism going on. I don't care what social cause you are rooting for.

This isn't the 1800s and the loudest voice in the room shouldn't get the all clear to say whatever the heck they want and get away with it! I mean if you really listen to the WORDS that these groups are saying, it's nuts. ON BOTH SIDES!!! You can do all the analysis and thought-provoking philosophy discussions you want on what He/She meant when they said this or that. That makes things worse too. Over analyzing and lack of leadership. Someone to say enough is enough and to stop this nonsense and to ACTUALLY put our differences aside and come together. A leaderless protest group is the most pointless thing on the planet and never amounts to anything significant but chaos and violence.

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