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More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going broke (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
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LAS VEGAS -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, seeking to console liberal activists who were disappointed by the final version of the national health care law, assured them that there would eventually be a public option.

"We're going to have a public option," Reid said. "It's just a question of when."

Reid's general comments reflected the same overall message to progressives that President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivered earlier today. It essentially boils down to: We've done a lot of stuff, but we still have a lot of unfinished business, so campaign for us again.

During a question and answer session, Reid also argued against "fear tactics of those who say Social Security is going broke. It's not."

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Reid to Netroots: "We're Going To Have a Public Option"

For all the talk about how his GOP Candidate says some wild things... where is the accountability for old Harry
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Reid to Netroots: "We're Going To Have a Public Option"

For all the talk about how his GOP Candidate says some wild things... where is the accountability for old Harry

Actually I think Harry is right...even though I disagree with what he is pushing for. Look...we have VIDEO of Obama and several lead democrats stating not that public option is coming but that we will have universal health care. The public option thing is a bone...a smoke screen. Hell the government doesnt want to establish a competing healthcare option...they want to kill off private insurance in its entirety.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

yeah, everyone who doesn't think that the goal here is straight socialism is fooling themselves.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

yeah, everyone who doesn't think that the goal here is straight socialism is fooling themselves.

Yeah, and the moon is made of green cheese. The socialism stuff is mere fairy tale tactics by the desperate.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Yeah, and the moon is made of green cheese. The socialism stuff is mere fairy tale tactics by the desperate.

HArry Reid is sayin Socialism is coming,a nd Social Security is solvent. You should whine about him man.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

HArry Reid is sayin Socialism is coming,a nd Social Security is solvent. You should whine about him man.

No, he is not saying socialism is coming. No one credible is saying that. No one credible is saying he is saying that.

Harry's not in my district and not my congress critter. he's someone else's problem. My man is Grassely, and I have complained to him for his misinformation already.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Yeah, and the moon is made of green cheese. The socialism stuff is mere fairy tale tactics by the desperate.

No, he is not saying socialism is coming. No one credible is saying that. No one credible is saying he is saying that.

Harry's not in my district and not my congress critter. he's someone else's problem. My man is Grassely, and I have complained to him for his misinformation already.
So, in their own words and bills passed they are saying this. You're only response to their words and the analysis of it is "nuh uh". Mkay, great response...........
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

If Harry Reid's so confident in this, why doesn't he have a town hall meeting? Afraid of being tarred and feathered?
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Yep, it's true. Those of us who think it's a good idea to have health care for everyone don't really care about people's health -- we just want socialism for the sake of socialism. Muahahaha! We're so evil!!!! You have seen through our fiendish plan!
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

cpwill said:
well, technically you are right, i suppose
Can't wait for the response to that.
I'm sure you do realize that a public option or a single-payer system is not tantamount to socialism.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

I'm sure you do realize that a public option or a single-payer system is not tantamount to socialism.

It's actually capitalism at its finest. Isn't competition good? I guess the private businesses don't like the idea of a government-run company competing with them. Can't take the heat or something.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

It's actually capitalism at its finest. Isn't competition good? I guess the private businesses don't like the idea of a government-run company competing with them. Can't take the heat or something.

A business run with basically unlimited resources and the power to set prices however they like. It's an idea that flies in the face of scarcity and is antithetical to capitalism. Government backed monopolies have no place in a free market.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

A business run with basically unlimited resources and the power to set prices however they like. It's an idea that flies in the face of scarcity and is antithetical to capitalism. Government backed monopolies have no place in a free market.

Except, of course, a public option isn't a monopoly.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Yep, it's true. Those of us who think it's a good idea to have health care for everyone don't really care about people's health -- we just want socialism for the sake of socialism. Muahahaha! We're so evil!!!! You have seen through our fiendish plan!
The problem is that yes you want the socialist model but further than that your side cannot be bothered with the facts of why it cannot work and don't care how you get to your ends. Please correct me if I'm wrong but that is the read I've gotten so far from the hard left.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

The problem is that yes you want the socialist model but further than that your side cannot be bothered with the facts of why it cannot work and don't care how you get to your ends. Please correct me if I'm wrong but that is the read I've gotten so far from the hard left.

Meh, nothing I say will convince you otherwise.

Liberals want everyone to have health care. We think it should be there just like everyone should have the fire department come to your house if it's burning.

Who cares what it's called? We don't like socialism for socialism's sake. That's just a word. There's no conspiracy to create some socialistic world. Obviously, because nobody is arguing that the government should take over all businesses. We just want to help people who need health care and can't afford it.

You know, that's what liberals do. We care about people. We think that government is like our American family, and we should take care of each other when terrible things happen. There's no secret agenda.

Once more, I don't expect you to understand. You guys seem to think that we want Big Government at any cost and for any reason (when clearly we do NOT when it comes to things like abortion, gay rights, and other issues having to do with our private lives).
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Except, of course, a public option isn't a monopoly.

And that doesn't change the fact that it has basically unlimited resources and the power to set prices however they like without risk of going out of business? It may not be a monopoly in the classic sense, but it has all the powers of a government-backed monopoly.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Single-Payer IS socialized medicine. The "Private" insurance companies will not be able to comepete with the gov't. Everyone will be paying higher taxes to "pay for single payer", so unless you are making a LOT of money, you'll be paying a "Tax" for single payer, then paying for your insurance. Who want's to do that? Hell smart folks will just dump all insurance and pay the "tax" penalty until they need insurance!
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Meh, nothing I say will convince you otherwise.
Because when your side is presented with the facts you try to spin it away. I have had some very good healthcare discussions with liberals and some good ideas have come out of it, then there are the partisans who want it simply because the Democrat party wants it. That type of liberal cannot be bothered with the bad things and MOUNTAINS of evidence of the failures which are massive UHC systems. This is why you can't say anything to convince me otherwise, because I've seen the argumentation with my own two eyes.

Liberals want everyone to have health care.
Too bad, reality and "we want" aren't compatable. Things cost money, money which legally, ethically, and for all other intents and purposes is not yours. It has to come from somewhere and wasn't earned by the takers. We think it should be there just like everyone should have the fire department come to your house if it's burning.

Who cares what it's called? We don't like socialism for socialism's sake. That's just a word. There's no conspiracy to create some socialistic world. Obviously, because nobody is arguing that the government should take over all businesses. We just want to help people who need health care and can't afford it.
It's a commodity, cannot be compared to public services like protection because of many factors, most of all including the fact that a burning house is equal to another burning house. People have unique health needs not addressed in a so called universal model. Emotional rhetoric means nothing to me, bring facts.

You know, that's what liberals do. We care about people.
Yeah, your side cares so much that it's willing to mess up a system so that everyone gets freebies even though it's equally ****, but it's okay, more people lose quality so that everyone has at least "something". No ****ing thanks, I'd rather strive for greatness and have others get out of the way.
We think that government is like our American family, and we should take care of each other when terrible things happen. There's no secret agenda.
And the rest of us know that government is a necessary EVIL that must be limited to the point that it has little power, since powerful governments limit freedom and liberty, which is......you know......kind of an America thing.
Once more, I don't expect you to understand. You guys seem to think that we want Big Government at any cost and for any reason (when clearly we do NOT when it comes to things like abortion, gay rights, and other issues having to do with our private lives).
Hmmmm. Well, when all I see is calls to give big brother more power in perpituity then what am I supposed to think?
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Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

It's actually capitalism at its finest. Isn't competition good? I guess the private businesses don't like the idea of a government-run company competing with them. Can't take the heat or something.

How is it 'capitalism' when the government forces the citizens to pay taxes for their version of health care whether the citizen uses it or not? How is it capitalism when the government establishes laws that grandfather existing insurance partnership but prohibits future insurance partnership?

Look...we can have an intelligent discussion about the merits of universal health care (which I would rather see than this hybrid nightmare that is being forced on the country). But its just plain goofy and not a little bit dishonest to suggest this is cpaitalism at its finest.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Except, of course, a public option isn't a monopoly.

So lets see if I get you correctly...You can either get this insurance which we are going to make you pay for anyway, or NOT buy this insurance...but still pay for this insurance...and go out and spend more money on a different insurance...and frankly...we dont care because you already have to subsidize our insurance costs anyway...
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Liberals want everyone to have health care. We think it should be there just like everyone should have the fire department come to your house if it's burning.

You know, that's what liberals do. We care about people. We think that government is like our American family, and we should take care of each other when terrible things happen. There's no secret agenda.

Once more, I don't expect you to understand. You guys seem to think that we want Big Government at any cost and for any reason (when clearly we do NOT when it comes to things like abortion, gay rights, and other issues having to do with our private lives).

The path to hell is paved with good intentions too.

You live by emotions, you live by fantasy. You don't care about the consequences of your "needs", you only care that it feels good.
Re: More crazy Harry Reid in action - Public Option not if but when, SS not going bro

Yep, it's true. Those of us who think it's a good idea to have health care for everyone i 't really care about people's health -- we just want socialism for the sake of socialism. Muahahaha! We're so evil!!!! You have seen through our fiendish plan!

i don't accuse ya'll of having evil motives (i accuse some of your leadership of being disengenius); I think ya'll honestly believe that having a socialist healthcare system is going to be the best path for America. I just wish that more of your leadership would be upfront about what they prefer, instead of playing this dancing-around-it-because-it's-unpopular bit. of course single-payer is your goal (generally speaking here); now let's discuss that openly instead of having to have the do-you-or-don't-you debate.

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