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morality (1 Viewer)

What is morality/

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DP Veteran
Oct 22, 2005
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Milford, CT
Political Leaning
Does it exist? If so, what is it?
Not only does it exist, it is relatively easy to determine and even easier to apply it - to yourself.
Does it exist? If so, what is it?

Morality exists. It is based on societal norms. Different cultures? Different morals. Half of our problems as a country come from our trying to impose our cultural morality on others.
It exists, but as a necessary concept for the good of society as a whole. If we each lived in isolation from each other, morals would not come into question, but then otoh, if we lived in isolation from each other, we could not commit acts which qualify as immoral, as a general rule.
Does it exist? If so, what is it?
It's more of a societal concept. We all agree as a society that murder and theft and what-not is wrong.

As for my own personal moral code, I will not violate someone else's rights without good reason (ie: defense, reciprocation, etc.)

Generally speaking, my beliefs are that without a clear victim, there can be no crime.
Morality exists. It is based on societal norms. Different cultures? Different morals. Half of our problems as a country come from our trying to impose our cultural morality on others.

Morality or mores?
People know what's right and wrong. It doesn't take a genius.
People know what's right and wrong. It doesn't take a genius.

What's right and wrong depends on one's culture, often heavily influenced by one's religious beliefs. When dealing with cultures other than ours, sometimes it does take a genius.
What's right and wrong depends on one's culture, often heavily influenced by one's religious beliefs. When dealing with cultures other than ours, sometimes it does take a genius.

False. Take someone out of that culture, educate them, and ask the same question. I don't make excuses for backwards crap.

Having spent years in other cultures, such as rural Africa, I believe I've considerable perspective.
Morality is a word that has been vindictively torn out of all Utilitarians' dictionaries, most Social Darwinists have never heard such foolish terms as "morality". :)
What's right and wrong depends on one's culture, often heavily influenced by one's religious beliefs. When dealing with cultures other than ours, sometimes it does take a genius.
Did you choose the second option? If so, do you believe that honor killings are moral in societies that declare them as moral?
Did you choose the second option? If so, do you believe that honor killings are moral in societies that declare them as moral?

I chose "Other." Honor killings are immoral. That's just the motive. It's murder. To us.
Did you choose the second option? If so, do you believe that honor killings are moral in societies that declare them as moral?

She may not, I may not, you may not. But those that perform honor killings believe it is. That is her whole point. Morality is subjective and highly dependent on how you were brought up.
People know what's right and wrong. It doesn't take a genius.

Like the Boston bombers? Or people who kill children out of convenience?

Or people who think the 10 commandments are too restrictive?

I have to disagree.
There are many Gods.

Depends on how you look at it. There are many gods in human story telling, but is it possible that only one God showed himself to humans as something that would understand better in order to teach them better?

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