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Michael avenatti arrested for felony domestic violence (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
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Stormy Daniels' Attorney Michael Avenatti Arrested for Felony Domestic Violence | TMZ.com

Michael Avenatti[FONT=&quot], who became famous for representing [/FONT]Stormy Daniels[FONT=&quot] in her battle with [/FONT]President Trump[FONT=&quot], has been arrested for felony domestic violence ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.
[FONT=&quot]Our law enforcement sources say Avenatti was arrested Wednesday after his estranged wife filed a felony DV report. We're told her face was "swollen and bruised."[/FONT]
WE'll see if this is legit or not.
Yeah, I'm going to need more than the word of TMZ on that.
I think it's legit. I just looked it up and ABC7.com is reporting the same thing. It seems to be just breaking.

Definitely not a good look for Avenatti. Especially if he wants to run in 2020.

What do you mean? This is the day he became president!
That is some serious self destruction.
What a ****ing nut this guy has turned out to be.

Time to stop giving him the time of day, and move on from the petty Daniels affair.
I think it's legit. I just looked it up and ABC7.com is reporting the same thing. It seems to be just breaking.

Definitely not a good look for Avenatti. Especially if he wants to run in 2020.

If an adulterer and alleged child rapist like trump could be elected, Avenatti will be fine. As long as he runs as a republican of course.
Avenatti is going to need a good lawyer. Is Michael Cohen busy? :2rofll:
What delicious irony!

Mr. protector of women, big proponent of the #MeToo movement, was arrested for beating up his estranged wife.

He's been arrested. Has he been found guilty yet? Innocent until proven guilty folks. You spewed all that BS when Brett Kavanaugh was alleged to have sexually assaulted Dr Ford and several other women. And this won't be the first time a bitter ex wife has called the cops on their no good SOB husband. And if he is found guilty of felony, trump can pardon him like he has done with other criminals.
He's been arrested. Has he been found guilty yet? Innocent until proven guilty folks. You spewed all that BS when Brett Kavanaugh was alleged to have sexually assaulted Dr Ford and several other women. And this won't be the first time a bitter ex wife has called the cops on their no good SOB husband. And if he is found guilty of felony, trump can pardon him like he has done with other criminals.

It's not BS, no one is saying he's guilty, we're pointing out his current situation.
It's not BS, no one is saying he's guilty, we're pointing out his current situation.

I've read the comments and it appears the conservatives have already convicted him and are gloating that he is going to jail. I smell a set up - similar to the one that cost Al Franken his senatorship.
I've read the comments and it appears the conservatives have already convicted him and are gloating that he is going to jail. I smell a set up - similar to the one that cost Al Franken his senatorship.

You're desperate to reverse the thing and scream hypocrite. It's okay, we understand you don't have a lot to work with...
He's been arrested. Has he been found guilty yet? Innocent until proven guilty folks. You spewed all that BS when Brett Kavanaugh was alleged to have sexually assaulted Dr Ford and several other women. And this won't be the first time a bitter ex wife has called the cops on their no good SOB husband. And if he is found guilty of felony, trump can pardon him like he has done with other criminals.

In Trumplandia innocent untill proven guilty only applies to Republicans.
In Trumplandia innocent untill proven guilty only applies to Republicans.

He screamed repeatedly, "She hit me first." We're told he angrily added, "This is bulls***, this is f***ing bulls***." We're told he tried getting into the elevator but security denied him access.

Cops showed up and escorted Avenatti into a corner of the apartment lobby and spoke with him for 5 to 10 minutes and then took him into custody.

A law enforcement source says on Tuesday, Avenatti "kicked her out of the apartment" and that's when the alleged domestic violence occurred. We're told she went back to the apartment on Wednesday to retrieve her belongings and called police to stand by in case things got heated.
Stormy Daniels' Attorney Michael Avenatti Arrested for Felony Domestic Violence | TMZ.com
Looks more like fisticuffs happened. Much more likely than "35 years ago, at some place or time I can't remember at a place no one recalls being at this thing happened..."
What delicious irony!

Mr. protector of women, big proponent of the #MeToo movement, was arrested for beating up his estranged wife.

This is going to give a lot of people who took this guy seriously heartburn if the accusations are anywhere near true. Following people who are scum does that.
He's been arrested. Has he been found guilty yet? Innocent until proven guilty folks. You spewed all that BS when Brett Kavanaugh was alleged to have sexually assaulted Dr Ford and several other women. And this won't be the first time a bitter ex wife has called the cops on their no good SOB husband. And if he is found guilty of felony, trump can pardon him like he has done with other criminals.

Get a grip... we are discussing a "breaking news story"
Pat Robertson advises "Michael" on what to do about his wife......

Lol, this is the guy that NBC used to try to bring down Kavanaugh. They prove time and time again that they don't really care about the welfare of women.

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