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Kirk: 'I cannot and will not support my party's nominee' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, the most endangered Senate Republican up for reelection this fall, said Tuesday that he will not back Donald Trump for president after a long line of controversial comments from the presumptive GOP nominee.
“As the presidential campaign progressed, I was hoping the rhetoric would tone down and reflect a campaign that was inclusive, thoughtful and principled,” Kirk said in a statement released Tuesday by his campaign. “While I oppose the Democratic nominee, Donald Trump's latest statements, in context with past attacks on Hispanics, women and the disabled like me, make it certain that I cannot and will not support my party's nominee for President regardless of the political impact on my candidacy or the Republican Party.”

Trump has triggered an uproar in the GOP with his latest attack on a federal judge’s ethnicity, arguing that he cannot properly oversee the legal case into Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

"I have spent my life building bridges and tearing down barriers — not building walls,” Kirk said. “That's why I find Donald Trump's belief that an American-born judge of Mexican descent is incapable of fairly presiding over his case is not only dead wrong, it is un-American.”

Read more: Mark Kirk: 'I cannot and will not support my party's nominee' - POLITICO

And so it begins.... A can of worms very well may of been opened for Trump...
translation :

My focus group has found that Trump does not poll well in my district. Pleasedon'tvotemeoutpleasedon'tvotemeoutpleasedon'tvotemeoutpleasedon'tvotemeout
If Trump wins (probably will), I'm afraid he'll get stubborn stupid on some crucial international issue and screw the pooch for all of us. :shock:
If Trump wins (probably will), I'm afraid he'll get stubborn stupid on some crucial international issue and screw the pooch for all of us. :shock:

Trump would indeed screw.the pooch, but I do not think his win is probable. If he wins...we get what we deserve.
The rats are jumping off the sinking racist ship of fools.

My senator, Jeff Flake said he won't support him or vote for him either.

Comedy gold.

Especially where you posted that "Flake has balls" for doing it. Although the (unintended?) wordplay suggests a disturbing image... :lol:
Trump would indeed screw.the pooch, but I do not think his win is probable. If he wins...we get what we deserve.

It depends if he keeps sticking his foot in his mouth. I think even his ego will have to be self tamed somewhat. Currently he's riding a wave of 'white rage' against the perceived social imbalance of PC pandering towards minorities and LGBT. Trump panders in his own manner towards everything ultra non-PC. People aren't voting for whom they like as much as for against who they hate.
Well, considering Trump took Illinois, and that Trump voters have shown to be steadfast, he could be looking at losing a minimum of 40% of his state's party voters. He's made a calculation that may come back to sink his re-election chances.
It is only going to get worse. Since the intention of Trump is to be as attacking and divisive as possible, it makes sense that eventually there would be Republicans that do not want to follow Trump down that road.
Read more: Mark Kirk: 'I cannot and will not support my party's nominee' - POLITICO

And so it begins.... A can of worms very well may of been opened for Trump... [/FONT][/COLOR]

Kirk is in real danger of not getting re-elected in a state that is controlled mostly by Democrats. That he doesn't support Trump is no surprise, although I seriously doubt his reasons are the same as my reasons - his reason is because he's desperate, mine is because Trump doesn't have a clue what the Constitution says, nor does he have a clue how to govern.
He's going to feel stupid if his numbers get worse.
How many Senators is that now? Graham, Flake, Heller, and Kirk? A couple others like Collins not making up their minds yet.

Actually more ending up not supporting him than I thought.
Well, considering Trump took Illinois, and that Trump voters have shown to be steadfast, he could be looking at losing a minimum of 40% of his state's party voters. He's made a calculation that may come back to sink his re-election chances.

I don't think there's any chance that all or most Trump voters don't back Kirk. Even if they don't like him, he's only 1/100th of the Senate and they probably generally prefer the Senate to stay in GOP hands.
Read more: Mark Kirk: 'I cannot and will not support my party's nominee' - POLITICO

And so it begins.... A can of worms very well may of been opened for Trump... [/FONT][/COLOR]

Sen. Jeff Flake did the same out here.

While I am not a Trump supporter I really see this as little more than further evidence that the GOP establishment needs to go away. If these jokers had listened to the voters for the past 8 years and pushed a solid, principled conservative (or even a libertarian) they wouldn't be looking at this mess today.
Depends on the district, Trump is toxic in some conservative areas.

Nope, Kirk is the junior US Senator for the state. He once was a US Representative for 10 district in the state.
I don't think there's any chance that all or most Trump voters don't back Kirk. Even if they don't like him, he's only 1/100th of the Senate and they probably generally prefer the Senate to stay in GOP hands.

You have a point.
Nope, Kirk is the junior US Senator for the state. He once was a US Representative for 10 district in the state.

You mean districts don't make up a state?
If Trump wins (probably will), I'm afraid he'll get stubborn stupid on some crucial international issue and screw the pooch for all of us. :shock:

Because our current and past administrations have done so well? The Middle East is the worst it's been in about since...ever, and the current admin is doing the best they can to start up the Cold War again with Russia. At least Trump has seemed fairly reasonable on those matters, when compared to what we've been subjected to.
How many Senators is that now? Graham, Flake, Heller, and Kirk? A couple others like Collins not making up their minds yet.

Actually more ending up not supporting him than I thought.

They may not have a choice, the demographics of their States may not suggest Trump does well in a general election context despite how his numbers were in a primary fight.

Agree with Trump or not, his comments equate to a line in the sand. Agree with him or not, and if not expect a bully and hate filled response from Trump.
Because our current and past administrations have done so well? The Middle East is the worst it's been in about since...ever, and the current admin is doing the best they can to start up the Cold War again with Russia. At least Trump has seemed fairly reasonable on those matters, when compared to what we've been subjected to.

I didn't say he was stupid about everything just emotionally stunted on a personal level.
I didn't say he was stupid about everything just emotionally stunted on a personal level.

Lol...well then, I think we have an agreement on that point. That said, I think he's on the right side of the trade agreement issues. I'm surprised that Trump isn't getting more union support as they are generally against free trade. Trump is also right about us spending tons of money on the physical security of other nations and that we basically get nothing out of it.

He has some solid points, imo. Too bad it's packaged in a Trump.
You mean districts don't make up a state?

They do, but US senators are voted in by the whole state, and again, 40% of the republicans statewide voted for Trump.

However, Anagram made a good point.

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