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Kelzie's own thread! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Now shut-up, bitch!
Billo_Really said:
Now shut-up, bitch!

:lol: You're just a big softy inside aren't you? Don't worry I won't tell anyone.;)
Originally posted by Kelzie:
You're just a big softy inside aren't you? Don't worry I won't tell anyone.
Billo_Really said:

Sooooo...I really need someone to yell at me and say mean things about me on my thread. It's not really my thread unless I can make someone cry. Wonder who's on. That ptsdkid is always a riot. And he cries easily to boot.
Damn Kelzie and bill Get a fuc/king room!
But just make sure you record it with sound so I can sell the tapes..;)
Kelzie, every time I see a post by you I wonder if that is your picture. I need to know.
I thought this thread was shut-down. Well, well, well, who's the big bad bod mod God with the golden rod now?
john831 said:
Kelzie, every time I see a post by you I wonder if that is your picture. I need to know.

:lol: Of course it is. It'd be kinda weird to have some random chick's picture as my avatar. I mean, NYU does that, and look at him.
Do you really want someone to rip on ya?
independent_thinker2002 said:
Do you really want someone to rip on ya?

Nobody could. I just want them to try so I can rip on them. All in good fun.:mrgreen:
Utterly pointless....and completely wasteful in the attempt to be critical. But what the hell:

Try as you might, to project some level of intellectual prowess, those of us who see thru your little cherade, quietly laugh in the corners of your petty mind, and make you cry inside, poor Kelzie...that you feel the need to pretend. There is no shame in ignorance...only in stupidity, thus allowing yourself to be shown as some shivering child in daddys closet, would be preferable to this artificial picture you paint for us all.

OK...I'm making myself laugh a little...I just cant do this.

Kelzie....you Rock.
tecoyah said:
Utterly pointless....and completely wasteful in the attempt to be critical. But what the hell:

Try as you might, to project some level of intellectual prowess, those of us who see thru your little cherade, quietly laugh in the corners of your petty mind, and make you cry inside, poor Kelzie...that you feel the need to pretend. There is no shame in ignorance...only in stupidity, thus allowing yourself to be shown as some shivering child in daddys closet, would be preferable to this artificial picture you paint for us all.

OK...I'm making myself laugh a little...I just cant do this.

Kelzie....you Rock.

It sounded pretty though. :2wave: Kinda like a poem.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You like poems do you?

Well here's a haiku, I wrote it myself:

Meet is neat to eat,
Vegetables taste like sh!t,
You have a Brillo head

God you're so lucky I'm going out of town. I'll deal with you when I come back.
Kelzie said:
God you're so lucky I'm going out of town. I'll deal with you when I come back.

Where are you going? The socialist/tofu growers association's annual holiday meeting at Noam Chomsky's house? Who's the guest speaker this year, Hugo Chavez or is it Michael Moore?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Where are you going? The socialist/tofu growers association's annual holiday meeting at Noam Chomsky's house? Who's the guest speaker this year, Hugo Chavez or is it Michael Moore?

No I'm going to go get drunk and stoned. Toodles. :2wave:
Hey, nice thread Kelzie.

Now to make it better, you have to eat a 70 lbs. piece of prime rib and post pictures of it, wearing a sign saying, "I love meat and George_Washington is awesome."

lol Jusst kidding. I'm cool with the fact that you're a vegan. :mrgreen: lol
George_Washington said:
Hey, nice thread Kelzie.

Now to make it better, you have to eat a 70 lbs. piece of prime rib and post pictures of it, wearing a sign saying, "I love meat and George_Washington is awesome."

lol Jusst kidding. I'm cool with the fact that you're a vegan. :mrgreen: lol

Well, see, that's cause you're intelligent. Unlike some others I could mention. I don't want to hurt feelings though, so I'll just give a hint...initials are TOT.
Kelzie said:
Well, see, that's cause you're intelligent. Unlike some others I could mention. I don't want to hurt feelings though, so I'll just give a hint...initials are TOT.

Dude that was so weak what did you go out of town to the least populated area and then hit it up for a computer jack? Welcome to the new world order Kelz . . . ;) :lol: :rofl :spin:
No offense to my friends here but the majority of ya'll are partisan sheep with no understanding at all, the conservatives here have some intelligence that isn't dissmenated to them through controlled media outlets but it's still large and far between, who here ever goes to the DOD, CIA, DOJ, DOS, websites?

For me it's fun, and I delete the cookies myself. :2wave:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Dude that was so weak what did you go out of town to the least populated area and then hit it up for a computer jack? Welcome to the new world order Kelz . . . :spin:

Nah I drove back early. I'm too spoiled to be sleeping on floors. :2wave:
Originally posted by Trajan Octavian Titus
No offense to my friends here but the majority of ya'll are partisan sheep with no understanding at all, the conservatives here have some intelligence that isn't dissmenated to them through controlled media outlets but it's still large and far between, who here ever goes to the DOD, CIA, DOJ, DOS, websites?

For me it's fun, and I delete the cookies myself.
I could make the case that those sites are just as bias if not more than any other site. They are government sites that will not say one bad word about the Administration they report too. That's like asking the SS what is the truth about Hitler.

But I'm not going to do that. You post something from them, I will read what you presented without a pre-disposition of the outcome, then draw my conclusions after it's read.

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