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It's Your People & Your Policy Yet You Want My Gun!!!!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 6, 2008
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Political Leaning
Many of you anti gunners are liberal democrats. As I've been studing this gun violence and crime issue I have noticed something undeniable. Liberal policy is responsible!

So during a debate an opponent posted a graph of the States with the most gun violence. These States of course have Republican gonernors and thus lean republican as the majority. Their point was to show that States with less restrictive gun control policy have much more gun violence. Knowing that Republicans are much tougher on crime and criminals and that the Republican constituency has with in it a more law abiding, police supporting attitude, I found this very suspect. So I dove into the accusation being made and guess what????? Turns out that a few Blue cities within those red States are causing most of the violence including gun violence. Cities run by democrats, with a majority Democrat constituency, causing most of the States problems. Essentially if you remove crime in those blue areas red states are amongst the safest on the planet.

So check it out for yourselves. You might be surprised. I wasn't!
^ This message brought to you by Guns "R" US.
Many of you anti gunners are liberal democrats. As I've been studing this gun violence and crime issue I have noticed something undeniable. Liberal policy is responsible!

So during a debate an opponent posted a graph of the States with the most gun violence. These States of course have Republican gonernors and thus lean republican as the majority. Their point was to show that States with less restrictive gun control policy have much more gun violence. Knowing that Republicans are much tougher on crime and criminals and that the Republican constituency has with in it a more law abiding, police supporting attitude, I found this very suspect. So I dove into the accusation being made and guess what????? Turns out that a few Blue cities within those red States are causing most of the violence including gun violence. Cities run by democrats, with a majority Democrat constituency, causing most of the States problems. Essentially if you remove crime in those blue areas red states are amongst the safest on the planet.

So check it out for yourselves. You might be surprised. I wasn't!
You are wasting your time. The left only cares about facts that can be spun in their favor.
Many of you anti gunners are liberal democrats. As I've been studing this gun violence and crime issue I have noticed something undeniable. Liberal policy is responsible!

So during a debate an opponent posted a graph of the States with the most gun violence. These States of course have Republican gonernors and thus lean republican as the majority. Their point was to show that States with less restrictive gun control policy have much more gun violence. Knowing that Republicans are much tougher on crime and criminals and that the Republican constituency has with in it a more law abiding, police supporting attitude, I found this very suspect. So I dove into the accusation being made and guess what????? Turns out that a few Blue cities within those red States are causing most of the violence including gun violence. Cities run by democrats, with a majority Democrat constituency, causing most of the States problems. Essentially if you remove crime in those blue areas red states are amongst the safest on the planet.

So check it out for yourselves. You might be surprised. I wasn't!

That (bolded above) is extremely lazy. If you want us to view specific links, then include them.
Many of you anti gunners are liberal democrats. As I've been studing this gun violence and crime issue I have noticed something undeniable. Liberal policy is responsible!

So during a debate an opponent posted a graph of the States with the most gun violence. These States of course have Republican gonernors and thus lean republican as the majority. Their point was to show that States with less restrictive gun control policy have much more gun violence. Knowing that Republicans are much tougher on crime and criminals and that the Republican constituency has with in it a more law abiding, police supporting attitude, I found this very suspect. So I dove into the accusation being made and guess what????? Turns out that a few Blue cities within those red States are causing most of the violence including gun violence. Cities run by democrats, with a majority Democrat constituency, causing most of the States problems. Essentially if you remove crime in those blue areas red states are amongst the safest on the planet.

So check it out for yourselves. You might be surprised. I wasn't!

Why don't you put this in that debate thread?
Many of you anti gunners are liberal democrats. As I've been studing this gun violence and crime issue I have noticed something undeniable. Liberal policy is responsible!

So during a debate an opponent posted a graph of the States with the most gun violence. These States of course have Republican gonernors and thus lean republican as the majority. Their point was to show that States with less restrictive gun control policy have much more gun violence. Knowing that Republicans are much tougher on crime and criminals and that the Republican constituency has with in it a more law abiding, police supporting attitude, I found this very suspect. So I dove into the accusation being made and guess what????? Turns out that a few Blue cities within those red States are causing most of the violence including gun violence. Cities run by democrats, with a majority Democrat constituency, causing most of the States problems. Essentially if you remove crime in those blue areas red states are amongst the safest on the planet.

So check it out for yourselves. You might be surprised. I wasn't!
This is all pointless ranting with no data to back up your statements.

I can see debate would be pointless though.

Blue states bad. Red states good. If a red state is bad then it's because of a big blue city. If it's a bad red city it because it is a blue state...or failing that, the last blue governor ruined it.

It's like whack-a-mole with you partisan types.
Not Scientific. There's tons of unknown factors. One example>>
"Did you know that sometimes Canada actually sends their citizens over to the United States to receive health care"
"Yep, this proves that Canada's health care system is not as good as our system.!"
The truth is:> In remote places among the US/Canada border, there are no main hospital services, (in Canada) within many miles BUT are services much closer
in the USA...that's why the Canadians sometimes send their injured over the border to the USA. (A gunshot wound or severe bleeding must be taken care of quickly) .
Many of you anti gunners are liberal democrats. As I've been studing this gun violence and crime issue I have noticed something undeniable. Liberal policy is responsible!

I deny it

Liberal policy is absolutely not responsible

Right wing policy is responsible.
This is all pointless ranting with no data to back up your statements.

I can see debate would be pointless though.

Blue states bad. Red states good. If a red state is bad then it's because of a big blue city. If it's a bad red city it because it is a blue state...or failing that, the last blue governor ruined it.

It's like whack-a-mole with you partisan types.
Nah...thats not it. Its not hard to understand why people don't bother with facts when addressing this issue to the idiot left. The idiot left just ignores it.

But I'll give a go

Indiana is 28th of 50 states with regard to violent crimes. Not great...but not horrible. Indiana is a 'red state'. All things considered, the policies of the state government really doesnt have anything to do with the violent crimes that DO occur in the high crime cities in Indiana. Exclude those high crime cities and Indiana is VERY safe. What are the high violent crime cities that skew the states numbers? South Bend...Pete Buttigieg's failed city. Gary Indiana...another failed democrat cesspool. And they are led by Michigan city....yet another democrat shithole.

And thats the story across the country. Red states, blue states, the shitholes are in democrat led cities where democrats have been in charge for NUMEROUS decades and managed to completely **** over the minority communities there...bringing violence along with the poverty and despair.
Nah...thats not it. Its not hard to understand why people don't bother with facts when addressing this issue to the idiot left. The idiot left just ignores it.

But I'll give a go

Indiana is 28th of 50 states with regard to violent crimes. Not great...but not horrible. Indiana is a 'red state'. All things considered, the policies of the state government really doesnt have anything to do with the violent crimes that DO occur in the high crime cities in Indiana. Exclude those high crime cities and Indiana is VERY safe. What are the high violent crime cities that skew the states numbers? South Bend...Pete Buttigieg's failed city. Gary Indiana...another failed democrat cesspool. And they are led by Michigan city....yet another democrat shithole.

And thats the story across the country. Red states, blue states, the shitholes are in democrat led cities where democrats have been in charge for NUMEROUS decades and managed to completely **** over the minority communities there...bringing violence along with the poverty and despair.

Here, I think this was meant for you Vance:

Blue states bad. Red states good. If a red state is bad then it's because of a big blue city. If it's a bad red city it because it is a blue state...or failing that, the last blue governor ruined it.

It's like whack-a-mole with you partisan types.

I'll give you another example...Indiana's next door neighbor...Illinois. Illinois is a blue state. Frankly, Illinois in total is a pretty nice state. Some of the cities are very safe. In fact, when you break down the Chicago townships some of those areas are racially diverse and pretty safe. Its the townships in the south and west sides of Chicago that are violent shitholes. Democrat Governor Pritzker didnt create those violent communities. Those communities have been destroyed of 89 years of uninterrupted democrat mayors in Chicago.

Like every other state, red or blue...the rat party built those violent shitholes.
I'll give you another example...Indiana's next door neighbor...Illinois. Illinois is a blue state. Frankly, Illinois in total is a pretty nice state. Some of the cities are very safe. In fact, when you break down the Chicago townships some of those areas are racially diverse and pretty safe. Its the townships in the south and west sides of Chicago that are violent shitholes. Democrat Governor Pritzker didnt create those violent communities. Those communities have been destroyed of 89 years of uninterrupted democrat mayors in Chicago.

Like every other state, red or blue...the rat party built those violent shitholes.

And which party built Phoenix, Az, or Anchorage Ak ?
Or Alaska and Arizona....two states with amongst the most liberal gun laws, yet amongst the highest rates of violent crime.

Hmm… you seem to have decided to substitute “violent crime” for “gun crime”.

Nah...thats not it. Its not hard to understand why people don't bother with facts when addressing this issue to the idiot left. The idiot left just ignores it.

Ad hominem. Credibility plummets.

But I'll give a go

Indiana is 28th of 50 states with regard to violent crimes. Not great...but not horrible. Indiana is a 'red state'. All things considered, the policies of the state government really doesnt have anything to do with the violent crimes that DO occur in the high crime cities in Indiana. Exclude those high crime cities and Indiana is VERY safe.

Are those violent crime rates based on per Capita?

Is it your contentions that state laws have no bearing on city laws?

What are the high violent crime cities that skew the states numbers? South Bend...Pete Buttigieg's failed city. Gary Indiana...another failed democrat cesspool. And they are led by Michigan city....yet another democrat shithole.

You really have provided no facts here. Just more partisan ranting.

And thats the story across the country. Red states, blue states, the shitholes are in democrat led cities where democrats have been in charge for NUMEROUS decades and managed to completely **** over the minority communities there...bringing violence along with the poverty and despair.
Yet you have produced no data that supports your view.

Thanks for proving my point.

Your opinions are noted.
Nah...thats not it. Its not hard to understand why people don't bother with facts when addressing this issue to the idiot left. The idiot left just ignores it.

But I'll give a go

Indiana is 28th of 50 states with regard to violent crimes. Not great...but not horrible. Indiana is a 'red state'. All things considered, the policies of the state government really doesnt have anything to do with the violent crimes that DO occur in the high crime cities in Indiana. Exclude those high crime cities and Indiana is VERY safe. What are the high violent crime cities that skew the states numbers? South Bend...Pete Buttigieg's failed city. Gary Indiana...another failed democrat cesspool. And they are led by Michigan city....yet another democrat shithole.

And thats the story across the country. Red states, blue states, the shitholes are in democrat led cities where democrats have been in charge for NUMEROUS decades and managed to completely **** over the minority communities there...bringing violence along with the poverty and despair.

Poverty and despair huh?

Gee, you must have forgotten about all those opioid riddled, dark red hellholes like West Virginia.

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