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ISIS details 'Why We Hate You' in new magazine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
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[FONT=&quot]The 15th issue of Dabiq, published on July 31, is titled “Break The Cross” and appears to be primarily directed at those that ISIS considers its enemies, particularly Christians. One section is devoted to the words and actions of Pope Francis and is headlined “In The Words Of Our Enemies.” An editorial titled “Why We Hate You and Why We Fight You” takes aim at Westerners and “apostate ‘Imams’ in the West” who refuse to define ISIS’ motivation as being Islamic. ISIS calls this rhetoric purely political.

[FONT=&quot]“Many Westerners, however, are already aware that claiming the attacks of the mujahidin to be senseless and questioning incessantly as to why we hate the West and why we fight them is nothing more than a political act and a propaganda tool,” the article says. “The politicians will say it regardless of how much it stands in opposition to facts and common sense just to garner as many votes as they can for the next election cycle.”

[FONT=&quot]“There are exceptions among the disbelievers, no doubt, people who will unabashedly declare that jihad and the laws of the Shari’ah – as well as everything else deemed taboo by the Islam-is-a-peaceful-religion crowd – are in fact completely Islamic, but they tend to be people with far less credibility who are painted as a social fringe, so their voices are dismissed and a large segment of the ignorant masses continues believing the false narrative,” the article says.[/FONT]
ISIS details 'Why We Hate You' in new magazine | Fox News
I thought it was because they didn't have sufficient job opportunities. I also thought it was because of Guantanamo.
So they hate us because a lot of people in the West refuse to believe that jihad and Shar'iah are Islamic? Interesting.

I never thought I'd say this but I agree with ISIS. Jihad and Shar'iah are most defintley Islamic. And I also agree that Islam is not a "Religion of Peace".

There's no doubt about that.

It's lunatic propaganda, however... they are well funded, dedicated to their cause and no matter how much idiots in Washington try to claim ISIS Jihad and Islam are not entangled, they are.

It would be far smarter to approach it like Christians do the idiots of Westboro. "Sure, they claim to be Christians, but it's their own crazy land version and we reject it utterly."
Huh, the people who benefit from a "war on Islam" narrative are telling you there's a war with Islam.
Old news to some of us. Social fringe, not withstanding.

I'm sure that Fox News highly edited out their real issues, but that being said it's hard for me to listen to ISIS talk about Christianity and Western Imperialism after the things they've done to other countries and ethnic groups --or their own children, for christ's sake.

So they hate us because a lot of people in the West refuse to believe that jihad and Shar'iah are Islamic? Interesting.

I never thought I'd say this but I agree with ISIS. Jihad and Shar'iah are most defintley Islamic. And I also agree that Islam is not a "Religion of Peace".

There's no doubt about that.

I'm not sure I attach any meaning to "peaceful" in the context of Islam than I do socialism/libertarianism/etc being peaceful or violent. Salafi Islam is clearly violent, in both it's non-militant (They aren't violent to other groups, but they are quite violent to people living in their lands, e.g. Saudi Arabia's absurdly high death penalty cases) and militant cases (e.g. terrorism, death penalty, slavery, sexual abuse of children, etc). Modernized Western Islam? Not really a violent ideology in the least, and they stand in diametric opposition to Salafism. There's no risk of them committing terrorism or being violent or supporting violent Islam.
I'm sure that Fox News highly edited out their real issues, but that being said it's hard for me to listen to ISIS talk about Christianity and Western Imperialism after the things they've done to other countries and ethnic groups --or their own children, for christ's sake.

I'm not sure I attach any meaning to "peaceful" in the context of Islam than I do socialism/libertarianism/etc being peaceful or violent. Salafi Islam is clearly violent, in both it's non-militant (They aren't violent to other groups, but they are quite violent to people living in their lands, e.g. Saudi Arabia's absurdly high death penalty cases) and militant cases (e.g. terrorism, death penalty, slavery, sexual abuse of children, etc). Modernized Western Islam? Not really a violent ideology in the least, and they stand in diametric opposition to Salafism. There's no risk of them committing terrorism or being violent or supporting violent Islam.

No such animal. Islam cannot change. If you wish to use westernized and modern, that is fine, just don't tack Islam on the end.
Gee, sound like a speech at Berkeley.
No such animal. Islam cannot change. If you wish to use westernized and modern, that is fine, just don't tack Islam on the end.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thought. With our thoughts we make the world.
I thought it was because they didn't have sufficient job opportunities. I also thought it was because of Guantanamo.

Don't forget about global warming.
Islam has changed many times over the last 1500 odd years. Compare medieval Islam with modern.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thought. With our thoughts we make the world.

Yeah, they stopped using the shaif and started using the AK-47 and bomb vests. That's a big change, alright.
Islam has changed many times over the last 1500 odd years. Compare medieval Islam with modern.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thought. With our thoughts we make the world.

Did you really say that? You should have said compare modern to medieval. They seem pretty much the same.
Yeah, they stopped using the shaif and started using the AK-47 and bomb vests. That's a big change, alright.

So you are ignoring the difference between Islam at the time of muhammad and at, say, the time of the Nasrids in Spain?
So you are ignoring the difference between Islam at the time of muhammad and at, say, the time of the Nasrids in Spain?

Ideologically speaking, there is no difference.
I thought it was because they didn't have sufficient job opportunities. I also thought it was because of Guantanamo.

Those are called "recruiting tools".

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