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Is the eclipse on April 8 a warning or an omen from God that there will be negative consequences either in the present or the future? (1 Viewer)

she has a new video out today, so sweet.

she says to cry out to Jesus when tempted by this world. i do that alot, 'Jesus help me' is what i pray if evil thought or temptation comes my way.

Crystal can help you Ambig, she cares full time.
Crystal is not ready for the Truth of AmbiguousGuy, trust me.
yes, she said in her videos that she doesn't need the money and God wants her to raise money for her ministry.
When a person is huckstering the Jesus crowd, that person always tells them that it's all for Jesus.

Obviously. It's part of any con, to deny you're making any money off it.

The more you tell us about Crystal, the suspiciouser I get.
Sort of Trumpian, isn’t it? Get ignorant rubes to send you money.
Extremely Trumpian. She needs to make some superhero cards with her face pasted on.
When a person is huckstering the Jesus crowd, that person always tells them that it's all for Jesus.

Obviously. It's part of any con, to deny you're making any money off it.

The more you tell us about Crystal, the suspiciouser I get.

you can convince some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time.

but not you. :cry:

And you believe that, too, am I right?

from Crystal yes. if all of her subscribers sent her 50 bucks, she could get professional help and more videos.
you can convince some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time.

but not you. :cry:
I'm a rationalist. I admit it.
from Crystal yes. if all of her subscribers sent her 50 bucks, she could get professional help and more videos.
I'm much more Godly than Crystal is. We Godly types can tell.
She seems to need professional help! 😀
sorry i didn't mean that; she could get some help making even more and even higher quality videos if that is possible.

I'm a rationalist. I admit it.

back to April 8 please.

her latest video put even more Emphasis on the April 8 Rapture announcement. take a look, it just keeps getting closer every week.

I'm much more Godly than Crystal is. We Godly types can tell.

send her an Email, maybe you can give her some ideas.

i am happy AS IS and Where is.
sorry i didn't mean that; she could get some help making even more and even higher quality videos if that is possible.
Freudian slip?
back to April 8 please.
No thanks.
her latest video put even more Emphasis on the April 8 Rapture announcement. take a look, it just keeps getting closer every week.
😀 😀 😀
send her an Email, maybe you can give her some ideas.

i am happy AS IS and Where is.
Happiness is bliss - but ignorance is anesthetic, and in the face of what's to come, that may be all we can hope for our ill-fated acquaintances. William Ritter, Jackaby
My God, being a Christian is expensive!

And here she is on GoFundMe asking for more money:

I thought that GoFundMe was meant for people in some sort of financial distress. I guess not. I guess it’s also for religion-based shills.
She is also on TokTok. This is apparently her full-time job since she appears to spend hours and hours each day on social media.
Is there any oversight on the money that she takes in, or does she simply use it in any way that she wants? The ignorant rubes are always good for a few bucks (just ask Trump).
Scam artist for sure!
Scam artist for sure!

Daisy, christian charity please. ever do some fund raising or go to one?

in america bills don't get paid for free, and whatever you do of Great Significant will have costs associated with it.

i am overjoyed with her success, and such a Sweet Light for those stumbling around in the dark Post April 8

blessings from Crystal and i, The Sweet Team ❣️

" We are, for we are not peddlers of the word of God as many men are, but we speak in all sincerity as sent from God, yes, in the sight of God and in company with Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:17

ok. her Videos are free, helping the poor may cost.
ok. her Videos are free, helping the poor may cost.
This is referring to youtube subscribers...

Here's how much an active YouTuber could make by releasing 2 videos per week: Based on an average of $3 to $5 per 1,000 views, a YouTuber could earn about $6,000 to $10,000 per week. That's a whopping $24,000 to $40,000 per month in ad revenue alone.

This is assuming that all 1 million viewers tune in for each video. In reality, not all subscribers will watch every single video. But non-subscribers can also watch to increase the view count.
This is referring to youtube subscribers...

Here's how much an active YouTuber could make by releasing 2 videos per week: Based on an average of $3 to $5 per 1,000 views, a YouTuber could earn about $6,000 to $10,000 per week. That's a whopping $24,000 to $40,000 per month in ad revenue alone.

well that's the price of Succe$$

This is assuming that all 1 million viewers tune in for each video. In reality, not all subscribers will watch every single video. But non-subscribers can also watch

good, so everybody wins. thanks Daisy

whatever Daisy, this very fine Crystal is worth it.

back to Solar Eclipse post April 8 and i find yet another sign approaching in 2026....

They'll be a few that will wipe out mankind. Women are too smart to fall for that crap. :)

thank you Hip, might as well start prepping now for the next sign.

this Business never gets old with me, and i don't mind sharing the Effervescent Enthusiasm with others here on DP.

well that's the price of Succe$$

good, so everybody wins. thanks Daisy

whatever Daisy, this very fine Crystal is worth it.

back to Solar Eclipse post April 8 and i find yet another sign approaching in 2026....

thank you Hip, might as well start prepping now for the next sign.

this Business never gets old with me, and i don't mind sharing the Effervescent Enthusiasm with others here on DP.
Take a look at her youtube page...she has 259,000+ subscribers and 868 videos...do you really think this is something she does in her spare time?
it supports my April 8 causes............dreams and visions.

we don't mind, what took her so long?

thanks, now i know where to send $$$$$$$ it in. not going to need Cash on Gold Street anyway, maybe a monthly check in automatic will work.

the stuff costs more because she sends it FREE to those in need. your purchase of a hat, sends something to some one else.

watsup, if you cheered up more and stopped Doubting everything, you would get much further and happier in life like Crystal. ❣️

her videos are Total Quality

probably is oversight but this is not millions or whatever, but it goes out as fast as it goes in....

I’ve never done anything like this before and I take this very seriously I’ve consulted God about this and he gave me very strong confirmations that he wants this to be done. So I must be obedient and do as he says.

This fundraiser really has no limit because the more that is raised the more shirts that can go out to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are financially limited. But with $7,000 I can give out roughly 250+ shirts ,hoodies or hats depending on what people choose that they want. https://www.gofundme.com/f/operation-equipping-the-saints

good attitude, if God wants you to make shirts and hats, then 'just do it'.

View attachment 67511401...go Crystal, luv yur style lady ❣️

You still haven’t a bit of evidence or proof as regards what Crystal does with the money from overpriced shirts and caps.
Daisy, christian charity please. ever do some fund raising or go to one?

in america bills don't get paid for free, and whatever you do of Great Significant will have costs associated with it.

i am overjoyed with her success, and such a Sweet Light for those stumbling around in the dark Post April 8

blessings from Crystal and i, The Sweet Team ❣️
You're Crystal, am I right?

No one would do this kind of promotional work except for themselves.
sorry i didn't mean that; she could get some help making even more and even higher quality videos if that is possible.

back to April 8 please.

her latest video put even more Emphasis on the April 8 Rapture announcement. take a look, it just keeps getting closer every week.

send her an Email, maybe you can give her some ideas.

i am happy AS IS and Where is.
Didn’t we already pass this deadline?

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