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Is the eclipse on April 8 a warning or an omen from God that there will be negative consequences either in the present or the future? (1 Viewer)

I'll look for an omen from our gorgeous groundskeeper next week at the game. I won't let you forget, don't worry. Lol.
I think "groundskeeper" has just become synonymous with "goddess." :love:
I am suddenly inspired to mow my lawn tomorrow.
Please turn off your Crystal videos. It is a very dangerous activity for those who are prone to conspiracy thinking.

If you want to find God, take a walk in a park.
Maybe Crystal should stop wasting so much energy on eschatology, let her god handle that, and try to live as Christ commanded in the here and now?

Or I don't know - keep making a buck selling prophecy and t-shirts. Whatever...
See the OP. Nothing is going to happen in two weeks except for the perfectly natural event of an eclipse, no matter how devoted you are to your scam. It is nothing more than pure superstition.
Nothing happened so far
Maybe Crystal should stop wasting so much energy on eschatology, let her god handle that, and try to live as Christ commanded in the here and now?

if you are not convinced, then her Videos are free. i can't guarentee everything and don't know anyway.

my discernment tells me that she is Legit, if you don't think so, then support the bible church near you

easy peasy.

Or I don't know - keep making a buck selling prophecy and t-shirts. Whatever...
My discernment is that she is running a scam on ignorant rubes and selling them overpriced t-shirts and running a scam on the GoFundMe site that should be used for people in dire financial straits.
Tale as old as time - huckers profiting off the fears of the gullible.
😆 I stare at her at the games. I'm old, not dead.
I would too. You have good taste in women my friend 😁
Tale as old as time - huckers profiting off the fears of the gullible.
And the gullible, ignorant rubes keep buying it too.
Nothing happened so far
And nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen either.
i can't guarentee everything and don't know anyway.
Yes, we already knew that. You prove that with every post.
my discernment tells me that she is Legit, if you don't think so, then support the bible church near you
From one scam to the next. I have better things to support.
easy peasy.
Looks like she found easy prey to scam too.
close reader ??? no i don't really dissect a lot of stuff on this forum if that is what your asking?
Yes, that's what I was commenting about. Even now, you don't seem to understand my position, so let me say in in smaller and more direct words:

When the nukes go off, it's a bullet-to-the-head for the animals and anyone else in the room at that moment.

I have no interest in suffering a society fallen into chaos.
Yes, that's what I was commenting about. Even now, you don't seem to understand my position, so let me say in in smaller and more direct words:

understand? maybe not

When the nukes go off, it's a bullet-to-the-head for the animals and anyone else in the room at that moment.

most likely.
I have no interest in suffering a society fallen into chaos.

we are both on the same page.

i believe i have a Solution to avoid the Insanity i see. back in the day, we all cared about such things. meh, not so much anymore.

US ATACMS Missiles won’t Avoid Kiev Defeat but could Spark WWIII. Russian Plans vs NATO-Poland Nuke Scenario

In the cover image the mysterious successor of the Russian mobile nuclear intercontinental missile RS-24 Yars tested in the Astrakhan Region in the latest days

Russian troops are firmly in control of the battlefield situation and are steadily pushing back Ukrainian forces, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said.

Ukraine has lost almost half a million troops​

”Our high combat potential allows us to constantly strike the enemy and prevent him from holding the defense line,”Shoigu noted, estimating Kiev’s losses at half-a-million troops since the start of the conflict. https://www.gospanews.net/en/2024/0...i-russian-plans-vs-nato-poland-nuke-scenario/

with what i see coming, the half million troops lost may be the lucky ones.

meh, a minister told me he doesn't think these nuuuks really work. well hopefully not, but you never can tell....

Russia-Yars-ICBM-cover.jpgIn the cover image the mysterious successor of the Russian mobile nuclear intercontinental missile RS-24 Yars tested in the Astrakhan Region in the latest days

we are both on the same page.
If we're on the same page about how to behave when the nukes fall, why are you always on about prepping?

I'm not prepping for anything more than a couple of months. If things are desperate for longer than that, well... I'll leave it to the youngsters to push on.
If we're on the same page about how to behave when the nukes fall, why are you always on about prepping?

depends on your status and what you think the future may bring.

i have some prep abilities, plans and supplies, but don't intend to survive what they are planning to throw at us, preferring the next life instead.

others who have no faith, have different ideas. some have told me they are moving to South America (good move), others to Europe or a Bunker. some gonna just let it happen as they see our Predicament as hopeless.

I'm not prepping for anything more than a couple of months.

if that.
If things are desperate for longer than that, well...

it will be
I'll leave it to the youngsters to push on.

wish them well.
understand? maybe not

most likely.

we are both on the same page.

i believe i have a Solution to avoid the Insanity i see. back in the day, we all cared about such things. meh, not so much anymore.

US ATACMS Missiles won’t Avoid Kiev Defeat but could Spark WWIII. Russian Plans vs NATO-Poland Nuke Scenario

In the cover image the mysterious successor of the Russian mobile nuclear intercontinental missile RS-24 Yars tested in the Astrakhan Region in the latest days

Russian troops are firmly in control of the battlefield situation and are steadily pushing back Ukrainian forces, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said.

Ukraine has lost almost half a million troops​

”Our high combat potential allows us to constantly strike the enemy and prevent him from holding the defense line,”Shoigu noted, estimating Kiev’s losses at half-a-million troops since the start of the conflict. https://www.gospanews.net/en/2024/0...i-russian-plans-vs-nato-poland-nuke-scenario/

with what i see coming, the half million troops lost may be the lucky ones.

meh, a minister told me he doesn't think these nuuuks really work. well hopefully not, but you never can tell....

View attachment 67511652In the cover image the mysterious successor of the Russian mobile nuclear intercontinental missile RS-24 Yars tested in the Astrakhan Region in the latest days


We have our own access to the news.
We have our own access to the news.

very good, and everything must be fine in your World.

not so much in mine, things are starting to go 'bump in the night'. thought i would let you know, before they get a bit 'Louder in the night'.

not me, don't care to stick around to find out what is making all the noise. when i leave shortly, you can check it out for us please?

thanks Watsup, you are pretty good at Details and what lies ahead.

seems that Crystal has been dissed cause she sells T-shirts and raises money to help the poor, so i am seeing more Visionaries to take her place.....

In this video I share two dreams. One pointing to a huge wave of trouble about to come against the Church & the other is an encouragement that the faithful Church is about to be taken into our rooms of hiding when God’s wrath is poured out (Isaiah 26:20).

blessings from Midnight Oil and i ❣️
very good, and everything must be fine in your World.

not so much in mine, things are starting to go 'bump in the night'. thought i would let you know, before they get a bit 'Louder in the night'.

not me, don't care to stick around to find out what is making all the noise. when i leave shortly, you can check it out for us please?

thanks Watsup, you are pretty good at Details and what lies ahead.

seems that Crystal has been dissed cause she sells T-shirts and raises money to help the poor, so i am seeing more Visionaries to take her place.....

In this video I share two dreams. One pointing to a huge wave of trouble about to come against the Church & the other is an encouragement that the faithful Church is about to be taken into our rooms of hiding when God’s wrath is poured out (Isaiah 26:20).

blessings from Midnight Oil and i ❣️

Just wanted to let you know that we are adults and thus are able to find the news, which you don’t seem to realize.
thanks for that tid bit, most don't seem to find the Real news or the news that matters concerning April 8.

i did find some gooood April 8 news, did you see this ?....

“The reason we’re winning in the United States, is we’re not depending on a conservative elite who are gutless and feckless!”

“We’re depending on mothers and fathers in school boards, we’re depending upon working-class people who are taking their extra time to go do precinct strategy,” he went on. “Because they said ‘hey, we’re prepared to stand and fight and not let our country be taken. And that’s what’s important. Everything else is just conversation.” https://www.infowars.com/posts/bann...-balls-to-stop-cultural-collapse-of-the-west/

blessings and dreams from Crystal and i

oh yeah, the money money money thing you are worried about.

meh, i just read the news Concerning April 8 and The End.

did you see my Current video, and no T-shirts on this one...

In this video I share two dreams. One pointing to a huge wave of trouble about to come against the Church & the other is an encouragement that the faithful Church is about to be taken into our rooms of hiding when God’s wrath is poured out (Isaiah 26:20).

Mike, think 'substance' over fluff. we can wait. ❣️
oh yeah, the money money money thing you are worried about.
no. im not worried. im not a rube, infowars patrons are rubes.

meh, i just read the news Concerning April 8 and The End.

did you see my Current video, and no T-shirts on this one...

In this video I share two dreams. One pointing to a huge wave of trouble about to come against the Church & the other is an encouragement that the faithful Church is about to be taken into our rooms of hiding when God’s wrath is poured out (Isaiah 26:20).

Mike, think 'substance' over fluff. we can wait. ❣️

Meh, have a cookie.

In this video I share two dreams. One pointing to a huge wave of trouble about to come against the Church
Let's hope 'the church' is shamed into the dirt for its support of the most immoral man ever to appear in American politics. That would be some nice trouble.

Young people are watching, you know.
Let's hope 'the church' is shamed into the dirt for its support of the most immoral man ever to appear in American politics.

Ambig, hard to say. he has a chance of winning; both of them do.

That would be some nice trouble.

we seem to have boat loads of that.

Young people are watching, you know.

most have a vague idea what is going on.

i use April 8 as a Platform to warn people; but i can use anything because i am concerned.

Putin is one i use a lot and Nato.

or the Middle East and Israel. China and Taiwan, this is all what gets people thinking.

i pick April 8 because it is rather unique, and so is Crystal with Dreams and Visions. people twist that out of sight, instead of listening to her message. they are dodging Reality. oh well.

hey people, the nut jobs wont stop.........if so show me.....


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