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Is the eclipse on April 8 a warning or an omen from God that there will be negative consequences either in the present or the future? (1 Viewer)

I have added that channel to a blocked list.

you are so Missing Out on a Great lady of the Faith, that i usually watch daily or weekly. i stumbled on her channel during an April 8 search project for this forum.

she never disappoints.

please reconsider your block list, and put her in your Subscribe list for encouragement. 2023 - • I had a Rapture Dream today!! June 7 ... ❣️
He's not the only one!

this post fits the April 8 a bit better....

ok Gordy, then maybe you would fine some interest in Prepping.

all kinds of people are Prepping cause they know what's coming; putin, nato, the WEF et al have given us Plenty of warning.

for those of you still living in Town or (gasp!) the Cities, it would be good to be able to get out of Town very Fast !

so i have been watching various Motorcycle videos, and you should consider a small Dual Purpose motorcycle. here are two i have in mind; i like both the Honda and Yamaha dual purpose because they are good on gas and quite Durable.

you need mpg and durable to dodge others when law & order break down. the TW200 and XR150L fit the bill and are affordable; you don't want a Harley cause they are Big and noisy.

TW 200.jpg...note the Beefy tires, these tend to be more forgiving for those Left Behind, you need all the Advantage you can get. get a rear rack to put your Bible and some extra food.

blessings people. hopefully you wont need this info, Crystal and i will clue you in the closer our Evacuation day begins.

bye. ❣️
this post fits the April 8 a bit better....

ok Gordy, then maybe you would fine some interest in Prepping.
Prep for what Rev?
all kinds of people are Prepping cause they know what's coming; putin, nato, the WEF et al have given us Plenty of warning.

for those of you still living in Town or (gasp!) the Cities, it would be good to be able to get out of Town very Fast !
Only for the delusionally paranoid.
blessings people. hopefully you wont need this info, Crystal and i will clue you in the closer our Evacuation day begins.
How much time Rev?
The End

only for those Left Behind

Crystal did a 'how much time' video for May...

Someone said the Rapture was last year. November 24-26.

Someone said the Rapture was last year. November 24-26.

some people say that, and yes it really IS soon. no tickets needed to see Crystal though

and i am concerned if you left behind. can you ride a Motorcycle to get out of town fast?

a couple bikes like this will help you and yur friends. strap on some preps your good to go; hopefully you have a Cabin or some place to go to right?

or just watch Crystal, get ready to Scoot out and up. blessings. ❣️
blessings people. hopefully you wont need this info, Crystal and i will clue you in the closer our Evacuation day begins
I spent half my money prepping for the eclipse, like you told me, and the other half prepping for the eclipse + 40 days, like you told me.

Now all I've got is a bunch of canned hardtack.

But clue me in when you're ready. I'll believe anything.
some people say that, and yes it really IS soon. no tickets needed to see Crystal though

and i am concerned if you left behind. can you ride a Motorcycle to get out of town fast?

a couple bikes like this will help you and yur friends. strap on some preps your good to go; hopefully you have a Cabin or some place to go to right?

or just watch Crystal, get ready to Scoot out and up. blessings. ❣️


(y) No fear.
I spent half my money prepping for the eclipse, like you told me, and the other half prepping for the eclipse + 40 days, like you told me.

Now all I've got is a bunch of canned hardtack.

But clue me in when you're ready. I'll believe anything.

please don't believe anything, listen to Crystal...

Ambig, do you live in Town?

if you do, might wanna think how you will get out of Dodge ?

a small Dual Purpose motorcycle is best and they are Tons of fun, i have ridden motorcycles most of my life both large and small. the small ones are best if you are Prepping and want something cheap to keep.

not hard to learn, i have taught myself and rode like a duck to water.

blessings from Crystal and i ❣️
please don't believe anything, listen to Crystal...
Yeah, I need some random tea-leaf-reading woman on the internet to make my life decisions for me. That's gotta be a good idea.
Ambig, do you live in Town?
I live here and there. Wherever suits me.
if you do, might wanna think how you will get out of Dodge ?
When the nukes go off, me and the animals are outta here. Gonna bypass all that apocalypse hassle and head straight for the Promised Land.
a small Dual Purpose motorcycle is best and they are Tons of fun,
Yeah, Mad Max would never catch me if I've got one of those.
i have ridden motorcycles most of my life both large and small. the small ones are best if you are Prepping and want something cheap to keep.
I used to ride bikes. Dangerous things. Little old ladies always thinking I'm invisible. Get yourself something with four wheels and wear a lot of fluorescent orange.
Yeah, I need some random tea-leaf-reading woman on the internet to make my life decisions for me. That's gotta be a good idea.

she can help you.
I live here and there. Wherever suits me.

kinda on the move huh?
When the nukes go off, me and the animals are outta here. Gonna bypass all that apocalypse hassle and head straight for the Promised Land.

Yeah, Mad Max would never catch me if I've got one of those.

I used to ride bikes. Dangerous things.

me too, had quite a few but went down. went to 4 wheels after that.

Little old ladies always thinking I'm invisible. Get yourself something with four wheels and wear a lot of fluorescent orange.

just figure out how to get away where the angry mobs are not going. lots of camo will work or under ground location. get out fast too, cause tooo many people are now aware. that is where Crystal comes in, she flies out. motorcycles are a gamble, someone may take yours in rather unsettling ways.

then you walk, until the next Crowd finds you.

gliders are nice but impracticle for getting out of town if Left Behind.

think Powered Parachute, you can float under power from a near by Park ....

this one costs more, but does more....

I don't need to get out of town. If I do, I have several vehicles. Parasailing looks fun. Bucket list.

Screenshot (9).jpg

Forget Crystal. Buy Aces hats.

Screenshot (8).jpeg

;) :love:😆

Better yet, buy some Tickets For Tykes. So underprivileged kids can participate in America's Game.

I'll look for an omen from our gorgeous groundskeeper next week at the game. I won't let you forget, don't worry. Lol.
I'll look for an omen from our gorgeous groundskeeper next week at the game. I won't let you forget, don't worry. Lol.

just forget about me, you are OT and derailing this thread.

unless you ask the groundskeeper about April 8 or the rapture; now that can be interesting.

thanks Mike. the rest you can forget. :rolleyes:
just forget about me, you are OT and derailing this thread.

unless you ask the groundskeeper about April 8 or the rapture; now that can be interesting.

thanks Mike. the rest you can forget. :rolleyes:
No Crystal? No cartoons? It must be working.
she can help you.
Crystal sounds deeply confused. But only if she actually believes that stuff, which I doubt. She's raking in the cash, is my guess.
just figure out how to get away where the angry mobs are not going.
The angry mobs will not follow me to the Promised Land. Only angels are allowed.
lots of camo will work or under ground location. get out fast too, cause tooo many people are now aware.
You're not a close reader, are you. Kinda figures.

I won't be here when the angry mobs come. I will immunize myself from angry mobs.
that is where Crystal comes in, she flies out. motorcycles are a gamble, someone may take yours in rather unsettling ways.
You're reading a lot of comic books, aren't you.
Crystal sounds deeply confused. But only if she actually believes that stuff, which I doubt.

i am kinda good at reading some people, she is Legit

She's raking in the cash, is my guess.

she doesn't need it, (deleted) eh, nuff said.
The angry mobs will not follow me to the Promised Land.

the Promised Land is Israel, if you don't really understand bible prophecy, then stay away from there. it is very involved and most of the people there are secular anyway; so they can't help you either. don't ask them about Crystal in Israel if you go, as it is like talking about her on this forum but prolly worse. they have prophets a plenty, so may not be too open.

best to watch Left Behind and get yur faith together. every week Crystal has new Visions to get you ready for Flight UP.

Only angels are allowed.

You're not a close reader, are you. Kinda figures.

close reader ??? no i don't really dissect a lot of stuff on this forum if that is what your asking? i just read Prophecy, Crystal and the fake news mostly.
I won't be here when the angry mobs come. I will immunize myself from angry mobs.

gooood, that's what the Motorcycles are for. maybe a small aircraft to get out faster.
You're reading a lot of comic books, aren't you.

all kinds of things. lots of Left Behind kinds of Videos; when it happens though, it will be a Rude Awakening as i said.

people have to get away if they can, so i figure as a public service and in keeping with the April 8 visions of the world heading to hades in handbasket, i thought it best to prep you all now.

i really like the new Honda XL150's, very affordable and easy to ride, good MPG at the pump. the TW200 is a bit nicer but not 2k dollars nicer depending on your own necessities.

as you can tell, the April 8 Vision covers the Whole world of Survival, i.e. guns, government, safe places to run off to, medical, insurance, financial to name a few.

blow just one area, and you Lose the whole game. the WEF or the Orange guy will find you during the New Fascist world order and it is over; they may not take prisoners either as i see in some videos. they wont call it the 'New Fascist World Order', the Puppet masters will have a Slick name for the sheep to swallow; but it will be the same thing. most will not survive, but the Elite don't care and never have.

when i do the Comics of this stuff, please note that not all pages are shown. i don't need the grief and really don't live here 24/7 as some do at times ?

blessings, keep coming up with new ideas for April 8 bro Ambig; you have to be Creative to get thru this.

many May blessings and beyond. ❣️

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