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Is the eclipse on April 8 a warning or an omen from God that there will be negative consequences either in the present or the future? (1 Viewer)

you have to spend time and have Discernment from God for starts.

very obvious that Crystal is legit concerning most things about April 8 as i am. https://www.youtube.com/@CrystalLove4Jesus

of course. but what is not common is the Few of us who look beyond commonly held assumptions concerning Eclipse and Blood Moons.

blood moons are Signs for Israel, and Eclipse are for Gentiles, if you want to know.

i am happy.

watch her atheist video, very Sweet and full of LIGHT.

she doesn't need 'legal papers', her fans trust her as do i.

thanks for your Concern, she says her husband supports her and the children very well. she is a Blessed Woman. ❣️
You have to first prove there's a god!
you have to spend time and have Discernment from God for starts.
I have the finest discernment from God that I've ever witnessed... and I'm afraid God has chosen me, not you or Crystal.

I'm so sorry.

It's not too late, though. You only have to listen.
Very obvious that Crystal is legit concerning most things about April 8 as i am.
I don't even have to mull that over. I accept it as truth.
of course. but what is not common is the Few of us who look beyond commonly held assumptions concerning Eclipse and Blood Moons.
I know a guy who listens beyond the growlings of dogs and finds wonderous and Godly Truth there.

You'd probably love him, I'm thinking.
blood moons are Signs for Israel, and Eclipse are for Gentiles, if you want to know.
What's Israel got to do with anything? Did the umbra settle over the ruins of the temple in Jerusalem and blink out a message?
she doesn't need 'legal papers', her fans trust her as do i.
That's nothing. Some people even trust Donald Trump. There's no accounting for where people put their trust.
I have the finest discernment from God that I've ever witnessed... and I'm afraid God has chosen me, not you or Crystal.

well that's good Ambig. please act on what you know.

at least Crystal and i inform you all in good faith huh?

the others, need i mention it....(Superstition and myth.) or whatever else flies out of their minds that particular second.

I'm so sorry.

i do listen. but you don't, so why be sorry?

It's not too late, though. You only have to listen.


I don't even have to mull that over. I accept it as truth.

don't promise me Anything, i am weary of it all. listen to Crystal, consider the Signs of April 8 and pray.

that's it.

I know a guy who listens beyond the growlings of dogs and finds wonderous and Godly Truth there.

You'd probably love him, I'm thinking.

??? you're losing it. get some rest or watch Crystal, get some sweet direction. ❣️
What's Israel got to do with anything? Did the umbra settle over the ruins of the temple in Jerusalem and blink out a message?

Everything. Israel has everything to do with what is Coming. God will keep discussing the issues with them, but only a few will discern, repent and believe.

note the same pattern continuously?
What's Israel got to do with anything?

Edit, i thought about it watching a nuuuk war video. what you don't understand is that the Dispensation of the Gentiles is Closing and you with it. during the Tribulation, God deals with Israel with Intensity, attempting to save a remnant of them. and some do believe.

the Gentiles have had their chance and never miss a chance to blow it, so God turns to the Jewish nation in a last attempt before the world starts with the Armageddon war.

That's nothing. Some people even trust Donald Trump.

the orange and blue guys are not the Solution.........got you fooled huh? well most Sheep are.

study the Dialectic and come back; i wanna see what you have learned. (dialectic? most can't even spell the word, groan)

most people repeat history and learn nothing, so i am not surprise at whatever you do. neither is Crystal https://www.youtube.com/@CrystalLove4Jesus

There's no accounting for where people put their trust.

they don't know. most are busy making money or fussing with Nothing.

their lives really are One Big Vacuum, hoping for ________, and finding nothing. to the grave they go and then the Judgement.

The End.
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well that's good Ambig. please act on what you know.

at least Crystal and i inform you all in good faith huh?
In the face of Godly wisdom, some **** their ears... yet hear nothing.
i do listen. but you don't, so why be sorry?
I have discernment. Holy discernment. I listen when the message has godliness in it.
don't promise me Anything, i am weary of it all. listen to Crystal, consider the Signs of April 8 and pray.

that's it.
It was a regular old eclipse. Happens all the time. Will continue happening until the end of time. We shouldn't let it excite us.
??? you're losing it. get some rest or watch Crystal, get some sweet direction. ❣️
The dogs. They growl. Listen to the growling of the dogs. There is God behind the growlings of dogs. Don't ignore the signs.

(Channeling my buddy. I don't much believe that myself... except in a certain way.)
Everything. Israel has everything to do with what is Coming. God will keep discussing the issues with them, but only a few will discern, repent and believe.
Israel isn't holy.
Edit, i thought about it watching a nuuuk war video.
I've counseled you again and again -- from the spirt of God -- to put those aside... but do you listen?
what you don't understand is that the Dispensation of the Gentiles is Closing and you with it. during the Tribulation, God deals with Israel with Intensity, attempting to save a remnant of them. and some do believe.
You should look into the Bible, how it was constructed. It's a bunch of mystical stories. There are many such works.
the Gentiles have had their chance and never miss a chance to blow it, so God turns to the Jewish nation in a last attempt before the world starts with the Armageddon war.
God doesn't care about Israel any more than He cares about this forum. (He actually prefers the forum.)
their lives really are One Big Vacuum, hoping for ________, and finding nothing. to the grave they go and then the Judgement.
Or else you have been misled. Have you considered that?
the others, need i mention it....(Superstition and myth.) or whatever else flies out of their minds that particular second.

What makes you think that I am not acting in good faith when I note that you are engaging is superstition and myth. As far as I can see, that is what you are doing. In matter of fact, it is YOU who refuses to engage in serious and thoughtful discussion of the issues, preferring repetition instead. What really is the poing of trying, when you won't?

consider the Signs of April 8

This is an example of what I said above. To think that it is anything more than a natural event is just superstition and myth.

ispensation of the Gentiles is Closing and you with it. during the Tribulation,


the Gentiles have had their chance and never miss a chance to blow it, so God turns to the Jewish nation in a last attempt before the world starts with the Armageddon war.


.got you fooled huh? well most Sheep are.


and then the Judgement.

No Judgement. Get over it.
What makes you think that I am not acting in good faith when I note that you are engaging is superstition and myth. As far as I can see, that is what you are doing. In matter of fact, it is YOU who refuses to engage in serious and thoughtful discussion of the issues, preferring repetition instead. What really is the poing of trying, when you won't?

well great Watsup. we are both Entrenched in our beliefs, mine is backed up by thousands of years of history, basically Rock Solid. your's not so much, Science changes on a daily basis and seems to never find God, even though he is everywhere.

so much for 'science'. think i will stick with the rather painfully obvious and ditch science when it comes to the important stuff.

good move.

April 8 has also been very good for this Forum, and i feel i have deciphered it's message presenting Crystal in all of her wisdom and wit. what a Pleasant Surprise, ...

Serendipity anyone.

God is not silent, he speaks thru christians, the church and his word. God doesn't hang out in science labs much, he tends to go where people open the Door and let him in. Crystal does that, almost every video has her telling what God talked to her about. seems to work for her with a very successful YouTube channel. take a look-see and be blessed this morning. https://www.youtube.com/@CrystalLove4Jesus

This is an example of what I said above. To think that it is anything more than a natural event is just superstition and myth.

seems the holy word of God doesn't agree with you. God says he puts his signs in the sky; we can go visit that promise in Genesis this morning.

Genesis 1:14, it is stated, "And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years"

well there you go people: April 8 and a Very Plain sign.

44 blessings in May and beyond.
Science changes on a daily basis
Science never changes. Science is just humans honoring the great brain given to them by God.

It's important to honor God's gifts, I think.
Science never changes. Science is just humans honoring the great brain given to them by God.

you mean that the Bible never changes, neither does God.

We can have greater confidence about a scientific claim if we see that many studies using a variety of techniques reached the same conclusion. But even then, we can never be sure that it won’t be disproven at some point in the future.
–Belinda Needham https://sph.umich.edu/findings/spring-2021/good-science-changes-thats-a-good-thing.html

Ambig, see above. disproving Science is what i do on this forum.

Crystal does the same thing is a Sweeter and kinder way. start there and see what she has; many do, now 258,000 and growing by the week the stats say. :)

It's important to honor God's gifts, I think.

ok and good points today Ambig.

that is why i honor Crystal, a very Special Gift from God. Crystal understand the constant message of April 8, its about the Signs in the sky and the Dreams and Visions God gives to us in the Last days. Acts 2:17

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

Crystal 2.jpg
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mine is backed up by thousands of years of history, basically Rock Solid. your's not so much,

The only “history” involved is that every generation for the past 2000 years has claimed that Jesus is “coming back”. In other words, it’s a history of the ongoing myths and superstitions of humans. That’s about it.

Science changes on a daily basis and seems to never find God,

Science doesn’t care about God. Science instead attempts to unravel the mysteries of the universe. As such, there is a never-ending fascination with the discoveries of science, and all that is yet to be discovered. To simply overlay a “God” and claim that it is the “reason” for all this only detracts from that.

seems the holy word of God doesn't agree with you. God says he puts his signs in the sky;

No signs in the sky. More myth and superstition.
you mean that the Bible never changes, neither does God.
Still waiting on that proof of god.
Ambig, see above. disproving Science is what i do on this forum.
You fail just as spectacularly on that as you do with your prophesies. :LOL:
Yeah, science is in absolutely no danger of being disproven. Science for the win!
you mean that the Bible never changes, neither does God.
The Bible changes a lot, but man's interpretation of the Bible changes even more -- much more chaotically than man's interpretation of the physical world (science).
We can have greater confidence about a scientific claim if we see that many studies using a variety of techniques reached the same conclusion. But even then, we can never be sure that it won’t be disproven at some point in the future.
Right. Because science changes it's beliefs, according to new evidence or new understanding. It's how that works. The Thunder God becomes electricity.

But knowledge is not about one's confidence in the truth. It's about changing one's beliefs in the face of new evidence (aka: learning).
Ambig, see above. disproving Science is what i do on this forum.
Yes, you've got us all believing that an everyday eclipse is actually a Sign from God. Yep... it's working.
Crystal does the same thing is a Sweeter and kinder way. start there and see what she has; many do, now 258,000 and growing by the week the stats say. :)
Crystal does not have a good understanding of Godly stuff. I'm sorry.
that is why i honor Crystal, a very Special Gift from God.
Nah. You're thinking about me.
Crystal understand the constant message of April 8, its about the Signs in the sky and the Dreams and Visions God gives to us in the Last days. Acts 2:17
See? The poor lady is very confused about God.
Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
Ambig 37:02. Many will claim to have special powers to prophesy. Do not believe them. It's mostly bunk.
So we've gone past 40 days from the eclipse now and I don't feel like browsing these last few pages. What's the excuse for us still being here? Or did the timeline once again get extended out?
So we've gone past 40 days from the eclipse now and I don't feel like browsing these last few pages.

don't bother.

What's the excuse for us still being here? Or did the timeline once again get extended out?

the issue has been shuffled over to Crystal love 4 Jesus, she has a good handle on the next 40 days and gives updates several times a week at times. she has built a web site concerning Signs, Eclipse, April 8, Dreams/Visions.

i have been forwarding my mail and enquirers over to https://www.youtube.com/@CrystalLove4Jesus/featured

please help Crystal get to 1 million subscribers; also find a good bible church and get ready.

Crystal 5 small.png...here are a few of the topics covered, but just a sample of over 800 videos to watch. do some Binge Watching and get Excited about Dreams and Visions.

many blessings in May till whenever. ❣️
don't bother.

the issue has been shuffled over to Crystal love 4 Jesus, she has a good handle on the next 40 days and gives updates several times a week at times. she has built a web site concerning Signs, Eclipse, April 8, Dreams/Visions.

i have been forwarding my mail and enquirers over to https://www.youtube.com/@CrystalLove4Jesus/featured

please help Crystal get to 1 million subscribers; also find a good bible church and get ready.

View attachment 67511292...here are a few of the topics covered, but just a sample of over 800 videos to watch. do some Binge Watching and get Excited about Dreams and Visions.

many blessings in May till whenever. ❣️
How much time Rev?
What's the excuse for us still being here? Or did the timeline once again get extended out?

How much time Rev?

people get back to other things for now, this forum is about politics, religion and bashing other people's beliefs.

Crystal says not much time, which means don't bother painting the house or weeding the garden.

sorry, better weed the garden, because food may be in short supply. sheesh.



people get back to other things for now, this forum is about politics, religion and bashing other people's beliefs.

Crystal says not much time, which means don't bother painting the house or weeding the garden.

sorry, better weed the garden, because food may be in short supply. sheesh.


like a fish on a line



people get back to other things for now, this forum is about politics, religion and bashing other people's beliefs.

Crystal says not much time, which means don't bother painting the house or weeding the garden.

sorry, better weed the garden, because food may be in short supply. sheesh.

"Not much time" is a little vague Rev. How much time are we talking Rev? My house could use a new coat of paint.
But you said don't bother painting the house while Crystal says nor much time. Which is it Rev, paint or no paint? How much time Rev?

compromise, get one of these and hurry up, then watch some Crystal....


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