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Is Race really an issue?! (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 5, 2005
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First off, i'm black and I live in Mississippi. When the hurricane hit those suburbs in
Florida, they already had plans ready for what they're going to do. When it hit New
Orleans, these people were left with no food and water and Bush never flew over there
what...5 days later?!

The mayor of New Orleans was RIGHT for blasting Bush on that station because it is too
late. If this was Malibu, California where there are alot of rich white people, the Pres
would have been there the next day. I even saw on TV where they showed blacks looting
out of stores but they talked to some white people coming out of the same stores and said
that those families FOUND those things.

As I watched the news, they covered all the gas stations in Jackson, MS where mostly
blacks were going. They showed blacks fighting and getting arrested. They never went
to Madison, MS where whites were doing the exact same thing. Blacks are being unfairly
treated by the media AND the government. The only people that I can give a hand to is the
American Red Cross. They are on the ball.

Another question, they have all those buses lined up now to take these people to Texas...
so if they could have done that..why didn't they do it BEFORE the hurricane. I'll tell you
why, because they knew it would be mostly blacks that couldn't get out of New Orleans.
Rich white men probably sitting at their desks saying..."forget those niggas, we gotta
protect our businesses and casinos first"
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MasterDebater06 said:

First off, i'm black and I live in Mississippi. When the hurricane hit those suburbs in
Florida, they already had plans ready for what they're going to do. When it hit New
Orleans, these people were left with no food and water

Well the mayor is black and it was his responsibility. So is he racist?

and Bush never flew over there what...5 days later?!

No it was actually it was a day and half late on Wednesday after the storm.

The mayor of New Orleans was RIGHT for blasting Bush on that station because it is too late.

The mayor is trying to shirk his responsibility. HE has the primary responsbility for the
well being of his citizens followed by the Govenor. You do know she has REFUSED to
let the federal government take over the situation. The local and state officials are the
first responders and it was THIER job to get people out and then to make sure that the aid
was there immediately after the storm. The Fed's are there to assist and only at the
request of the local officials.

If this was Malibu, California where there are alot of rich white people, the Pres
would have been there the next day.

And there would not have been the utter anachry and lawlessness that the black people of
New Orleans engage in either making it safer for him to visit. Of course had he been there
the next day the you and others would have complained he was grandstanding.

I even saw on TV where they showed blacks looting out of stores but they
talked to some white people coming out of the same stores and said that those families
FOUND those things.

The only people that I can give a hand to is the American Red Cross. They are
on the ball.

They were nowhere to be seen the first five days because it was too dangerous do to the
behavior of the people left there.

Another question, they have all those buses lined up now to take these people
to Texas...so if they could have done that..why didn't they do it BEFORE the hurricane.

That is the job of the mayor and govenor but the more important question is why did the
mayor let all the buses get flooded out.

Moderator's Warning:
Removed pic link while correcting line breaks, it was not working correctly.

I'll tell you why, because they knew it would be mostly blacks that couldn't get
Out of New Orleans. Rich white men probably sitting at their desks saying..."forget those
niggas, we gotta protect our businesses and casinos first"

Which is belied by the outpouring of help and assistence that is being provided by white
men and women. Of course I guess if they had listened to you first they all would have
said why they hell should we care if that is the attitude of the black community.
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Was this the pic you were refering to?

Stinger said:
Well the mayor is black and it was his responsibility. So is he racist?

No it was actually it was a day and half late on Wednesday after the storm.

The mayor is trying to shirk his responsibility. HE has the primary responsbility for the
well being of his citizens followed by the Govenor. You do know she has REFUSED to
let the federal government take over the situation. The local and state officials are the
first responders and it was THIER job to get people out and then to make sure that the aid
was there immediately after the storm. The Fed's are there to assist and only at the
request of the local officials.
Hey Yo Yo!
Did BUSH wait to get OFFICAL notice from the GOV of N.Y. after 911 before he sent help there?
And YO YO, why do you think we have the "NATIONAL GUARDS?"
To fight for the rights of people in IRAQ?:roll:
There were NOT enough National guards in the states that got hit! Does the GOV of Louisiana have the power to return HIS STATE National Guards from IRAQm where Bush sent them?

And there would not have been the utter anachry and lawlessness that the black people of
New Orleans engage in either making it safer for him to visit. Of course had he been there
the next day the you and others would have complained he was grandstanding.
DUH! Are you saying that Bush wouldn't be protected if he went to Louisiana the next day?

They were nowhere to be seen the first five days because it was too dangerous do to the
behavior of the people left there.
Too DANGEROUS for Bush to be there?:roll:
Like those 10 black men with shotguns could't be controled if Bushie Boy went there early.

That is the job of the mayor and govenor but the more important question is why did the
mayor let all the buses get flooded out.

Yup! The MAYOR parked all those busses right where he thought they would get floded! It too him 5 days to do that all by himself!

Which is belied by the outpouring of help and assistence that is being provided by white
men and women.
So now your saying that there are NO BLACK men or women in our National Guards helping out in Louisiana?:doh :roll:
Do people really believe that the whites in this country are so evil that they would allow others to perish simply because they are black? If that is the case we are all doomed.
vauge said:
Was this the pic you were refering to?


Yes i could get it to paste into my post for some reason. The use of those buses and the city transit buses was part of the contingent plan the city had and Nagin failed to implement it even after Bush had called him beggin him to implement the evacuation plan. Blance failed to act claiming she needed to think about it.
Hey Yo Yo!

If you cannot speak civily we will not have this conversation.

Did BUSH wait to get OFFICAL notice from the GOV of N.Y. after 911 before he sent help there?

Yes, but then it was handled by local authorities in the first place.

And YO YO, why do you think we have the "NATIONAL GUARDS?"

The National Guard units are controlled by the govenors. Bush has asked Blanco to sign the authorization to federalize them and she has refused.

There were NOT enough National guards in the states that got hit!

Only 25% of the LA guard is in Iraq and she had the ability to request units from other states and federal troops. She did not act.

Does the GOV of Louisiana have the power to return HIS STATE National Guards from IRAQm where Bush sent them?

Ahhhh the Govenor of LA is a her not a him. And she has the ability and ther responisbilty to request the plentiful troops that were right here.

DUH! Are you saying that Bush wouldn't be protected if he went to Louisiana the next day?

I'm saying it was unsafe for anyone going there the next day.

Too DANGEROUS for Bush to be there?:roll:
Like those 10 black men with shotguns could't be controled if Bushie Boy went there early.

Yes shots were being fired at rescue helicopters and his visit was unnecessary in the first place. Where were the govenor and mayor who DID have the responsibilty to be there?

Yup! The MAYOR parked all those busses right where he thought they would get floded! It too him 5 days to do that all by himself!

The buses were parked where they are parked everyday and night, which was in the flood plane. The contingency plan for just such a disaster called for them to be moved and to be used to evacuate the citizens. He left them there to flood and become useless.

Me>> Which is belied by the outpouring of help and assistence that is being provided by white
men and women.

you>> So now your saying that there are NO BLACK men or women in our National Guards helping out in Louisiana?

Where do you get that idea, but then are you saying that the majority of those units are not white and are not doing one heck of job trying to help everyone no matter what color their skin?
mistermain said:
Do people really believe that the whites in this country are so evil that they would allow others to perish simply because they are black?

Yep some do.

If that is the case we are all doomed.

Unless there is a fundimental change, Yep.
Stinger said:
Yep some do.

Unless there is a fundimental change, Yep.

What do you think that change should encompass?
First off, i'm black and I live in Mississippi. When the hurricane hit those suburbs in Florida, they already had plans ready for what they're going to do. When it hit New Orleans, these people were left with no food and water and Bush never flew over there what...5 days later?! The mayor of New Orleans was RIGHT for blasting Bush on that station because it is too late. If this was Malibu, California where there are alot of rich white people, the Pres
would have been there the next day. I even saw on TV where they showed blacks looting out of stores but they talked to some white people coming out of the same stores and said that those families FOUND those things.

The area of New Orleans was completely flooded. Rescurers could only save the citizens of New Orleans by boat or helicopter. Even if we had an abundant amount of food and water, distributing the food and water to the helpless citizens will be very difficult since the means of transporting them are limited or were destroyed during the hurricane. Bush flew over New Oreleans 5 days after the hurricane b/c he's was meeting with rescue groups such as the American Red Cross to devise the most effective plan to save as many lives as possible.

As I watched the news, they covered all the gas stations in Jackson, MS where mostly blacks were going. They showed blacks fighting and getting arrested. They never went to Madison, MS where whites were doing the exact same thing. Blacks are being unfairly treated by the media AND the government. The only people that I can give a hand to is the
American Red Cross. They are on the ball.

Yea, the media is pretty unfair to the blacks during the hurricane. Most of the looters depicted on the news were blacks.
whiz_kid said:
First off, i'm black and I live in Mississippi. When the hurricane hit those suburbs in Florida, they already had plans ready for what they're going to do. When it hit New Orleans, these people were left with no food and water and Bush never flew over there what...5 days later?! The mayor of New Orleans was RIGHT for blasting Bush on that station because it is too late. If this was Malibu, California where there are alot of rich white people, the Pres
would have been there the next day. I even saw on TV where they showed blacks looting out of stores but they talked to some white people coming out of the same stores and said that those families FOUND those things.

The area of New Orleans was completely flooded. Rescurers could only save the citizens of New Orleans by boat or helicopter. Even if we had an abundant amount of food and water, distributing the food and water to the helpless citizens will be very difficult since the means of transporting them are limited or were destroyed during the hurricane. Bush flew over New Oreleans 5 days after the hurricane b/c he's was meeting with rescue groups such as the American Red Cross to devise the most effective plan to save as many lives as possible.

As I watched the news, they covered all the gas stations in Jackson, MS where mostly blacks were going. They showed blacks fighting and getting arrested. They never went to Madison, MS where whites were doing the exact same thing. Blacks are being unfairly treated by the media AND the government. The only people that I can give a hand to is the
American Red Cross. They are on the ball.

Yea, the media is pretty unfair to the blacks during the hurricane. Most of the looters depicted on the news were blacks.

FIrst off race is a non issue that is being transformed into one by a rabid left in their fevered hopes to discredit the president by any means necessary. It's funny how the only people who seem to notice race are the ones making the accusations of racism! Secondly if anyones to blame it's the mayor who you quoted and the governor of Loisianna bolth of which happen to be Dems. This was a state issue not a federal one, the recovery is a federal responsibility but the prevention was the states responsibility and more specifically governor Blanco's!
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Question: Is race really an issue?

Answer: Very simple, of course it's not, don't act paranoid. Economics and class is the issue. All the rich black people got out just as easily as the rich crackers. And all the poor whites were just as screwed as the poor black people. And that's all there is to it for people that aren't suffering from paranoia or an inferiority complex - PERIOD! Sorry to be harsh, but it's important to nip ignorance in the bud....

We already have enough morons like Mike Myers and Jesse Jackson and that rapper, "kanye" whatever-the-hell-his-streetname is acting like morons - let's make a pact not to act like any of those morons, ok?

Sheesh, this thread topic is totally stupid.... :roll: I mean... TOTALLY STUPID!
MasterDebater06 said:

First off, i'm black and I live in Mississippi. When the hurricane hit those suburbs in
Florida, they already had plans ready for what they're going to do. When it hit New
Orleans, these people were left with no food and water and Bush never flew over there
what...5 days later?!

The mayor of New Orleans was RIGHT for blasting Bush on that station because it is too
late. If this was Malibu, California where there are alot of rich white people, the Pres
would have been there the next day. I even saw on TV where they showed blacks looting
out of stores but they talked to some white people coming out of the same stores and said
that those families FOUND those things.

As I watched the news, they covered all the gas stations in Jackson, MS where mostly
blacks were going. They showed blacks fighting and getting arrested. They never went
to Madison, MS where whites were doing the exact same thing. Blacks are being unfairly
treated by the media AND the government. The only people that I can give a hand to is the
American Red Cross. They are on the ball.

Another question, they have all those buses lined up now to take these people to Texas...
so if they could have done that..why didn't they do it BEFORE the hurricane. I'll tell you
why, because they knew it would be mostly blacks that couldn't get out of New Orleans.
Rich white men probably sitting at their desks saying..."forget those niggas, we gotta
protect our businesses and casinos first"

Florida is likely to experience at least one hurricane per year, thus they are better practiced at implementing their preparedness plan. State and local officials are responsible for drafting, practice, and putting the disaster plan into effect.

Like all cities, which lie in hurricane prone locations, the City of New Orleans and other cities on the Gulf coast have a plan for preparedness, evacuation, and recovery from tropical storms and hurricanes. I can't speak for Mississippi, but the Mayor of New Orleans failed to fully implement his city's plan. One of the highlights of this plan is to aid evacuation of those who need assistance. Not one school or transit authority bus was used in this capacity. A plan that is not put into effect is nothing but words on paper.

Well I am black also but I dont see this as a "Black-White" thing......Bush and Co. dont give a dang if you are black,green or purple as long as you can make him some green......This country has been ignoring it's poverty stricken for decades so why should that had changed last week? for example the Census Bureau reported a few days ago that the poverty rate rose again last year, with 1.1 million more Americans living in poverty in 2004 than a year earlier. After falling sharply under Bill Clinton, the number of poor people has now risen 17 percent under Bush also the national infant mortality rate has risen under Bush for the first time since 1958. The best thing that could happen would be to the address and discuss Nationally the serious effects of poverty in this country....to be the richest Nation in history there is no excuse for this

mistermain said:
What do you think that change should encompass?

A fundimental change in the black community regarding lawlessness to begin with. I think Bill Cosby has done a good job of trying to get that started.
whiz_kid said:
Yea, the media is pretty unfair to the blacks during the hurricane. Most of the looters depicted on the news were blacks.

If most of the looters were black why it is unfair to show that? The New Orleans black community has a history of lawlessness. The crime rate there is almost 10 times that of the rest of the nation and it is the murder capital of the country. The city has been in a downward sprial for decades because of this. Lawlessness is not frowned upon in the black society, if you watch black entertainment and listen to black music it is heralded and those who engage in it are admired. The few blacks who speak out against it are called Uncle Tom's and I totally expect the next respone to me is that I am a racist or that I hate blacks because the people refuse to see the reality and refuse to come to the conclusion that something HAS to be done about it. Over 60% of black males will spend time in jail, and everyone wants to ignore the breakdown of black society. What happened in New Orleans came as no surprise to me, I totally expected that the black community would fall into total lawlessness and mayhem. It is far worse than I could have imagined and it is ongoing as I type.

The fact is change is going to have to come from within that community, and a good first step would be for members of that community to step up and condemn the gangsta criminal mentality and urge everyone turn in those who looted or committed other crimes.

If you think that is racist so-be-it. I call it reality.
Stinger said:
Well the mayor is black and it was his responsibility. So is he racist?

And the mayor was down in New Orleans doing all he could, but no one was helping him.

No it was actually it was a day and half late on Wednesday after the storm.

Was he trying to finish up his vacation? What's the hold up? He didn't take so long when the Hurricanes hit Florida.

The mayor is trying to shirk his responsibility. HE has the primary responsbility for the well being of his citizens followed by the Govenor. You do know she has REFUSED to let the federal government take over the situation. The local and state officials are the first responders and it was THIER job to get people out and then to make sure that the aid was there immediately after the storm. The Fed's are there to assist and only at the request of the local officials.

First off, I believe you are referring to the GOVERNOR. I think she lost her cool, she didn't know what to do, and she did not refuse gov't help. And it is funny you talk about shirking responsibility, I have seen the president blaming everyone to try and get the heat off of him. Has anyone noticed that whenever W. Bush is in trouble he gets his daddy to speak to the media for him. I have seen more of Bush Sr. than ol' dubya. And then he got ol' Condi to come out and tell the media it has nothing to do with race, rather than himself.

And there would not have been the utter anachry and lawlessness that the black people of New Orleans engage in either making it safer for him to visit. Of course had he been there the next day the you and others would have complained he was grandstanding.

You are bordering on racism with that comment. Imagine you are left without help for a week, sewage water and dead bodies surround you, you have no food or water, yes there was anarchy because there was no leadership, but the mayor was down there in N.O. doing what he could, but one mayor only has so much power.

They were nowhere to be seen the first five days because it was too dangerous do to the behavior of the people left there.

So you believe they decided not to help because it was too dangerous? 9/11 was hella dangerous, but there was help.

That is the job of the mayor and govenor but the more important question is why did the mayor let all the buses get flooded out.

Moderator's Warning:
Removed pic link while correcting line breaks, it was not working correctly.

Which is belied by the outpouring of help and assistence that is being provided by white men and women. Of course I guess if they had listened to you first they all would have said why they hell should we care if that is the attitude of the black community.

And you wonder why this seems like a racial issue, with comments like that? The people that are helping, are not doing it because they are white, they are doing it because they are humans with hearts. They have not thought about race, but that is all you can think of. I don't think it is a race issue, maybe a little bit of a social class issue, but not racial, Bush isn't that dumb. I really don't know why there was such lack of planning, there seems no logical reason. I hate to say Bush is uncaring but he sure makes it seem as if he is, in the news, when I see his face, he seems unconcerned. I don't know him personally, but that is just how he is coming off.
HTColeman said:
And the mayor was down in New Orleans doing all he could,

No he was not, he was not getting the buses moving as the plan called for, he was not getting security into the Dome as the plan called for, he was not ordering the evactuation as the plan called for.

but no one was helping him.

Why wasn't the governor, the person who should have been helping him, helping him?

Was he trying to finish up his vacation? What's the hold up? He didn't take so long when the Hurricanes hit Florida.

There was nothing he could do in Washington that he could not do while he was working in Texas. It was Bush who was on the phone with the Govenor and Mayor beggin they issued the evactuation order and they refused.

The mayor is trying to shirk his responsibility. HE has the primary responsbility for the well being of his citizens followed by the Govenor. You do know she has REFUSED to let the federal government take over the situation. The local and state officials are the first responders and it was THIER job to get people out and then to make sure that the aid was there immediately after the storm. The Fed's are there to assist and only at the request of the local officials.<<

First off, I believe you are referring to the GOVERNOR.

No I was specifically speaking of the Mayor,

I think she lost her cool, she didn't know what to do,

Yep and still doesn't. She and the mayor are still arguing over what to do and she refuses to turn it over to the Fed's.

and she did not refuse gov't help.

She didn't even request it till after the fact and she refused to let the American Red Cross go in.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Courier, Times New Roman] Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2005 11:52 p.m. EDT[/FONT] [FONT=Courier, Times New Roman]Gov. Kathleen Blanco's Bureaucrats Blocked Food and Water[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier, Times New Roman] The Red Cross was reportedly ready to deliver food, water and other supplies to flood-ravaged refugees who were sweltering inside New Orleans' Superdome last week - but the relief was blocked by bureaucrats who worked for Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco.[/FONT]
Has anyone noticed that whenever W. Bush is in trouble he gets his daddy to speak

Has anyone noticed how childish your post is?

You are bordering on racism with that comment.

And then throw out the "r" word.

Imagine you are left without help for a week, sewage water and dead bodies surround you, you have no food or water, yes there was anarchy because there was no leadership, but the mayor was down there in N.O. doing what he could, but one mayor only has so much power.

I live on the gulf coast, I went through this one and can't even count the number of ones before. I don't have to imagine. But the fact remains the Govenor and the Mayor are responsible for those people and the relief efforts and they both failed miserably in thier preparations. The relief and rescue efforts have been exstordiary and you people who have nothing but self-serving critisism for the people who are busting thier tails to help these people and risking thier lives in the process should be ashamed.

So you believe they decided not to help because it was too dangerous? 9/11 was hella dangerous, but there was help.

And you wonder why this seems like a racial issue, with comments like that? The people that are helping, are not doing it because they are white, they are doing it because they are humans with hearts. They have not thought about race, but that is all you can think of. I don't think it is a race issue, maybe a little bit of a social class issue, but not racial, Bush isn't that dumb. I really don't know why there was such lack of planning, there seems no logical reason. I hate to say Bush is uncaring but he sure makes it seem as if he is, in the news, when I see his face, he seems unconcerned. I don't know him personally, but that is just how he is coming off.[/quote]
Stinger said:
No he was not, he was not getting the buses moving as the plan called for, he was not getting security into the Dome as the plan called for, he was not ordering the evactuation as the plan called for.

Why wasn't the governor, the person who should have been helping him, helping him?
I don't know why the gov. wasn't helping, at this point I am criticizing all the leaders, as there was no leadership, I believe the mayor obviously made major mistakes in planning, but at least he was trying to do something immediately after.

There was nothing he could do in Washington that he could not do while he was working in Texas. It was Bush who was on the phone with the Govenor and Mayor beggin they issued the evactuation order and they refused.

Where are you getting this information?

No I was specifically speaking of the Mayor,

Well, you said 'she' so I thought you were talking about the gov.

Yep and still doesn't. She and the mayor are still arguing over what to do and she refuses to turn it over to the Fed's. She didn't even request it till after the fact and she refused to let the American Red Cross go in.

As I said I don't support her at this point.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Courier, Times New Roman] Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2005 11:52 p.m. EDT[/FONT] [FONT=Courier, Times New Roman]Gov. Kathleen Blanco's Bureaucrats Blocked Food and Water[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier, Times New Roman] The Red Cross was reportedly ready to deliver food, water and other supplies to flood-ravaged refugees who were sweltering inside New Orleans' Superdome last week - but the relief was blocked by bureaucrats who worked for Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco.[/FONT]

Has anyone noticed how childish your post is?

Has anyone noticed that is the worst argument tactic ever?

And then throw out the "r" word.
If most of the looters were black why it is unfair to show that? The New Orleans black community has a history of lawlessness. The crime rate there is almost 10 times that of the rest of the nation and it is the murder capital of the country. The city has been in a downward sprial for decades because of this. Lawlessness is not frowned upon in the black society, if you watch black entertainment and listen to black music it is heralded and those who engage in it are admired. The few blacks who speak out against it are called Uncle Tom's and I totally expect the next respone to me is that I am a racist or that I hate blacks because the people refuse to see the reality and refuse to come to the conclusion that something HAS to be done about it. Over 60% of black males will spend time in jail, and everyone wants to ignore the breakdown of black society. What happened in New Orleans came as no surprise to me, I totally expected that the black community would fall into total lawlessness and mayhem. It is far worse than I could have imagined and it is ongoing as I type.

The fact is change is going to have to come from within that community, and a good first step would be for members of that community to step up and condemn the gangsta criminal mentality and urge everyone turn in those who looted or committed other crimes.

"Let him who is without sin, throw the first stone"

There was a family, a pretty messed up family. The father cheated on his wife consistently, the mother cheated back, in fact the kids had seen them cheating on each other. The oldest son had two kids, and he was 17, the middle kid was strung out on drugs, and the youngest was depressed b/c of the family he was in. Everyone in the neighborhood criticized them and told the parents "You need to do something about your household". Everyone took part in judging them, but no one tried to help or understand.
When the African American community has leaders like the Reverends (and I use the term loosely) Sharpton and Jackson race will always be and issue in any tragedy...............That is how these 2 make their living............
Navy Pride said:
When the African American community has leaders like the Reverends (and I use the term loosely) Sharpton and Jackson race will always be and issue in any tragedy...............That is how these 2 make their living............

I have never understood how the black community takes these two and puts value to there words. They are obviously pandering to peoples lowest expectaions. It's easier to agree with someone when there blaming someone other then you for your problems
Calm2Chaos said:
I have never understood how the black community takes these two and puts value to there words. They are obviously pandering to peoples lowest expectaions. It's easier to agree with someone when there blaming someone other then you for your problems

They could care less about the African American community.......They are just in it to line their pockets.......Some African Americans are beginning to wise up to them.....
And you two know that they are the leaders of the Black community because............?
Calm2Chaos said:
I have never understood how the black community takes these two and puts value to there words. They are obviously pandering to peoples lowest expectaions. It's easier to agree with someone when there blaming someone other then you for your problems

You looking in the mirror when you typed that?:smile:

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