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Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propaganda? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 13, 2011
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Yes, I know Lion King was create long before Trump's presidency but I thought the timing of its recent airing on TV to be really suspicious and the politics of nativism and xenophobia have been around long before him.

The lion who wants hyenas to have equal rights is evil and is a tyrant. The hyenas are portrayed as dimwitted creatures who ravage the pridelands when they are allowed to immigrate to it. Then, the lighter-colored Simba must return and save the day by deporting the hyenas and ethnically purifying the pridelands. Yeah, no racist message there. :roll:

Why this movie is allowed any visibility on television in such a volatile election is beyond me.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propaganda?

Are you actually trying to argue that the Lion King has a racist/xenophobic message?

Please tell me you aren't being serious.

The Lion King doesn't have any racist/xenophobic undertones.

You are just reading WAY too much into things, and you're seeing racism and xenophobia where it isn't present in the first place.
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Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propaganda?

Can we not?

Just this time, let's not.
Lol. Which nutter site did you get this from ?

Yes, I know Lion King was create long before Trump's presidency but I thought the timing of its recent airing on TV to be really suspicious and the politics of nativism and xenophobia have been around long before him.

The lion who wants hyenas to have equal rights is evil and is a tyrant. The hyenas are portrayed as dimwitted creatures who ravage the pridelands when they are allowed to immigrate to it. Then, the lighter-colored Simba must return and save the day by deporting the hyenas and ethnically purifying the pridelands. Yeah, no racist message there. :roll:

Why this movie is allowed any visibility on television in such a volatile election is beyond me.
Yes, I know Lion King was create long before Trump's presidency but I thought the timing of its recent airing on TV to be really suspicious and the politics of nativism and xenophobia have been around long before him.

The lion who wants hyenas to have equal rights is evil and is a tyrant. The hyenas are portrayed as dimwitted creatures who ravage the pridelands when they are allowed to immigrate to it. Then, the lighter-colored Simba must return and save the day by deporting the hyenas and ethnically purifying the pridelands. Yeah, no racist message there. :roll:

Why this movie is allowed any visibility on television in such a volatile election is beyond me.

Why it's allowed? Some anachronistic idea of freedom of expression or something like that, probably.
Are you actually trying to argue that the Lion King has a racist/xenophobic message?

Please tell me you aren't being serious.

The Lion King doesn't have any racist/xenophobic undertones.

You are just reading WAY too much into things, and you're seeing racism and xenophobia where it isn't present in the first place.

How does it not have xenophobic undertones?

Why it's allowed? Some anachronistic idea of freedom of expression or something like that, probably.

Any kind of freedom comes with responsibilities.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propaganda?

How does it notm have xenophobic undertones?

This isn't even up for debate. The Lion King is not racist/xenophobic. End of story.

It's just a goddamn movie. And a damn good movie at that.

The Lion King has absolutely nothing to do with racism and xenophobia.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propaganda?

This isn't even up for debate. The Lion King is not racist/xenophobic. End of story.

It's just a goddamn movie. And a damn good movie at that.

The Lion King has absolutely nothing to do with racism and xenophobia.

Of course not.

It's species-ist.
Yes, I know Lion King was create long before Trump's presidency but I thought the timing of its recent airing on TV to be really suspicious and the politics of nativism and xenophobia have been around long before him.

The lion who wants hyenas to have equal rights is evil and is a tyrant. The hyenas are portrayed as dimwitted creatures who ravage the pridelands when they are allowed to immigrate to it. Then, the lighter-colored Simba must return and save the day by deporting the hyenas and ethnically purifying the pridelands. Yeah, no racist message there. :roll:

Why this movie is allowed any visibility on television in such a volatile election is beyond me.

You are reaching... badly.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

Are you actually trying to argue that the Lion King has a racist/xenophobic message?

Please tell me you aren't being serious.

The Lion King doesn't have any racist/xenophobic undertones.

You are just reading WAY too much into things, and you're seeing racism and xenophobia where it isn't present in the first place.

In other words, "because I said so"?
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

In other words, "because I said so"?
No, it's because your 100% incorrect.

Like I said, you are reading WAY too much into things, and seeing racism and xenophobia where it isn't.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

No, it's because your 100% incorrect.

Like I said, you are reading WAY too much into things, and seeing racism and xenophobia where it isn't.

And how is it not xenophobic and racist?
How does it not have xenophobic undertones?

Any kind of freedom comes with responsibilities.

Why ever would you believe that an adequate response? Isn't that from the list of false arguments?
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

And how is it not xenophobic and racist?

First you're going to have to explain to me how it's in any way related to the Trump campaign.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

And how is it not xenophobic and racist?
Are you really trying to get me to prove a negative? That's like if I told you prove that I don't ride a pink dragon to work everyday.

You are the one that made the claim that the Lion King is racist and xenophobic, so the burden of proof is solely on you, homie.
Yes, I know Lion King was create long before Trump's presidency but I thought the timing of its recent airing on TV to be really suspicious and the politics of nativism and xenophobia have been around long before him.

The lion who wants hyenas to have equal rights is evil and is a tyrant. The hyenas are portrayed as dimwitted creatures who ravage the pridelands when they are allowed to immigrate to it. Then, the lighter-colored Simba must return and save the day by deporting the hyenas and ethnically purifying the pridelands. Yeah, no racist message there. :roll:

Why this movie is allowed any visibility on television in such a volatile election is beyond me.

You must have missed the hyenas goose stepping march past Scar
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

Are you really trying to get me to prove a negative? That's like if I told you prove that I don't ride a pink dragon to work everyday.

You are the one that made the claim that the Lion King is racist and xenophobic, so the burden of proof is solely on you, homie.

Go back and read the OP again and tell me where I went wrong.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

Go back and read the OP again and tell me where I went wrong.

You went wrong in attempting to tie a 22 year old children's movie to Donald Trump.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

Go back and read the OP again and tell me where I went wrong.
You deciding to post this thread on the forums is where you really went wrong.

But here, I'll bold everything in your OP where you got it wrong:

Yes, I know Lion King was create long before Trump's presidency but I thought the timing of its recent airing on TV to be really suspicious and the politics of nativism and xenophobia have been around long before him.

The lion who wants hyenas to have equal rights is evil and is a tyrant. The hyenas are portrayed as dimwitted creatures who ravage the pridelands when they are allowed to immigrate to it. Then, the lighter-colored Simba must return and save the day by deporting the hyenas and ethnically purifying the pridelands. Yeah, no racist message there. :roll:

Why this movie is allowed any visibility on television in such a volatile election is beyond me.
Re: Is Disney's;Lion King"

Now wait just a ****ing minute! I was sure I was told Lion King was pro-gay propaganda.

I was right, here it is...


I wish we people would get their stories straight...
Re: Is Disney's;Lion King"

Now wait just a ****ing minute! I was sure I was told Lion King was pro-gay propaganda.

I was right, here it is...

View attachment 67202254

I wish we people would get their stories straight...
Oh Michelle Bachman. I miss her.
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Yes, I know Lion King was create long before Trump's presidency but I thought the timing of its recent airing on TV to be really suspicious and the politics of nativism and xenophobia have been around long before him.

The lion who wants hyenas to have equal rights is evil and is a tyrant. The hyenas are portrayed as dimwitted creatures who ravage the pridelands when they are allowed to immigrate to it. Then, the lighter-colored Simba must return and save the day by deporting the hyenas and ethnically purifying the pridelands. Yeah, no racist message there. :roll:

Why this movie is allowed any visibility on television in such a volatile election is beyond me.
It takes little imagination to move from species to race .. for those who have bought into ''race'', which I accept NOT .. Anyway, the movie, as I read in the Atlanta post, does depict the evils of discrimination and ''racism'' . A great many movies , particularly the older ones do show the evils of man ... and he must be made see this ..
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King" xenophobic Trump propag

And how is it not xenophobic and racist?

"Hyena" isn't a race.

These are two totally different species.

Also, you know, hyenas will kill baby lions.
Re: Is Disney's "Lion King"

You deciding to post this thread on the forums is where you really went wrong.

But here, I'll bold everything in your OP where you got it wrong:

Governess, if you were in any kind of critical theory course you get an F. You don't get to say b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but you're wrong! You have to come up with specific examples from a film or from a text, not just say "you read too much into it" when someone gives you evidence for something.

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