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Is Batman gay? Major DC Comics character to come out of the closet (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2008
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North Texas
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DC Comics plans to reintroduce a character as gay in a future issue, it has been revealed.

Co-publisher Dan DiDio previously said that the company would not change the sexual orientation of an existing superhero and would bring in a new one altogether.

But at Kapow Comic Convention in London on Sunday, he revealed that an existing character - who was previously assumed to be straight - will become ‘one of our most prominent gay characters’, according to comic blog BleedingCool.com.

Senior VP Sales Bob Wayne said DiDio’s view ‘had evolved’, comparing the shift to Barack Obama’s recent endorsement of same-sex marriage.

DiDio did not specify which character would ‘come out’ or in which issue it would be featured.

But Courtney Simmons, DC Entertainment’s senior vice president of publicity, told ABC News that it would be soon.

'One of the major iconic DC characters will reveal that he is gay in a storyline in June,' Simmons told the network.

Read more: Is Batman gay? Major DC Comics character to come out of the closet | Mail Online

Really? Can we just leave little boys alone and let them play without having to ponder whether Batman is a pitcher or a catcher in the bedroom?

Is there no bounds?
Well, the batman thing would kinda make sense. Consider all the hot women in Batman's daily life : poison ivy, harlequin, black cat, batgirl, etc. And what is he usually doing instead of those ladies? driving around with some young boy in tights.
Really? Can we just leave little boys alone and let them play without having to ponder whether Batman is a pitcher or a catcher in the bedroom?

Is there no bounds?

First off comics aren't just for little boys, secondly there have been gay comic book characters, and main characters, not just side characters so please stop the faux outrage.
Really? Can we just leave little boys alone and let them play without having to ponder whether Batman is a pitcher or a catcher in the bedroom?

Is there no bounds?

I support gay rights, and have no problem with homosexuality. However, I cannot see how this is appropriate. This is almost as bad as Bert and Ernie being gay.
I support gay rights, and have no problem with homosexuality. However, I cannot see how this is appropriate. This is almost as bad as Bert and Ernie being gay.

There are often heterosexual love interests in comics. Those are no more or less appropriate than a homosexual love interest. It's all nature, baby.
How is this a shocker to anyone? Batman being gay makes perfect sense.

To any comic geek (such as I've been for most of my youth), Batman was the only character in the Justice League that didn't have a girlfriend or was trying to hookup with some superchick. He only wanted to have his Robin close to him... wearing some absurd tights with little winged booties on his feet. So no, I'm far from shocked.

Now if it were someone like Green Lantern, that would be strange and out of character.
It's ok - as a passionate fan I accept his alternative lifestyle and only request that in my fantasies I complete their perverted love triangle. Batman can take 1st place and the Boy Wonder can be his supporting performer.

what is it that Dr Chase Meridian said? "What is it about the wrong kind of man? In grade school it was boys with earrings, high school; motorcycles; college, leather jackets. Now...*Ah*. Black rubber."

He just needs some *****
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Really? Can we just leave little boys alone and let them play without having to ponder whether Batman is a pitcher or a catcher in the bedroom?

Is there no bounds?

If he's announced as gay, then there's no longer any reason to "ponder."
I support gay rights, and have no problem with homosexuality. However, I cannot see how this is appropriate. This is almost as bad as Bert and Ernie being gay.

Bert and Ernie being gay would be entirely unsurprising to me, I fail to see what appropriateness has to do with anything.
If he's announced as gay, then there's no longer any reason to "ponder."

I wonder if he's going to come out say, "Hey, Superguys and gals, I'm a gay," or will they catch him doing something to a villain he shouldn't be doing?
I wonder if he's going to come out say, "Hey, Superguys and gals, I'm a gay," or will they catch him doing something to a villain he shouldn't be doing?

As long as I can watch!
What? Why not Aquaman?
I wonder if he's going to come out say, "Hey, Superguys and gals, I'm a gay," or will they catch him doing something to a villain he shouldn't be doing?

Speaking of villians, wouldn't they have to come out with a gay villian, too?



LOL. I was going to post a picture of penguin and this is like the first google image that popped up. ROFL

So since you keep pointing out his affinity to boys, he is not only gay, he is also a pedophile?
So since you keep pointing out his affinity to boys, he is not only gay, he is also a pedophile?

I think the proper term is hebephile or something like. But I think Robin is really just like michael j fox who looked like a 14 year old at 30.
Times change, folks. Since we now have a gay president, what's wrong with a gay comic book character? :mrgreen:
I think the proper term is hebephile or something like. But I think Robin is really just like michael j fox who looked like a 14 year old at 30.

LOL - never left home; living off his family wealth - he's a spoiled little brat! . . needs a spanking or two.
Really? Can we just leave little boys alone and let them play without having to ponder whether Batman is a pitcher or a catcher in the bedroom?

Is there no bounds?

DC is doing this for a reason. Can you guess what reason that is? I will give you a hint: it is a reason that conservatives and Libertarians supposedly support.

Give up? It's because it will make them money.
DC is doing this for a reason. Can you guess what reason that is? I will give you a hint: it is a reason that conservatives and Libertarians supposedly support.

Give up? It's because it will make them money.

But we must regulate the gay out of everything!!!!1111!!
So since you keep pointing out his affinity to boys, he is not only gay, he is also a pedophile?

I suspect this was the point you where going for, but not sure so clarifying: gay and pedophile are two entirely separate things, and rarely is some one both. Homosexuality is a primary attraction to the same sex. Pedophilia is a primary attraction to prepubescent children.
DC is doing this for a reason. Can you guess what reason that is? I will give you a hint: it is a reason that conservatives and Libertarians supposedly support.

Give up? It's because it will make them money.

I support this 'money' - do I get to also drizzle myself in honey and roll around in a kiddie pool of this 'money' and take home what sticks?

Sounds like a science experiment gone wild.
I support gay rights, and have no problem with homosexuality. However, I cannot see how this is appropriate. This is almost as bad as Bert and Ernie being gay.

How is it not appropriate? Folks do realize that comic books nowadays I wouldn't want a young boy or girl reading really. There is some extreme sexual inuendos, violence, and adult issues in many of the known superhero comic books today.

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