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I support Trump (1 Viewer)

Trump has no lean, other than in whatever the direction the wind is blowing.
The wind was blowing in the Republican party to support trangender rights, attacking Dubya's record in the Iraq War, and support planned parenthood? Are you sure you know what you're talking about?
I am not a Trump guy when it comes to the presidency.

But, I'd love to play some golf with him, or have a few beers (although I here he doesn't drink)

He is the quintessential New Yorker who speaks like I do, and is blunt when it matters.
While Trump will be the lesser of two evils, I simply cannot support a candidate who was a diehard Hillary supporter in 2008. I don't trust him. I'll sit this one out.
Who are you and what have you done with Chomsky.

I'm tellin' ya'! My Chomsky nick may not have been a good choice for me here - but hey, I do love reading the guy; his stuff expands my mind.

But now that you mention it, I do feel I have grown a bit more conservative on a few select issues, due to some of the excellent debates I've had here. Perhaps not 'grown conservative', but 'acquired understanding' might be more accurate.

Then again, I *try* to never take positions based upon pure idealogy, but rather based upon specific pragmatic assessment.
I fully believe in what Trump claims he will do for America.

I do not care if I am low informed, I do not care if he does not know where Libya is, or Syria, or Indonesia is. I do not care if he deifies himself. I do not care if he puts himself above God. I do not care if he flip flops. One of his surrogates claims he is being "flexible."
I like what he said in his speech at the NRA who wholeheartedly endorse him. I do not care if his mouth gets himself into trouble with the establishment. I like the fact the Chinese endorse him but have no idea why.

I am an unemployed blue collar white man.
Free country. That's the beauty of it.

But, I suspect Trump will just tell you to go get a job.
The only good thing I can say about Trump is that he's not Clinton.

I hear you there. And the only good thing I can say about Clinton is that she is not Trump.
Chomsky hates the United States and is in favor of anybody who will - in his view - lead to its demise.
From my understanding of his material, the RL Chomsky doesn't hate the U.S. specifically, as much as he despises most governments. And not just governments, but power structures actually. He very much espouses he believes in power, production, and capital, being in the hands of the individual - and (to varying specific degrees) I concur! :thumbs:

Where we disagree, is he also is against constitutions, where I strongly admire and support our (U.S.) Constitution. But still, he makes the argument that constitutions take away from individual empowerment, which I think is a reasonable philosophical argument whether one agrees or not.

I can say this: Approach him with an open mind, and he will make you think and question underlying principles & premises you may take for granted; and that's never a bad thing!
I am not a Trump guy when it comes to the presidency.

But, I'd love to play some golf with him, or have a few beers (although I here he doesn't drink)

He is the quintessential New Yorker who speaks like I do, and is blunt when it matters.

if you are a caddy and your caddy fee is low, you could probably make that happen
From my understanding of his material, the RL Chomsky doesn't hate the U.S. specifically, as much as he despises most governments. And not just governments, but power structures actually. He very much espouses he believes in power, production, and capital, being in the hands of the individual - and (to varying specific degrees) I concur! :thumbs:

Where we disagree, is he also is against constitutions, where I strongly admire and support our (U.S.) Constitution. But still, he makes the argument that constitutions take away from individual empowerment, which I think is a reasonable philosophical argument whether one agrees or not.

I can say this: Approach him with an open mind, and he will make you think and question underlying principles & premises you may take for granted; and that's never a bad thing!
Me too, and in spite of all of the web pages filled to the brim with assertions that Trump is an elitist who has taken the people for a ride....I read one the other day saying that he has hypnotized us....I am sure Trump agrees with me at least this far. He also believe in meritocracy, that the best and the brightest should WIN, should get the most power and wealth, which is not a contradiction if the people have approved the game and approved of winners getting more than losers.
I am not a Trump guy when it comes to the presidency.

But, I'd love to play some golf with him, or have a few beers (although I here he doesn't drink)

He is the quintessential New Yorker who speaks like I do, and is blunt when it matters.
Well stated.

I've already had discussions here with several New Yorker's & relocated-New Yorker's - He is the personification of the quintessential old-school hustling New Yorker.

And I might add: Not too different from old-school guys from Chicago's Bridgeport and Taylor Street neighborhoods, either.

There's probably similar sections in Boston & Philly (Boston's North End comes to mind). And we need to take 'era' into consideration, too. This is just the way it was coming-up in those neighborhoods 50 years ago. And I can definitely relate! :thumbs:
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Me too, and in spite of all of the web pages filled to the brim with assertions that Trump is an elitist who has taken the people for a ride....I read one the other day saying that he has hypnotized us....I am sure Trump agrees with me at least this far. He also believe in meritocracy, that the best and the brightest should WIN, should get the most power and wealth, which is not a contradiction if the people have approved the game and approved of winners getting more than losers.
I'm perfectly fine with, and indeed support, meritocracy - as long as it's practiced with some degree of social responsibility.

But yes, there's no greater pragmatic personal motivator I'm aware of that beats 'meritocratic capitalism'! <-- is this even a legit phrase?
From my understanding of his material, the RL Chomsky doesn't hate the U.S. specifically, as much as he despises most governments. And not just governments, but power structures actually. He very much espouses he believes in power, production, and capital, being in the hands of the individual - and (to varying specific degrees) I concur! :thumbs:

Where we disagree, is he also is against constitutions, where I strongly admire and support our (U.S.) Constitution. But still, he makes the argument that constitutions take away from individual empowerment, which I think is a reasonable philosophical argument whether one agrees or not.

I can say this: Approach him with an open mind, and he will make you think and question underlying principles & premises you may take for granted; and that's never a bad thing!

How do you feel about his belief that it was the United States and its allies that was responsible for the Second World War and not Adolph Hitler? Or is that more just Chomsky being Chomsky? He hates his own country and I can never respect any American who does that. You can disagree with it, but Chomsky goes way beyond that.
Well stated.

I've already had discussions here with several New Yorker's & relocated-New Yorker's - He is the personification of the quintessential old-school hustling New Yorker.

And I might add: Not too different from old-school guys from Chicago's Bridgeport and Taylor Street neighborhoods, either.

There's probably similar sections in Boston & Philly (Boston's North End comes to mind). And we need to take 'era' into consideration, too. This is just the way it was coming-up in those neighborhoods 50 years ago. And I can definitely relate! :thumbs:

And if his Daddy hadn't given him millions he'd be selling 'genuine' Rolex watches out of the back of a station wagon in Times Square. He's a bigot and a demagogue.
Actually he will always do what he THINKS/feels is best for Trump.
If he always did what was best he would never had any bankrupcies.

When he becomes president, what's good for America is what's good for Trump. He and his supporters know that. Hillary supporters, not so much.

I'm tellin' ya'! My Chomsky nick may not have been a good choice for me here - but hey, I do love reading the guy; his stuff expands my mind.

But now that you mention it, I do feel I have grown a bit more conservative on a few select issues, due to some of the excellent debates I've had here. Perhaps not 'grown conservative', but 'acquired understanding' might be more accurate.

Then again, I *try* to never take positions based upon pure idealogy, but rather based upon specific pragmatic assessment.

... the screen name choice did tend to generate a certain image with matching expectations.
Because you cannot know the future and because of his flip flops you cannot know what he is going to actually try to do for America, why would you be for him based on what he is going to do for America?

We do know what Clinton is going to do. How can you support her?
I support Trump as well, but encourage anyone wanting the U.S. to continue down it's current path to vote for Hillary.
Got your daily talking points email from Media Matters, I see. Good job!

Gee what a comeback :roll:

Don't think I've ever knowingly used Media Matters. You however HAVE used Alex Jones as a source... So the question of whether or not you "Know what Clinton will do" is pretty laughable when those are the types of sources you get your information from.

She's going to go full commie.

Yeah than after that she'll legalize the rape of urinators by the Trans-gendered :roll:

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