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Homeless in Hawaii (1 Viewer)

I agree, but in my own defense I did say 'this thread' so I wasn't painting all Cons as hypocrites.

But even in 'real life' I have noticed more hypocrisy on the Right lately, especially among the so called 'religious right'. The majority of them backing Trump pretty much proves my point. You can't get anymore un-compassinate and un-Christian than Trump.

Otoh, enabling people to get jobs, and that was one of the promises, might sound more appealing to vote for than just enabling them and keeping them dependent. Compassion is "teaching them to fish instead of just handing out sardines". :)
It doesn't get much more ignorant than calling it Collective

Thats what you described it as

All the land belongs to all the hawaians collectively

Oh sure berinie sanders would expect to see state owned tractors working the land and all the people living in dormitories

But hawaii is not russia after all
Otoh, enabling people to get jobs, and that was one of the promises, might sound more appealing to vote for than just enabling them and keeping them dependent. Compassion is "teaching them to fish instead of just handing out sardines". :)

I understand all politicians lie, but Trump's life as an elitist and a Con man was there for all to see. His promise for jobs is just that, just a 'promise ' from a know liar and con man.

If you are a true Christian there is no argument that can be made for a good Christian to vote for a 3 time married, ***** grabbing, strip club owner con man who swears like a sailor.

Of all the people who abandoned their morals and beliefs to vote for Trump I think I am the most disappointed in the so called 'Christians'.
I understand all politicians lie, but Trump's life as an elitist and a Con man was there for all to see. His promise for jobs is just that, just a 'promise ' from a know liar and con man.

If you are a true Christian there is no argument that can be made for a good Christian to vote for a 3 time married, ***** grabbing, strip club owner con man who swears like a sailor.

Of all the people who abandoned their morals and beliefs to vote for Trump I think I am the most disappointed in the so called 'Christians'.

Yep. Trump's message was on target, but it took an incredible suspension of disbelief to buy into the idea that he would be the savior to bring it to fruition.
Thats what you described it as

All the land belongs to all the hawaians collectively

Oh sure berinie sanders would expect to see state owned tractors working the land and all the people living in dormitories

But hawaii is not russia after all

You really should quit digging
"I know you are but what am I"? How clever you are.

Then you should probably put more thought into the argument and less into the pathetic one line insults.

You guys preach hating government in general. So going on about liking it now is a tad too late.

LOL you know your strawman just blew down the street you might want to go get it.
We are not anarchists. Supporting limited government and responsible government =/= hating government.

Agreed. The mental illness issue is massive.

So there is no way to really fix that. the treatment inside those state run mental hospitals was horrible.
prisoners got treated better than those people did.
or it means you can't live in high income area's. you go to lower income area's
pretty simple. people do it all the time. high income area's will always have more expensive housing because
that is what the market will bear.

These are natives that probably can't afford just to move. If your living in a tent, I doubt you have much transportation.
How, exactly, do you do that? "Affordable" housing generally means that rent takes only a certain percentage of one's income, say 33%. It sounds nice to say that someone must build/buy a home/apartment and rent it for a loss (below fair market value) but we both know that is not going to happen.

What most folks propose is that some government income redistribution program will make up the difference between "fair market" rent and the ability of the "low income" tenant to pay that rent. That, of course, drives up the "fair market" housing and rental price since occupancy is now 100% in that area no matter what rental amounts are sought. That screws those in the middle class - since they make too much to get (qualify for?) rental assistance yet the artificial demand increase makes them pay more for the same housing unit. It helps the rich since those "investors" that can buy more land and build rental units on it now have a huge new market to exploit in addition to an increased asset value of their other real estate holdings.

The bottom line is that you cannot create affordable housing without serious impacts on the "fair market" prices in the area.

Does rent control work? No, it actually increases rent prices for most people - Business Insider

That's not happening here. We provide for low housing assistance and don't have any tent cities.
Another failed Leftist utopia.
That's not happening here. We provide for low housing assistance and don't have any tent cities.

Really? how much of that housing is on Martha's Vineyard or in other high rent areas?

Oahu is about the size of the Austin, TX metro area - the problem is that you have no surrounding commuter area on that island.


EDIT: Keep in mind that about 5K sq. ft. of land on Oahu costs about $1 million. It is mighty hard to make that become "affordable".
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Really? how much of that housing is on Martha's Vineyard or in other high rent areas?

Oahu is about the size of the Austin, TX metro area - the problem is that you have no surrounding commuter area on that island.


EDIT: Keep in mind that about 5K sq. ft. of land on Oahu costs about $1 million. It mighty is hard to make that become "affordable".

I doubt they have low income housing on Martha's Vineyard. They do have it on the Cape. The same can be done in the state Hawaii.
Hawaii's biggest problem, homelessness. Pretty good video discussing it below.

Or maybe Volcano's and Tsunami's. I'm guessing one of those are much worse.

Homelessness in Hawaii is likely a symptom of the fact that housing is so expensive, but expensive housing is generally a good thing. It means a lot of people want to live in your area.
These are natives that probably can't afford just to move. If your living in a tent, I doubt you have much transportation.

last time i checked most major cities have busses. this where the endless line of excuses comes into play.
the fact is if you can't afford 2k a month then you can't afford 2k a month.

you have to move where it costs 1k a month.

house costs what the market will bear.
evidently there are enough people that 2k a month is acceptable to them to live.
if it wasn't then the price would drop.

pretty much every major city i know of has either a buss or uber or taxi to get you around in.
I understand all politicians lie, but Trump's life as an elitist and a Con man was there for all to see. His promise for jobs is just that, just a 'promise ' from a know liar and con man.

If you are a true Christian there is no argument that can be made for a good Christian to vote for a 3 time married, ***** grabbing, strip club owner con man who swears like a sailor.

Of all the people who abandoned their morals and beliefs to vote for Trump I think I am the most disappointed in the so called 'Christians'.

Please don't preach morals and integrity without pointing to the other side, after having voted for a nobody who cuddled up with the Hollywood and hip hop low moral elite, not to mention the womanizer himself and the wife of a lying and conniving womanizer. Hillary did a great job protecting her own interests and status to advance her career, cozying up with elitists around the nation and world wide.
People vote for what they think is best for
a-what's good for their own pocket
b-what's best to get everyone else out of their pocket
My conscience is clear, not having voted for either of the slime balls.
Please don't preach morals and integrity without pointing to the other side, after having voted for a nobody who cuddled up with the Hollywood and hip hop low moral elite, not to mention the womanizer himself and the wife of a lying and conniving womanizer. Hillary did a great job protecting her own interests and status to advance her career, cozying up with elitists around the nation and world wide.
People vote for what they think is best for
a-what's good for their own pocket
b-what's best to get everyone else out of their pocket
My conscience is clear, not having voted for either of the slime balls.

I'm glad your conscience is clear, though I never did point to you. I was talking about the phony, hypocritical religious right.

But anyway a BJ in the WH? That's bad, But a man who admitted to cheating on his wifes several times? And cheating several times with other married women? And walking in on 1/2 nude underage girls? And grabbing ******s? I'll preach as much as I want and JUST point to Trump while I'm preaching.

And don't get me going about a billionaire from Manhattan being elitist. I use to work in Manhattan, dealt with plenty of people who dealt with Mr. Trump. Not good, much worse than Clinton ever was, either one.
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A while back I considered moving to Hawaii, searching online for info about Hawaii. Wow, I discovered the cost of living out there is crazy. The housing was the real issue for me. With what I pay for rent in Milwaukee my unit and building is 1st world conditions. It's very good. A few flaws but still very good. For the same price in Hawaii I would be living in fewer square feet and it would be 3rd world level conditions.

But if you can afford Hawaii its seems like a pretty great place (depending on the island and what you're looking for).

However they get there they know that bleeding heart liberals will not let them starve


Rather, "conversion of sinners" refers to general repentance and an attempt to amend one's life according to the teachings of Jesus for those true Catholics who are fallen into sins. Lúcia wrote that she and her cousins defined "sinners" not as non-Catholics but as those who had fallen away from the church or, more specifically, willfully indulged in sinful activity, particularly "sins of the flesh"[74] and "acts of injustice and a lack of charity towards the poor, widows and orphans, the ignorant and the helpless," which she said were even worse than sins of impurity.[75]

The Republican Party (Religion) has deceived you. Just as the Democratic Party (Religion) has deceived liberals.

But taking morality out of it there are practical reasons to resolve certain dilemmas. Many secular British and secular Northern Europeans seem to think so. Kind of tied into what they call [negative] "externalities" in the field of economics.

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