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Homeless in Hawaii (1 Viewer)

Yeah, you may want to read those articles before you post them. 1st one is over a year old and is titled: California's Boom Is Poised To Go Bust.. It hasn't gone 'bust' yet so they are admitting the economy is booming.

The 2nd says this: California, with 2 percent job growth in 2016, gained jobs more rapidly than most states. The growth rate was about equal to Texas and Colorado, but behind such growth centers as Florida, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Utah and the District of Columbia.

2% is NOT end of the world like Cons try to make it out to be.. 1st article from 216 says there's a bust coming, but the 2nd says 2016 was 2% growth, which is very good. Cali. has something like the 6th-7th largest economy in the world. Stop making it out to be some 3rd world hell hole.


I've read the articles many times. You should read them once, so at least when you try to dismiss the facts presented, you could appear like you possessed some knowledge on the subject.

California will be the example to the Nation of what happens when unfettered, and unchecked extreme Socialist Progressive agenda's and policies are allowed to be enacted.

Here's some more information for you to ignore.


Those bragging about the fact that California’s budget is back in the black would be wise to curb their enthusiasm, given the state’s notoriously volatile revenue collections that are marked by steep peaks and valleys. When times are good or relatively good economically, state coffers are flush. Yet California’s reliance on high income individuals and households, and capital gains income in particular, means that changes in the economy and stock market cause state revenue collections to drastically fluctuate. This over-reliance on high income taxpayers makes revenues less stable and budgeting more difficult.

Nearly half - 48% - of total California income tax collections are paid by the top 1% of earners. The pitfalls of a state having such an over-reliance on high earners was on display earlier this year in New Jersey. When billionaire hedge fund manager David Tepper announced he was moving from the Garden State to Florida, New Jersey budget officials warned that his departure would create budget uncertainty for the state.​

And from those previous links:

The Fiscal Crisis

California’s “comeback” has been bolstered by assertions that the state has returned fiscal health. True, California’s short-term budgetary issues have been somewhat relieved, largely due to soaring capital gains from the tech and high end real estate booms; just 5,745 taxpayers earning $5 million or more generated more than $10 billion of income taxes in 2013, or about 19% of the state’s total, according to state officials.​

So California depends on Capital gains from 5,745 taxpayers to keep afloat? What happens when those 5,700 people don't have any Capital Gains to report?

Ignorance is bliss, and some appear almost catatonic in their bliss.

Hawaii is following the model, and will pay the consequences.
Just a link for this amazing story...

Kind of flies in the face of Mac77's idea that the blue welfare states give too much away. Utah gives them houses and free counseling. Why? Because it's cheaper than dealing with them as homeless people.

which is very much a republican thing to do. implement a plan to get the OFF government programs and make them self prosperous while costing less money.
liberal idea is just raise taxes and throw more money at them.
I didn't ignore it. I'm saying in high income areas you need affordable housing otherwise you end up with this situation.

Here in Santa Fe they have affordable housing city ordinances for construction because of this. It is a very poor state but this city is expensive to live in. And what they call "affordable housing" is still ridiculously priced.
which is very much a republican thing to do. implement a plan to get the OFF government programs and make them self prosperous while costing less money.
liberal idea is just raise taxes and throw more money at them.

What a crock of ****. Republican plans are to turn their backs on them, point a finger and say, "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps". Don't act like republicans like government programs. :lol: What a delusional lie.
which is very much a republican thing to do. implement a plan to get the OFF government programs and make them self prosperous while costing less money.
liberal idea is just raise taxes and throw more money at them.

Your posts suggests a severe disconnect from reality. The Republican way is to export jobs out of the country and manufacture homeless people.
They woudl not have to work unless they wanted to

Just attend meeting with the shrinks and take their methadone treatmenst if perscribed

If they ever do come to their senses and want to live productive lives they can be released but not before

Sweet Jaysus. The problem in HI is overwhelmingly meth addicition. Methadone is used to treat opioid addiction.

Yet again, you simply have no idea what you're talking about. Nada. Nothing.
I didn't ignore it. I'm saying in high income areas you need affordable housing otherwise you end up with this situation.

or it means you can't live in high income area's. you go to lower income area's
pretty simple. people do it all the time. high income area's will always have more expensive housing because
that is what the market will bear.
What a crock of ****. Republican plans are to turn their backs on them, point a finger and say, "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps". Don't act like republicans like government programs. :lol: What a delusional lie.

yes what you posted is, glad you realize it. we don't like irresponsible government programs. we don't like people living on government programs. Government programs are supposed to be a temporary help in case something happens not a lifestyle. get people in a job skill program to learn a trade and get them a job. there is already assistance for them to go to college.

the bigger issue with the homeless is that 1 in 5 has a mental illness and about the same have a substance abuse issue.

those things are hard to combat and some frankly aren't treatable.
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gotta love a jokester

Well, does everyone pay rent or is the collective ownership just fake?

If they don't pay rent can the collective throw them out of their house?
Sweet Jaysus. The problem in HI is overwhelmingly meth addicition. Methadone is used to treat opioid addiction.

Yet again, you simply have no idea what you're talking about. Nada. Nothing.

I was referring to homelessness in general following one of your lib buddies posting a picture of homelessness in red states
Well, does everyone pay rent or is the collective ownership just fake?

If they don't pay rent can the collective throw them out of their house?

Gotta give you credit nobody works as hard at being ignorant as you do
Gotta give you credit nobody works as hard at being ignorant as you do

Educate me if you know the answer

I strongly suspect you don't have a clue
yes what you posted is, glad you realize it.

"I know you are but what am I"? How clever you are.

we don't like irresponsible government programs. we don't like people living on government programs.

You guys preach hating government in general. So going on about liking it now is a tad too late.

Government programs are supposed to be a temporary help in case something happens not a lifestyle. get people in a job skill program to learn a trade and get them a job. there is already assistance for them to go to college.

the bigger issue with the homeless is that 1 in 5 has a mental illness and about the same have a substance abuse issue.

those things are hard to combat and some frankly aren't treatable.

Agreed. The mental illness issue is massive.

TIMELINE: Deinstitutionalization And Its Consequences
How deinstitutionalization moved thousands of mentally ill people out of hospitals—and into jails and prisons.​

Thank you Ronald Reagan. With him mental illness housing and treatment dried up and they ended up being housed in prisons and on the streets instead.
I was referring to homelessness in general following one of your lib buddies posting a picture of homelessness in red states

Suuuuuure you were. You simply have no idea what you're talking about. Marxists never do.
His questions, like the poster himself, are dishonest to the core. That you can't see that isn't my problem.

There is no one, consolidated 'solution' to the problem that can easily be summed up on a forum like this.

The problem in Hawaii is that, as the video clearly showed, there is a 'lack of inventory' in available/affordable places for people to stay/purchase, and the economic downturn displaced middle class people down to homeless, thus making gainful employment that much more difficult. There are very little places to build left in HI, so you can see what the problem is.

I agree with that there is no one solution to the problem. Thanks for a meaningful reply.

Oh I recognize many poster and the style of discussion they use, including yours.:mrgreen:
I didn't ignore it. I'm saying in high income areas you need affordable housing otherwise you end up with this situation.

How, exactly, do you do that? "Affordable" housing generally means that rent takes only a certain percentage of one's income, say 33%. It sounds nice to say that someone must build/buy a home/apartment and rent it for a loss (below fair market value) but we both know that is not going to happen.

What most folks propose is that some government income redistribution program will make up the difference between "fair market" rent and the ability of the "low income" tenant to pay that rent. That, of course, drives up the "fair market" housing and rental price since occupancy is now 100% in that area no matter what rental amounts are sought. That screws those in the middle class - since they make too much to get (qualify for?) rental assistance yet the artificial demand increase makes them pay more for the same housing unit. It helps the rich since those "investors" that can buy more land and build rental units on it now have a huge new market to exploit in addition to an increased asset value of their other real estate holdings.

The bottom line is that you cannot create affordable housing without serious impacts on the "fair market" prices in the area.

Does rent control work? No, it actually increases rent prices for most people - Business Insider
you really dont know what a lease is?

I do.

It it a 100 year lease?

Or a 1,000 year lease?

How does the collective break the lease if it wants its land back?

It sounds to me like the hawaiians are only pretending to still own the land if someone else is using it in perpetuity and paying nothing for it
Suuuuuure you were. You simply have no idea what you're talking about. Marxists never do.

You should look before you leap

Or read before you post
I do.

It it a 100 year lease?

Or a 1,000 year lease?

How does the collective break the lease if it wants its land back?

It sounds to me like the hawaiians are only pretending to still own the land if someone else is using it in perpetuity and paying nothing for it

your ignorance would be embarrassing to most people.
your ignorance would be embarrassing to most people.

I see you really have no clue about how the collective land ownership in hawaii works

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