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Hi and here are my positons. Anyone wanna add me as a freind (1 Viewer)

Captain Adverse

Classical Liberal Sage
DP Veteran
Jun 22, 2013
Reaction score
Mid-West USA
Political Leaning
Hi folks! I've been posting on the website for few days now. Made some mistakes, learned a few lessons, and am starting to feel comfortable speaking my piece. I actually got one friend request a coupla days ago and wouldn't mind more.

Below are some of my positions on Major Issues. The list is not exhaustive.

If you feel in agreement on enough and can accept that we agree to disagree on the rest (leaving us both able to engage in freindly debate) please feel free to friend request me.

Constitutional Issues:
1. First Amendment protection of Speech includes all forms of expression (as long as all participants are of legal age and voluntarily involved); and should not be abridged unless there is a clear and present danger of harm (piss on the Courts more liberal and un-constitutional interpretation). If you don’t like it, you can move on (or ask the person to move off your property).
2. The Second Amendment’s primary purpose is to protect the ability of common citizens to revolt against their own government, or rise in support of it against foreign invasion. Therefore, it authorizes citizens to be armed with the same individual firearms that any common soldier in either the U.S. Army or the army of any foreign power is likely to carry into combat.
3. The Fourth Amendment right to privacy, while not absolute, still requires due process of law in the form of a duly issued warrant from a court exercising jurisdiction containing absolute specificity before ANY invasion of privacy is allowed.
4. Fifth Amendment right to silence must be clearly invoked because otherwise your silence IS a form of free speech expression and can be used against you. That the prohibition against deprivation of liberty without due process requires cause for arrest, and speedy charges in order to be held for trial
5. Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial negates secret imprisonment without trial.
6. The Tenth Amendment means we have rights even if the Constitution does not list them, including life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and revolt. States still have the right to secede from the Union.

That all of these rights pertain to the states, and are held by all citizens, regardless of incorporation, as they are basic liberties the drafters of this Bill felt were ever present and inherent but needing protection from an overweening Federal authority.

Four Points on Foreign Affairs:
1. I do not believe The United States is morally responsible for taking "some action" outside of our own national borders. We don't have the right nor duty to act as the "World's Policeman." I support humanitarian aid; and use of political influence to keep other nations out of foreign internal struggles.
2. Each nation is responsible for its own internal politics, no one should interfere.
The people of each society must work things out on their own for there to be any chance of long-term stability. External interference typically serves to undermine the legitimacy of whichever factions wins, creating an unstable political environment ripe for further trouble.
3. It does not matter the form of political ideology that ends up in control without outside influence or interference. If it has a negative effect on the society it governs, history has shown that as long as examples of other more positive options exist outside that State, it will either collapse on it's own or it's people will eventually overthrow and replace it.
4. I firmly believe that nations should seek strong alliances with other nations sharing similar goals and ideals, and be willing to honor such alliances in defense against aggressors.

War on Drugs:
1. The war on Drugs should end, all drugs should be legal and drug use decriminalized.
2. All persons currently in prison for use or small level sales (no violence) should be immediately released.
3. All persons with a criminal record for use or small level sales shall have their records expunged.
4. Criminal acts shall not be excused because one was under the influence of drugs.
5. Taxes from legal sales will be used for education and treatment programs.
6. Employers may require drug testing for workers who appear under the influence at work, and may used confirmed results to discharge a worker.
7. Minors may not be sold drugs, but:
a. parents may issue and allow use within the home, or
b. grant documented permission for use under parental supervision at a party or gathering in another location.
c. Liability still ensues for criminal or civil violation while under the influence.
8. Drug laws involving the above shall be repealed, and Asset Forfeiture will be stopped.

Sex and Sexuality:
1. Women aged 16 and older shall have the absolute right of choice in abortion up to the point a fetus is determined to be viable outside the womb
2. At that point, abortions may be prohibited by law unless there is risk to the mother’s life or health.
Sexual Orientation:
1. Sexual Orientation is not a choice.
2. Discrimination based upon sexual orientation must cease.
3. Same-sex marriage should be allowed with full rights and benefits.

In this case "Three Out Of Four Aint Bad ".Welcome to DP.:2wave:
I have no problem adding you as a friend, if you'd like - I didn't read all your spiel, but that's not important - friends don't need to agree on everything or even most things. And I'm old - sometimes I forget what I agree with or don't agree with from day to day.

Anyway, have fun here.
Hi folks! I've been posting on the website for few days now. Made some mistakes, learned a few lessons, and am starting to feel comfortable speaking my piece. I actually got one friend request a coupla days ago and wouldn't mind more.

Below are some of my positions on Major Issues. The list is not exhaustive.

If you feel in agreement on enough and can accept that we agree to disagree on the rest (leaving us both able to engage in freindly debate) please feel free to friend request me.

Friend requests are a two way street. You may get slapped down a time or two, but don't take it personally.

I do have to say that is one very clear introduction. :lol:

Welcome aboard. :)
Friend requests are a two way street. You may get slapped down a time or two, but don't take it personally.

I do have to say that is one very clear introduction. :lol:

Welcome aboard. :)

Thanks. :)

I understand that it does work both ways. Still, being relatively new I thought it best to post and debate, let people see what I am about, and give people a chance to make that offer when they felt it was of value. Eventually when I know more and become an old hand, I will.

I appreciate the post. Thanks again. :)
I have no problem adding you as a friend, if you'd like - I didn't read all your spiel, but that's not important - friends don't need to agree on everything or even most things. And I'm old - sometimes I forget what I agree with or don't agree with from day to day.

Anyway, have fun here.

Thanks, I appreciate the request. I'll keep an eye on your posts to see if I wanna jump in with my 2 cents sometime. :)
Welcome to DP! :)

Glad to see you have settled in. Good OP. :)

Have fun! :)
Oh gee, can I please be your friend. Lol.
Oh gee, can I please be your friend. Lol.

Hmmm... sure but in that case I might require a something in the way of a gift. Perhaps a fruit basket or a phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range? That would be nice. :)
Last edited:
Hi folks! I've been posting on the website for few days now. Made some mistakes, learned a few lessons, and am starting to feel comfortable speaking my piece. I actually got one friend request a coupla days ago and wouldn't mind more.

Below are some of my positions on Major Issues. The list is not exhaustive.

If you feel in agreement on enough and can accept that we agree to disagree on the rest (leaving us both able to engage in freindly debate) please feel free to friend request me.

Constitutional Issues:
1. First Amendment protection of Speech includes all forms of expression (as long as all participants are of legal age and voluntarily involved); and should not be abridged unless there is a clear and present danger of harm (piss on the Courts more liberal and un-constitutional interpretation). If you don’t like it, you can move on (or ask the person to move off your property).
2. The Second Amendment’s primary purpose is to protect the ability of common citizens to revolt against their own government, or rise in support of it against foreign invasion. Therefore, it authorizes citizens to be armed with the same individual firearms that any common soldier in either the U.S. Army or the army of any foreign power is likely to carry into combat.
3. The Fourth Amendment right to privacy, while not absolute, still requires due process of law in the form of a duly issued warrant from a court exercising jurisdiction containing absolute specificity before ANY invasion of privacy is allowed.
4. Fifth Amendment right to silence must be clearly invoked because otherwise your silence IS a form of free speech expression and can be used against you. That the prohibition against deprivation of liberty without due process requires cause for arrest, and speedy charges in order to be held for trial
5. Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial negates secret imprisonment without trial.
6. The Tenth Amendment means we have rights even if the Constitution does not list them, including life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and revolt. States still have the right to secede from the Union.

That all of these rights pertain to the states, and are held by all citizens, regardless of incorporation, as they are basic liberties the drafters of this Bill felt were ever present and inherent but needing protection from an overweening Federal authority.

Four Points on Foreign Affairs:
1. I do not believe The United States is morally responsible for taking "some action" outside of our own national borders. We don't have the right nor duty to act as the "World's Policeman." I support humanitarian aid; and use of political influence to keep other nations out of foreign internal struggles.
2. Each nation is responsible for its own internal politics, no one should interfere.
The people of each society must work things out on their own for there to be any chance of long-term stability. External interference typically serves to undermine the legitimacy of whichever factions wins, creating an unstable political environment ripe for further trouble.
3. It does not matter the form of political ideology that ends up in control without outside influence or interference. If it has a negative effect on the society it governs, history has shown that as long as examples of other more positive options exist outside that State, it will either collapse on it's own or it's people will eventually overthrow and replace it.
4. I firmly believe that nations should seek strong alliances with other nations sharing similar goals and ideals, and be willing to honor such alliances in defense against aggressors.

War on Drugs:
1. The war on Drugs should end, all drugs should be legal and drug use decriminalized.
2. All persons currently in prison for use or small level sales (no violence) should be immediately released.
3. All persons with a criminal record for use or small level sales shall have their records expunged.
4. Criminal acts shall not be excused because one was under the influence of drugs.
5. Taxes from legal sales will be used for education and treatment programs.
6. Employers may require drug testing for workers who appear under the influence at work, and may used confirmed results to discharge a worker.
7. Minors may not be sold drugs, but:
a. parents may issue and allow use within the home, or
b. grant documented permission for use under parental supervision at a party or gathering in another location.
c. Liability still ensues for criminal or civil violation while under the influence.
8. Drug laws involving the above shall be repealed, and Asset Forfeiture will be stopped.

Sex and Sexuality:
1. Women aged 16 and older shall have the absolute right of choice in abortion up to the point a fetus is determined to be viable outside the womb
2. At that point, abortions may be prohibited by law unless there is risk to the mother’s life or health.
Sexual Orientation:
1. Sexual Orientation is not a choice.
2. Discrimination based upon sexual orientation must cease.
3. Same-sex marriage should be allowed with full rights and benefits.

Good to welcome you Captain Adverse. Hope you enjoy it here. I think we might get along except for one 'small' issue, other than that, we may end up being quite good allies. :)
Good to welcome you Captain Adverse. Hope you enjoy it here. I think we might get along except for one 'small' issue, other than that, we may end up being quite good allies. :)

Thanks! BTW, what is the "one small issue" we might disagree on?

I also wanted to bump this back up because some of my peers seem unaware of, and therefore surprised by, my clearly stated positions here when they see some of my thread posts. If nothing else, I am fairly consistent! LOL :2bow:
Thanks! BTW, what is the "one small issue" we might disagree on?

I also wanted to bump this back up because some of my peers seem unaware of, and therefore surprised by, my clearly stated positions here when they see some of my thread posts. If nothing else, I am fairly consistent! LOL :2bow:

Its like this, Captain, no matter what position you take or how well you advertise that position, someone who wants to bite your ankle will ascribe a position to you at their discretion. ;)
Its like this, Captain, no matter what position you take or how well you advertise that position, someone who wants to bite your ankle will ascribe a position to you at their discretion. ;)

And a label!
Thanks! BTW, what is the "one small issue" we might disagree on?

I also wanted to bump this back up because some of my peers seem unaware of, and therefore surprised by, my clearly stated positions here when they see some of my thread posts. If nothing else, I am fairly consistent! LOL :2bow:

That one 'small' issue would be government. You believe that government is neeed, whereas I do not.

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