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Ground Zero Mosque On The Move? (1 Viewer)

Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

Well at least when you base an opinion on an entire religion and people of almost 2 billion, you generalize in the positive as well as the negative.
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

Well at least when you base an opinion on an entire religion and people of almost 2 billion, you generalize in the positive as well as the negative.

Specially when one considers that the vast majority of Casualties of Islamic Terrorism are muslims themselves.

Oh well, no need for silly facts like that.
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

I wonder if the reason is many Muslims and Muslim organizations were against it and spoke out.
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

The argument being made in opposition to the proposed New York City Mosque is that it is too close to Ground Zero and, therefore, its location would offend the sensitivies of some whose families suffered losses from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, Voice of America reported that there appears to be a broader trend of opposition to Mosques well beyond Ground Zero. Voice of America reported:

Meanwhile, a Muslim-American group warned Tuesday of what it called a "growing pattern" of opposition to mosque construction across the country.

Mahdi Bray, director of the group called the Muslim American Society Freedom, said plans to build mosques have been opposed or denied in other parts of New York City, as well as in the states of Alabama, California, Florida, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

What are the excuses for opposition to those other Mosques?

Is the argument about the proposed Mosque's proximity to Ground Zero (two blocks away) really being used as a convenient pretext within a larger pattern of opposition to Islam/Mosques to try to thwart the construction of a specific Mosque?

Quite frankly, if there is such a pattern as cited within the article, it may well hint at a troubling erosion of religious tolerance.
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

And if this does happen, I'm sure everybody who accused the group of being too spiteful to change their building plans will at least apologize for that.
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

The argument being made in opposition to the proposed New York City Mosque is that it is too close to Ground Zero and, therefore, its location would offend the sensitivies of some whose families suffered losses from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, Voice of America reported that there appears to be a broader trend of opposition to Mosques well beyond Ground Zero. Voice of America reported:

Meanwhile, a Muslim-American group warned Tuesday of what it called a "growing pattern" of opposition to mosque construction across the country.

Mahdi Bray, director of the group called the Muslim American Society Freedom, said plans to build mosques have been opposed or denied in other parts of New York City, as well as in the states of Alabama, California, Florida, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

What are the excuses for opposition to those other Mosques?

Is the argument about the proposed Mosque's proximity to Ground Zero (two blocks away) really being used as a convenient pretext within a larger pattern of opposition to Islam/Mosques to try to thwart the construction of a specific Mosque?

Quite frankly, if there is such a pattern as cited within the article, it may well hint at a troubling erosion of religious tolerance.

Then why are Muslim groups saying not to build there?

YouTube - O'Reilly Factor: Raheel Raza Speaks Out Against 9/11 Mosque
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

Then why are Muslim groups saying not to build there?

Clearly, there are some who oppose it on sincere concern about respecting the sensitivies relating to 9/11 families/victims. However, if the article is correct, there may be at least some who also oppose it on grounds that may have to do with a lack of tolerance. If so, that's a disturbing element.
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

Specially when one considers that the vast majority of Casualties of Islamic Terrorism are muslims themselves.

Oh well, no need for silly facts like that.

A vast number of the casualties on 9/11 were Muslims?
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

A vast number of the casualties on 9/11 were Muslims?

No, but the vast majority of casualties on 9/11 were Americans, just like majority of Muslims who attend Mosques in New York and would attend the new once if built.

So whats more important to you, that they are Americans or that they are Muslims?
There was a possible resolution in the works Tuesday night in the debate surrounding the proposed mosque and Islamic cultural center near ground zero. CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer has learned it looks as if the developers of the mosque may be willing to budge and move away from the Park 51 location where they originally planned the construction.

New York Gov. David Paterson plans to meet with developers of the controversial ground zero mosque as early as this week to offer them state land – at another location – for their cultural and religious center. Paterson told Congressman Peter King about the meeting, and King said the governor asked him to make it public.

Fantastic news if it really leads somewhere

Ground Zero Mosque On The Move? « CBS New York- News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of NY
No it's not. State Land? to a religion? How blatant a violation of the 1st amendment do you want?
No it's not. State Land? to a religion? How blatant a violation of the 1st amendment do you want?

Public safety. Its obvious this Mosque being placed where it is now could easily enflame tensions unnecessarily.

Are you saying its against the law to consider public safety?
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

New York Gov. David Paterson plans to meet with developers of the controversial ground zero mosque as early as this week to offer them state land – at another location – for their cultural and religious center. Paterson told Congressman Peter King about the meeting, and King said the governor asked him to make it public.

Anyone else see a 1st amendment problem with this?
Public safety. Its obvious this Mosque being placed where it is now could easily enflame tensions unnecessarily.

Are you saying its against the law to consider public safety?

I don't know what Phoenix is saying, but if I were a taxpayer in New York -- and if, indeed, state land is being offered free -- I'd be a raving lunatic. (The article isn't exactly clear, and that may not be right.)
Public safety. Its obvious this Mosque being placed where it is now could easily enflame tensions unnecessarily.

Are you saying its against the law to consider public safety?

I am saying it's against the law for government to give preferential treatment to one religion over another. Giving a religion public land is just that.
Re: Mosque in new york to possibly move!

Anyone else see a 1st amendment problem with this?

It might appear so on the surface, but it's relatively commonplace. If the state was giving land to a religious group for no reason whatsoever, that could be a problem. Presumably this will be some sort of land exchange deal that would be worked out. The first amendment doesn't bar the state from engaging in commercial deals with religious groups.

The government offered land to the Greek Orthodox Church that was located next to ground zero as well.
I am saying it's against the law for government to give preferential treatment to one religion over another. Giving a religion public land is just that.

One religion over another? What are you talking about?

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