The argument being made in opposition to the proposed New York City Mosque is that it is too close to Ground Zero and, therefore, its location would offend the sensitivies of some whose families suffered losses from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, Voice of America reported that there appears to be a broader trend of opposition to Mosques well beyond Ground Zero. Voice of America
Meanwhile, a Muslim-American group warned Tuesday of what it called a "growing pattern" of opposition to mosque construction across the country.
Mahdi Bray, director of the group called the Muslim American Society Freedom, said plans to build mosques have been opposed or denied in other parts of New York City, as well as in the states of Alabama, California, Florida, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
What are the excuses for opposition to those other Mosques?
Is the argument about the proposed Mosque's proximity to Ground Zero (two blocks away) really being used as a convenient pretext within a larger pattern of opposition to Islam/Mosques to try to thwart the construction of a specific Mosque?
Quite frankly, if there is such a pattern as cited within the article, it may well hint at a troubling erosion of religious tolerance.