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Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girls (1 Viewer)

Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Im not to worried its a matter of time before someone comes out with a sexual harassment law suit If this comes to pass a lawyers dream .

Badly-written, but well-said.

Even here in California, I do not think we've yet degraded to the point that more than a tiny minority of young women will be OK with boys being allowed into the locker room where they are undressing and showering, that there won't be plenty of lawyers who are willing to take the easy case when such a woman seeks to sue for sexual harassment or assault, or where a jury will easily be found that won't fully side with the young woman in such a case.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

The problem is that most...whatever they are...don't want that rule. You get these pre-op folks who want to "identify" as female, yet they still dangle. I think the whole argument falls apart when you use the word "identify" too, because it's completely subjective and lacks tangent. It would be the same concept as that movie Minority Report, where you essentially arrest thought-crime. Since a kid can "claim" to "identify", we have to take his or her word for it? Sorry, not in my book.

And since we're discussing children, post-op never comes into play. I would assume arrest a parent who would let an underage child do SRS. You couldn't hurt that child more if they tried.

People can act however they want, as long as they realize the likelihood of being ostracized.

I would agree with your comment about the word "identify". Real BAD word to have used. Far to ambiguous. As far as SRS goes, it does depend on the level of transitioning... and remember, there are some 18 year olds that will still be in high school, so this would apply to them.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Badly-written, but well-said.

Even here in California, I do not think we've yet degraded to the point that more than a tiny minority of young women will be OK with boys being allowed into the locker room where they are undressing and showering, that there won't be plenty of lawyers who are willing to take the easy case when such a woman seeks to sue for sexual harassment or assault, or where a jury will easily be found that won't fully side with the young woman in such a case.

If a fully transitioned individual is charged in some way, it would work out pretty poorly for whoever charged them. YOU should hope that nothing like that materializes, because it would give far more legitimacy to the position you oppose. I would be very happy if something like that went to court. The probable outcome would be far more favorable to my side.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

I would agree with your comment about the word "identify". Real BAD word to have used. Far to ambiguous. As far as SRS goes, it does depend on the level of transitioning... and remember, there are some 18 year olds that will still be in high school, so this would apply to them.

How much is this surgery though? Since it's cosmetic, it damn sure won't be covered by insurance. Even the most cheap, routine surgery will run tens of thousands of dollars. Are there really that many 18 year olds running around with enough bank to afford serious, in-depth, elective surgery?

Now, if a few of them are out there, I'd be willing to take them on a case-by-case basis to assume a logical course to travel. I just think that it'd be so rare as to not really warrant a drawn-out "solution" for the problem.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

How much is this surgery though? Since it's cosmetic, it damn sure won't be covered by insurance. Even the most cheap, routine surgery will run tens of thousands of dollars. Are there really that many 18 year olds running around with enough bank to afford serious, in-depth, elective surgery?

Depends. MTF surgery is more expensive than FTM. If one is doing ONLY chest and genital surgery, one is looking at between $25,000-$35,000 dollars, not including hormone treatments. SOMEtimes insurance may cover this, but it depends and it is unclear as to what the recent DSM diagnosis will do with this. Beyond that, parents often fit the bill.

Now, if a few of them are out there, I'd be willing to take them on a case-by-case basis to assume a logical course to travel. I just think that it'd be so rare as to not really warrant a drawn-out "solution" for the problem.

Well, for the most part I would agree. I think the bill presented will cause more problems that it will help.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Will we see Obama issue an executive decision requiring Obamacare to pay for elective sex change surgery? Wouldn't surprise me.

I'd suggest we demand genital surgery for all congress persons and senators. Sew on some balls!
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Will we see Obama issue an executive decision requiring Obamacare to pay for elective sex change surgery? Wouldn't surprise me.

He would likely assert that it is not elective, but corrective, thus no different than fixing a birth defect. ;)
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

He would likely assert that it is not elective, but corrective, thus no different than fixing a birth defect. ;)

For Congress, it's certainly corrective. :D
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

And here I thought "thinks like a natural woman" was the whole reason for the change in the first place... :shrug:

Ain't that the truth.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

So not only could I dominate the game against girls, but I could shower with them afterward?

Where do I sign?

The nearest shrink. Get a few dresses, get on some hormones, and start living as a woman. It is just that easy and I am quite sure well worth your attempt to see boobies. I am sure that every boy in the world will be running out to permanently screw their junk up so it doesn't work anymore so they casn no longer masturbate when seeing those boobies. Do you even think about what you are saying?

I always love this ignorant outrage. It is so easy everyone will be doing it, but yet no one actually does that sort of thing because it is not that easy. It is like the idea you live like donald trump on welfare, or illegals are getting a sweet ride with day work. If it is really that easy then go do it. Do not tell us how easy you have deluded yourself into thinking it is when you cannot even bring yourself to do it.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Will we see Obama issue an executive decision requiring Obamacare to pay for elective sex change surgery? Wouldn't surprise me.

I'd suggest we demand genital surgery for all congress persons and senators. Sew on some balls!

maybe obama can get that spine he always wanted. Congress doesn't need new balls, they just need to correct their premature ejaculation to fake scandals and go after the real violations.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

The nearest shrink. Get a few dresses, get on some hormones, and start living as a woman. It is just that easy and I am quite sure well worth your attempt to see boobies. I am sure that every boy in the world will be running out to permanently screw their junk up so it doesn't work anymore so they casn no longer masturbate when seeing those boobies. Do you even think about what you are saying?

I always love this ignorant outrage. It is so easy everyone will be doing it, but yet no one actually does that sort of thing because it is not that easy. It is like the idea you live like donald trump on welfare, or illegals are getting a sweet ride with day work. If it is really that easy then go do it. Do not tell us how easy you have deluded yourself into thinking it is when you cannot even bring yourself to do it.
You are missing the point. With this law you dont need dresses or hormones. You just need to say "I feel like a girl." That's it. They dont have to screw their junk up... I have met quiet a few gay people that still diddle with the opposite sex when their urges desire it every once in a while. So your point is really invalid. Penis and Vagina needs to be kept seperate when it comes to kids. End of story.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

You are missing the point. With this law you dont need dresses or hormones. You just need to say "I feel like a girl." That's it. They dont have to screw their junk up... I have met quiet a few gay people that still diddle with the opposite sex when their urges desire it every once in a while. So your point is really invalid. Penis and Vagina needs to be kept seperate when it comes to kids. End of story.

Actually you need to identify as a girl which means living as one. Take your ignorance and overreaction and go away. No one is letting any boys into the girls locker room because they say they think they are a girl. You have to do some things to be identified as TG, and it is not just as easy as saying so. You are wrong, but feel free to show us where boys are being allowed into the girls locker rooms just for saying they are a girl and never doing anything about it. You say it is possible and I am pretty sure a hoprny teenage boy would gladly do it if it were possible so please show us the cases. Otherwise you are full of crap because you do not simply just say you think you are a girl and everyone just opens the way for your to walk into the girls locker room. You are lying and creating false fear and nothing in the law even comes close to saying what you imagine it does.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

The nearest shrink. Get a few dresses, get on some hormones, and start living as a woman. It is just that easy and I am quite sure well worth your attempt to see boobies. I am sure that every boy in the world will be running out to permanently screw their junk up so it doesn't work anymore so they casn no longer masturbate when seeing those boobies. Do you even think about what you are saying?

I always love this ignorant outrage. It is so easy everyone will be doing it, but yet no one actually does that sort of thing because it is not that easy. It is like the idea you live like donald trump on welfare, or illegals are getting a sweet ride with day work. If it is really that easy then go do it. Do not tell us how easy you have deluded yourself into thinking it is when you cannot even bring yourself to do it.

Hormone "therapy" isn't required. You just have to say you identify as something else. So as far as all that stuff you listed...how 'bout I don't and just say I did.

You don't have to take any drugs or go "chick with a dick" for this. All you have to do is "identify", which has no physical basis - just a claim by an individual that may or may not be true.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Actually you need to identify as a girl which means living as one. Take your ignorance and overreaction and go away. No one is letting any boys into the girls locker room because they say they think they are a girl. You have to do some things to be identified as TG, and it is not just as easy as saying so. You are wrong, but feel free to show us where boys are being allowed into the girls locker rooms just for saying they are a girl and never doing anything about it. You say it is possible and I am pretty sure a hoprny teenage boy would gladly do it if it were possible so please show us the cases. Otherwise you are full of crap because you do not simply just say you think you are a girl and everyone just opens the way for your to walk into the girls locker room. You are lying and creating false fear and nothing in the law even comes close to saying what you imagine it does.
Then you need to read it again. Just because you feel that people with penis should be able to go into girls locker cuz they take a hormone doesnt make it okay either. I have literally met gay people that swing to the other sex from time to time. You need to think about this realistically. If you mix the genitals together then their is a chance for kids to get pregnant. You keep them seperate and its not even an issue unless they ditch and go find a secret spot. We do not need to be condoning mixing the genitals of little kids in school... I have problem with transgender people but you need to take your sick crap to another country... Wanting to mix little kids like that... Thats disgusting. I know you HOPE that they really are fully trans and would never touch a girl if mixed but hope isnt good enough.
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Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Hormone "therapy" isn't required. You just have to say you identify as something else. So as far as all that stuff you listed...how 'bout I don't and just say I did.

Yes, you won't because you know what will happen. If you just put on your masturbating underwear and tell the school you are a girl and you want to go into the girl's locker room you know full well you will be arrested and in court soon. This is because your claims are a load of crap, and no you do not just say you identify as a girl and that is the end of it. You actually have to do it. If you are changing into your boy pants there is no reason they are going to let you into the girls locker room, and you know it. This law doesn't even allow for that. No, you have to identify as a girl, and that means actually doing something about it like identifying yourself as a girl through doing something like going through the process.

It should also be noted that one of the reasons the young are not going through hormone therapy is because prejudiced and fearful people restrict them from doing it. It is awful convenient people like you make laws against allowing kids to start when they are ready, and then use that logic to claim they do not have to do it. The reality is that this is an obvious lie by you and your friends, and the situation is quite obvious and clear. Boy who has never made any effort to be a girl comes up and tries to get in the girls locker room and he gets in trouble. TG girl who wears dresses, skirts, panties, goes to therapy,. has been declared TG by a psychologist, and who may be taking hormones during high school wants to do it and they are allowed to. Even you know that is true because if you could get into the girls locker room by just saying you were a girl you would have an easy chair and never leave.
You don't have to take any drugs or go "chick with a dick" for this. All you have to do is "identify", which has no physical basis - just a claim by an individual that may or may not be true.

Actually identification does have a legal and medical basis which is still evaluated by others. It is not just as simple as you making some statement despite your unfounded fears and crazy talk. Before you go spouting off about something you are completely ignorant of in every single way and make up BS you might want to educate yourself on the actual process of identifying yourself as the opposite gender. No one is going to buy it coming from some horny teenager who has never made any effort to do anything but get into the girl's locker room.

But do prove me wrong. Go to those schools, tell them you are a girl and need to change in the locker room and let us see how far you get before the school's security is bouncing you off the ground and Chris Hansen calls you to be the first in his new series of world's dumbest perverts. You do not even need to go into the locker room, just try and get back to us on how well that works for you. It is so easy like you claim, so I am sure you can just do it and show us all how smart you really are. Just fair warning, it is illegal despite the law, but if you are going to claim otherwise put your money where your mouth is.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Go to those schools, tell them you are a girl and need to change in the locker room

No thanks. I'm not f'ed in the head.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Yes, you won't because you know what will happen. If you just put on your masturbating underwear and tell the school you are a girl and you want to go into the girl's locker room you know full well you will be arrested and in court soon. This is because your claims are a load of crap, and no you do not just say you identify as a girl and that is the end of it. You actually have to do it. If you are changing into your boy pants there is no reason they are going to let you into the girls locker room, and you know it. This law doesn't even allow for that. No, you have to identify as a girl, and that means actually doing something about it like identifying yourself as a girl through doing something like going through the process.

It should also be noted that one of the reasons the young are not going through hormone therapy is because prejudiced and fearful people restrict them from doing it. It is awful convenient people like you make laws against allowing kids to start when they are ready, and then use that logic to claim they do not have to do it. The reality is that this is an obvious lie by you and your friends, and the situation is quite obvious and clear. Boy who has never made any effort to be a girl comes up and tries to get in the girls locker room and he gets in trouble. TG girl who wears dresses, skirts, panties, goes to therapy,. has been declared TG by a psychologist, and who may be taking hormones during high school wants to do it and they are allowed to. Even you know that is true because if you could get into the girls locker room by just saying you were a girl you would have an easy chair and never leave.

Actually identification does have a legal and medical basis which is still evaluated by others. It is not just as simple as you making some statement despite your unfounded fears and crazy talk. Before you go spouting off about something you are completely ignorant of in every single way and make up BS you might want to educate yourself on the actual process of identifying yourself as the opposite gender. No one is going to buy it coming from some horny teenager who has never made any effort to do anything but get into the girl's locker room.

But do prove me wrong. Go to those schools, tell them you are a girl and need to change in the locker room and let us see how far you get before the school's security is bouncing you off the ground and Chris Hansen calls you to be the first in his new series of world's dumbest perverts. You do not even need to go into the locker room, just try and get back to us on how well that works for you. It is so easy like you claim, so I am sure you can just do it and show us all how smart you really are. Just fair warning, it is illegal despite the law, but if you are going to claim otherwise put your money where your mouth is.
Some girls are tomboys and wear pants... You are blathering and being emotional. Now a guy cant pretend to be a girl and wear pants that look like guys pants? Where is your tolerance now?
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Then you need to read it again. Just because you feel that people with penis should be able to go into girls locker cuz they take a hormone doesnt make it okay either.

Just because you think it is wrong dopes not make it so. Sorry, but there is medical and scientific basis for this that your opinion doesn't stack up against. They are not doing this for a look at the other gender so please quit with the envy. I know you want to have an excuse for yourself, and you just cannot bring yourself to go through the actual processes of identifying and you think everyone is like you, vbut it simply is not so.
I have literally met gay people that swing to the other sex from time to time.

You are going full force ignorant on this one. BTW gender identification is completely different that sexual orientation. Sexual orientation has to do with other people, and gender identification has to do with yourself. You may want to familiarize yourself with the issue before speaking. It helps a little so you don't start comparing unrelated things.
You need to think about this realistically.

You mean like realizing no school is actually going to let some horny teenage guy into the girl's locker room because he said he was a girl and never went through any process or action to show it? You mean that sort of realistic view? You mean a realistic view that gender identification for trans kids is confirmed by medical professionals, and it is not just about taking a kid's word for it? Are you referring to that sort of realism, or are you really saying i am not thinking like you are in a state of ignorance and misinformation?
If you mix the genitals together then their is a chance for kids to get pregnant.

You do realize this law does not make it legal to have sex in the locker room, and that still would remain against school rules and perhaps even be considered child molestation by the state? You do realize TG kids are using the locker room to change clothing and to put their stuff in a locker for class? This is not a brothel dude, get your mind out of the gutter.
You keep them seperate and its not even an issue unless they ditch and go find a secret spot.

This is not about teen pregnancy at all, because if it was actually your concern you might have researched it and found out if you are on hormone therapy as a male or female with the hormones of the opposite gender it tends to make you unable to have children. Hormones are important for the biological functions that are involved with procreation. Do feel free to go educate yourself for a bit.

We do not need to be condoning mixing the genitals of little kids in school...

Wow, that is a bit prudish. You do realize kids do other things aside from screw like rabbits all day long, right? You do realize it is possible to have a male and female in a room together and not have sex, right?
I have problem with transgender people but you need to take your sick crap to another country...

I would suggest you might want to try a country with things that restrict freedom and liberty as they seem to conflict with your moral fascism. I am not really sure why you feel america is a place for telling others how to live and forcing them by law to conform with what you want, but after reading this I am not terribly surprised you are not aware of things like freedom and liberty being somewhat important to americans.
Wanting to mix little kids like that... Thats disgusting.

Thinking mixing kids in school is equal to them having sex is a bit ignorant.
I know you HOPE that they really are fully trans and would never touch a girl if mixed but hope isnt good enough.

I know it scares you, but that is not good enough.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Some girls are tomboys and wear pants... You are blathering and being emotional. Now a guy cant pretend to be a girl and wear pants that look like guys pants? Where is your tolerance now?

That is it? You are damned right, i am not tolerant of your fascism and attacks on people. Color me a bigot.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

No thanks. I'm not f'ed in the head.

So you admit that your argument is completely false because even you know there are consequences for that sort of behavior under the law you are complaining allows and encourages it. I am good with that. You are right, it is f'ed up and it is not allowed. Maybe you should stop claiming it is when even you do not believe it.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

So you admit that your argument is completely false because even you know there are consequences for that sort of behavior under the law you are complaining allows and encourages it. I am good with that. You are right, it is f'ed up and it is not allowed. Maybe you should stop claiming it is when even you do not believe it.

Just because it's f'ed up doesn't mean that it wouldn't happen.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Just want to throw in my two cents here. I do agree the wording for the bill isnt specific enough and would love to see it changed however I find the idea that a non transgendered boy is going to be able to use the girls bathroom just because he claims to be trans a bit ridiculous.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

That is it? You are damned right, i am not tolerant of your fascism and attacks on people. Color me a bigot.

Its not fascism... Forcing other people to have to mingle in private areas with someone that has a penis pretending to be a girl is more fascism to me. Allowing a loop hole that would allow for people with penis to go into a girls dressing room FOR ANY REASON other then medical emergencies is more like fascism to me. Why cant they just go change in the nurses office or lobby for a 3rd dressing room??? Why do you want people with penis dressing with girls because you feel everything will turn out ok and the world is full of rainbows? Its sick and disgusting that you would force kids with different genitals to mingle together based on hope and a magical potion that makes them feel more feminin. What about bisexual guys who pretend to be girls? You may want everyone to be okay with rocky horror picture show in the locker room but the average person isnt going to stand for it.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

That is it? You are damned right, i am not tolerant of your fascism and attacks on people. Color me a bigot.

You are the one saying a guy cant pretend to be a girl if hes dressed like a guy. Yet there are hetero girls who dress like guys... You have zero common sense.

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