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Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girls (1 Viewer)

Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

I don't believe a physically normal 4 year old would be subject to hormone therapy. Surely these are based on physical reasons and not "mommy, I want to be a boy!"

Thought I'd read that, but turns out that wasn't what was stated. Sounded weird. Seems like there are some children as young as 4 who IDENTIFY as transgendered. The earliest HRT that is administered is right around the time that puberty starts to emerge... which is what I had thought. The drugs will then act to block puberty.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Seems like there are some children as young as 4 who IDENTIFY as transgendered.

That's hard to believe.

The earliest HRT that is administered is right around the time that puberty starts to emerge... which is what I had thought. The drugs will then act to block puberty.

Also hard to believe, that people could be so sure at such a young age. I'd even think some of those cases are due to physical stuff. How many of the 12 year olds undergoing HRT have physical reasons? Not necessarily something as drastic as hermaphrodite, but some kind of indication of unusual birth or development.
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Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

That's hard to believe.

It happens, though. I've read about a four year old, and several pre-teens.

Also hard to believe, that people could be so sure at such a young age. I'd even think some of those cases are due to physical stuff. How many of the 12 year olds undergoing HRT have physical reasons? Not necessarily something as drastic as hermaphrodite, but some kind of indication of unusual birth or development.

The one's I've read about don't have any physical reasons. There is a 12 year old in England who is on the schedule to have SRS. No physical abnormality. There is an 8 year old in the US, waiting for the first signs of puberty to start HRT. No physical abnormality. Now, I'm sure that there are some cases where there IS a physical abnormality, but there are also others where there are not.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

I wanted to be a girl from a very young age. Very young. Guys joke about being a lesbian in a mans body. But I actually was one (still kinda am). When I hit puberty I used to sit and fantasize I had a vagina but didn't want to end up a pseudo-girl. I was very meek and girly, had boobs by 13, womanly face and voice. If I could have magically turned my penis into a vagina and it been the real thing I would have done it in a heart beat. But now that I am 28... And have had a few girls fall in love with my penis... Im sure glad that magic didnt exist as I have definitely grown into it. If I ended up with some pseudo genitalia cuz of a choice I made when I was a stupid kid I wonder if my life would be worse or better now days. I think sex changing stuff should be left till after 18 but who knows maybe my opinion is wrong. I dont think the "puberty window" is a good enough excuse.

I remember thinking "Its no fair because a vagina looks much much funner." Boy was I stupid (still kinda am).
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Don't envy me.

The acne I had as a teen was HORRIBLE!

Also I sweated so much, it backed up under my skin as blisters.

Other problems.

But, I found a career suitable to me. Ships captain..leadership is natural to me and big and strong helped when I was a seaman.

Being at sea away from normal society reduces my stress level.

And, it allows my adult children to excuse my bluntness and lack of social grace. LOL.

They introduce me to their friends with an aside behind a cupped hand. This is my dad (he's been at sea a long time)! :D

It was a joke, not actual males with an extra Y chromosome, but just large and hyper aggressive alpha male types :p (who I thought to have an extra Y chromosome.) I'm sorry for you, but just think, your life would've been much much worse if you were XXY or XO. At least what you have is manageable and within the range of "normal."
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

I wanted to be a girl from a very young age. Very young. Guys joke about being a lesbian in a mans body. But I actually was one (still kinda am). When I hit puberty I used to sit and fantasize I had a vagina but didn't want to end up a pseudo-girl. I was very meek and girly, had boobs by 13, womanly face and voice. If I could have magically turned my penis into a vagina and it been the real thing I would have done it in a heart beat. But now that I am 28... And have had a few girls fall in love with my penis... Im sure glad that magic didnt exist as I have definitely grown into it. If I ended up with some pseudo genitalia cuz of a choice I made when I was a stupid kid I wonder if my life would be worse or better now days. I think sex changing stuff should be left till after 18 but who knows maybe my opinion is wrong. I dont think the "puberty window" is a good enough excuse.

I remember thinking "Its no fair because a vagina looks much much funner." Boy was I stupid (still kinda am).

How can a vagina look ''much funnnier'' move on folks..nuthin to see..

A guy's genitalia looks like it was designed by a committee..No-one could make their mind up!!
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Apparently that's because you're homophobic and bigoted.

The correct terminology would be transphobic in this case.

I have to agree with CC on this one.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

It was a joke, not actual males with an extra Y chromosome, but just large and hyper aggressive alpha male types :p (who I thought to have an extra Y chromosome.) I'm sorry for you, but just think, your life would've been much much worse if you were XXY or XO. At least what you have is manageable and within the range of "normal."

Don't pity me.

I have lived a wonderful life.
My siblings claim I lived Dad's childhood for him. He started supporting his mom and sister and self age 11. Grandpa was hospitalized and remained till he died.

The acne and sweat blisters and not knowing my strength clumsiness, I outgrew.

Girls liked me even when my face was one large running sore!

I have sold oil paintings I painted, been a professional jazz drummer, won a scholarship to college, fought a war, married a wonderful woman, fathered brilliant kids, have beautiful grandkids, travelled all the world and made friends everywhere, reached the pinnacle of my profession and well regarded, made millions of dollars, confident in my manhood to the point I'm unashamed to weep at poignant movies, (wife thinks it's charming), and God loves me and blessed me abundantly.

I'm happy? YOU BET!
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

I wanted to be a girl from a very young age. Very young. Guys joke about being a lesbian in a mans body. But I actually was one (still kinda am). When I hit puberty I used to sit and fantasize I had a vagina but didn't want to end up a pseudo-girl. I was very meek and girly, had boobs by 13, womanly face and voice. If I could have magically turned my penis into a vagina and it been the real thing I would have done it in a heart beat. But now that I am 28... And have had a few girls fall in love with my penis... Im sure glad that magic didnt exist as I have definitely grown into it. If I ended up with some pseudo genitalia cuz of a choice I made when I was a stupid kid I wonder if my life would be worse or better now days. I think sex changing stuff should be left till after 18 but who knows maybe my opinion is wrong. I dont think the "puberty window" is a good enough excuse.

I remember thinking "Its no fair because a vagina looks much much funner." Boy was I stupid (still kinda am).

This post scares me to the core of my very being.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

This can't be right. I'm all for equal rights, but if I had a daughter I would not want boys in the locker room with them regardless of how they identified.

Apparently that's because you're homophobic and bigoted.

The correct terminology would be transphobic in this case.

I have to agree with CC on this one.

I'm not sure that CC ever claimed this (not that it would surprise me if he did, given other things he has claimed relating to the subject), but you would consider it “homophobic” (or “transphobic”) and “bigoted” to not want one's teenage daughter to be sharing locker room facilities with teenage boys? Is this what you are saying? If you had a teenaged daughter, would you really have no problem at all with boys being present in the same locker room where she is showering and changing clothes?
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

I'm not sure that CC ever claimed this (not that it would surprise me if he did, given other things he has claimed relating to the subject), but you would consider it “homophobic” (or “transphobic”) and “bigoted” to not want one's teenage daughter to be sharing locker room facilities with teenage boys? Is this what you are saying? If you had a teenaged daughter, would you really have no problem at all with boys being present in the same locker room where she is showering and changing clothes?
Here's a good clarifying question, do you mind if your daughter showers with someone who looks like she does but was once a man or actually has male genetics but never grew to look male?
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Here's a good clarifying question, do you mind if your daughter showers with someone who looks like she does but was once a man or actually has male genetics but never grew to look male?

Penis and vagina should be kept separate when it comes to kids. Period. Its as simple as that.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Penis and vagina should be kept separate when it comes to kids. Period. Its as simple as that.
So it's just the look then? No tabs mixed with slots and vice versa? What about the kids who have both, or neither? There are some you know.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Alas, I do not have a daughter, but if I did…

Here's a good clarifying question, do you mind if your daughter showers with someone who looks like she does but was once a man…

There is no such thing, in this case, as “used to be”. Someone who was “once a man” is still male, regardless of whatever surgical mutilations or chemical tampering may have taken place, and has no business showering with teenaged girls. In fact, I would be more concerned than with a normal boy, because for someone to be so determined to pretend to be the opposite sex as to go to such extremes in support of that pretense, this person is almost certainly seriously screwed in up in other ways that would rationally have to be taken as indicative that this person poses an unusually high risk of posing a threat to the safety and well-being of any vulnerable teenaged girl, in a vulnerable circumstances such as this.

…or actually has male genetics but never grew to look male?

Here, you're talking about a rare birth defect, which I consider irrelevant to the entire discussion. “Transgenderism” isn't about people with rare birth defects; it is about mentally screwed-up freaks who are driven to pretend to be the opposite sex from what they are.

How to deal with those who have genuine physical defects, which prevent them from falling neatly into the usual definitions of male and female, is a completely separate matter, for a separate thread. It has nothing to do with this thread.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Alas, I do not have a daughter, but if I did…

There is no such thing, in this case, as “used to be”. Someone who was “once a man” is still male, regardless of whatever surgical mutilations or chemical tampering may have taken place, and has no business showering with teenaged girls. In fact, I would be more concerned than with a normal boy, because for someone to be so determined to pretend to be the opposite sex as to go to such extremes in support of that pretense, this person is almost certainly seriously screwed in up in other ways that would rationally have to be taken as indicative that this person poses an unusually high risk of posing a threat to the safety and well-being of any vulnerable teenaged girl, in a vulnerable circumstances such as this.

Here, you're talking about a rare birth defect, which I consider irrelevant to the entire discussion. “Transgenderism” isn't about people with rare birth defects; it is about mentally screwed-up freaks who are driven to pretend to be the opposite sex from what they are.

How to deal with those who have genuine physical defects, which prevent them from falling neatly into the usual definitions of male and female, is a completely separate matter, for a separate thread. It has nothing to do with this thread.
So, two no answers and one, not with my daughter, so the transgender "woman" should shower with the boys then? That could be interesting. And vice versa, I'll bet your theoretical daughter would have quite the story to tell about showering with a female to male transsexual? But hey, genetically they are in the right locker rooms. The one who isn't is the XY female, a boy in a girls locker room but that doesn't seem to bother you because she looks right however the others do as well so now what?
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

So it's just the look then? No tabs mixed with slots and vice versa? What about the kids who have both, or neither? There are some you know.

They are lucky enough to have both they get to choose I guess. But I rather they use a 3rd facility unless that makes them uncomfortable. If they have neither then it isnt an issue for me what so ever.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

They are lucky enough to have both they get to choose I guess. But I rather they use a 3rd facility unless that makes them uncomfortable. If they have neither then it isnt an issue for me what so ever.
Kids don't like to be left out, and that promises to be interesting.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as gi

I don't really see the problem, depending on the situation. In a bar, it's probably not a good idea. But in a lot of dorms they have mixed gender bathrooms now, and is for the most part dealt with civilly. No one in their right mind will try anything in public.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

The correct terminology would be transphobic in this case.

I have to agree with CC on this one.

Don't think I said that. I'm pretty much against using the whole "*-phobic" term in all of these cases. It really doesn't define people who are anti-gay or anti-trans very well.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Here, you're talking about a rare birth defect, which I consider irrelevant to the entire discussion. “Transgenderism” isn't about people with rare birth defects; it is about mentally screwed-up freaks who are driven to pretend to be the opposite sex from what they are.

How to deal with those who have genuine physical defects, which prevent them from falling neatly into the usual definitions of male and female, is a completely separate matter, for a separate thread. It has nothing to do with this thread.

We've been over this, Bob. You, as usual when discussing this topic, post nothing but ignorance and irrelevancies. There is evidence that transgenderism is caused by an inconsistent hormonal surge during the 2nd trimester. This can be seen in size differential portions of the brain in folks. As the research on this gets more advanced and more narrow, the differences have been shown to be more profound and specific. Your anti-trans position is one of ignorance and a complete lack of understanding. Fortunately, whenever you post such inaccuracies, I'll be around to correct you.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

We've been over this, Bob. You, as usual when discussing this topic, post nothing but ignorance and irrelevancies. There is evidence that transgenderism is caused by an inconsistent hormonal surge during the 2nd trimester. This can be seen in size differential portions of the brain in folks. As the research on this gets more advanced and more narrow, the differences have been shown to be more profound and specific. Your anti-trans position is one of ignorance and a complete lack of understanding. Fortunately, whenever you post such inaccuracies, I'll be around to correct you.

and don't think we don't appreciate it ... so many inaccuracies, so little time ...
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Don't think I said that. I'm pretty much against using the whole "*-phobic" term in all of these cases. It really doesn't define people who are anti-gay or anti-trans very well.

I'm not sure that CC ever claimed this (not that it would surprise me if he did, given other things he has claimed relating to the subject), but you would consider it “homophobic” (or “transphobic”) and “bigoted” to not want one's teenage daughter to be sharing locker room facilities with teenage boys? Is this what you are saying? If you had a teenaged daughter, would you really have no problem at all with boys being present in the same locker room where she is showering and changing clothes?

When I said that I would agree with CC, I meant in that I agreed with what he said here:

Typical misrepresentative spin. What the OP claims is NOT what is in the bill. Here is the pertinent part from the first link:

So, what does that mean? It doesn't mean that boys can shower/change with girls or vice versa. This section is aimed towards the transgendered. Please READ before posting and coming to some silly conclusion.

As far as the issue, goes, my position is the same as that in the "bathroom" thread. If it is before physical transitioning, NO, if it is after physical transitioning, YES. You change in the place that matches your equipment.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

The problem is that most...whatever they are...don't want that rule. You get these pre-op folks who want to "identify" as female, yet they still dangle. I think the whole argument falls apart when you use the word "identify" too, because it's completely subjective and lacks tangent. It would be the same concept as that movie Minority Report, where you essentially arrest thought-crime. Since a kid can "claim" to "identify", we have to take his or her word for it? Sorry, not in my book.

And since we're discussing children, post-op never comes into play. I would assume arrest a parent who would let an underage child do SRS. You couldn't hurt that child more if they tried.

People can act however they want, as long as they realize the likelihood of being ostracized.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

And since we're discussing children, post-op never comes into play. I would assume arrest a parent who would let an underage child do SRS. You couldn't hurt that child more if they tried.
Hurt a child? That has absolutely no basis in reality.
Re: Girls locker rooms and athletic teams in CA now open to boys who identify as girl

Im not to worried its a matter of time before someone comes out with a sexual harassment law suit If this comes to pass a lawyers dream .

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