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Game Set Match for Tesla (1 Viewer)

Tesla Model Y Performance
Volvo EX30 Twin Motor
DrivetrainDual Motor, AWDDual Motor, AWD
Power Output455 Horsepower, 487 Pound-feet of torque422 Horsepower, 400 Pound-feet of torque
Range303 Miles265 Miles
Charging Time27 Minutes @ 200 kW40 Minutes @ 153 kW
These are car specs. We're talking about trucks 🚚
Joe Rogan: Cyber Truck is the coolest vehicle I have ever seen!

Well... Looks like "Game, Set, Match" turned into "Fault."

Musk announced that Tesla has *cough* slammed on the brakes for its plan to build out a big charging network. In typical Musk Goblin Mode fashion, this reversal came just days after saying in a securities filing that they were going to "rapidly" expand its network. :rolleyes:

Tesla fired 500 engineers working on chargers. Fortunately, since thousands of chargers are being added every month, they should get quickly hired by Tesla's competitors. (y)

Well... Looks like "Game, Set, Match" turned into "Fault."

Musk announced that Tesla has *cough* slammed on the brakes for its plan to build out a big charging network. In typical Musk Goblin Mode fashion, this reversal came just days after saying in a securities filing that they were going to "rapidly" expand its network. :rolleyes:

Tesla fired 500 engineers working on chargers. Fortunately, since thousands of chargers are being added every month, they should get quickly hired by Tesla's competitors. (y)

Mercedes-Benz is putting a national charging station system across Canada. They might hire those Tesla engineers.
I have seen thd new truck up close. It is absolute shit.

Tesla is a good company except for its shitty CEO. his rants literally killed the company with his primary market: wealthy liberals.
I have seen thd new truck up close. It is absolute shit.

Tesla is a good company except for its shitty CEO. his rants literally killed the company with his primary market: wealthy liberals.
??? Are you sure you thought about this? It sounds like horseshit on it's face. His primary market is the only thing that's kept the company going. How would his customers kill the company?

Or did you mean something else?
??? Are you sure you thought about this? It sounds like horseshit on it's face. His primary market is the only thing that's kept the company going. How would his customers kill the company?

Or did you mean something else?
Keep going? His company just laid off 10%. Sales are in the shitter.
Keep going? His company just laid off 10%. Sales are in the shitter.
??? So .... again, how are the people who are actually buying his cars killing his company?
From what economic wormhole does that spew out?
Keep going? His company just laid off 10%. Sales are in the shitter.

Elon is doing what he needs to do to make Tesla a 1-10 Trillion company.

He is a war-time CEO, stress testing the company and preparing it for its next growth phase.

Tesla is responding to a touch macro environment. Look at what happened to Starbucks, which has not responded.
Elon is doing what he needs to do to make Tesla a 1-10 Trillion company.
Really? He seems to be leading Tesla in the opposite direction. -40% YoY drop in EPS and -32% reduction in EBITDA.

And market cap is down by almost 1/3.

Elon is doing what he needs to do to make Tesla a 1-10 Trillion company.

He is a war-time CEO, stress testing the company and preparing it for its next growth phase.

Tesla is responding to a touch macro environment. Look at what happened to Starbucks, which has not responded.
Gross income fell in half YoY. His fault. Democrats don't like Twitter Nazis.
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??? So .... again, how are the people who are actually buying his cars killing his company?
From what economic wormhole does that spew out?
I read it to say that Musk's decision to act like a pretty dumb right wing troll on social media has at least to some extent alienated, dampened the enthusiasm, of wealthy liberals who have traditionally been the main buyers of Tesla cars.

I have no idea if that's true or not - haven't seen any market research of sales data by 'ideology' or anything. Anecdotally my liberal gay brother owns a Tesla, and he still loves the car but is pretty disgusted with Musk. So I guess to some extent he remains a customer in spite of the childish trolling of the CEO of Tesla who's the VERY public face of the company. It's not exactly a great marketing ploy, I wouldn't think...

This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle. The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL. The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.
TSLA is overvalued. NVDA now on the other hand. They are still undervalued. NVDA will be a 4,000 usd stock within the next 5 years.
Universal charging outlets, plugs, and charging stations should have been mandated by Congress to begin with. How hard is it to get up with the manufacturers to come up with a standard?

It's basic ****ing wiring.

The consumer got raped again while the supposed "know-it-alls" writing laws in congress let it all happen.
What do you think the "North American Standard design charging connector" is?
I thought the EV car market was dead.

This is REALLY gonna piss off a certain poster here.
Elon is doing what he needs to do to make Tesla a 1-10 Trillion company.

I'm sorry, but no, he isn't. He's distracting himself with Twitter, SpaceX, Boring, Neuralink, and bi-weekly doses of ketamine.

He is a war-time CEO, stress testing the company and preparing it for its next growth phase.

That's nonsense. What is "stressing" the company is the competition, which is now building smaller and more affordable vehicles; aging designs; product delays piling up; and Musk's own incompetence, which includes deliberately offending millions on the regular.

It doesn't help that he is trying to drain $56 billion from the company in the form of personal compensation, at a time when both the share price and sales are sliding.

Tesla is responding to a touch macro environment. Look at what happened to Starbucks, which has not responded.
Starbucks? Do they make EVs now? :rolleyes:

As to the "tough macro environment?" Oddly enough, car sales are up despite higher interest rates, meaning Tesla's problems are not being caused by the current low unemployment, near-normal inflation, wages rising higher than inflation... what's so "tough" again? :unsure:

(And no, Starbucks is not struggling because of the broader economy. A lot of its slowdown is in China rather than the US.)

Anyway. EV sales are slowing -- in part due to concerns about charging stations. If that assumption is correct, then Tesla cutting back on installing new charging stations is not "planning for the future," it's undercutting its own future growth.

Musk isn't playing 4D chess with global auto makers. He's screwing up and acting erratically, and this is just one more example of that. Fortunately, and again, it's highly likely that the staff he's fired will get hired quickly by Teslas' competition.

I'm sorry, but no, he isn't. He's distracting himself with Twitter, SpaceX, Boring, Neuralink, and bi-weekly doses of ketamine.


That's nonsense. What is "stressing" the company is the competition, which is now building smaller and more affordable vehicles; aging designs; product delays piling up; and Musk's own incompetence, which includes deliberately offending millions on the regular.

It doesn't help that he is trying to drain $56 billion from the company in the form of personal compensation, at a time when both the share price and sales are sliding.

Starbucks? Do they make EVs now? :rolleyes:

As to the "tough macro environment?" Oddly enough, car sales are up despite higher interest rates, meaning Tesla's problems are not being caused by the current low unemployment, near-normal inflation, wages rising higher than inflation... what's so "tough" again? :unsure:

(And no, Starbucks is not struggling because of the broader economy. A lot of its slowdown is in China rather than the US.)

Anyway. EV sales are slowing -- in part due to concerns about charging stations. If that assumption is correct, then Tesla cutting back on installing new charging stations is not "planning for the future," it's undercutting its own future growth.

Musk isn't playing 4D chess with global auto makers. He's screwing up and acting erratically, and this is just one more example of that. Fortunately, and again, it's highly likely that the staff he's fired will get hired quickly by Teslas' competition.

Are you going to short the stock? We already know the answer to that question.
As to the "tough macro environment?" Oddly enough, car sales are up despite higher interest rates, meaning Tesla's problems are not being caused by the current low unemployment, near-normal inflation, wages rising higher than inflation... what's so "tough" again? :unsure:

Anyway. EV sales are slowing -- in part due to concerns about charging stations. If that assumption is correct, then Tesla cutting back on installing new charging stations is not "planning for the future," it's undercutting its own future growth.

"Car sales are up"

"EV Sales are slowing"
"Car sales are up"

"EV Sales are slowing"
In the US, EV sales have increased since 2016. In 2017, there were around 65,000 EVs sold, and by 2022, that number had ballooned out to over 800,000 sales. Following an upward trend, EV sales increased 51% in the first half of 2023, according to data from auto analytics company Motor Intelligence.

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