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Game Set Match for Tesla (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Political Leaning

GM, like Ford, will collaborate with Tesla to share Tesla's fast-charging EV network​

General Motors is partnering with electric vehicle making rival, Tesla, to integrate the North American Charging Standard (NACS) connector design into its EVs beginning in 2025.​

CEO Mary Barra made the announcement about 4:30 p.m. Thursday during a Twitter Spaces talk she hosted with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who also owns Twitter.

“You have our full support and we’re incredibly excited to partner with you on this and make it an incredible charging experience whether someone is driving a car from GM or from Tesla," Musk told Barra. "This will be really great for consumers. We’re honored to have you join us.”

This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle. The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL. The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.
The article lacked detail, but seemed to indicate the the EV (car) end of the EV charging cable would become ‘standardized’ (use the current Tesla configuration).

From my (admittedly limited) knowledge of EV charging ‘systems’ there are two (major) concerns when it comes to (home) charging of an EV - the design (configuration?) EV (car) end of the charging cable and the design (configuration) the source (power supply) end of the charging cable. It seems that the charging rate depends (mostly?) on the later - based on the voltage and amperage of the source (power supply).

The following EV charging cable works for a Tesla EV and plugs into a ‘standard’ 240 volt 50 amp (MEMA 14-50) RV outlet (see second link).


This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle. The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL. The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.
If they can work out all the technical details - and that across the entire industry, this would be a coup indeed.
Tesla would first have to release its proprietary design for the connector to the masses and not charge them a royalty fee for using it.
OMG the blather gets richer and richer by the day. I don't know about YOU ALL, but I am glad Tesla is advancing EV technology. AND to hear the congratulations coming from the same crop of folks that have been claiming climate change is a hoax, climate initiatives are a woke wet dream and that producers of EVs will NEVER THRIVE.

The irony is staggering.

This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle. The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL. The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.

Universal charging outlets, plugs, and charging stations should have been mandated by Congress to begin with. How hard is it to get up with the manufacturers to come up with a standard?

It's basic ****ing wiring.

The consumer got raped again while the supposed "know-it-alls" writing laws in congress let it all happen.
Universal charging outlets, plugs, and charging stations should have been mandated by Congress to begin with. How hard is it to get up with the manufacturers to come up with a standard?

It's basic ****ing wiring.

The consumer got raped again while the supposed "know-it-alls" writing laws in congress let it all happen.
How do you have a standard for rapidly developing technology?
Universal charging outlets, plugs, and charging stations should have been mandated by Congress to begin with. How hard is it to get up with the manufacturers to come up with a standard?

It's basic ****ing wiring.

The consumer got raped again while the supposed "know-it-alls" writing laws in congress let it all happen.

Yep, it’s how we ended up with two ‘standard’ (yet different) 240 volt 30 amp outlets (and cords) for electric clothes dryers.

Not to be confused with the 120 volt 30 amp RV outlet.

I encourage every climate change denialist CTer to purchase an EV because they are excited that Elon spent 44 bill to unban the precious from a message board. Shit, you'll probably even like the car.

This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle. The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL. The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.
Right on Bucky. Right on.

Although there was a time when my TSLA shares were worth a LOT more than they are today, I'm still making out like a bandit. I'm hoping for a 5X within the next 24 months. (Crossing my fingers.)

Market Summary > Tesla Inc
244.40 USD+9.54 (4.06%)today
Closed: Jun 9, 5:14 PM EDT • Disclaimer
After hours 244.15 −0.25 (0.10%)
I encourage every climate change denialist CTer to purchase an EV because they are excited that Elon spent 44 bill to unban the precious from a message board. Shit, you'll probably even like the car.

Elon wins

If Biden and Democrats continue to promote evs, Tesla wins. Tesla has become synonymous with Evs.

Tesla doesn't need to advertise when the government is your biggest advocate.

And if Democrats go against Elon they are by proxy going against evs and climate change making them look like massive hypocrites.
How hard is it to get up with the manufacturers to come up with a standard?
LMAO - I remember Betamax. It was better than VHS, yet quickly went the way of the dodo. I remember Apple Firewire. It was much better than the USB at the time. I had to throw out a terrabyte storage block after that went south. And how many different USB cords do we have now? I'm sure I'm on at least my fourth different size iteration. And how many different power cords do computers have? I've got a bucket full of them.

Getting manufacturers to agree to a standard anything, in any application, has always been a difficult and rapidly moving target. We're lucky every different country and company involved in space travel has one standard for docking.
Elon wins

If Biden and Democrats continue to promote evs, Tesla wins. Tesla has become synonymous with Evs.

Tesla doesn't need to advertise when the government is your biggest advocate.

And if Democrats go against Elon they are by proxy going against evs and climate change making them look like massive hypocrites.
Go buy one. Post a pic.
Elon wins

If Biden and Democrats continue to promote evs, Tesla wins. Tesla has become synonymous with Evs.

Tesla doesn't need to advertise when the government is your biggest advocate.

And if Democrats go against Elon they are by proxy going against evs and climate change making them look like massive hypocrites.
NEVER bet against Elon.

He has alien D.N.A. He visualizes things you and I do not.
This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle.
What the what? 😆

The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.
Yes, they're agreeing on a standard.

This is a good thing overall -- but it certainly isn't a win for Tesla at the expense of Ford and GM. Ford and GM will soon get access to another charging network; Tesla gets its name on a standard. Ford and GM aren't even paying Tesla to adopt the standard.

I will say that if Musk is genuinely willing to give up some IP to support a standard, then good for him. But that doesn't change the fact that overall, he's a puerile egomaniac.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL.
Yeah, that's because it rather obviously was, and even more so now. Even if they somehow wind up being the only company in the US that ever makes charging stations, Tesla is immensely overvalued.

The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.
lol... What fantasy world do you live in? Tesla certainly isn't a "scam," it's just overvalued.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.
lol... What's that phrase about counting chickens before they hatch?

Tesla likely will be in the mix for a long time, but it is far too early to declare any "winners." The competition is just getting started, and conventional auto makers are already in the mix. Meanwhile, Tesla's models are already long in the tooth, with no refresh in sight. GM is boosting EV production. Demand for Ford's EVs is soaring. Ford already beat Tesla to market with an EV truck, with the added benefit that it doesn't look like it belongs in "Battlezone" -- or plagued by basic issues with braking and suspensions.

(Delays, we should note, are SOP for Musk. He promised to open the charging standard 2 years ago, and it's only happening now.)

Meanwhile, Musk is repeatedly shooting himself in the foot with his antics on Twitter, which is burning up huge sums of his cash and taking up a lot of his time.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.

Yeah, no. There are limits to the capacity of a guy who thinks that 4/20 jokes are the apex of humor.
Elon wins

If Biden and Democrats continue to promote evs, Tesla wins. Tesla has become synonymous with Evs.
lol... "Xerox" is synonymous with photocopies, but got swamped by Canon, HP, Kyocera, Ricoh....

The "IBM PC" set the standard, but quickly got beat out by competitors like Compaq and Dell. They eventually sold off their PC division.

Dumpster, Kleenex, Escalator, Thermos, Chapstick, Laundromat, Kerosene, Zipper, Band-Aid... all are or were brand names. Few now dominate their respective products.

Tesla doesn't need to advertise when the government is your biggest advocate.
Tesla will need to advertise, because the competition is growing every single day.

And if Democrats go against Elon they are by proxy going against evs and climate change making them look like massive hypocrites.
lol... What bullshit is this?

There is no contradiction in supporting EVs and criticizing Musk for his many, many flaws -- or noticing when those flaws interfere with Tesla's ability to execute. And as more competitors offer products, "Democrats" will not have to enhance the stock portfolio of a juvenile conservatron.
lol... "Xerox" is synonymous with photocopies, but got swamped by Canon, HP, Kyocera, Ricoh....

The "IBM PC" set the standard, but quickly got beat out by competitors like Compaq and Dell. They eventually sold off their PC division.

Dumpster, Kleenex, Escalator, Thermos, Chapstick, Laundromat, Kerosene, Zipper, Band-Aid... all are or were brand names. Few now dominate their respective products.

Tesla will need to advertise, because the competition is growing every single day.

lol... What bullshit is this?

There is no contradiction in supporting EVs and criticizing Musk for his many, many flaws -- or noticing when those flaws interfere with Tesla's ability to execute. And as more competitors offer products, "Democrats" will not have to enhance the stock portfolio of a juvenile conservatron.
The stock price says otherwise.
This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle.
Lol. BYD has 18% market share compared to Tesla's 13%.

In addition Tesla is about to be mowed over by a bunch of automakers who can actually screw a car together.

This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle. The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL. The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.

In my experience, the Tesla plug format is way better in so many ways than the current clunky standard plug used on all other EVs in the US. It guess it's possible that the latter has some advantage, but I'll be damned if I know what it is.
Lol. BYD has 18% market share compared to Tesla's 13%.

In addition Tesla is about to be mowed over by a bunch of automakers who can actually screw a car together.

Name one.
Name one.
Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, BMW, Mercedes etc. All the big boys who can build a car properly.

JD Power rankings of problems per 100 vehicles. Tesla is much worse than average.


A EV should be more reliable than a IC simply due to the fact there are fewer moving parts. But Tesla can't even get body panels aligned, a process that's hardly new.
Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, BMW, Mercedes etc. All the big boys who can build a car properly.

JD Power rankings of problems per 100 vehicles. Tesla is much worse than average.

View attachment 67451816

A EV should be more reliable than a IC simply due to the fact there are fewer moving parts. But Tesla can't even get body panels aligned, a process that's hardly new.

How anti American of you.

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