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Game Set Match for Tesla (1 Viewer)

Over the weekend I proudly voted for Elon's compensation plan in the upcoming 2024 shareholders meeting in June.

I would vote yes 100 more times if I could.

Thanks, Elon.
Over the weekend I proudly voted for Elon's compensation plan in the upcoming 2024 shareholders meeting in June.

I would vote yes 100 more times if I could.

Thanks, Elon.
You sure can pick 'em. Tesla and DJT!

Tesla is already a profitable company that produces a net profit on every EV they sell.

A lot of you bears assume these legacy companies will magically produce a profit on EVs when they have historically never done so. They also do not have Tesla's technology, r&D spend, cash balance, or innovation - Elon Musk.

It's sad and delusional.

It's like the people who said JCPenney and Sears would eat Amazon lunch once they launch their e-commerce websites.
You sure can pick 'em. Tesla and DJT!

Look at the stock price since IPO.

The point of investing is to make a massive return on your money.

People like you will always say Tesla is overpriced. It could be 5,000 or 5.
Look at the stock price since IPO.

The point of investing is to make a massive return on your money.

People like you will always say Tesla is overpriced. It could be 5,000 or 5.
Declining revenue, earnings and share price. Good job Warren Buffet 👏

Why don't you try zooming out and look at the past 5 years? The past 10 years?
Because I enjoy that you're losing your shirt recently. Go buy some more DJT.
Berkshire's biggest holding is Apple, a company that people like you have said has been overvalued for the past twenty years.
Buffet's biggest holding is Bank of America.
Buffet's biggest holding is Bank of America.

Wrong, not even close:

Apple percentage of Berkshires holding: 39.6. Bank of America: 10.8%.

Apple IncAAPL789,600,0005.1%$181.03$142,941,288,00039.6%
Atlanta Braves Holdings Inc Series CBATRK223,6450.4%$38.63$8,639,4060.0%
Bank of America CorpBAC1,032,852,00613.2%$37.65$38,886,878,02610.8%
Because I enjoy that you're losing your shirt recently. Go buy some more DJT.

How did I lose my shirt when I bought Tesla stock for under $20?
Well... Looks like "Game, Set, Match" turned into "Fault."

Musk announced that Tesla has *cough* slammed on the brakes for its plan to build out a big charging network. In typical Musk Goblin Mode fashion, this reversal came just days after saying in a securities filing that they were going to "rapidly" expand its network. :rolleyes:

Tesla fired 500 engineers working on chargers. Fortunately, since thousands of chargers are being added every month, they should get quickly hired by Tesla's competitors. (y)

Tesla is already a profitable company that produces a net profit on every EV they sell.

A lot of you bears assume these legacy companies will magically produce a profit on EVs when they have historically never done so. They also do not have Tesla's technology, r&D spend, cash balance, or innovation - Elon Musk.

It's sad and delusional.

It's like the people who said JCPenney and Sears would eat Amazon lunch once they launch their e-commerce websites.

Their profits have historically come mostly through selling carbon credits.

I guess Tesla Jesus can thank his lucky stars for woke lib-prog policies that allow for such economic trickeration.

This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle. The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL. The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.
I could have sworn there was a post saying hybrids were winning g the battle with EV's being shunned.
I could have sworn there was a post saying hybrids were winning g the battle with EV's being shunned.

All new cars on the road need to be zero-emissions vehicles.

Every year we delay, we are going to be extending the pollution from transportation.
Tesla is already a profitable company that produces a net profit on every EV they sell.
Okay, and...? How does that justify a P/E ratio of 53, when GM is 6? 🤨

It doesn't.

A lot of you bears assume these legacy companies will magically produce a profit on EVs when they have historically never done so.

The big auto makers only started making EVs until a few years ago, and Tesla lost money for almost twenty years before finally turning a profit. And they can handle a few more years of losses while eating Tesla's lunch.

Plus, it isn't just the "legacy" companies competing here. BYD is already outselling Tesla.

They also do not have Tesla's technology, r&D spend, cash balance, or innovation - Elon Musk.

EVs are not magic... and neither is the druggie at the helm of Tesla. Competition already exists, and has their own tech -- including hybrids, which (unfortunately IMO) are picking up a lot of the slack from slowing EV sales. Tesla's models are aging, with no substantial refreshes in sight. They squandered R&D on the Cybertruck, Twitter, SpaceX and other projects. Tesla does have a lot of cash on hand -- but it's trying very hard to blow a $54 billion hole in that cash hoard.

As to Musk? Again, he's clearly distracted, and it's increasingly clear that he isn't helping.

It's like the people who said JCPenney and Sears would eat Amazon lunch once they launch their e-commerce websites.
Oh, please. It's the Muskovites who are the delusional ones here, pretending that Tesla is a tech company when it's actually a car company. At this point, it's more of a meme stock than an accurately priced one.

Tesla could come out OK -- if, at a minimum, Musk actually gets his head in the game and stops screwing around with other projects; or hires a highly competent CEO and actually lets said CEO do the job. The problem is that neither of those seem even remotely likely, meaning that Tesla is likely to continue to lose sales, lose market share, and could very well end up as a bit player.
Okay, and...? How does that justify a P/E ratio of 53, when GM is 6? 🤨

It doesn't.


The big auto makers only started making EVs until a few years ago, and Tesla lost money for almost twenty years before finally turning a profit. And they can handle a few more years of losses while eating Tesla's lunch.

Plus, it isn't just the "legacy" companies competing here. BYD is already outselling Tesla.


EVs are not magic... and neither is the druggie at the helm of Tesla. Competition already exists, and has their own tech -- including hybrids, which (unfortunately IMO) are picking up a lot of the slack from slowing EV sales. Tesla's models are aging, with no substantial refreshes in sight. They squandered R&D on the Cybertruck, Twitter, SpaceX and other projects. Tesla does have a lot of cash on hand -- but it's trying very hard to blow a $54 billion hole in that cash hoard.

As to Musk? Again, he's clearly distracted, and it's increasingly clear that he isn't helping.

Oh, please. It's the Muskovites who are the delusional ones here, pretending that Tesla is a tech company when it's actually a car company. At this point, it's more of a meme stock than an accurately priced one.

Tesla could come out OK -- if, at a minimum, Musk actually gets his head in the game and stops screwing around with other projects; or hires a highly competent CEO and actually lets said CEO do the job. The problem is that neither of those seem even remotely likely, meaning that Tesla is likely to continue to lose sales, lose market share, and could very well end up as a bit player.

Again, you aren't shorting the stock, so what you are saying is based on your entrenched political leanings, which prevent you from even contemplating that markets could respond positively to Tesla as a dominant player. You have a blind spot that fails to align with reality.
Also, p/e is a simple metric that alone, tells you nothing.
lol... Your inability to respond to anything I've written is noted.

You claim Elon is idiot.... ya

SpaceX has flown 9 crewed flights for Nasa since 2020. This after the government gave them and Boeing $6.8 Billion for the space shuttle contract.

Boeing has launched two, non-crewed flights.

Elon should be the CEO of Boeing.

This is a game set match for Tesla. They have officially won the EV Battle. The Tesla Supercharger Network will become the gold standard for EV Superchargers. It doesn't matter if you own a Tesla, Ford, or GM.

I just chuckle and laugh at all the people on this board that said Tesla's stock price at 125 was overpriced. LOL. The bright minds on this board were saying it was a scam and that people should put their money in more lucrative investment opportunities like Target or Anheuser-Busch.

I will say this again, Tesla as a company is still undervalued. In the next 5-10 years, perhaps sooner, its market cap will exceed Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.

You can hate Elon Musk all you want, his company, through his leadership and vision, will become the largest and most valuable company in the world.

Eat it.

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