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Fox News caught again (1 Viewer)

That show is *on* Fox News - but that isn't a *news* show. It is an opinion show for entertainment purposes, not for news bites.
That show is *on* Fox News - but that isn't a *news* show. It is an opinion show for entertainment purposes, not for news bites.

Shhh, pete thinks he has a point., let him bask in his own... glory.
Video: Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Beck's Protest Footage | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

Not only does Hannity inflate the numbers, but then he uses 2 month old footage to prove it lol.

Got to love the daily show.
ill save the others the trouble and give the rebuttal that is coming. This is their opinion shows they dont have to tell the truth. But then they admit as fox has shown a majority of their programming is opinion and spin and not news. Remember pete the news shows use the famous line "some people say" and those some people who make off the wall comments are on their opinion shows. The opinion shows will make the outrageous comments and the news shows will report those comments as if they come from other sources. Just like how they use the ? marks in their scrawls at the bottom to try to distance themselves from the absurdity of the claims
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That show is *on* Fox News - but that isn't a *news* show. It is an opinion show for entertainment purposes, not for news bites.

That doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Opinion is supposed to be about the news, or current events, or whatever. NOT LIES...

This lame excuse trotted out by Fox apologists every time they get caught lyin' again makes the whole pathetic charade ****ing hilarious.

::We don't care that they lied.:: w.t.f. :rofl :spin:
ill save the others the trouble and give the rebuttal that is coming. This is their opinion shows they dont have to tell the truth. But then they admit as fox has shown a majority of their programming is opinion and spin and not news

I think they've even confused their own damn selves over at fox. I heard an ad for Fox and Friends a few days ago. Now, they've already admitted their 'news' hours don't start until 9am ... when Fox and Friends is OVER. Nonetheless .... the ad declared: Watch Fox & Friends ... hard news .... no bias

:rofl :rofl :rofl
That show is *on* Fox News - but that isn't a *news* show. It is an opinion show for entertainment purposes, not for news bites.

So then why call the network Fox NEWS?
Fauxbots gonna be mad at you. They don't like when a satirist exposes them. :lol:

No. I'm just not in the habit of getting my political commentary from Comedy Central anymore than I am of getting my news from Hannity or Beck. :shrug:

Is it really this ****ing hard for you people to comprehend?
Who, except a bipolar halfwit who can't tell the difference between news and editorial, calls Hannity "news"?

Who, except a bipolar halfwit thinks it makes a damn bit of difference?

Wait, bipolar halfwits ... and fauxbots think it's fine for editorializing and commentary to be lies.
No. I'm just not in the habit of getting my political commentary from Comedy Central anymore than I am of getting my news from Hannity or Beck. :shrug:

Is it really this ****ing hard for you people to comprehend?

And yet .... faux central is where you can find the lies, and comedy central is where they're exposed. FUNNY **** !!!
No. I'm just not in the habit of getting my political commentary from Comedy Central anymore than I am of getting my news from Hannity or Beck. :shrug:

Is it really this ****ing hard for you people to comprehend?

What is sad is that the political commentary on Comedy Central is more honest than the political commentary on Fox news. What is further sad is people offering any excuse for being intentionally dishonest.
Who, except a bipolar halfwit thinks it makes a damn bit of difference?

Wait, bipolar halfwits ... and fauxbots think it's fine for editorializing and commentary to be lies.

I never once said that. I'm still back at the hysterical handwringing over the "gotcha" attitude when you guys point out the obvious: Sean Hannity is not news.

What makes you think that's such a deep and impressive thought process going on there? Anyone with an IQ above 80 would know the difference so why are you so proud of yourself and chortle with such snarky satisfaction every time you think you're pointing something out to the rest of us?
What is sad is that the political commentary on Comedy Central is more honest than the political commentary on Fox news. What is further sad is people offering any excuse for being intentionally dishonest.

No excuse has been given as far as I can see. Just a reminder that no one with any intelligence gets their news from Hannity or Beck.

Try speaking to what I said instead of these garbled misrepresentations that you wish I had said.
I never once said that. I'm still back at the hysterical handwringing over the "gotcha" attitude when you guys point out the obvious: Sean Hannity is not news.

What makes you think that's such a deep and impressive thought process going on there? Anyone with an IQ above 80 would know the difference so why are you so proud of yourself and chortle with such snarky satisfaction every time you think you're pointing something out to the rest of us?

I'm astounded at the knee jerk 'it ain't news' crowd that comes out in defense of the lies whenever they are exposed.

That doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Opinion is supposed to be about the news, or current events, or whatever. NOT LIES...

This lame excuse trotted out by Fox apologists every time they get caught lyin' again makes the whole pathetic charade ****ing hilarious.

::We don't care that they lied.:: w.t.f. :rofl :spin:

I hate Hannity, I hate Beck and Rush, too. So I guess I'm not in the category of people who are hurt by all that kind of "stuff"
I'm astounded at the knee jerk 'it ain't news' crowd that comes out in defense of the lies whenever they are exposed.


No one has defended the lie. Please point me to where they have or STFU with your idiocy.

It just needs to be pointed out when one of you gets going with your cackling handwringing that the only person you are impressing with your statement of the obvious is yourself.

The rest of us have known all along that Hannity is not news. :shrug:

Goddamn is this really that ****ing hard for you?
I never once said that. I'm still back at the hysterical handwringing over the "gotcha" attitude when you guys point out the obvious: Sean Hannity is not news.

Well then WTF is he doing on news network if he is not news?
No excuse has been given as far as I can see. Just a reminder that no one with any intelligence gets their news from Hannity or Beck.

Try speaking to what I said instead of these garbled misrepresentations that you wish I had said.

Why is it that any time it's mentioned that Hannity or Beck got caught lying, instead of just saying "yup, that's a lie, and bad", it's "well, they are just commentators", like it somehow makes it ok then?

No one called Hannity a newsman that I saw, just that he lied.
Well then WTF is he doing on news network if he is not news?

I agree --- remove all commentary from news channels, that includes all the MSLSD shows which is around 90% of their liberal programming. ONLY hard news from now on. Great idea.
Well then WTF is he doing on news network if he is not news?

The same thing Olbermann is doing on the other channel. Being a **** stirrer and an entertainer.

I am seriously losing my faith in the overall intelligence of this forum.
The same thing Olbermann is doing on the other channel. Being a **** stirrer and an entertainer.

I am seriously losing my faith in the overall intelligence of this forum.

It's hyperpartisan --- in order to tow the party line, the whiners must trot out the latest fauxnews information... gotta be on the Obama train don't ya know?

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