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FBI Agents Visit Fla. Pastor over Quran Burning (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
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South Carolina
Political Leaning
FBI agents visited Thursday with a minister of a small Florida church that plans to burn the Quran on Sept. 11, as public safety became a paramount concern and President Barack Obama added his voice to the chorus of opposition.

FBI Agents Visit Fla. Pastor over Quran Burning - CBS News

Hmmmm....I wonder if the FBI has been dispatched to investigate the Imam Rauf yet? probably not.

Man, if a republican had been the President sending the FBI to investigate someone exercising their 1st amendment right the liberals in here would be feigning outrage left and right.....:shock:

You don't think it had anything to do with the pastor reporting 100's of death threats?

Nah,never give up an opportunity to whine about not having a Republican President.
Its because the Pastor is a neocon and Obama is a liberal, this would be the same thing if there was a neocon in the White House and some radical Muslim or militant Minority group was doing something to piss off the right.
You don't think it had anything to do with the pastor reporting 100's of death threats?


Nah,never give up an opportunity to whine about not having a Republican President.

Aw. come on, you about had several meltdowns trash talking Bush for listening in to terrorist phone calls over seas, but now it's all good to send the FBI to investigate someone making noise about exercising their rights? Where's your consistency brother?

Its because the Pastor is a neocon and Obama is a liberal, this would be the same thing if there was a neocon in the White House and some radical Muslim or militant Minority group was doing something to piss off the right.

Exactly! But I do question the use of Neocon....Are all conservatives "Neocons" Chevy?

Hmmmm....I wonder if the FBI has been dispatched to investigate the Imam Rauf yet? probably not.

Man, if a republican had been the President sending the FBI to investigate someone exercising their 1st amendment right the liberals in here would be feigning outrage left and right.....:shock:

If you think this constitutes being investigated by the FBI, neither you nor nobody you know has ever had the privilege. :lol:

That said, nobody's saying what the visit was for, so it's a little early to accuse the FBI of investigating this guy.
Hmmmm....I wonder if the FBI has been dispatched to investigate the Imam Rauf yet? probably not.

Man, if a republican had been the President sending the FBI to investigate someone exercising their 1st amendment right the liberals in here would be feigning outrage left and right.....:shock:


So you support this nut exercising his first admendment rights even though it could put troops in more danger than they already are? Talk about being un-American. I am ashamed of you.
If you think this constitutes being investigated by the FBI, neither you nor nobody you know has ever had the privilege. :lol:

That said, nobody's saying what the visit was for, so it's a little early to accuse the FBI of investigating this guy.

Shhhhh you're only allowed to jump to conclusions when it suits your cause...

Aw. come on, you about had several meltdowns trash talking Bush for listening in to terrorist phone calls over seas, but now it's all good to send the FBI to investigate someone making noise about exercising their rights? Where's your consistency brother?


Where's yours?

Aw. come on, you about had several meltdowns trash talking Bush for listening in to terrorist phone calls over seas, but now it's all good to send the FBI to investigate someone making noise about exercising their rights? Where's your consistency brother?


Show me a link where I ever said anything about Bush tapping into terrorist phone calls or otherwise eat those words.
Shhhhh you're only allowed to jump to conclusions when it suits your cause...

Wait, wait -- I screwed up when I was reading the OP with my Sekret Izlamuk Dekodur Ring, and I missed the part of the message where J-Mac said he wants to make sweet sweet love to Rauf.

Exactly! But I do question the use of Neocon....Are all conservatives "Neocons" Chevy?


Yes j-mac they are, and don't you forget it.
If you think this constitutes being investigated by the FBI, neither you nor nobody you know has ever had the privilege. :lol:

Actually I think you have it confused...I Don't think this constitutes being investigated by the FBI. And that Obama sent them there, and not to investigate the Imam Rauf and his ties, speaks volumes.

That said, nobody's saying what the visit was for, so it's a little early to accuse the FBI of investigating this guy.

Yes, they were just there because they heard that the church makes scrumptious cookies that they serve with tea for visitors, and the agents were hungry.....:roll:

Exactly! But I do question the use of Neocon....Are all conservatives "Neocons" Chevy?


My guess is that since the guy was ready to have a bonefire with the Koran is that he probably also supports the Patriot Act, NY using ED to stop the Mosque construction, beating the Iran war drum and growing the state under the false banner of security which are Neoconservative positions.
Actually I think you have it confused...I Don't think this constitutes being investigated by the FBI. And that Obama sent them there, and not to investigate the Imam Rauf and his ties, speaks volumes.

Would you care to share the message with the rest of the class, then, or are you going to continue to hiss and spit and make vague accusations?

Yes, they were just there because they heard that the church makes scrumptious cookies that they serve with tea for visitors, and the agents were hungry.....:roll

Well then, tell us why!
Not so fast:
CBS News said:
Last month Jones said in a deposition that he met with the FBI regarding threats to his life and property.
It appears that it may be the case here, too.
I forgot, I can only agree to the ridiculous conclusions you come up with.


I made no conclusion at all...

Because we don't really know why they're there. But you seem to know through the power of clairvoyance... tell me... who really shot JFK?
Show me a link where I ever said anything about Bush tapping into terrorist phone calls or otherwise eat those words.

Un retrievable since the place where you made such claims crashed and burned like it should have....But you knew that.....So I'll assume that you only said that disingenuously.

My guess is that since the guy was ready to have a bonefire with the Koran is that he probably also supports the Patriot Act, NY using ED to stop the Mosque construction, beating the Iran war drum and growing the state under the false banner of security which are Neoconservative positions.

You assume alot, but I don't know...

I made no conclusion at all...

Because we don't really know why they're there. But you seem to know through the power of clairvoyance... tell me... who really shot JFK?

JFK wasn't shot, he's alive on an island with the passengers from Flights 77, and 93 from 2001.

JFK wasn't shot, he's alive on an island with the passengers from Flights 77, and 93 from 2001.


And Elvis is the bartender:mrgreen:

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