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Father of Orlando nightclub shooter sat behind Clinton at Florida rally (1 Viewer)


Hates Kittens
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Jul 27, 2014
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Father of Orlando nightclub shooter sat behind Clinton at Florida rally | Washington Examiner
The father of the man who shot and killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., was seated directly behind Hillary Clinton during a campaign rally Monday evening in the Sunshine State.
"Hillary Clinton is good for United States versus Donald Trump, who has no solutions," he said, revealing he had even brought a homemade pro-Clinton sign.

Asked about sitting directly behind the candidate, and whether he knew if her campaign was aware, Mateen said, "It's a Democratic party, so everyone can join."

Orlando shooting gunman Omar Mateen father Seddique Mateen a Taliban supporter says God will punish gays - CBS News

The elder Mateen says he was saddened by his son's actions during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

He then adds: "God will punish those involved in homosexuality," saying it's, "not an issue that humans should deal with."

I really have no idea what to say other than this is just strange. Does this mean Hillary is a homophobe? I really don't think so but if this guy showed up at a Trump rally that asinine claim would be made.
"Security was laid back and lax"
Dire Straits, Your Latest Trick
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Father of Orlando nightclub shooter sat behind Clinton at Florida rally | Washington Examiner

Orlando shooting gunman Omar Mateen father Seddique Mateen a Taliban supporter says God will punish gays - CBS News

I really have no idea what to say other than this is just strange. Does this mean Hillary is a homophobe? I really don't think so but if this guy showed up at a Trump rally that asinine claim would be made.

Dire Straits, Your Latest Trick
View attachment 67205453

I don't know what to say about this, honestly.
I don't know what to say about this, honestly.

It's pretty strange. Personally and honestly I think the guy is really delusional. It would scare me to have him behind me in an audience.
I don't know what to say about this, honestly.

Clinton should immediately denounce the endorsement. Of she doesnt, it means she condones terrorism.
He got through security, and he is sitting up close. He's being treated like a VIP.

It seems to me all has been forgotten, and Hillary is pandering for the Muslim vote.
The Khans are still in grieving after 10+ years while this guy is doing pretty well. Perhaps how a child dies determines how long it takes for parents to become politically active.
The clintons have never had the back of lgbt voters. Never. More than that, they hold in greater value taliban sympathizers who torment their gay kids into a murderous rampage at a gay club. Trump is not the answer, that's for sure, but neither is hillary
He got through security, and he is sitting up close. He's being treated like a VIP.

It seems to me all has been forgotten, and Hillary is pandering for the Muslim vote.

yeah and by extension condemning the gay vote, so between not supporting gay rights until the rest of the country had, and her husband's signature on "DOMA", it's high time she loses more than just the redneck vote over her muslim extremist backers
I don't know what to say about this, honestly.

You hate gays? Your son shot up a bunch of gay people? Wait, you'll help me win a voter demographic, please sit here behind me...

That might seem crass, but it's the message conveyed....
You hate gays? Your son shot up a bunch of gay people? Wait, you'll help me win a voter demographic, please sit here behind me...

That might seem crass, but it's the message conveyed....

Why is it so hard for some people to see Hillary Clinton for what she really is?
That is strange, very strange.

I really don't think so but if this guy showed up at a Trump rally that asinine claim would be made.

Eh, I don't think it'd make a big difference. There are already videos recording Trumpsters shouting things like "Kill Her!" after Hillary's name is mentioned.
Why is it so hard for some people to see Hillary Clinton for what she really is?

Why is it so hard for some people to see Clinton and Trump for who they really are, and that understand that while Clinton is distasteful personally, she is a pragmatic politician. Meanwhile there are no positives to Trump, and he's almost certain to be the loosest of cannons when it comes to politics, if elected.

What sense is it supposed to make to say "I think Hillary is awful, therefore, I'll vote for the other candidate without further analysis"?
She knows this is as deep as the MSM will take it.

She knows she won't get the Trump treatment.
Hillary has at least one outspoken supporter who is an anti-gay, radical islamist and jihadi. If she doesn't denounce, she approves. At the very least, that makes her a gay hater. Is Trump a gay hater? If you say yes, please support your contention.
Same reason people can't see Chump for what he is.

Though it may be true that some people who support Trump are stupid, it wouldn't be intellectually honest to say, or even imply, that all people who support him are stupid.
This woman was not intelligent enough to know handling classified information on an unsecured bathroom server was wrong. So why does anyone think she is smart enough to know who is sitting at one of her rallies.

It will not take long before her sheeple supporters and media allies will spin this as her being tough on gun controll. How her inviting the father of a terrorist murdering homophob is a sign if how she can bring America together again.

I wonder If or how much the donation to the Clinton Foundation was to get a front row seat.
Um, okay? I've probably been to at least 500 political rallies since 2000. I've been onstage, behind the candidates, at many of them. I've also been part of the group that selects the people to be visible behind the candidate. We never asked them "Do you have a family member who shot anyone recently?" or "What's your view on men sleeping with other men?".

How does him being at a rally and being one of the people selected to be on the cameras behind the candidate equate to "Hillary hates homosexuals" and "Hillary supports Muslim terrorism"?
Um, okay? I've probably been to at least 500 political rallies since 2000. I've been onstage, behind the candidates, at many of them. I've also been part of the group that selects the people to be visible behind the candidate. We never asked them "Do you have a family member who shot anyone recently?" or "What's your view on men sleeping with other men?".

How does him being at a rally and being one of the people selected to be on the cameras behind the candidate equate to "Hillary hates homosexuals" and "Hillary supports Muslim terrorism"?

Your question is indeed intriguing.

As a self admitted "Rally Groupie," you are undoubtedly the most qualified person here to answer it. Would you, please?
I don't know what to say about this, honestly.

I would be more interested in patterns, not isolated sightings of specific people in an audience.

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