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Euro 2016. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2011
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Euro 2016.

Location- France
Start Date- June 10th

Group A

Group B


Group C


Group D

Czech Republic

Group E

Republic Of Ireland

Group F


The Usual suspects.
Germany, France, Spain and Italy.
France are my pick but you can’t count any of these 4 powerhouses especially Germany who have been average in the run up but they like to turn it on when it matters most.
Dark Horses
Belgium, England, Poland
All 3 of these teams have quality players who can provide some world class moments. Can they sustain that quality over an entire tournament remains to be seen. Belgium have some real quality in their ranks and will be hoping to perform better than they did in Brazil 2 years ago.
My England go into this tournament with no real expectations which could be a blessing. So much youth in the lineup and a lot of inexperience but players like Kane, Vardy, Alli have haed amazing seasons and will be hoping to bring that to France.
Albania, Iceland, Northern Ireland, Slovakia, Wales.

It’s a tough one to predict this year but I’m going to go with France. What say you all?
My England Team.

Walker Cahill Smalling Rose

Alli Rooney Milner

Vardy Kane
Euro 2016.

Location- France
Start Date- June 10th

Group A

Group B


Group C


Group D

Czech Republic

Group E

Republic Of Ireland

Group F


The Usual suspects.
Germany, France, Spain and Italy.
France are my pick but you can’t count any of these 4 powerhouses especially Germany who have been average in the run up but they like to turn it on when it matters most.
Dark Horses
Belgium, England, Poland
All 3 of these teams have quality players who can provide some world class moments. Can they sustain that quality over an entire tournament remains to be seen. Belgium have some real quality in their ranks and will be hoping to perform better than they did in Brazil 2 years ago.
My England go into this tournament with no real expectations which could be a blessing. So much youth in the lineup and a lot of inexperience but players like Kane, Vardy, Alli have haed amazing seasons and will be hoping to bring that to France.
Albania, Iceland, Northern Ireland, Slovakia, Wales.

It’s a tough one to predict this year but I’m going to go with France. What say you all?

Why are the Russians allowed to play?
They are in UEFA.

But, if the the Olympic team was doped in collusion with politics, then the soccer people would be too. Don't you think?
But, if the the Olympic team was doped in collusion with politics, then the soccer people would be too. Don't you think?

A lot of the Olympic athletes are state funded and trained. Football players play in different countries for professional teams etc.

It's just different.
Group E is the toughest one, by far, group F is the weakest one.
Group E is the toughest one, by far, group F is the weakest one.

Group C could prove to be tricky as well. Northern Ireland lack any danger men but they are very organized, same with Romania.
Group C could prove to be tricky as well. Northern Ireland lack any danger men but they are very organized, same with Romania.
Yeah, Northern Ireland are a fighting bunch, they will certainly cause trouble, and Sweden in group E is no joke either, Zlatan is always a threat. If I have to guess right now what national teams will be in the semis I think it'll be Belgium, France, Germany and Italy. Spain should really be there but I've seen several of their recent games and I dunno if they can manage to get back to their level from before the WC in Brazil. I'd love to see England making it to the Semis as well. There's no clear favorite this time, that's for sure.
Yeah, Northern Ireland are a fighting bunch, they will certainly cause trouble, and Sweden in group E is no joke either, Zlatan is always a threat. If I have to guess right now what national teams will be in the semis I think it'll be Belgium, France, Germany and Italy. Spain should really be there but I've seen several of their recent games and I dunno if they can manage to get back to their level from before the WC in Brazil. I'd love to see England making it to the Semis as well. There's no clear favorite this time, that's for sure.

Shame Israel couldn't make it, I thought you guys were going to make this one. Probably would of if not for Gareth Bale.
Shame Israel couldn't make it, I thought you guys were going to make this one. Probably would of if not for Gareth Bale.

We've been in a pretty good form during the first half of the qualifiers, won the first three games and done so impressively including a 3-0 againt Bosnia at home, then came Wales with Bale and beaten us 3-0 at home and made it look so easy. If we haven't lost that game we'd probably make it to the playoffs. Honestly I think that we didn't deserve to be there, the Welsh have been at a top form, not just with Bale, and we really lack talent in the country these days with many of the big stars of the older generation reaching retirement age.
Euro 2016 squads: All the confirmed and provisional squads so far for this summer's tournament - Mirror Online

Most of the major provisional teams. Italy is not there yet, but it was released a few minutes ago, so the page should get updated. Lots of key injuries around that make it interesting.

Looking at the teams, I will put the French team as favorites. They have a young team with one of the best goalkeepers around. Most players are on form.. putting it mildly.

The Germans are strong too, although I am not impressed with their strikers. This might be a big handicap. Relying in Mario Gomez as the only real striker might be a bad call by the manager.

Spain has a good squad as well, with some of the new people coming in. Leaving out Mata, Torres and whats his name from Chelski is a sign of a generational change. But including Batra (unless he is one of the unlucky) is puzzling. The guy has not played.

England has defensive problems, but good strikers. The defensive display by England and Smalling in the Cup Final was not exactly the best.

Belgium ... a dark horse. No Kompany, and lots of players who are not exactly "hot" at the moment. Their main problem is the center midfield. I just dont see a creative person there. It is very much dependent on two creative wingers... not sure that will work.

Italy.. another dark horse. A mix of new talent and old horses... could go far. No real superstar anymore, but if they can play together then the potential for a good team.
My flyer is Republic of Ireland to make round of 16 as I think they can still a 3 points from Sweden.
Varane out of the French squad.. and no Sakho.. hmm defense looks shaky now.
My flyer is Republic of Ireland to make round of 16 as I think they can still a 3 points from Sweden.

I don't know mate they were awful in the groups. That game in Ireland vs Scotland is as bad as it get's.
I don't know mate they were awful in the groups. That game in Ireland vs Scotland is as bad as it get's.

Huh? A bad group? They were in the same group as Germany and Poland, in which Ireland beat and drew with Germany. The difference between 1-3rd in qualifiers (group D) was 4 points. That's a drawing with Poland instead of a loss. and beating Germany in Germany (instead of drawing).
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Huh? A bad group? They were in the same group as Germany and Poland, in which Ireland beat and drew with Germany. The difference between 1-3rd in qualifiers (group D) was 4 points. That's a drawing with Poland instead of a loss. and beating Germany in Germany (instead of drawing).

I didn't say it was a bad group just that you were awful. I mean you edged out Scotland.... this will be a repeat of 2012 for Ireland, you're fans will make the biggest amount of noise.
I didn't say it was a bad group just that you were awful. I mean you edged out Scotland.... this will be a repeat of 2012 for Ireland, you're fans will make the biggest amount of noise.

Germany, Poland (both semi-rivals) and Scotland is a traditional Irish rival.. 18 points is respectable when you really look at it. An OG is the difference between 18 and 21 points for Ireland in that group.
Germany, Poland (both semi-rivals) and Scotland is a traditional Irish rival.. 18 points is respectable when you really look at it. An OG is the difference between 18 and 21 points for Ireland in that group.

And Germany were average and have been since the world cup. I mean they let John O'Shea score.
And Germany were average and have been since the world cup. I mean they let John O'Shea score.

Well it's not like O'Shea is horrible at heading a ball and he did score for Scotland as well. :lol:
Well it's not like O'Shea is horrible at heading a ball and he did score for Scotland as well. :lol:

I hope I'm wrong, I always get behind the Irish when it comes to football.
Lots of positives in this EURO warm-up for England against Australia. While still looking a bit shaky at the back, they look strong in midfield and dynamic up-front with Rashford and Sterling working very well together, Rooney at least looking motivated and Barkley and Lallana not terrible. Not the strongest opposition admittedly, but England look calm and confident. Well, apart from Dier.
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Lots of positives in this EURO warm-up for England against Australia. While still looking a bit shaky at the back, they look strong in midfield and dynamic up-front with Rashford and Sterling working very well together, Rooney at least looking motivated and Barkley and Lallana not terrible. Not the strongest opposition admittedly, but England look calm and confident. Well, apart from Dier.

Hehe Dier.. he has not played centerback in over a year.. so lets give him a break on that point. He was after all originally a right back, retooled to a centerback and then moved to defensive midfield where he is brilliant.

But I have sneaky feeling that the low amount of centerbacks will bite England in the behind..

Hodgson needs to cut the team down to 23 from 26. That means 3 have to go. Delph is already out due to injury (again) leaving 2 spots. Sturridge is a strong contender for one due to yet another injury, but who is the 3rd one. I suspect it will be Barkley. Reasoning is that the other candidate is Drinkwater, but he is a natural cover for Dier. Barkley has too much competition for the positions he plays. Only other person I could see going instead of Barkley is Townsend, but he is the back up for Sterling and Lallana on the wings.

We shall see..
Hehe Dier.. he has not played centerback in over a year.. so lets give him a break on that point. He was after all originally a right back, retooled to a centerback and then moved to defensive midfield where he is brilliant.

But I have sneaky feeling that the low amount of centerbacks will bite England in the behind..

Hodgson needs to cut the team down to 23 from 26. That means 3 have to go. Delph is already out due to injury (again) leaving 2 spots. Sturridge is a strong contender for one due to yet another injury, but who is the 3rd one. I suspect it will be Barkley. Reasoning is that the other candidate is Drinkwater, but he is a natural cover for Dier. Barkley has too much competition for the positions he plays. Only other person I could see going instead of Barkley is Townsend, but he is the back up for Sterling and Lallana on the wings.

We shall see..

I would rather have Barkley in the team than Sterling. Sterling offers us nothing.

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