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Elon Musk says Trump to be "reinstated" to Twitter (1 Viewer)

It is not. It is being a sap.
The term 'sap' is somtimes used to attempt to justify selfishness.

Good people are not chintzy. Generosity is a virtue.

Being chintzy is the mark of a selfish person.

Trump is an example of a very selfish person.

The reason generosity is a virtue is because if there were no generosity the world would be worse. Because there is generosity, the world is a better place. Generosity is an admirable trait and a benefit to the world. Charitable organizations that alleviate so much suffering, that make the difference of life and death for so many would not exist if there were no generosity.

And there is this pesky phenomenon generalized as: "What goes around comes around." It is very well known and recognized as real.

Basically, if an individual puts out negative energy, that is what they get back. Put out positive energy and that is what comes back.

If it were not for the spirit of giving there would be no XMas holiday as it is known in the United States.

Giving is not sap-like. It is in the spirit of good will.

Let goodness prevail! Peace, love and happiness for all!

Generosity towards someone loved is not being a sap. The trick is to love more people. It is actually possible to simply love everybody, love humanity in general. It is possible by understanding that some simply need to be loved from a distance and never told about it.
I saw an interesting guest speaker this morning who opined that Elon stopped developing emotionally at age 11 and now we have a kid in charge of an international media platform.
That sounds ridiculous, but I am willing to entertain the notion. So, what about Musk indicates he has the emotional age of an 11 year old? What were the specific things Musk said or did that suggests he is equivalent to an 11 year old, emotionally.
He also said something that resonated with me. That so many powerful people turned a blind eye to the propaganda shoveled by Trumpworld over the past 6 years because the benefit from it.
Sure, I'm sure that's the case, as it was the case that so many powerful people turned a blind eye to the propaganda shoveled by Trump's opposition over the past 6 years, because it benefitted them. To be of the view that there was no concerted effort to destroy Trump, that included establishment Republicans, the entirety of the Democrat Party, and most of the media is to ignore reality.
When people know the truth, it's harder for powerful people to "cut corners". A great example is where the World Cup is being held, Qatar. So much human abuse has and still is going on there, but FIFA got their million-dollar bribes, so: "Oh well".
Yes, and it's not as if the Democrats aren't willing to gloss over such "abuses." This myth that Democrats are somehow the party of care and concern is really a testament to the PR capabilities of the Democrat machine and the power of the mainstream media when it wants to peddle a narrative. Manufacturing consent is alive and well.

Keeping people in the dark or telling them the opposite of what you're doing is a way to operate Nefariously.
And that is precisely what the Democrats do.
Derp fuhrer doesn’t seem to have risen to Musk’s bait yet.
Alright, you do not need to be talking about me at all. It takes two to have a polite conversation. I insist we keep things respectful between us. If that doesn't happen I will cut it off.
Whatever. If you think what I wrote was beyond the pale, try being on the receiving end of some of the posts directed at me. But, in any case, my apologies for any offense given.
Now, we can fix our corrupt government but that is going to take positive attitudes, a very long period of time, and a lot of dedication by people who realize we the people have the power to do that. We are either part of the solution or part of the problem. Sitting on the sideline eminating negativity will not fix corruption. Criticizing the powers to be for not changing the system which benefits them is not going to do it either. Congress is not going to make corruption illegal until we force them to do it. We can actually do that. We have the power.

We had the chance with Trump, who was destroyed because he was an outsider (albeit a wealthy one) who was not controlled by the John Brennans, James Clappers, and the military industrial complex, and they saw that to deal with Trump, they wouldn't just get what they wanted. He didn't want to start new wars, and he wanted to take steps to keep us out of new wars - that is "energy independence" and the ability of the US to manufacture its own products (some semblance of self-sufficiency).

The reason we can't stop getting into new wars, is because the military industrial complex controls US foreign policy, regardless of who is in office, and if they didn't control the media 20 years ago, they do now. $100 billion to Ukraine, for example. No anti-war sentiment in the media at all for Syria and Libya. Nothing.
That sounds ridiculous, but I am willing to entertain the notion. So, what about Musk indicates he has the emotional age of an 11 year old? What were the specific things Musk said or did that suggests he is equivalent to an 11 year old, emotionally.

Sure, I'm sure that's the case, as it was the case that so many powerful people turned a blind eye to the propaganda shoveled by Trump's opposition over the past 6 years, because it benefitted them. To be of the view that there was no concerted effort to destroy Trump, that included establishment Republicans, the entirety of the Democrat Party, and most of the media is to ignore reality.

Yes, and it's not as if the Democrats aren't willing to gloss over such "abuses." This myth that Democrats are somehow the party of care and concern is really a testament to the PR capabilities of the Democrat machine and the power of the mainstream media when it wants to peddle a narrative. Manufacturing consent is alive and well.

And that is precisely what the Democrats do.
I'm not going to do a "point by point" on this. Elon carried a sink into Twitter HQ. A grown man, thinking it was funny. He's a child.

Now for your comparison of Democrats to today's MAGA Republican. You're absolutely incorrect.
I'm not going to do a "point by point" on this. Elon carried a sink into Twitter HQ. A grown man, thinking it was funny. He's a child.

Now for your comparison of Democrats to today's MAGA Republican. You're absolutely incorrect.
Well, if that's all you got - Elon making a joke - then you have a long way to go to demonstrate that he has the emotional level of an 11 year old.

I know there is no comparison. What the Democrats did from 2016 to 2020 and into 2021 is incomparable. The lies and conspiracy theories sold to the public, just to destroy their opposition, were mind boggling. They had no hesitance at all to lie and concoct stories, even when Trump was bad enough they shouldn't have had to, and anti-Trump Democrats didn't care and don't care one bit. They accept everything, and the truth doesn't matter.
Well, if that's all you got - Elon making a joke - then you have a long way to go to demonstrate that he has the emotional level of an 11 year old.

I know there is no comparison. What the Democrats did from 2016 to 2020 and into 2021 is incomparable. The lies and conspiracy theories sold to the public, just to destroy their opposition, were mind boggling. They had no hesitance at all to lie and concoct stories, even when Trump was bad enough they shouldn't have had to, and anti-Trump Democrats didn't care and don't care one bit. They accept everything, and the truth doesn't matter.
Yep, you're spreading the MAGA propaganda.
Well, if that's all you got - Elon making a joke - then you have a long way to go to demonstrate that he has the emotional level of an 11 year old.

I know there is no comparison. What the Democrats did from 2016 to 2020 and into 2021 is incomparable. The lies and conspiracy theories sold to the public, just to destroy their opposition, were mind boggling. They had no hesitance at all to lie and concoct stories, even when Trump was bad enough they shouldn't have had to, and anti-Trump Democrats didn't care and don't care one bit. They accept everything, and the truth doesn't matter.
His bizarre twitter posting history is a good clue. His posts look like they're from the mind of an 11 year old.
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We had to run some errands and noticed that many of the Trump '24 signs have been taken down. A step in the right direction.
Trump is the epitome of win/lose philosophy. He always wants to be the winner, of course, but that doesn't happen. When he loses it totally messes up his head. He can't admit he lost! Doesn't want to face the truth. He goes into 'alternative facts' zone. That's where he crosses the line from reality into fantasy.

Problem is: He takes a lot of conned 'marks' with him.

That's the biggest problem for USA politics right now.

We can't distance ourselves far enough away from Trump. The people who got burned are the last ones to admit it.
Trump needs an intervention instead admiration. His supporters aren't doing him any favor.
Whatever. If you think what I wrote was beyond the pale, try being on the receiving end of some of the posts directed at me. But, in any case, my apologies for any offense given.

Thank you. I know there is a level of animosity here and it's sadly contagious. I stand against that.

We had the chance with Trump, who was destroyed because he was an outsider (albeit a wealthy one) who was not controlled by the John Brennans, James Clappers, and the military industrial complex, and they saw that to deal with Trump, they wouldn't just get what they wanted. He didn't want to start new wars, and he wanted to take steps to keep us out of new wars - that is "energy independence" and the ability of the US to manufacture its own products (some semblance of self-sufficiency).

The reason we can't stop getting into new wars, is because the military industrial complex controls US foreign policy, regardless of who is in office, and if they didn't control the media 20 years ago, they do now. $100 billion to Ukraine, for example. No anti-war sentiment in the media at all for Syria and Libya. Nothing.

I totally agree we need to oppose war, and I appreciate that Trump did a good job of resisting that. I think he only did that because he couldn't see how it would work in his favor. I don't get that he really cares about other people at all. He had a chance to end the Afghanistan war but failed to follow through because a) It wasn't easy, and b) It was bound to be bad publicity. Democracy Now media source has anti war sentiment:

In Syria, at least 31 people were killed, including a journalist and 10 other civilians, as Turkey’s military launched a series of weekend airstrikes targeting Kurdish militias. Turkey’s government called the attacks an act of self-defense, after it blamed the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party for an explosion in Istanbul that killed six people on November 13. Earlier today, three people were reportedly killed and 10 others wounded in a Turkish border town after rockets fired from a Kurdish-controlled region struck a high school and two houses. Turkey’s government pledged to respond to the attacks “in the strongest way possible.”

I disagree that Trump has any intention of ending legalized corruption in American government. He benefits from it. He merely wants people to think he is anti-corruption. It is a ruse. He is excellent at fooling people. Trump is the world's greatest con man. And quite corrupt. He used a 'fixer' lawyer to get a special exemption from paying taxes on a luxury high rise in New York City after City Council denied his request. Trump Tower uses city services but pays no taxes. Ridiculous.
Thank you. I know there is a level of animosity here and it's sadly contagious. I stand against that.

I totally agree we need to oppose war, and I appreciate that Trump did a good job of resisting that. I think he only did that because he couldn't see how it would work in his favor. I don't get that he really cares about other people at all. He had a chance to end the Afghanistan war but failed to follow through because a) It wasn't easy, and b) It was bound to be bad publicity. Democracy Now media source has anti war sentiment:

I disagree that Trump has any intention of ending legalized corruption in American government. He benefits from it. He merely wants people to think he is anti-corruption. It is a ruse. He is excellent at fooling people. Trump is the world's greatest con man. And quite corrupt. He used a 'fixer' lawyer to get a special exemption from paying taxes on a luxury high rise in New York City after City Council denied his request. Trump Tower uses city services but pays no taxes. Ridiculous.
There is a reason Trump was the target of the military industrial complex and the security state. He wasn't controlled by them. Biden is a 50+ year politician who followed the required line for all those years. He didn't oppose a single or or a single weapons program in all of his years in politics. It's exactly like Shumer said once --- you don't take on the intelligence agencies, because they have a million ways to get back at you. That was supposed to be a shrewd line from Shumer, but it was really a disclosure - an admission - of who really controls American policy. You better listen to them, or they will get back at you.

Trump didn't just "not listen" to the John Brennan crowd. He told them to **** off, in not so many words. That was the problem.

Sure, Trump is a selfish, greedy guy. But, in that, the "good guys" and the "adults in the room" are exactly the same. The difference is, there is a great big club and some people are in it. Trump wasn't. And in that he was singular in American politics - well, with the exception of folks like Tulsi Gabbard, who also was on the outs for speaking the truth. Remember what they did to her? She was a decorated military person, serving in Congress, without blemish, and they made her out to be a Russian asset and sunk her. If that doesn't illustrate what I'm talking about, nothing will.
His bizarre twitter posting history is a good clue. His posts look like they're from the mind of an 11 year old.
Well, I disagree based on my limited experience with his Tweets, but if you have some examples, I'm open to seeing them. I strongly doubt they are particularly noteworthy. The guy is singularly accomplished in life. Had he stopped at Paypal, he would have been among the most successful people in human history. Emotional elementary schoolers tend not to do that.
Yep, you're spreading the MAGA propaganda.
Nope, that's the truth. The naive notion that Democrats somehow "care" about something other than winning is really hysterical. The two parties are controlled by the same people, and we the people are given irrelevancies to argue about. Pronouns. Whether we are "white supremacist," and whether gay marriage is legal. The rulers of the two parties make the decisions as to wars, 3/4 of trillion in military spending, tax policy, etc., and they own almost everything.

Consent is manufactured. We live in a propaganda State.
Nope, that's the truth. The naive notion that Democrats somehow "care" about something other than winning is really hysterical. The two parties are controlled by the same people, and we the people are given irrelevancies to argue about. Pronouns. Whether we are "white supremacist," and whether gay marriage is legal. The rulers of the two parties make the decisions as to wars, 3/4 of trillion in military spending, tax policy, etc., and they own almost everything.

Consent is manufactured. We live in a propaganda State.
I see you feel very strongly that both parties are just as evil. Have a nice day.
There is a reason Trump was the target of the military industrial complex and the security state. He wasn't controlled by them. Biden is a 50+ year politician who followed the required line for all those years. He didn't oppose a single or or a single weapons program in all of his years in politics. It's exactly like Shumer said once --- you don't take on the intelligence agencies, because they have a million ways to get back at you. That was supposed to be a shrewd line from Shumer, but it was really a disclosure - an admission - of who really controls American policy. You better listen to them, or they will get back at you.

Trump didn't just "not listen" to the John Brennan crowd. He told them to **** off, in not so many words. That was the problem.

Sure, Trump is a selfish, greedy guy. But, in that, the "good guys" and the "adults in the room" are exactly the same. The difference is, there is a great big club and some people are in it. Trump wasn't. And in that he was singular in American politics - well, with the exception of folks like Tulsi Gabbard, who also was on the outs for speaking the truth. Remember what they did to her? She was a decorated military person, serving in Congress, without blemish, and they made her out to be a Russian asset and sunk her. If that doesn't illustrate what I'm talking about, nothing will.
Nothing will convince me that America is hopeless because I believe in the American Dream. I believe in the spirit of the Constitution and what the framers had in mind. We can have our self-governed country and we can improve it. We just need to work around all the Debbie Downer attitudes that claim it can't be done. Just like the framers did. Trump is a waste of our time. We must work within the system to change the system for the better.
Well, I disagree based on my limited experience with his Tweets, but if you have some examples, I'm open to seeing them. I strongly doubt they are particularly noteworthy. The guy is singularly accomplished in life. Had he stopped at Paypal, he would have been among the most successful people in human history. Emotional elementary schoolers tend not to do that.
Musk 2.jpg
Musk 6.jpg
Musk 3.jpg
Well, I disagree based on my limited experience with his Tweets, but if you have some examples, I'm open to seeing them. I strongly doubt they are particularly noteworthy. The guy is singularly accomplished in life. Had he stopped at Paypal, he would have been among the most successful people in human history. Emotional elementary schoolers tend not to do that.
Musk 4.jpg
Musk 5.jpg
Nothing will convince me that America is hopeless because I believe in the American Dream.
It's hope is to be rid of the controlling interests who have determined American policy and fueled the war machine for the past 50-60 years. They manufacture consent.
I believe in the spirit of the Constitution and what the framers had in mind. We can have our self-governed country and we can improve it. We just need to work around all the Debbie Downer attitudes that claim it can't be done. Just like the framers did. Trump is a waste of our time. We must work within the system to change the system for the better.
That's fine, but the ones that were telling us that we needed to get rid of Trump, and "get back to" the honorable people who were in charge pe-Trump are the bad guys -- they are the war criminals - they committed war crimes in Korea, in Vietnam, in Chile, in Nicaragua, in El Salvador, in Panama, In the Persian Gulf War, in the Iraq War, in Libya, in Syria, in Yemen - they interfered with governments all over the world - they interfered with democracies all over the world - as late as 2014 they supported a coup in Ukraine.

The "adults in the room" were and are war criminals, and they serve their own interests. They are not there trying to serve our American dream.
We had to run some errands and noticed that many of the Trump '24 signs have been taken down. A step in the right direction.

Just like the “Back the Blue” flags all disappeared right after Jan 6th.
Well, I disagree based on my limited experience with his Tweets, but if you have some examples, I'm open to seeing them. I strongly doubt they are particularly noteworthy. The guy is singularly accomplished in life. Had he stopped at Paypal, he would have been among the most successful people in human history. Emotional elementary schoolers tend not to do that.
Emotional maturity and intellectual maturity are not the same thing. One can be a successful businessman without the ability to relate to normal adults.

Yes, it doesn't happen often, but the acquisition of wealth does not preclude one from being emotionally immature.
I label you a never Trumper because you don't like his personality. A person who firmly believes the election was rigged as do I would be weak to say otherwise. NOTHING to see HERE, folks.

View attachment 67424121

Nice catalog of rejected and unproven manufactured claims by people who have been discredited, and in some cases, disbarred.
The man is a child mentally. His success was listening to the right people on how to invest his fathers money.

He didn’t listen to anybody (except Roger Stone). And he didn’t invest his father‘s money.

He pissed it away on projects that never amounted to anything, and the lawsuits that resulted when he broke his promises and didn’t pay his bills. And on things like buying the New Jersey Nationals and Trump Airline.

And the self immolution he did to himself in Atlantic City.

By that time, he had gone through the estate, sold off most of the original empire to pay his debts and was in deep with Russian money launderers and their oligarch friends.
Emotional maturity and intellectual maturity are not the same thing. One can be a successful businessman without the ability to relate to normal adults.

Yes, it doesn't happen often, but the acquisition of wealth does not preclude one from being emotionally immature.
You mean like Trump?

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