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Donald Trump: London mayor made 'very rude statements' about me (1 Viewer)


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Jun 20, 2008
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(CNN)Donald Trump said Monday London's new mayor made "very rude statements" about him -- and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee warned he won't have a good relationship with British Prime Minister David Cameron if he's elected.
Trump made the comments in an interview with ITV's "Good Morning Britain" host Piers Morgan, when asked to respond to criticisms made about him by British politicians.

Donald Trump on London mayor's comments: 'Very rude' - CNNPolitics.com

So a mayor in another country hurt his feelings, and he already knows (and publicly announces) that he's going to have bad relations with the head of our #1 closest ally. This must be that "Great Statesman" quality that has been so elusive in our country's leadership for so long.

I already know Trump supporters are going to flood this thread with statements about Trump's brilliant negotiating skills that we're all just too stupid to get, I just wanted to share. But my favorite part is actually this:

He continued: "Number one, I'm not stupid, okay? I can tell you that right now. Just the opposite.

Oh, well thanks for setting the record straight, Donald. Some of us were starting to worry.
Donald Trump on London mayor's comments: 'Very rude' - CNNPolitics.com

So a mayor in another country hurt his feelings, and he already knows (and publicly announces) that he's going to have bad relations with the head of our #1 closest ally. This must be that "Great Statesman" quality that has been so elusive in our country's leadership for so long.

I already know Trump supporters are going to flood this thread with statements about Trump's brilliant negotiating skills that we're all just too stupid to get, I just wanted to share. But my favorite part is actually this:

Oh, well thanks for setting the record straight, Donald. Some of us were starting to worry.

Wait, London is our #1 closest ally? When did that happen?

Btw, who the **** cares what the mayor of that POS city thinks. The whole place smells of dog **** and what is most likely human urine.

Btw, the position only dates back to 2000.
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Wait, London is our #1 closest ally? When did that happen?

Btw, who the **** cares what the mayor of that POS city thinks. The whole place smells of dog **** and what is most likely human urine.

Trump obviously seems to care.

Shortly after taking office, Khan criticized Trump's views of Islam as ignorant -- remarks that Trump said had offended him. The new mayor had been responding to a suggestion from Trump that he would make an "exception" to his proposed "temporary Muslim ban" for Khan.
Trump cannot help but **** up, and his arrogance will cost us all if he is elected.
Wait, hold on, Trump thinks that Mayor Khan was the one who initiated the rude, nasty comments?

This man is a child.
"Let's take an I.Q. test," Trump said Monday, adding that Khan had never met him and "doesn't know what I'm all about."

"I think they're very rude statements and frankly, tell him, I will remember those statements. They're very nasty statements."

I think this stands for itself.
Wait, London is our #1 closest ally? When did that happen?

Btw, who the **** cares what the mayor of that POS city thinks. The whole place smells of dog **** and what is most likely human urine.

Btw, the position only dates back to 2000.

David Cameron.......he said he wasn't going to have a good relationship with David Cameron either.

You know, the guy who runs England
Wait, hold on, Trump thinks that Mayor Khan was the one who initiated the rude, nasty comments?

This man is a child.

Up until now no one outside of London knew or cared who was the mayor of London. He initiated the rude comments. The anti-Trumpeteers in the media made it a story, otherwise, again who cares what the mayor of that **** heap has to say. Trump responded.
Trump cannot help but **** up, and his arrogance will cost us all if he is elected.

If he is elected, I can't imagine anyone would want to be his Press Secretary. It would be like walking behind the elephants with a broom all day every day.
Up until now no one outside of London knew or cared who was the mayor of London. He initiated the rude comments. The anti-Trumpeteers in the media made it a story, otherwise, again who cares what the mayor of that **** heap has to say. Trump responded.

Mayor Khan called Trump "ignorant about Islam." That was his rude comment. But not to worry: Trump has officially challenged Khan to an IQ duel, so I think we can all agree this will be settled in a timely manner.
If he is elected, I can't imagine anyone would want to be his Press Secretary. It would be like walking behind the elephants with a broom all day every day.

If Trump is elected, he will go through a record number of Press Secretaries. It cannot be another way given how frequently he will be combative with even our closest allies.
Mayor Khan called Trump "ignorant about Islam." That was his rude comment. But not to worry: Trump has officially challenged Khan to an IQ duel, so I think we can all agree this will be settled in a timely manner.

I appreciated the 12 year old on 4Chan comment too.
Wait, London is our #1 closest ally? When did that happen?

Trump said he would not have a good relationship with British PM David Cameron. Great Britain is our closest ally. That's what was being referenced in the OP.

I worry about why I would need to clarify that for you.
Up until now no one outside of London knew or cared who was the mayor of London. He initiated the rude comments. The anti-Trumpeteers in the media made it a story, otherwise, again who cares what the mayor of that **** heap has to say. Trump responded.

The fact that a major western city had finally elected a muslim for governor had already made headlines.

As a muslim, he would obviously be asked about a Presidential Candidate from Britain's closest ally, and especially about comments about how "Muslims hate us" and that he would seek to implement "a complete and total ban of all muslims entering the country."

If you are really confused as to why those comments would offend a practicing muslim...well then I think you would be lying. I think it is more accurate to characterize your feelings (as well as Trump's) that you just not care whether they are offended.

Although why you or our president shouldn't care about the beliefs or opinions of the leader of the capitol city of our closest ally is another issue altogether.
Mayor Khan called Trump "ignorant about Islam." That was his rude comment. But not to worry: Trump has officially challenged Khan to an IQ duel, so I think we can all agree this will be settled in a timely manner.

Trump's response to being called ignorant is an IQ duel? Does he have any idea how ignorant that is? Intelligence =! Ignorance
Trump's response to being called ignorant is an IQ duel? Does he have any idea how ignorant that is? Intelligence =! Ignorance

I regret to inform you I wasn't kidding:

"Let's take an I.Q. test," Trump said Monday, adding that Khan had never met him and "doesn't know what I'm all about."
So... was there something newsworthy about this story?
Trump's response to being called ignorant is an IQ duel? Does he have any idea how ignorant that is? Intelligence =! Ignorance

Trump is ignorant of that fact
Donald Trump on London mayor's comments: 'Very rude' - CNNPolitics.com

So a mayor in another country hurt his feelings, and he already knows (and publicly announces) that he's going to have bad relations with the head of our #1 closest ally. This must be that "Great Statesman" quality that has been so elusive in our country's leadership for so long.

I already know Trump supporters are going to flood this thread with statements about Trump's brilliant negotiating skills that we're all just too stupid to get, I just wanted to share. But my favorite part is actually this:

Oh, well thanks for setting the record straight, Donald. Some of us were starting to worry.

This is why we cannot have Trump as Head of State. The man is too much of an arrogant baby.
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So... was there something newsworthy about this story?

Yes. Trump is a baby wearing an adult suit, and has no place leading a neighborhood council let alone a nation with the world's largest economy and most powerful military.
Anonymous sources report Trump as saying that "Had my father still been alive, he totally could have beat up Mayor Khan's dad."
Trump said he would not have a good relationship with British PM David Cameron. Great Britain is our closest ally. That's what was being referenced in the OP.

I worry about why I would need to clarify that for you.

Read the OP, there was no mention of Cameron, but only the mayor of London which is supposedly our closest ally now. :lamo

I worry about why I would need to clarify that for you.
Read the OP, there was no mention of Cameron, but only the mayor of London which is supposedly our closest ally now. :lamo

I worry about why I would need to clarify that for you.

Uh, the OP wasn't exactly War and Peace. Read it again. I am deeply, deeply concerned about your reading comprehension.
Yes. Trump is a baby wearing an adult suit, and has no place leading a neighborhood council let alone a nation with the world's largest economy and most powerful military.

You Brits don't have anything to worry about on that last. Our current POTUS is very busy making sure those last two attributes will no longer apply to us by the time he leaves office.

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