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Do you flirt or get flirted with? With who, or by who? (1 Viewer)

Combination Between dyslexia and irritating word replace. Grrr

Oh, I thought there was a Vail, Colorado reference that I missed... :lol:
Never had trouble getting laid..ies and many approached me.
I know exactly that type, one of them almost had me convinced to buy some very expensive hair straightening products. Almost, although if I had the money I may have fallen for her charm. I could imagine how that might be a little harder for a guy to resist, she was very beautiful in that Israeli way and I loved the accent.

Personally, I am immune to the 'flirt to sell'... my skeptical nature about salespeople come to the fore right away.
Sooo... I got this girl's name today, and asked if she was okay with me looking her up online. She agreed, but said that she didn't have an American cell number when I asked, and seemed noticably less enthused about the whole affair than her previous behavior might imply.

Meh. I guess I'll add her tomorrow, try to send her a message, and see what comes of it. :shrug:

She might have simply been trying to butter me up for an eventual sale, I suppose. However, I can't say with any degree of certainty just yet.

"Fool me once," SeaSpa INC.

"Fool me once." :lol:
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Sooo... I got this girl's name today, and asked if she was okay with me looking her up online. She agreed, but said that she didn't have an American cell number when I asked, and seemed noticably less enthused about the whole affair than her previous behavior might imply.

Meh. I guess I'll add her tomorrow, try to send her a message, and see what comes of it. :shrug:

She might have simply been trying to butter me up for an eventual sale, I suppose. However, I can't say with any degree of certainty just yet.

"Fool me once," SeaSpa INC.

"Fool me once." :lol:
She is from Israel correct?

They have different standards.
She is from Israel correct?

They have different standards.
Who knows. :shrug:

I do know, however, that she basically makes a living by flirting with men, which is exactly why I was sort of stand-offish to begin with.

It's a bit like dealing with a stripper, to be honest. Regular women are bad enough when it comes to "playing games." When it comes to women who have such games all but honed down to a professional science, with whom there's really no way of accurately gauging the sincerity of their intentions ahead of time, you're usually better off simply assuming that they're not being sincere until proven otherwise.

But either way, "eh." I've got nothing better to do right this minute, so I figure it's worth a gamble. :lol:
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Who knows. :shrug:

I do know, however, that she basically makes a living by flirting with men, which is exactly why I was sort of stand-offish to begin with.

It's a bit like dealing with a stripper, to be honest. Regular women are bad enough when it comes to "playing games." When it comes to women who have such games all but honed down to a professional science, with whom there's really no way of accurately gauging the sincerity of their intentions ahead of time, you're usually better off simply assuming that they're not being sincere until proven otherwise.

But either way, "eh." I've got nothing better to do right this minute, so I figure it's worth a gamble. :lol:
I worked security for a strip club, you know which guys got the strippers? The ones that showed no interest in the strippers.

She is an ambush predator that hunts men by flirting. Don't flirt it won't work. plus it shows her respect. Hell, I'd even tell you to not pay for her drink or meal. She can get any man she wants, she sells manicure crap, way over priced manicure crap to lumber jacks. trick is be something she can't get.

I worked in a strip club and had no interest in women, the people watching though, that was worth it.
I worked security for a strip club, you know which guys got the strippers? The ones that showed no interest in the strippers.

Strippers are best sought at IHop after bars/clubs close. People worry about hookin' up at the bar, hah. There's plenty of action to be found after last call.
I'm talking about the guys that skip ihop and "coik" something at home.

Can't skip ihop, gotta eat after a night of revelry. I dunno what coik means.
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Ihop/wafflehouse/strange place serving exotic omelettes ad: There's action to be found after last call.
I worked security for a strip club, you know which guys got the strippers? The ones that showed no interest in the strippers.

She is an ambush predator that hunts men by flirting. Don't flirt it won't work. plus it shows her respect. Hell, I'd even tell you to not pay for her drink or meal. She can get any man she wants, she sells manicure crap, way over priced manicure crap to lumber jacks. trick is be something she can't get.

I worked in a strip club and had no interest in women, the people watching though, that was worth it.

Ironically, I may have inadvertently played this just right (if it turns out she actually is interested). I let her initiate interaction to start off with, and I also kept interaction after that to a mostly token level - usually no more than a few seconds in passing - simply because of her company's reputation.

A couple of the other girls at the Mall also like to hang out with the security guards on their lunch breaks, and we will walk them out to their cars at the end of the night.

Put that all together, and you've basically got a guy who's not really paying her the level of attention she's used to, and also seems to be hanging out with tons of different girls every day. Might've very well piqued her interest. :lol:

Like I said before though, I guess we'll find out one way or another. :shrug:
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Ironically, I may have inadvertently played this just right (if it turns out she actually is interested). I let her initiate interaction to start off with, and I also kept interaction after that to a mostly token level - usually no more than a few seconds in passing - simply because of her company's reputation.

A couple of the other girls at the Mall also like to hang out with the security guards on their lunch breaks, and we will walk them out to their cars at the end of the night.

Put that all together, and you've basically got a guy who's not really paying much attention to her, and also seems to be hanging out with tons of different girls every day. Might've very well piqued her interest. :lol:

Like I said before though, I guess we'll find out one way or another. :shrug:
nothing ventured my good man.
Put that all together, and you've basically got a guy who's not really paying her the level of attention she's used to, and also seems to be hanging out with tons of different girls every day. Might've very well piqued her interest. :lol:

Like I said before though, I guess we'll find out one way or another. :shrug:

The games people play...............:2razz:
The games people play...............:2razz:

Well, like I said, it wasn't necessarily deliberate or anything. I'm not that devious. :lol:

It also might not have even worked.

I can just see how things might have seemed that way. :2razz:
Well, like I said, it wasn't necessarily deliberate or anything. I'm not that devious. :lol:

It also might not have even worked.

I can just see how things might have seemed that way. :2razz:

I was just razzing you, lol. I personally find it pretty fascinating to see how people respond to different approaches.
I was just razzing you, lol. I personally find it pretty fascinating to see how people respond to different approaches.

It'd be great if things weren't so jaded, and everything were as simple as "I like you, let's go out some time" without all the ridiculous social posturing, feints, counter-feints, feigned interest/disinterest, attempted mind reading, and general game playing that seems to go into it these days.

That just doesn't seem to be the world we're living in, unfortunately.

What I can't believe is that some people actually like all of this crap. It just gives me a damn headache. :lol:
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I don't flirt unless someone I'm attracted to flirts with me first.

I'm an attractive woman who has been hit on all my adult life mostly by men and married women.
I don't flirt unless someone I'm attracted to flirts with me first.

I'm an attractive woman who has been hit on all my adult life mostly by men and married women.


Welcome to the Forums of Debate Politics Coolia.
I don't flirt unless someone I'm attracted to flirts with me first.

I'm an attractive woman who has been hit on all my adult life mostly by men and married women.

Amazing how many married women seem to be attracted to other women.

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