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Do you flirt or get flirted with? With who, or by who? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 16, 2014
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Pennsylvania, USA
Political Leaning
I routinely get casually hit on at the bar by older ladies, occasionally so by younger ladies. No dudes (not my thing, but just making an observation apparently I'm not their thing either LOL).

Funny thing is that most of the "hitters" -- I just buy them enough drinks to make them go away/leave me alone.
tonight I bought 3 drinks for a table of 4 to make n "old lady" "go away"


Here's a test for you; you might say something close to the following:

" I'd like another drink, you can buy me a drink if you like."

See how long they stay around.... of course, from what I hear, certain things may be "expected" of you but stand your ground and teach them that they can't get in your knickers for just a drink.... it might take a very nice dinner too ! ... and a movie with popcorn ... and a new car ... and drop a hint that you'd like to see Tahiti for a month.


Thom Paine
I routinely get casually hit on at the bar by older ladies, occasionally so by younger ladies. No dudes (not my thing, but just making an observation apparently I'm not their thing either LOL).

Funny thing is that most of the "hitters" -- I just buy them enough drinks to make them go away/leave me alone.

I will have to make an exception and make a hit on you. After all I now know that the drinks will go on till I give up. ;)
Flirted with, more often than not. However, that's in my day-to-day life more than the bar and clubs.

I've never been an especially big hit at any of those establishments. I just don't put off the right kinds of vibes for them.
It really depends on how I'm presenting myself.

If I'm in a relationship or otherwise non-receptive, I am not sure if I get hit on less, or if I just fail to notice when it's happening, but I definitely feel like it happens much less. Probably some combination of the two.

Otherwise, who it's coming from just depends. Where I am, how I'm carrying myself, etc. I've seen that, and the way I'm treated generally, change drastically over the course of a few hours, just based on my mood, and probably what my resting face looks like by extension. There's even a big difference dependent on whether I'm wearing make-up, and if so, where it is (I never do a whole "face", and usually just go without).

I've often wondered what impact those pheramone minimicing perfumes have, but I'm too cheap to buy them merely for a social experiment.

As far as myself... I don't really flirt in the typical way, I guess. I do flirt, but I'm having a hard time describing how. There's no real method to it. It depends on the individual, and what I'm reading off them.
Is it considered flirting or just a compliment when the guy at the taco bell drive thru says "Here's your am crunchwrap beautiful" like this morning? :2razz:

I can be seen as being a flirt but I am mostly just playful by nature and don't really mean it as a flirting. When I go out, I usually go with my big scary looking husband and most of the people we hang with know I'm married and not looking so I don't get flirted with too much. Usually if it does happen I don't even know it though, I just think they are trying to be nice- it's not like they are openly hitting on me to tell me exactly what's going on.
It really depends on how I'm presenting myself.

If I'm in a relationship or otherwise non-receptive, I am not sure if I get hit on less, or if I just fail to notice when it's happening, but I definitely feel like it happens much less. Probably some combination of the two.

Otherwise, who it's coming from just depends. Where I am, how I'm carrying myself, etc. I've seen that, and the way I'm treated generally, change drastically over the course of a few hours, just based on my mood, and probably what my resting face looks like by extension. There's even a big difference dependent on whether I'm wearing make-up, and if so, where it is (I never do a whole "face", and usually just go without).

I've often wondered what impact those pheramone minimicing perfumes have, but I'm too cheap to buy them merely for a social experiment.

As far as myself... I don't really flirt in the typical way, I guess. I do flirt, but I'm having a hard time describing how. There's no real method to it. It depends on the individual, and what I'm reading off them.
I'm the same way. My vibe totally changes when I'm single and tend to flirt or get to know a lot of ladies. When I'm not single, I may as well be invisible.

Weird how it works. But I suspect I show a lot more interest when I'm single and it gets picked up on also there's the factor that while I'm no Fabio, I'm not ugly either.
Is it considered flirting or just a compliment when the guy at the taco bell drive thru says "Here's your am crunchwrap beautiful" like this morning? :2razz:

I can be seen as being a flirt but I am mostly just playful by nature and don't really mean it as a flirting. When I go out, I usually go with my big scary looking husband and most of the people we hang with know I'm married and not looking so I don't get flirted with too much. Usually if it does happen I don't even know it though, I just think they are trying to be nice- it's not like they are openly hitting on me to tell me exactly what's going on.
Scary looking husband? In whose eyes?
It all depends. Depends on your night, the bar, the ladies and the night they are having, the time of the night, where you sit, how long you've been in the bar/club, eye contact (how much and when). It's a lot like fishing, and there is some luck involved. One thing is predictable about women, they are unpredictable.

Though I'm not exactly sure why, when you are drinking in a bar your chances, while perhaps good, are less than when you are working behind the bar. If you are a bartender and have at least a little bit of awareness, a drop of friendly disinterest and a fair amount of taste you can get more ass than a toilet seat (which is the something you'd never say working behind the bar if you had a fair amount of taste). Women, nice women, attractive women, classy women, sober women flirt with bartenders.
Flirted with, more often than not. However, that's in my day-to-day life more than the bar and clubs.

I've never been an especially big hit at any of those establishments. I just don't put off the right kinds of vibes for them.

Sooo... To give an example of this, there's this girl I've been flirting with for the past few weeks at work.

She approached me initially, we kind of say a flirtatious "hi" in passing while I'm doing my rounds, and occasionally exchange a few more words. However, apart from that, I've been trying to play things a bit "cool" - as I usually do - because I'm not really looking to be "on the market" at the moment.

Well, today, as I happened to be walking past, she literally came dancing up to me, doing little twirls and everything, singing "All I Want for Christmas is You."

Hmmm. Given the fact that she's almost literally throwing herself at me at this point, I guess it's probably high time that I actually asked for her number, huh? :lol:
Well, today, as I happened to be walking past, she literally came dancing up to me, doing little twirls and everything, singing "All I Want for Christmas is You."

So IOW, you attract the bat-crap crazy chicks? :lol:

I regularly get hit on by church ladies and fat meter maids....and a lot of gay dudes.
So IOW, you attract the bat-crap crazy chicks? :lol:

I regularly get hit on by church ladies and fat meter maids....and a lot of gay dudes.

Yea... Pretty much. :lol:

Though, to be fair, she's Israeli, and in my experience, they tend to be quite a bit more forward than most American women anyway.
tonight I bought 3 drinks for a table of 4 to make n "old lady" "go away"



Where do you work? I want to come in and hit on you...

PS. I like vodka.
You're cuter than Fabio...

I'm the same way. My vibe totally changes when I'm single and tend to flirt or get to know a lot of ladies. When I'm not single, I may as well be invisible.

Weird how it works. But I suspect I show a lot more interest when I'm single and it gets picked up on also there's the factor that while I'm no Fabio, I'm not ugly either.
Damn, it sounds like you could write a book on this subject...

It all depends. Depends on your night, the bar, the ladies and the night they are having, the time of the night, where you sit, how long you've been in the bar/club, eye contact (how much and when). It's a lot like fishing, and there is some luck involved. One thing is predictable about women, they are unpredictable.

Though I'm not exactly sure why, when you are drinking in a bar your chances, while perhaps good, are less than when you are working behind the bar. If you are a bartender and have at least a little bit of awareness, a drop of friendly disinterest and a fair amount of taste you can get more ass than a toilet seat (which is the something you'd never say working behind the bar if you had a fair amount of taste). Women, nice women, attractive women, classy women, sober women flirt with bartenders.
What kind of profession are you in? I am just curious how the setting works... lol. Like me, I couldn't do that. I work at an accounting firm.

Sooo... To give an example of this, there's this girl I've been flirting with for the past few weeks at work.

She approached me initially, we kind of say a flirtatious "hi" in passing while I'm doing my rounds, and occasionally exchange a few more words. However, apart from that, I've been trying to play things a bit "cool" - as I usually do - because I'm not really looking to be "on the market" at the moment.

Well, today, as I happened to be walking past, she literally came dancing up to me, doing little twirls and everything, singing "All I Want for Christmas is You."

Hmmm. Given the fact that she's almost literally throwing herself at me at this point, I guess it's probably high time that I actually asked for her number, huh? :lol:
What is the stereotype on Israeli women?

I dated an Israeli guy, and he seemed pretty typical...

Not just the women...all Israelis

I like to think I'm pretty open minded but every Israeli I've met, and I've met a lot, are crazy
What kind of profession are you in? I am just curious how the setting works... lol. Like me, I couldn't do that. I work at an accounting firm.

I'm working as a security guard at a mall, at the moment.

Yea, yea... "Paul Blart Mall Cop," I know. It's only temporary until I either jump over to the real police force, or my officer packet with the military goes through. :lol:

In any case, however, this is probably one of the most flirt-happy jobs I've ever had.

A) The uniform is close enough to a Cop's uniform that most people can't tell the difference, and gets a lot of female attention as such.

B) Most of the people working there are in their early twenties, bored out of their minds anyway, and there's not much in the way of managerial oversight, so there's really not anything better to do all day. :lol:
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Not just the women...all Israelis

I like to think I'm pretty open minded but every Israeli I've met, and I've met a lot, are crazy

The guy I dated was really quiet and calm. He was a hard worker and would get high stressed sometimes.
The guy I dated was really quiet and calm. He was a hard worker and would get high stressed sometimes.

Either you got lucky, or I got unlucky

But I never dated an Israeli. Just know a lot through work and friends

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