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Do you flirt or get flirted with? With who, or by who? (1 Viewer)

Is it considered flirting or just a compliment when the guy at the taco bell drive thru says "Here's your am crunchwrap beautiful" like this morning? :2razz:

I can be seen as being a flirt but I am mostly just playful by nature and don't really mean it as a flirting. When I go out, I usually go with my big scary looking husband and most of the people we hang with know I'm married and not looking so I don't get flirted with too much. Usually if it does happen I don't even know it though, I just think they are trying to be nice- it's not like they are openly hitting on me to tell me exactly what's going on.

LOL - that's my life, too.

Save for around here we're in the south so being called something like 'beautiful' is just run of the mil.
Heck, just a few days ago, I had a 26 year-old flirting with me, and he's almost 10 years younger than my son. :lamo
I had to be blunt and tell him he is almost young enough to be my grandson! That one really had me shaking my head wondering wtf.

How old are you? I have decided that I like mature ladies.
How old are you? I have decided that I like mature ladies.

Too old for someone who has decided that he likes mature ladies. :lol: If you had to think about it for awhile, and aren't already mature yourself, then that would be a no-go. I like older men, and the thought of having "cougar" status horrifies me. :mrgreen:
Too old for someone who has decided that he likes mature ladies. :lol: If you had to think about it for awhile, and aren't already mature yourself, then that would be a no-go. I like older men, and the thought of having "cougar" status horrifies me. :mrgreen:

I am pretty old. And I had to think about a good word for old. Mature was the best I could come up with. I bet you are like a nicely aged wine. (:)

Maybe you would like my youthful immaturity. I think that you might.
Too old for someone who has decided that he likes mature ladies. :lol: If you had to think about it for awhile, and aren't already mature yourself, then that would be a no-go. I like older men, and the thought of having "cougar" status horrifies me. :mrgreen:

Oh common... You know you want the young bucks.
Since the aging process has overcome me I have noticed that I am getting way less attention.

When I was about thirty, five years ago, a hot schoolgirl asked me for my number. I am sure that she will be the last teenage girl to flirt with me. Which is depressing.
I am a bit critical of a relationship between a 30 something person and a teenage person. It's likely that the younger one is immature and gets manipulated.
Heck, just a few days ago, I had a 26 year-old flirting with me, and he's almost 10 years younger than my son. :lamo
I had to be blunt and tell him he is almost young enough to be my grandson! That one really had me shaking my head wondering wtf.
Maybe he was practising the tricks learned from the online tutorials. lol
Is it possible that your beauty is intoxicating for that brat?lol

No, I think it's more that he's just a hormone-ridden young man, who has little impulse control. :lol:
In retrospect, it was kind of funny, but completely unexpected on my part.
I am a bit critical of a relationship between a 30 something person and a teenage person. It's likely that the younger one is immature and gets manipulated.

I agree. I told that hot schoolgirl that I was too old for her. Which was kind of cool. But also kind of very terrible for me. But I am glad I did it I guess. Even though I do know guys that have had 16 year old girlfriends and this seems to be legal. As long as they live with them or something. Anyway, Im really glad that I didnt have sex with that schoolgirl. I dont regret it in any way.

How about the Prince and his underage sex slaves. Is it common for billionaires to have underage sex slaves? And underage teenage sex orgies and stuff?
Too old for someone who has decided that he likes mature ladies. :lol: If you had to think about it for awhile, and aren't already mature yourself, then that would be a no-go. I like older men, and the thought of having "cougar" status horrifies me. :mrgreen:

Hello darlin'.

I don't get the whole age taboo. As long as she is 18 he could be 90. As long as he is 18 she could be 90. If a 60 year old lady flirted with my 30 year old self, the right way and I wanted her then id go along. Seems to me that people that play the age-no-no game are just trying to fool other people because they think society frowns on it. As for spangled. Honestly. You sound a bit creepy dude. Ive had underage girls hit on me and I simply politely smile and decline. I never felt any terribleness at all. I was happy that someone liked me and came out of it thinking "That was a little entertaining" but no feeling bad or "terrible".

Hell one time I stumbled upon a naked teen couple hiding out behind my backyard fence fooling around (off my property, not on it). She said "Heyyy big boy" And started walking up to me. I said, "Nice tits." and walked off. lol. It was a bit awkward and unexpected but I don't get this "terrible" feeling you are talking about. In my head I was thinking "silly girl".
I agree. I told that hot schoolgirl that I was too old for her. Which was kind of cool. But also kind of very terrible for me. But I am glad I did it I guess. Even though I do know guys that have had 16 year old girlfriends and this seems to be legal. As long as they live with them or something. Anyway, Im really glad that I didnt have sex with that schoolgirl. I dont regret it in any way.

How about the Prince and his underage sex slaves. Is it common for billionaires to have underage sex slaves? And underage teenage sex orgies and stuff?
I dont have an inkling of whether it is common for a billionare. But if I were a billionare, I certainly wouldn't care about the social norm as I do now. A debauched life. lol.
I don't get the whole age taboo. As long as she is 18 he could be 90. As long as he is 18 she could be 90. If a 60 year old lady flirted with my 30 year old self, the right way and I wanted her then id go along. Seems to me that people that play the age-no-no game are just trying to fool other people because they think society frowns on it. As for spangled. Honestly. You sound a bit creepy dude. Ive had underage girls hit on me and I simply politely smile and decline. I never felt any terribleness at all. I was happy that someone liked me and came out of it thinking "That was a little entertaining" but no feeling bad or "terrible".

Hell one time I stumbled upon a naked teen couple hiding out behind my backyard fence fooling around (off my property, not on it). She said "Heyyy big boy" And started walking up to me. I said, "Nice tits." and walked off. lol. It was a bit awkward and unexpected but I don't get this "terrible" feeling you are talking about. In my head I was thinking "silly girl".
Hormone-ridden teenagers. Oh, youth. [emoji76] that's probably why people miss their teenage days. So much uninhibited fun.
Hormone-ridden teenagers. Oh, youth. [emoji76] that's probably why people miss their teenage days. So much uninhibited fun.

Omg, not here. I'm glad those days are long gone. My teenage years were the worst of my life.
I routinely get casually hit on at the bar by older ladies, occasionally so by younger ladies. No dudes (not my thing, but just making an observation apparently I'm not their thing either LOL).

Funny thing is that most of the "hitters" -- I just buy them enough drinks to make them go away/leave me alone.

I flirt but can't ever really score ... maybe I give off a vibe or something.

I think the most I ever seen a girl blush was when we were sitting around in her back yard with friends and she kept staring at me... Like locking eyes. I was wearing smallish workout shorts while man-spreading and my penis got hard and poked out of the bottom of my shorts. She was waving her face trying to cool herself down and her whole chest and face went beet-red lol.

Its hard to argue with a dick... (2 puns intended)

... nobody takes old grey men seriously though, everybody knows it's all in fun...

I call the young ladies "honey" and "sweetheart" because I can't remember their names...
I'm the same way. My vibe totally changes when I'm single and tend to flirt or get to know a lot of ladies. When I'm not single, I may as well be invisible.

Weird how it works. But I suspect I show a lot more interest when I'm single and it gets picked up on also there's the factor that while I'm no Fabio, I'm not ugly either.

It used to be the opposite with me. I got more attention when I had a GF than when I didn't.

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