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Do you flirt or get flirted with? With who, or by who? (1 Viewer)

Oh man, that was really fantastic!!! Double joys. Every so often, making people flabbergasted is a greater joy and lasts longer. It's like“see? I can pull off that task effortlessly but I am not ecstatic. I am charming and i knew it. ”

She did. She was charming and bless her heart for it. Women are special. I wish the world would let them be the magic they truly are.
She did. She was charming and bless her heart for it. Women are special. I wish the world would let them be the magic they truly are.
Oh man, I was referring to you and your bro, not that angel and her friends. But your understanding of it is interesting anyway. lol
That's certainly one possibility.

I've got some Army buddies coming into town for New Year's Eve as well, and we were thinking about getting "suited up" to go downtown. I might invite her along if she seems interested.

Butt, hips, and thighs. :D

Though... Don't get me wrong. All the other stuff's nice too. :lol:

Is it fun to touch his head? Does his baldness bother you? I recently read a book in which the author says, for many women, whether their dates or husbands have hair does not matter. I haven't met many bald guys in real life but I cringe at the idea of me losing hair.

If you start losing significant amounts of hair, just shave it off. Bald is pretty sexy on a lot of men. Well, that is, unless you dress like an 80 year-old, then bald is just old and bald. :lol:
Gay guys would play with me... I thought it was funny if it was good natured. I had some friends who got really upset when it happened to them. Not sure why... I mean, I do, just that it is dumb.
It's not dumb, not in the part of the people that are bothered.

The only reason they are bothered is because it arouses feelings in them that they do not like. I don't think sexuality is black and white. And curiosity doesn't "kill the cat." It answers questions that would never get answered otherwise. Most likely these people aren't gay, they are simply bothered by these feelings.

It's fear most of all it manifests as anger or discomfort because fear is telling. I used to be frightened myself. I know how it feels.
That's certainly one possibility.

I've got some Army buddies coming into town for New Year's Eve as well, and we were thinking about getting "suited up" to go downtown. I might invite her along if she seems interested.
Beware, that can backfire.

Buddies can sometimes be competition. As long as you asert yourself as alpha, (and I don't mean the toughest block head) you have no worries.
Scary looking husband? In whose eyes?

I once had an employee to tell me that her husband was scary looking. She explained that she just wanted to prepare me if I ever met him.

I eventually did meet him, and he was indeed scary. The guy had mutilated himself to an extreme, with tatoos and piercings (not the attractive type, I'm talking bone going through the nose). I later found out that he had filed for workers comp and disability at least twice, and he hadn't held a job in years.

The last time I saw him he was threatening to "kick my arse".
If you start losing significant amounts of hair, just shave it off. Bald is pretty sexy on a lot of men. Well, that is, unless you dress like an 80 year-old, then bald is just old and bald. :lol:
No I dont. My parents did ask me to shave my hair off because they said my hair might grow better. My hair is curly and will be sort of messy easily. Dunno how to deal with it. I know some hair products may help stiffen it so it will not be out of shape. But I dont feel like using them. I am worried that they will gradually hurt my hair and leave some unpleasant smells. SMH.
Since you said baldness is not disgusting but rather charming for women, I may just bite the bullet and ignore the possible negative effects of those products. It will be worthwhile if it works. lol
I routinely get casually hit on at the bar by older ladies, occasionally so by younger ladies. No dudes (not my thing, but just making an observation apparently I'm not their thing either LOL).

I don't go to bars, but if I get flirted with, it's usually by younger men. Not sure why, unless it's that they know it's safe, and that they can talk to me pretty seriously, and do some fun flirting, without anything being serious about it, but it's also a good mental exercise. I've found this to be the case over a good many years, and it's usually on the job. Men who are my age usually aren't interested.
Since you said baldness is not disgusting but rather charming for women, I may just bite the bullet and ignore the possible negative effects of those products. It will be worthwhile if it works. lol

Bald can be very appealing to women. Trust me on that.
Beware, that can backfire.

Buddies can sometimes be competition. As long as you asert yourself as alpha, (and I don't mean the toughest block head) you have no worries.
lol. Classic plot for a film. However, I haven't seen boys fight over girls in my life. Maybe I am not sensitive enough to notice that or the girls around me are not that attractive.
Bald can be very appealing to women. Trust me on that.

as someone with a growing bald spot, I approve this message. :thumbs:
Bald can be very appealing to women. Trust me on that.
Care to elaborate? I dont get why it works. Because baldness is special and bald men are brave as depicted by the films in which bald men tend to the army men or gangsters?
Every time I watch a Spurs game and see Manu Ginobilli, I just chuckle. Also, people joke about the receding hair line of Lebron James. How come muscular athletes will get bald? They dont lack androgens to power the growth of hair. Correct me if I am wrong.
Care to elaborate? I dont get why it works. Because baldness is special and bald men are brave as depicted by the films in which bald men tend to the army men or gangsters?

It's really nothing that I can elaborate on. It's just that to some women, bald is a turn-on. It's probably similar to the effect that long hair on women, has on some men. Or that some women (me, for instance) likes long hair and ponytails on men. It's probably due to some old and long-forgotten person or event from when I was young.
lol. Classic plot for a film. However, I haven't seen boys fight over girls in my life. Maybe I am not sensitive enough to notice that or the girls around me are not that attractive.
I have literally seen men murder each other over women. Be glad you haven't had to peek behind the Vail and see the abyss.

I am glad you have never seen it and I hope you never will. It shakes you to your very core.

Knowledge is power my friend.
as someone with a growing bald spot, I approve this message. :thumbs:

Or you can just do what a friend of mine does. He has a balding spot in the crown area, and he just grew his hair long, pulls it back in a tail at the nape of his neck, and slaps a black cowboy hat on. Excellent effect! :lol:
I am a guy that gets flirted with... it is a result of my humour, politeness, charm, good looks, wit and humble nature, generally.

And your modesty

Also, never buy drinks for women. Let them get their own. Same with dinner on first dates... get coffee, go to a park, etc. Save your money for those that you know are worth it.

I once gave this same advice to Gath, and he didn't believe me.
I've got some Army buddies coming into town for New Year's Eve as well, and we were thinking about getting "suited up" to go downtown. I might invite her along if she seems interested.

Bad idea. Dates that include friends are not "dates" and can not help you in any way

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