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Did Trump cave on the shutdown (1 Viewer)


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Apr 8, 2012
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Simple question did Trump cave on the shutdown?
Hmm that failed was supposed to be simple yes no answers
Simple question did Trump cave on the shutdown?

No, he made the right call for the good of the nation, in the hopes that others will as well going forwards, as unlikely as this is here in 2019 America.

Limiting it to three weeks does give him some leverage if the others don't give some ground. Another shutdown would be a lot more grey area on blame.

Yes, he caved, he had to. Single digit approval was in his future. Let's see how the war plays out since he surrendered the battle.
Yes. There still needs to be legislation that passes both houses in the next 3 weeks so we will see what ultimately passes, but he clearly surrendered this round.
if non-Trumpists win in 2020, it's time to end the possibility of using a shutdown as a bargaining tool.

as for the potential shutdown in three weeks, air traffic controllers have learned how to end it quickly : prevent the very rich from conveniently flying in and out of NYC.
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Simple question did Trump cave on the shutdown?

Trump wants to make America great again. This includes everyone, not just his supporters. His compassion for the laid off government workers meant more than self serving politics for one side. He also knew Nancy is a political hack who does not care about anyone but herself, so Trump had to step up.

Beyond that, the fundamental goal, all along, was for something to be done about illegal immigration and border security. The government shut down, was a means to an end. The ends is now being worked on in a more bipartisan way, where people from both sides want a solution. This is the art of the deal.

The rumor is many Democrats want to make a deal which includes a barrier, but they are politically afraid of Nancy Pelosi since she is vindictive and will eat her own if they step out of line. However, she barely got the speaker job by a small margin. Trump has give her a way for her to blink in private, so the job can get done. She can stand firm, while allowing some Democrats to help Trump, so everyone can win in this no win situation.
Simple question did Trump cave on the shutdown?

Being what Trump accepted was the same proposal Senator Graham proposed three weeks ago, I am inclined to say yes. If not a cave, it was most certainly a huge retreat in an attempt to regroup to stop Pelosi's advance. Still, those government departments, agencies covered under the last 7 appropriations bills will be open for three weeks. Another shutdown is three weeks on the horizon.

Pelosi won this battle. She said she wouldn't negotiate until the government was open. It is now for three week. Now we'll see if she spoke the truth. If she'll negotiate in a serious manner or just continuing to say no. Perhaps by retreating, caving if you like, Trump passed the ball to Pelosi and the Democrats. If they don't negotiate in a serious manner working towards a compromise, the democrats could very well own the next shutdown instead of Trump.
Simple question did Trump cave on the shutdown?


He looked foolish shutting down the government, and now looks like a ***** to his supporters.

I actually believed Senate Republicans would cave first, I was wrong. Trump must have seen the polls with the approval ratings going South bigly.
Simple question did Trump cave on the shutdown?

Yes, he caved for 3 weeks. And odds are the "negotiator in chief" will not get his wall over that time and he will end up hijacking the government again.

If he wasn’t willing to go the long road to get the wall, he should have never shut it down in the first place

It was a stupid move and he let the dems win

He can’t do that....

I don’t like him, never have but he represents my side and is ****ing it up royally

Either have a plan and stick to it, or let someone else do the job
Simple question did Trump cave on the shutdown?

Simple answer - No.

1. He removed the ability for anyone to continue blaming him for the shutdown by ending it. He also gets credit for being the one who put government employees back to work.

2. The Dems were in a box of their own making. They won't give him money for a wall. Period. Trump made their box a little bit smaller. He set a deadline. They have to give him money for a wall or they will be responsible for shutting down the government.

This is totally a win for Trump and Chuck and Nancy know it. That's why those two are doing their best to spin it otherwise and why Nancy is trying so hard to deflect back to the Trump/Russia nonsense.
Did Babe Ruth have a pretty good career?

Did the Boston Celtics make a good deal when they traded for Bill Russell?

Would it have been wise to buy Xerox stock when it was first issued?

Some things are painfully obvious and beyond argument. Trump caved like a house of flimsy cards in a cyclone on the plains of Kansas. Anybody who pretends otherwise is not playing with a full deck. Or being honest.
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Trump wants to make America great again. This includes everyone, not just his supporters. His compassion for the laid off government workers meant more than self serving politics for one side. He also knew Nancy is a political hack who does not care about anyone but herself, so Trump had to step up.

Beyond that, the fundamental goal, all along, was for something to be done about illegal immigration and border security. The government shut down, was a means to an end. The ends is now being worked on in a more bipartisan way, where people from both sides want a solution. This is the art of the deal.

The rumor is many Democrats want to make a deal which includes a barrier, but they are politically afraid of Nancy Pelosi since she is vindictive and will eat her own if they step out of line. However, she barely got the speaker job by a small margin. Trump has give her a way for her to blink in private, so the job can get done. She can stand firm, while allowing some Democrats to help Trump, so everyone can win in this no win situation.

So this is what ann coulter meant when she cited alternative facts.
Being what Trump accepted was the same proposal Senator Graham proposed three weeks ago, I am inclined to say yes. If not a cave, it was most certainly a huge retreat in an attempt to regroup to stop Pelosi's advance. Still, those government departments, agencies covered under the last 7 appropriations bills will be open for three weeks. Another shutdown is three weeks on the horizon.

Pelosi won this battle. She said she wouldn't negotiate until the government was open. It is now for three week. Now we'll see if she spoke the truth. If she'll negotiate in a serious manner or just continuing to say no. Perhaps by retreating, caving if you like, Trump passed the ball to Pelosi and the Democrats. If they don't negotiate in a serious manner working towards a compromise, the democrats could very well own the next shutdown instead of Trump.

Mitch will not put his senators through another shutdown three weeks after the first debacle ended, he's learned even if trump hasn't. Negotiating in good faith does not mean handing the R's everything they want. Try to keep that in mind as the negotiations go forward.
Simple answer... YES! He should of never started it if unable to see it to a successful conclusion.
Let's not call it cave, let's call it he saw the light and his numbers dropping dramatically. Or, he won that round just like he's winning the trade war.
He also gets credit for being the one who put government employees back to work.

Let's try and spin this so the spoilt brat who stops throwing mud over the living room gets rewarded for stopping his tantrum. Let's take him out for ice cream for being a good boy.
Mitch will not put his senators through another shutdown three weeks after the first debacle ended, he's learned even if trump hasn't. Negotiating in good faith does not mean handing the R's everything they want. Try to keep that in mind as the negotiations go forward.

My stance on this, compromise at 2.5 billion. Each side gives 2.5 and gets 2.5. This all or nothing stances, more or less give me everything I want and you get nothing isn't a good thing. If this had been in the era of Reagan and Tip O'Neal, there wouldn't have been a shutdown. Almost every year of Reagan's presidency those two worked out a compromise on SDI. The same could have been done on the wall.

This whole thing was utterly stupid, asinine in fact. A battle of 5 billion which comes out to approximately 0.0125% of the 4 trillion this government will spend this year. That is between one one hundredth and two one hundredth of a single percentage point.

Was it worth the shutdown, I suppose Democrats will say yes. That they saved the government 5 billion by remaining firm. But I have to wonder if the shutdown didn't cost us much more than 5 billion. But that is partisan politics at its worst. On both sides. It's one of the main reasons I could never be a Republican or a democrats, each places their party high above country. But this is the era we live in, polarization, deep divides, ideologues entrench on both sides, neither thinking about the country. Just how to advance the R or the D. No wonder both parties are shrinking bit time. From 36% Democratic, 32% Republican and 30% independent to 30% Democratic, 26% Republican and 43% independent today.

For me, the biggest problem is our two party system where even the shrinking two major parties still have all the power and control they did when 80% of the population identified with them. That I suppose is another subject for another thread on another day.
if non-Trumpists win in 2020, it's time to end the possibility of using a shutdown as a bargaining tool.

as for the potential shutdown in three weeks, air traffic controllers have learned how to end it quickly : prevent the very rich from conveniently flying in and out of NYC.

I agree, regardless who wins in 2020! It happens almost every presidency, and it's just wrong.
My stance on this, compromise at 2.5 billion. Each side gives 2.5 and gets 2.5. This all or nothing stances, more or less give me everything I want and you get nothing isn't a good thing. If this had been in the era of Reagan and Tip O'Neal, there wouldn't have been a shutdown. Almost every year of Reagan's presidency those two worked out a compromise on SDI. The same could have been done on the wall.

This whole thing was utterly stupid, asinine in fact. A battle of 5 billion which comes out to approximately 0.0125% of the 4 trillion this government will spend this year. That is between one one hundredth and two one hundredth of a single percentage point.

Was it worth the shutdown, I suppose Democrats will say yes. That they saved the government 5 billion by remaining firm. But I have to wonder if the shutdown didn't cost us much more than 5 billion. But that is partisan politics at its worst. On both sides. It's one of the main reasons I could never be a Republican or a democrats, each places their party high above country. But this is the era we live in, polarization, deep divides, ideologues entrench on both sides, neither thinking about the country. Just how to advance the R or the D. No wonder both parties are shrinking bit time. From 36% Democratic, 32% Republican and 30% independent to 30% Democratic, 26% Republican and 43% independent today.

For me, the biggest problem is our two party system where even the shrinking two major parties still have all the power and control they did when 80% of the population identified with them. That I suppose is another subject for another thread on another day.

No it wasn't worth the shutdown, it should have never happened. It wasn't about the left winning, it was about you can't force the american taxpayer to pay for his promise that mexico would pay. Every other point is BS. I still say there is no way the government shuts down again and if trump won't sign, he will be overridden.
Let's try and spin this so the spoilt brat who stops throwing mud over the living room gets rewarded for stopping his tantrum. Let's take him out for ice cream for being a good boy.

It's really not spin. Sadly, those in power can play with the lives of the 'worker bees' whenever. It's a plan to make himself look good, while in 3 weeks when 'No' Pelosi doesn't negotiate as promised, it puts the heat on her. And she's already said No again. That's certainly not the way to start a negotiation you promised you would have, if he reopened.
She already looks like the liar overnight.

The only thing I'm happy about is people getting paid.

Sick of these games the govt. plays.

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