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Critics Slam Obama Administration for 'Hiding' Massive Saudi Arms Deal (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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But some critics are questioning the deal, and the stealthy effort by the Obama administration to avoid a more probing congressional review...

Rep. Anthony Weiner, a New York Democrat, submitted a resolution this week to try and block the deal, and was among those who objected to the way the administration approached the required congressional review.

"Hiding this in a recess announcement is a sign of how unpopular it is," he said. "It's bad policy that now is further tainted by shameful process."
Critics Slam Obama Administration for 'Hiding' Massive Saudi Arms Deal - ABC News
Think if a Republican President did this!?

"Change you can believe in."


Why would anyone ever question Obama's motives for selling $60 billion worth of modern arms to a potential enemy of our only true friend in the region?

Oh that's right Israel was our only friend until Obama came along.

What is shocking to me is that Rep. Anthony the Weenie is upset over this sale to Obama's Muslim pals.

I really thought that by now everyone would have realized that Obamam is less tied to the U.S. and closer to anything Anti-American than anything else.

One would think that Obama's policies of openness and transparency would have shown that, since it's been openly transparent since he took office that he's Anti-American and Pro-Muslim first and foremost.

Think about it where would you go on your first official trip abroad? To visit and reassure our closest allies like England, Australia, Canada, France, Israel?

Hell no he went to visit and bow down to and grovel at the feet of the ones who hate us the most and want us dead.

Wake up America the real Wiener is in the White House, but don't tell anyone we we don't want the rest of the world fining out.

Oh they already know and that's why they rejected all of his economic proposals last week? Sorry I thought that was our little secret.

Honestly if your name was Anthony Wiener wouldn't you petition the court to change it.

I mean come on, all through school at roll call the teachers would be calling out A. Wiener, and the whole class would be cracking up. No wonder he's such a Richard.

Richard you ask? Well guy named Charles are called Chuck, ones named William are called Bill, and guys named Richard invariably turn out to be Dicks.

And that's the rest of the story about Barack Hussein Richard Obama.

Why would anyone ever question Obama's motives for selling $60 billion worth of modern arms to a potential enemy of our only true friend in the region?

Oh that's right Israel was our only friend until Obama came along.

What is shocking to me is that Rep. Anthony the Weenie is upset over this sale to Obama's Muslim pals.

I really thought that by now everyone would have realized that Obamam is less tied to the U.S. and closer to anything Anti-American than anything else.

One would think that Obama's policies of openness and transparency would have shown that, since it's been openly transparent since he took office that he's Anti-American and Pro-Muslim first and foremost.

Think about it where would you go on your first official trip abroad? To visit and reassure our closest allies like England, Australia, Canada, France, Israel?

Hell no he went to visit and bow down to and grovel at the feet of the ones who hate us the most and want us dead.

Wake up America the real Wiener is in the White House, but don't tell anyone we we don't want the rest of the world fining out.

Oh they already know and that's why they rejected all of his economic proposals last week? Sorry I thought that was our little secret.

Honestly if your name was Anthony Wiener wouldn't you petition the court to change it.

I mean come on, all through school at roll call the teachers would be calling out A. Wiener, and the whole class would be cracking up. No wonder he's such a Richard.

Richard you ask? Well guy named Charles are called Chuck, ones named William are called Bill, and guys named Richard invariably turn out to be Dicks.

And that's the rest of the story about Barack Hussein Richard Obama.

This is wrong on so many levels, I wouldn't even know where to start.

Ok. How is it being hid?

As I see it, this information has been around since september that it was taking place, plus how big it was ($60 Billion) So who's hiding what?

Saudi Arabia

2010 U.S. Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia

On October 20, 2010, U.S. State Department notified Congress of its intention to make the biggest arms sale in American history - an estimated $60.5 billion purchase by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The package represents a considerable improvement in the offensive capability of the Saudi armed forces.

The U.S. was keen to point out that the arms transfer would increase "interoperability" with U.S. forces. In the 1990-1991 Gulf War, having U.S.-trained Saudi forces, along with military installations built to U.S. specifications, allowed the American armed forces to deploy in a comfortable and familiar battle environment. This new deal would increase these capabilities, as an advanced American military infrastructure is about to be built.

Now I understand the sentiment about people in the middle east in general not liking the United States, and it seems like arming your enemy, but it's in your best interests to keep Saudi Arabia secure and prosperous (since you get quite a bit of your oil from them, so unless you change your ways, that's the way it's gonna be...)

You mention arming an enemy is Israel as well... do you honestly think the Saudi's are gonna use the military aid they just got, to try and attack Israel so you can come down there and kick their ass... because let me tell you something, an extra 60 billion dollars is not all of a sudden gonna make Saudi Arabia invincible, nor wanna pick a fight with your closest ally in the region using your money DERP!

You've given all the arms Israel could ever need to defend itself, plus your own pledge to help defend them if it was ever needed. I think the Israeli's will be fine.

By extension of allowing yourself to become hooked on foreign oil, every single president by extension that put America on this course, is guilty of arming Saudi Arabia. Think about that for a second.

Saudi Arabia

Government Purchases

After the Cold War the US-Saudi relations were improving. The US and US companies were actively engaged and paid handsomely for preparing and administrating the rebuilding of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia transferred $100 billion (US) to the United States for administration, construction, weapons, and in the 1970s and 1980s higher education scholarships to the US (Kaiser & Ottaway 2002). During that era the US built and administrated numerous military academies, navy ports, and Air Force airfields. Many of these military facilities were influenced by the US, with the needs of cold war aircraft and deployment strategies in mind. Also the Saudis purchased a great deal of weapons that varied from F-16 war planes to main battle tanks that later proved useful during the Gulf War (Kaiser & Ottaway 2002). The US pursued a policy of building up and training the Saudi military as a counterweight to Shiite extremism and revolution following the revolution in Iran. The US provided top of the line equipment and training, and consulted the Saudi government frequently, acknowledging them as the most important Islamic leader in that part of the world, and key player in the US security strategy.


In conclusion. There is some outrage here that is not misplaced. Why $60 Billion? Apperently the largest arms deal in US history, interesting that I must say.
I've known about this for a while... where's the "hidden" part come in again?
Think if a Republican President did this!?

"Change you can believe in."


Did what specifically?

Sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, already done, it already has F15, M1 Abrams, M2 Bradley's, M 60 helicopters. The only thing that this deal includes that Saudi does not already have is the apache attack helicopter
Obama bowed in subserviance to the Saudi king, yet barely nodded in his greeting to HM Queen of England, bad etiquette which offended her.

When Hitler greeted foreign leaders, the lower down his steps he met them the greater respect he felt for them. (Or that should be less contempt.) I see something similar between Obammers and his terrorist pals here.....
We should not be selling weapons to any country regardless if they are a friend or foe. Friends can turn into enemies.
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Obama bowed in subserviance to the Saudi king, yet barely nodded in his greeting to HM Queen of England, bad etiquette which offended her.

When Hitler greeted foreign leaders, the lower down his steps he met them the greater respect he felt for them. (Or that should be less contempt.) I see something similar between Obammers and his terrorist pals here.....

Were you this concerned when GWB took a gayish stroll down a flowery path holding the hands of the Saudi king, eventually giving him a kiss?
Let me get this straight, Zimmer.

You're expecting me to believe that President Obama is hiding this arms deal with the Saudis by . . . telling Congress about it, and giving them 30 days to raise objections, just like he's supposed to? Really?

I've got an alternate interpretation for you. Obama raised it when he did so that Congress could simultaneously let it happen and maintain plausible deniability because of the "bad" timing.

It's been, what, over 2 weeks since the election (in other words, half of the 30-day review period)? If Congress had serious objections to this deal, they had plenty of time to raise them.

You know who's hiding something? The Congresscritters who support this deal but don't want to go on the record. Bitching and whining about how little time you've had to review something on the last day of a 30-day review period is all about appearances and nothing about reality.
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Were you this concerned when GWB took a gayish stroll down a flowery path holding the hands of the Saudi king, eventually giving him a kiss?

Not really, though merely because I can conjecture why. Bush had to make sickening speeches about Islam being a Religion of Peace after the hornets started stinging around the world. It's not easy looking after Afhanistan and Iraq.

The Saudis have the oil and also make noises about poor, persecuted ickkle Muswims. Indeed, his government has set up and run so many mosques and madrassahs of hate here that the usually apologetic Channel 4 had to expose them with secret cameras.

UNDERCOVER MOSQUES had the station threatened with LEGAL ACTION by Muslims, whilst UNDERCOVER MOSQUES THE RETURN just made them angrier. No wonder the diplomats order politicians to 'respect' Muslim bosses if there's a bit too much action or exposure at once.
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Not really, though merely because I can conjecture why. Bush had to make sickening speeches about Islam being a Religion of Peace after the hornets started stinging around the world. It's not easy looking after Afhanistan and Iraq.

The Saudis have the oil and also make noises about poor, persecuted ickkle Muswims. Indeed, his government has set up and run so many mosques and madrassahs of hate here that the usually apologetic Channel 4 had to expose them with secret cameras.

UNDERCOVER MOSQUES had the station threatened with LEGAL ACTION by Muslims, whilst UNDERCOVER MOSQUES THE RETURN just made them angrier. No wonder the diplomats order politicians to 'respect' Muslim bosses if there's a bit too much action or exposure at once.

Anybody else finding this post entirely indecipherable?

MUSLIM BAD is about all I got out of it.
What a lot of hate and ridicule I've been seeing from the 'intellectual' liberal-left in the past 24 hours!

Reminiscent of some old yokel firing his blunderbuss - lots of noise, zero precision but lots of pollution. (Mind, I did find the 'hatred of Islam in reverse' quip rather funny. I have to admit that.)

Now let's have some actual rebuttal.
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What a lot of hate and ridicule I've been seeing from the 'intellectual' liberal-left in the past 24 hours!

Reminiscent of some old yokel firing his blunderbuss - lots of noise, zero precision but lots of pollution. (Mind, I did find the 'haterd of Islam in reverse' quip rather funny. I have to admit that.)

Now let's have some actual rebuttal.

Rebuttal of what?

Your posts tend to consist entirely of the following THING: (notice how I didn't have an S at the end of that?)


Pretty much it. Not much to respond too after that. If you can even find the time of day to decipher your posts, which is pretty much hateful ranting.

Oooh, that shouting on my poor ears!

Take a statement, look at the link, counter it with a statement and backup link of your own and we're on the road.

....pretty much hateful ranting.

Yadda, yadda, blah, blah.

Debates can be quite nice when you calm down.
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Think if a Republican President did this!?

"Change you can believe in."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe Wiener isn't such a dick after all.
For him to object to anything Obama, is truly amazing.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe Wiener isn't such a dick after all.
For him to object to anything Obama, is truly amazing.

So you are against creating American jobs?
I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe Wiener isn't such a dick after all.
For him to object to anything Obama, is truly amazing.

Like I said, plausible deniability.

Weiner is striking a pose and nothing more, which is why he's introducing his measure now instead of weeks ago.

If he was actually trying to stop this deal, his objection is more idiotic than amazing.
We should not be selling weapons to any country regardless if they are a friend or foe. Friends can turn into enemies.

The bright side of selling arms to potential enemies, is that we're the only ones they can get spare parts from when the weapons start wearing out. Plus, we have a better knowledge of how to defend against our own weapons than we do weapons from another country.
Rebuttal of what?

Your posts tend to consist entirely of the following THING: (notice how I didn't have an S at the end of that?)


Pretty much it. Not much to respond too after that. If you can even find the time of day to decipher your posts, which is pretty much hateful ranting.

Is that really the only argument ya'll have to defend Obama?
Is that really the only argument ya'll have to defend Obama?

I was talking about his posts. Not Obama. Nice try though.

Wonder if you could actually address my original post apdst, would have been a better way to debate wouldn't it... since I posted facts and a commentary to support it.
The bright side of selling arms to potential enemies, is that we're the only ones they can get spare parts from when the weapons start wearing out. Plus, we have a better knowledge of how to defend against our own weapons than we do weapons from another country.

Interesting points, though I'm not so sure punk nations wouldn't be below making their own spares.

If EMI Studios could dismantle, adapt and improve equipment bought from other people, I'm sure an entire arms industry could do the same.

Still, sticks in your throat to think that your own side could be shot at with our own guns. I remember a massive Arms To Iraq scandal under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher's successor John Major.
Interesting points, though I'm not so sure punk nations wouldn't be above making their own spares.

If EMI Studios could dismantle, adapt and improve equipment bought from other people, I'm sure an entire arms industry could do the same.

Still, sticks in your throat to think that your own side could be shot at with our own guns. I remember a massive Arms To Iraq scandal under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher's successor John Major.

Saudi Arabia does not currently have the industrial capability to make the spare parts for the F15 or Apache helicopters (or at least the more important parts like electronics and engines)
Yeah, that makes sense if the logic flows all the way.

They've got all that oil money but still have their people live in dirt poverty.

(Though our stupid governments have still given them money in 'aid' because they're 'too poor'! And this despite the nation having its OWN aid programme, same with India! What mugs we are!)
Yeah, that makes sense if the logic flows all the way.

They've got all that oil money but still have their people live in dirt poverty.

(Though our stupid governments have still given them money in 'aid' because they're 'too poor'! And this despite the nation having its OWN aid programme, same with India! What mugs we are!)

The Saudis, with the possible exception of its shia population do not live in dirt poverty. They are rather wealthy and as such tend not to take on the more physically demanding jobs of manufacturing

Lastly the US and UK do not provide Saudi Arabia with aid money. The US provides alot of aid to Israel, Egypt and Jordan, but not to Saudi Arabia
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