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Conservatives Only -- Are you for the Gang of 8 Immigration Bill? (1 Viewer)


  • I approve of the immigration bill.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I heard a commercial on the radio the other day that discussed the immigration bill and applauded the conservatives for "moving the country forward" by approving of this bill. How many conservatives here on DP are for this bill?
I heard a commercial on the radio the other day that discussed the immigration bill and applauded the conservatives for "moving the country forward" by approving of this bill. How many conservatives here on DP are for this bill?

I am not!!!!!
This will be another fiasco like 1986.

There aren't enough jobs for our own citizens let alone
millions more!

I wish they would use E-Verify for all employers.
And Perp walk the businessmen who refuse to follow the law!:twocents:
One has to wonder why our elected politicians are doing something so destructive to our country. Americans don't owe our jobs, country and resources to foreigners. We should take care of our own first, our elderly, our sick, our children.
From what I know about it, I think it's fine but I doubt it can be strictly enforced. I support border security but I also think there are good humanitarian reasons to open the opportunity for legal residency.
An insult to those who took the time and expense to do it legally. Why bother, when you can have it handed to you on a silver platter with all the fringes attached.....
I heard a commercial on the radio the other day that discussed the immigration bill and applauded the conservatives for "moving the country forward" by approving of this bill. How many conservatives here on DP are for this bill?
Those are RINO's they were speaking of, and I'm very disappointed in Marco Rubio.
I heard a commercial on the radio the other day that discussed the immigration bill and applauded the conservatives for "moving the country forward" by approving of this bill. How many conservatives here on DP are for this bill?

I do not support any immigration reform bill that contains amnesty,pathway to citizenship, work permits, dream acts or any other form of amnesty. Because what will happen is that any enforcement measures will be revoked or neutered once the 12-20 millions have legal status.
I support it as long as it has definitive metrics in place in terms of border security and enforcement that must be met prior to any path way to citizenship begins for those here illegally. And those definitive metrics should not be largley subjective things that the "Executive Branch" gets to decide are met or not.
I heard a commercial on the radio the other day that discussed the immigration bill and applauded the conservatives for "moving the country forward" by approving of this bill. How many conservatives here on DP are for this bill?

Oh **** them. They're selling their own country out to get votes and don't care what damage is done by it. They aren't moving the country forward, they're adding a crippling hindrance.
An insult to those who took the time and expense to do it legally. Why bother, when you can have it handed to you on a silver platter with all the fringes attached.....

a large portion of those who do it "legally" do so through kickbacks to local officials. People shouldn't be able to "buy" their way to citizenship. That is just as big of a fiasco as those who come here illegally.
How does it move the country forward to brokenly treat this issue the same way we have for a long time?

Secure the border than amnesty. No deal should be made granting amnesty until we are certain this will not come up again in 20 years. Then reform the legal immigration process to make it easier.

People call it immigration reform, which is a farce. Given current illegals amnesty is not a systematic change that will work in the long term. It will be the same as every other immigration bill, amnesty will be given, the security to the border will never be funded, and then later down the line we'll have a whole bunch of illegal immigrants again who we'll need to give amnesty to.
a large portion of those who do it "legally" do so through kickbacks to local officials. People shouldn't be able to "buy" their way to citizenship. That is just as big of a fiasco as those who come here illegally.

And there are those who do it legally, 100%.

I won't deny that there are various ways to circumvent the process, and I agree that can be as detrimental as those who are illegal, mainly because those who can afford and will circumvent, are usually criminals.
I heard a commercial on the radio the other day that discussed the immigration bill and applauded the conservatives for "moving the country forward" by approving of this bill. How many conservatives here on DP are for this bill?

I'm not or never will support any bill that awards law breakers amnesty.

I and the American people were lied to in 1986 that by rewarding illegal aliens amnesty that this would be the first and last time it would ever be done and that our borders would be secured and our immigration laws will be enforced in the interior. It was a lie !

Since 1986 Congress has snuck through six other amnesty bills with the same promises. Six more lies !

I'm tired being lied too. No more rewarding criminal behavior and no more lies.

America's immigration policies are suppose to be what's best for America and the American people. Not what's best for the immigrant or the Democrat Party.
a large portion of those who do it "legally" do so through kickbacks to local officials. People shouldn't be able to "buy" their way to citizenship. That is just as big of a fiasco as those who come here illegally.

I was wonder who would be the first liberal to respond to this poll that's for conservatives only.
Kinda like voter fraud and who commits it.
The government is going to reform and streamline a government agency? Not a chance, which leads me to believe this bill is crap.
And there are those who do it legally, 100%.

I won't deny that there are various ways to circumvent the process, and I agree that can be as detrimental as those who are illegal, mainly because those who can afford and will circumvent, are usually criminals.

Actually...those who can afford and often circumvent the process are not criminals at all....they are just people with the means to do so and people that have connections to government officials.
I was wonder who would be the first liberal to respond to this poll that's for conservatives only.
Kinda like voter fraud and who commits it.

If you look closely....I didn't vote in the poll. Sorry...but once again a big FAIL. LOL....
Actually...those who can afford and often circumvent the process are not criminals at all....they are just people with the means to do so and people that have connections to government officials.

And those with enough power and money to have connections to government officials.... :wink:
I will never support any bill that grants amnesty to illegal criminals, period. It's one thing to require them to go through the same process as other legal immigrants, I might even support them staying in the country during the process, and certainly we need to streamline the process so that it doesn't take as long, but to just give people a free pass because they crawled over a fence or swam across a river is stupid. We ought to fine them extra, in addition to requiring they pay all back taxes owed, before letting them stay anyhow. Criminal behavior for *ANY* reason ought not be rewarded.
It's amnesty under a different name. No I don't support it.
The vote so far clearly indicates that this amnesty and legalization bill is not supported by conservatives, so I don't know where the announcer referenced in the OP got his "facts" that conservatives would support this injustice against American citizens.

Though siding with true centrists in wanting to kill the bill, many conservatives have faced the facts and they know that if the 20 million illegals receive citizenship it will sound the death knell for the Republican Party, the party to which most conservatives belong, as the majority of the 20 million illegals, once pardoned and legalized, would vote for their working-man kin and commonly known champions: the liberal Dems.

Thus many conservatives are against the bill for different reasons than the great majority of Americans, those who are centrists.

True centrists, those who support both liberty and justice for all American citizens, are opposed to anything that deals such a blow of injustice to American citizens as passing this bill would do.

Many conservatives simply don't want the liberals, the Democrats, to thus obtain nearly ever-lasting power that passing this bill would cause even if not passing this bill means comparatively higher wages would be paid to workers at owner-management expense, business owners being the darlings of the Republican Party.
I heard a commercial on the radio the other day that discussed the immigration bill and applauded the conservatives for "moving the country forward" by approving of this bill. How many conservatives here on DP are for this bill?

No true conservative can be in favor of doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.
a large portion of those who do it "legally" do so through kickbacks to local officials. People shouldn't be able to "buy" their way to citizenship. That is just as big of a fiasco as those who come here illegally.

Perhaps we should just take an idea from the Scandanavian countries you liberals love so much and just start severely restricting immigrantion?
The vote so far clearly indicates that this amnesty and legalization bill is not supported by conservatives, so I don't know where the announcer referenced in the OP got his "facts" that conservatives would support this injustice against American citizens.

Though siding with true centrists in wanting to kill the bill, many conservatives have faced the facts and they know that if the 20 million illegals receive citizenship it will sound the death knell for the Republican Party, the party to which most conservatives belong, as the majority of the 20 million illegals, once pardoned and legalized, would vote for their working-man kin and commonly known champions: the liberal Dems.

Thus many conservatives are against the bill for different reasons than the great majority of Americans, those who are centrists.

True centrists, those who support both liberty and justice for all American citizens, are opposed to anything that deals such a blow of injustice to American citizens as passing this bill would do.

Many conservatives simply don't want the liberals, the Democrats, to thus obtain nearly ever-lasting power that passing this bill would cause even if not passing this bill means comparatively higher wages would be paid to workers at owner-management expense, business owners being the darlings of the Republican Party.

Well, I suppose it's possible you are correct about the vote thing for some Conservatives.

On the other hand, it seems quite likely the only reason Democrats have been pandering to the illegal alien crowd is solely for the purpose you have claimed. For the votes.

Not sure how concern for that equates to a negative for Conservatives.
I do not support any immigration reform bill that contains amnesty,pathway to citizenship, work permits, dream acts or any other form of amnesty. Because what will happen is that any enforcement measures will be revoked or neutered once the 12-20 millions have legal status.

Heya JR :2wave: .....and that's another part of the Workers permits and Visas for Alleged Skilled Techs and Engineers. Same thing for Student Visas.

Which for some reason all want to increase those numbers. What I don't understand is this new add on about taking in more unskilled laborers. That just doesn't make sense at all.

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