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Clinton not ruling out running in 2020: report (1 Viewer)

You can bet the far that Clinton is NOT the 2020 nominee. No matter how many church votive candles right wingers light it is NOT going to happen.

I've seen in my lifetime, democrats pull dumber stunts.
The left makes fun of people on the right for voting for Trump yet they voted for H Clinton...Let that sink in for a second.
Think she might visit MI, and WI this time?

Depends on how many bones she breaks and how many times she falls unconscious:shock:
The bad bruising of her ego likely caused it to swell enormously. As a result there is no telling what she really thinks of herself now.

If she runs there will be a huge problem. She is corrupt, and no one likes her. The dims run her and they guarantee a trump wh 2020.
how do you think most illegals voted?

I don't know and neither do you and don't pretend otherwise. It's secret ballot. we should have had an emergency special election minus the illegals to find out who really was president.
It's really sort of absurd. She acts so entitled to it.

I think what would be even worse than Trump beating her, is if in her lifetime, another woman gets elected as the first female President. If it's not her, Hillary will be destroyed. In fact, I think it destroys her even now. She was supposed to break that glass ceiling. It's become her raison d'etre.
I wonder if Hillary is watching these other Dem women throw their hat into the ring, and it's making her antsy. Harris could have a shot- a real shot-of at least getting the nomination.
That's not going to sit well with Hillary, thinking it could have been her.

So, with all the women entering the race, Hillary is chomping at the bit.
I think what would be even worse than Trump beating her, is if in her lifetime, another woman gets elected as the first female President. If it's not her, Hillary will be destroyed. In fact, I think it destroys her even now. She was supposed to break that glass ceiling. It's become her raison d'etre.
I wonder if Hillary is watching these other Dem women throw their hat into the ring, and it's making her antsy. Harris could have a shot- a real shot-of at least getting the nomination.
That's not going to sit well with Hillary, thinking it could have been her.

So, with all the women entering the race, Hillary is chomping at the bit.

Probably right. The thing is, our politics are so dominated or have been by Clintons and Bushes, and soon Obamas, I'd bet - it's time to pass the baton and retire.

She is Kryptonite to her own party.
I don't know and neither do you and don't pretend otherwise. It's secret ballot. we should have had an emergency special election minus the illegals to find out who really was president.

that's really stupid given how do you have a special election without "illegals"? if they weren't allowed to vote in the first one?
Does anyone know the results of a candidate losing one presidential election then running in another?

Usually they don't run again. i am sure someone has tried but i don't remember anyone in the past 30 years or so doing it.
i know early on people made multiple runs for president. some succeeded.

Reagan i think ran 2 times and got it the 2nd time.
Nixon did too i think.

usually if you lose a presidential race you are considered done.
Calm down. Even the Democratic Party wouldn't go with the only person in America who could lose an election to Don Trump.

yes they would. people in that party are exactly that stupid they would vote for her again.
:lamo OMG! Please? Can we make that happen? PLEASE!!!!!!

I think the Democrats have washed their hands of the Clinton's. She isn't far enough left for the wacko ultra far left wing of the democratic party and has way too much baggage along with the stigma of losing to Trump for the establishment faction. She probably wouldn't have been their nominee in 2016 if she hadn't been chosen in a secret meeting to be the Democrat's nominee for 2016 back prior to the 2012 election between Obama, Bill and Hillary. Then the DNC and Democratic state party leaders jury rigged their primaries in Hillary's favor to make it happen.

Then again, maybe the democrats learned an important lesson from 2016, candidates matter. What they need is a candidate who can attract the independent voter. Hillary didn't in 2016 and in my opinion, wouldn't in 2020.
:lamo OMG! Please? Can we make that happen? PLEASE!!!!!!

I would bust a gut laughing but, it was way way back in 2016 that Democrats were busting a gut laughing when Trump was the nominee.
yes they would. people in that party are exactly that stupid they would vote for her again.

You know, it's time to tone down the giddy. There's another election on the horizon and you how it is in politics- nothing's ever settled when there's another election coming up and the Republicans might very well come off looking like idiots for sticking with the orange buffoon. Looking even dumber than they do now with their fumbling attempt to govern.
Aw....Suck in that boo boo lip....;) You guys fall all over yourselves making up stupid names, and laughing at the utter stupidity of Washington, yet when it is one of YOUR side making a door knob dumb move, you can't take a little ribbing....pfffttttt! indeed. :lamo

snowflake much?? HAHAHA

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