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China Endorses Donald Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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China Endorses Donald Trump
China Endorses Donald Trump - The Daily Beast

…Chinese state-media publications are among Trump’s most dedicated—and unlikely—supporters….

“If Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, his victory will be celebrated not only in Mar-a-Lago, but also in Beijing.

The Chinese Communist Party’s media conduits are swooning over the vulgar, politically-incorrect frontrunner, telegraphing that if Trump were to rise to a position of real power, it would be a boon for the country’s regional ambitions.

Chinese-language press and state media—especially foreign policy columnists—have written extensively and favorably about Trump’s geopolitical views. Many pro-Beijing writers have looked past his threats of a trade war with China, viewing his willingness to undercut America’s existing alliances in Asia as an incredible strategic opportunity…..”

If it isn’t KKK or white supremacists supporting Trump ……….Now he has to worry about Red China who Trump says he is going to take down with his fancy footwork and deal making………….

I guess the Chinese doesn’t think too highly of Donald the Dealmaker………and his deal making abilities
China Endorses Donald Trump
China Endorses Donald Trump - The Daily Beast

…Chinese state-media publications are among Trump’s most dedicated—and unlikely—supporters….

“If Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, his victory will be celebrated not only in Mar-a-Lago, but also in Beijing.

The Chinese Communist Party’s media conduits are swooning over the vulgar, politically-incorrect frontrunner, telegraphing that if Trump were to rise to a position of real power, it would be a boon for the country’s regional ambitions.

Chinese-language press and state media—especially foreign policy columnists—have written extensively and favorably about Trump’s geopolitical views. Many pro-Beijing writers have looked past his threats of a trade war with China, viewing his willingness to undercut America’s existing alliances in Asia as an incredible strategic opportunity…..”

If it isn’t KKK or white supremacists supporting Trump ……….Now he has to worry about Red China who Trump says he is going to take down with his fancy footwork and deal making………….

I guess the Chinese doesn’t think too highly of Donald the Dealmaker………and his deal making abilities

Sounds like propaganda.
It is difficult to predict how Trump supporters will view this positively.

Will they reject these statements from the Chinese as bogus posturing planted by liars in the leftist liberal media?

Will they hold these statements out as proof that other foreign countries support their candidate?

Will they dismiss these statements as irrelevant? because, like Trump said about Russia, "just because [they] said something nice about me doesn't mean that will help them in the negotiation - not at all"?

Will they applaud Beijing for recognizing the superiority of Trump over President Obama?

Perhaps all of the above?
I suspect that China wants to disentangle themselves from the monster they have created with the "nine dash" line in the South China Sea. It is badly impacting their reputation, it is galvanizing other nations to band together, and it is awakening the US population as to the Chinese as a credible military threat. Obama has allowed China to walk too far out on the plank. You can argue that China had no real choice since Obama never objected. China could not stand still and remain credible.

What's this got to do with Trump?

They may be looking at preserving "face" by making favorable trade deals with Trump in exchange for a face saving way of backing down over the nine dash claim. China is clearly in a pickle. They have issued threats, but the population in general isn't backing them up, and out sized military spending has created lots of jobs for largely unqualified, improperly trained soldiers, sailors, and airmen. The ruling party will do what it takes to stay in power. If the economy keeps sliding, they are going be threatened with overthrow.

For your review: The Nine dash line:
It is difficult to predict how Trump supporters will view this positively.

Will they reject these statements from the Chinese as bogus posturing planted by liars in the leftist liberal media?

Will they hold these statements out as proof that other foreign countries support their candidate?

Will they dismiss these statements as irrelevant? because, like Trump said about Russia, "just because [they] said something nice about me doesn't mean that will help them in the negotiation - not at all"?

Will they applaud Beijing for recognizing the superiority of Trump over President Obama?

Perhaps all of the above?

Trump says China bad

China says vote for Trump

My head hurts, let's go get taco salads and talk about the wall
I predict that Communist China's support of Trump won't put him in the White House.

Wait and see.
It's a spin by the Chinese on, "don't throw us in that briar patch". Basically the Chinese don't want Trump and they're smart enough to know how the average American views China - so they throw their support to Trump in the attempt to weaken him as a candidate.
China Endorses Donald Trump
China Endorses Donald Trump - The Daily Beast

…Chinese state-media publications are among Trump’s most dedicated—and unlikely—supporters….

“If Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, his victory will be celebrated not only in Mar-a-Lago, but also in Beijing.

The Chinese Communist Party’s media conduits are swooning over the vulgar, politically-incorrect frontrunner, telegraphing that if Trump were to rise to a position of real power, it would be a boon for the country’s regional ambitions.

Chinese-language press and state media—especially foreign policy columnists—have written extensively and favorably about Trump’s geopolitical views. Many pro-Beijing writers have looked past his threats of a trade war with China, viewing his willingness to undercut America’s existing alliances in Asia as an incredible strategic opportunity…..”

If it isn’t KKK or white supremacists supporting Trump ……….Now he has to worry about Red China who Trump says he is going to take down with his fancy footwork and deal making………….

I guess the Chinese doesn’t think too highly of Donald the Dealmaker………and his deal making abilities

I had to wonder if this was somehow an Onion-style satire...but it's not! I checked your reference's reference - a (somewhat less controlled by the government) subsidiary of the official party organ People's Daily - and (thanks to Google Translate) yeah, it's true!

You just can't make this stuff up!
It's a spin by the Chinese on, "don't throw us in that briar patch". Basically the Chinese don't want Trump and they're smart enough to know how the average American views China - so they throw their support to Trump in the attempt to weaken him as a candidate.

I disagree strongly with you...but I must admit your phrase is from one of my favorite stories.
China Endorses Donald Trump
China Endorses Donald Trump - The Daily Beast

…Chinese state-media publications are among Trump’s most dedicated—and unlikely—supporters….

“If Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, his victory will be celebrated not only in Mar-a-Lago, but also in Beijing.

The Chinese Communist Party’s media conduits are swooning over the vulgar, politically-incorrect frontrunner, telegraphing that if Trump were to rise to a position of real power, it would be a boon for the country’s regional ambitions.

Chinese-language press and state media—especially foreign policy columnists—have written extensively and favorably about Trump’s geopolitical views. Many pro-Beijing writers have looked past his threats of a trade war with China, viewing his willingness to undercut America’s existing alliances in Asia as an incredible strategic opportunity…..”

If it isn’t KKK or white supremacists supporting Trump ……….Now he has to worry about Red China who Trump says he is going to take down with his fancy footwork and deal making………….

I guess the Chinese doesn’t think too highly of Donald the Dealmaker………and his deal making abilities

Suee they support him. Their economy can't take another Democrat in the WH for four more years
Frankly, I am relieved the Chinese government is Republican.
What if it's on the 'up and up', and the Chinese would rather deal with a pragmatist, a deal maker, Trump, rather than Hillary?
They've dealt with Trump on a number of business deals, maybe they think they can make a deal with him?
Is that too far out there to consider as a possibility?
And DDT is safe to use on children and pets.

Actually, in the recommended doses and suggested uses DDT is not the boogeyman folks think it is. The problem was farmers were using it by the barrel where a cup was recommended.
It's a spin by the Chinese on, "don't throw us in that briar patch". Basically the Chinese don't want Trump and they're smart enough to know how the average American views China - so they throw their support to Trump in the attempt to weaken him as a candidate.
Agreed. I see this as a reverse bluff. The alliances Trump talks about are re: Europeans who have a higher standard of living than us yet we pay for their security.
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It is difficult to predict how Trump supporters will view this positively.

Will they reject these statements from the Chinese as bogus posturing planted by liars in the leftist liberal media?

Will they hold these statements out as proof that other foreign countries support their candidate?

Will they dismiss these statements as irrelevant? because, like Trump said about Russia, "just because [they] said something nice about me doesn't mean that will help them in the negotiation - not at all"?

Will they applaud Beijing for recognizing the superiority of Trump over President Obama?

Perhaps all of the above?

My bet is, given that it's coming out in non-Breitbart/Drudgereport media, they will go with the bolded, until Trump s them what they are supposed to be thinking about it.
Actually, in the recommended doses and suggested uses DDT is not the boogeyman folks think it is. The problem was farmers were using it by the barrel where a cup was recommended.

Don't forget to put a cup in Junior's formula.
And DDT is safe to use on children and pets.

Actually, in the recommended doses and suggested uses DDT is not the boogeyman folks think it is. The problem was farmers were using it by the barrel where a cup was recommended.

A case of 'Too much of a good thing ends up not being a good thing' ?
If it isn’t KKK or white supremacists supporting Trump ……….Now he has to worry about
He doesn't have to worry about those either.

It is difficult to predict how Trump supporters will view this positively.

Will they reject these statements from the Chinese as bogus posturing planted by liars in the leftist liberal media?

Will they hold these statements out as proof that other foreign countries support their candidate?

Will they dismiss these statements as irrelevant? because, like Trump said about Russia, "just because [they] said something nice about me doesn't mean that will help them in the negotiation - not at all"?

Will they applaud Beijing for recognizing the superiority of Trump over President Obama?

Perhaps all of the above?
It is not difficult at all.
They wont give a rat's ass what China has to say, neither should anybody else.
It's ridiculous to feed your child cups of DDT.

I concur. I was being ridiculous.

Moving on, you claim DDT, if used properly, is safe. That is also ridiculous.

Is there a difference in our ridiculousness?

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