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Chem Spraying[W:13] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
OC California
Political Leaning
These "chemtrails" that we see so much of must be costing a lot of money. Now, whether they be nefarious or not, does anybody know what they are and where the funding comes from?
Re: Chem Spraying

These "chemtrails" that we see so much of must be costing a lot of money. Now, whether they be nefarious or not, does anybody know what they are and where the funding comes from?
No such thing as "chemtrails". That's all just insane conspiracy hogwash. What these "chemtrails" actually are is condensation trails (contrails). They are line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust, typically at aircraft cruise altitudes several miles above the Earth’s surface.
Re: Chem Spraying

These "chemtrails" that we see so much of must be costing a lot of money. Now, whether they be nefarious or not, does anybody know what they are and where the funding comes from?

They are condensation trails from aircraft engines flying at altitude. They don't cost the government anything, they're a free product of superheated air being ejected out of the back of the engine and making the moisture condensate as it quickly cools - like the side of your glass of a cold beverage gets condensation on the outside on a hot day.

Con in contrail stands for condensation. Contrail is the real term, not Chemtrail which is just tinfoil hat conspiracy BS.

That is, if you're actually serious about not knowing but wanting to know what they are.
Re: Chem Spraying

No such thing as "chemtrails". That's all just insane conspiracy hogwash. What these "chemtrails" actually are is condensation trails (contrails). They are line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust, typically at aircraft cruise altitudes several miles above the Earth’s surface.

You beat me to it.
Re: Chem Spraying

The jets leaving the contrails navigate from point to point to radio beacon locations. ergo contrails are concentrated over these beacon locations. The beacons are typically about a hundred miles apart. For instance, you might take of from Buffalo and fly south to Wellsville, NY Tacan, then Williamsport Tacan, then Harrisburg Tacan, then Baltimore Tacan and then Washington, DC Tacan, etc. until you reach your destination. Many planes use the same beacons at the same time, ergo concentrations of contrails.
Re: Chem Spraying

These "chemtrails" that we see so much of must be costing a lot of money. Now, whether they be nefarious or not, does anybody know what they are and where the funding comes from?


Take a science class.
Re: Chem Spraying

The point is, if you REALLY DID want to spray nasty stuff all over the population, doing it out the back of a commercial heavy aircraft
doing 500 mph at 35000 feet would be the absolute most inefficient way. Not only will you not hit your target, most of the stuff would be caught by a jet stream or other ridiculously fast strato-type stream, and most of it would be so diluted by then as to have almost zero effect anyway.

Know what the MOST effective way to chemtrail a city or town WOULD BE, if there really WAS such a thing?
Car and truck exhaust.

Think about it!
Anyone want to discuss HAARP?
How about your WiFi is killing you?
What about nuclear radiation from your microwave?

Oh...separate threads for each...right?
Re: Chem Spraying

Moderator's Warning:
Moving to the appropriate forum.
Re: Chem Spraying

Chemtrails is a conspiracy theory based entirely on a failure to understand that sometimes clouds look different from other clouds.
Re: Chem Spraying

Youtube showed it first so you know it must be true. Everything on Youtube is true.

Its been a year and a half. Are the alleged military whistleblower pilot and his family dead yet?
Re: Chem Spraying

Ummmm,... Ballast barrels. Commonly used in the flight test program for new commercial passenger and cargo aircraft.

In this specific case it is the upper deck of a prototype Airbus A380 loaded with ballast barrels as part of the flight test program, photograph probably taken 15th November, 2005. During the test program 135 of these barrels were loaded on the upper and lower decks with a total capacity of up to 65 metric tons.
Re: Chem Spraying


Take a science class.

Oh my god - look at all those CONtrails from jets that fly in circles. Where are they going? Broken compasses on all these jets?

Re: Chem Spraying

Ummmm,... Ballast barrels. Commonly used in the flight test program for new commercial passenger and cargo aircraft.

In this specific case it is the upper deck of a prototype Airbus A380 loaded with ballast barrels as part of the flight test program, photograph probably taken 15th November, 2005. During the test program 135 of these barrels were loaded on the upper and lower decks with a total capacity of up to 65 metric tons.

What are they filled with?
Re: Chem Spraying

What are they filled with?

Water obviously :shocked2:. They are ballast barrels after all. What else would you fill them with? :confused:
Re: Chem Spraying

Ummmm,... Ballast barrels. Commonly used in the flight test program for new commercial passenger and cargo aircraft.

In this specific case it is the upper deck of a prototype Airbus A380 loaded with ballast barrels as part of the flight test program, photograph probably taken 15th November, 2005. During the test program 135 of these barrels were loaded on the upper and lower decks with a total capacity of up to 65 metric tons.

Ok, I stand corrected. It's what I say if I'm proven wrong. I'm very likely the only poster on DP who EVER does this. Strange, isn't it? It proves I'm genuine. Try it sometime to get off the shill list. I do have that list...
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Re: Chem Spraying

Ok, I stand corrected. It's what I say if I'm proven wrong. I'm very likely the only poster on DP who EVER does this. Strange, isn't it? It proves I'm genuine.

It doesn't prove you are genuine, just that you jumped to conclusions without doing your due diligence and were shown you were wrong, but at least manned up about it in this instance. THAT, is rare indeed on the DP CT forum. But you seemed so sure when you posted it. Makes the mind wonder, don't it?

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