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Blood on Obama's hands !!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 16, 2016
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Very Conservative
East Baton Rouge Sheriff confirms 3 law enforcement dead, 3 others injured; 1 suspect dead and as usual the race of the suspect remains unknown which indicates he was black . Why won’t the liberal media report the race when it happens to be black ?

Obama , Hillary , Lynch and the democrats have blood on their hands they have fostered a hatred for law enforcement and encouraged an atmosphere of anarchy ! We witness Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake order police to stand down while the City was being burned and looted . We heard from most democrats and BLM that thug Michael Brown was gunned down while his hands were up , a lie still repeated by Hillary and crew .

Our Nation has become so divided in a short 7 years and we will all regret the “change” Obama promised Americans . In Cleveland the BLM and the black panther party has openly threaten police and called for more violence toward law enforcement and yet we don’t see the democrats and Obama call them out for this despicable behavior .
East Baton Rouge Sheriff confirms 3 law enforcement dead, 3 others injured; 1 suspect dead and as usual the race of the suspect remains unknown which indicates he was black . Why won’t the liberal media report the race when it happens to be black ?

Obama , Hillary , Lynch and the democrats have blood on their hands they have fostered a hatred for law enforcement and encouraged an atmosphere of anarchy ! We witness Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake order police to stand down while the City was being burned and looted . We heard from most democrats and BLM that thug Michael Brown was gunned down while his hands were up , a lie still repeated by Hillary and crew .

Our Nation has become so divided in a short 7 years and we will all regret the “change” Obama promised Americans . In Cleveland the BLM and the black panther party has openly threaten police and called for more violence toward law enforcement and yet we don’t see the democrats and Obama call them out for this despicable behavior .

This is not Obama's fault. This is the fault of white police shooting and killing black citizens, or in the case of NYC just holding them down while they can't breath, and the prevalence of cell phones to record such activity today. Then the DA takes these cases to the grand jury where there is NO cross examination of evidence, the police give their side of the story, it goes unchallenged, they feared for their life, and they are No True Billed, and they suffer no repercussions from the legal system, no jail time. The people see they are not getting justice from their "justice system", and that is what is causing this problem, not Obama.
We don't know a single thing about the shooter, forget what race he is and what was behind this. Why don't we wait and get some facts first before saying Obama has blood on his hands?
This is not Obama's fault. This is the fault of white police shooting and killing black citizens, or in the case of NYC just holding them down while they can't breath, and the prevalence of cell phones to record such activity today. Then the DA takes these cases to the grand jury where there is NO cross examination of evidence, the police give their side of the story, it goes unchallenged, they feared for their life, and they are No True Billed, and they suffer no repercussions from the legal system, no jail time. The people see they are not getting justice from their "justice system", and that is what is causing this problem, not Obama.

10,000 blacks are killed every year and it is blacks that are killing them ! If you fight with the police while they are trying to do their job at least be in some source of shape . And try hard not to chant "hands up don't shoot " :lamo
We don't know a single thing about the shooter, forget what race he is and what was behind this. Why don't we wait and get some facts first before saying Obama has blood on his hands?

Obama and the liberal democrats created this atmosphere by NOT waiting to hear the FACTS and siding with thugs over law enforcement . :roll:
Obama and the liberal democrats created this atmosphere by NOT waiting to hear the FACTS and siding with thugs over law enforcement . :roll:

You are talking about waiting to hear the facts yet do not hesitate to refer to the shooting victims as "thugs." :roll:
Obama and the liberal democrats created this atmosphere by NOT waiting to hear the FACTS and siding with thugs over law enforcement . :roll:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you start this thread without "waiting to hear the FACTS"?
East Baton Rouge Sheriff confirms 3 law enforcement dead, 3 others injured; 1 suspect dead and as usual the race of the suspect remains unknown which indicates he was black . Why won’t the liberal media report the race when it happens to be black ?

Obama , Hillary , Lynch and the democrats have blood on their hands they have fostered a hatred for law enforcement and encouraged an atmosphere of anarchy ! We witness Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake order police to stand down while the City was being burned and looted . We heard from most democrats and BLM that thug Michael Brown was gunned down while his hands were up , a lie still repeated by Hillary and crew .

Our Nation has become so divided in a short 7 years and we will all regret the “change” Obama promised Americans . In Cleveland the BLM and the black panther party has openly threaten police and called for more violence toward law enforcement and yet we don’t see the democrats and Obama call them out for this despicable behavior .

You could have saved a lot of typing with a simple
East Baton Rouge Sheriff confirms 3 law enforcement dead, 3 others injured....damn you Obama!!!
Obama and the liberal democrats created this atmosphere by NOT waiting to hear the FACTS and siding with thugs over law enforcement . :roll:

Oh, shut the hell up.
East Baton Rouge Sheriff confirms 3 law enforcement dead, 3 others injured; 1 suspect dead and as usual the race of the suspect remains unknown which indicates he was black . Why won’t the liberal media report the race when it happens to be black ?

Obama , Hillary , Lynch and the democrats have blood on their hands they have fostered a hatred for law enforcement and encouraged an atmosphere of anarchy ! We witness Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake order police to stand down while the City was being burned and looted . We heard from most democrats and BLM that thug Michael Brown was gunned down while his hands were up , a lie still repeated by Hillary and crew .

Our Nation has become so divided in a short 7 years and we will all regret the “change” Obama promised Americans . In Cleveland the BLM and the black panther party has openly threaten police and called for more violence toward law enforcement and yet we don’t see the democrats and Obama call them out for this despicable behavior .

Hm, let me see here. There's a gun battle in the streets wherein NO police were originally involved. The police respond, and one of the sides involved in the gun battle begin shooting at the police...

...and all of a sudden it's ALL BLM's and Obama's fault!!!!!!

This is not Obama's fault. This is the fault of white police shooting and killing black citizens, or in the case of NYC just holding them down while they can't breath, and the prevalence of cell phones to record such activity today. Then the DA takes these cases to the grand jury where there is NO cross examination of evidence, the police give their side of the story, it goes unchallenged, they feared for their life, and they are No True Billed, and they suffer no repercussions from the legal system, no jail time. The people see they are not getting justice from their "justice system", and that is what is causing this problem, not Obama.

That is pure BS. Killing officer Jones for the alleged criminal misconduct of officer Smith simply because they share race and occupation is never justified no matter how wrong officer Smith's "crime" was.
This is not Obama's fault. This is the fault of white police shooting and killing black citizens, or in the case of NYC just holding them down while they can't breath, and the prevalence of cell phones to record such activity today. Then the DA takes these cases to the grand jury where there is NO cross examination of evidence, the police give their side of the story, it goes unchallenged, they feared for their life, and they are No True Billed, and they suffer no repercussions from the legal system, no jail time. The people see they are not getting justice from their "justice system", and that is what is causing this problem, not Obama.

That is a very racist post...don't you think you might want to reword that?
That is pure BS. Killing officer Jones for the alleged criminal misconduct of officer Smith simply because they share race and occupation is never justified no matter how wrong officer Smith's "crime" was.

Unless they happen to be white and possibly christian. [/sarcasm]
This is not Obama's fault. This is the fault of white police shooting and killing black citizens, or in the case of NYC just holding them down while they can't breath, and the prevalence of cell phones to record such activity today. Then the DA takes these cases to the grand jury where there is NO cross examination of evidence, the police give their side of the story, it goes unchallenged, they feared for their life, and they are No True Billed, and they suffer no repercussions from the legal system, no jail time. The people see they are not getting justice from their "justice system", and that is what is causing this problem, not Obama.

Read much?

OK.......................probably not.
You are talking about waiting to hear the facts yet do not hesitate to refer to the shooting victims as "thugs." :roll:

Felons with guns and resisting arrest are thugs , write that down for future reference !:roll:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you start this thread without "waiting to hear the FACTS"?

Fact , felons can NOT have guns in their possession , fact felons can't NOT resist arrest ! :roll:
Oh, shut the hell up.

Typical liberal ! :roll:

“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”
― William F. Buckley Jr.
So suppose a politician criticizes abortion, and then someone blows up an abortion clinic right after? Does that mean it's unacceptable to criticize abortion anymore?

Suppose someone criticizes taxation, and then someone else blows up a tax office right after? Does that mean it's unacceptable to complain about taxes anymore?
Hm, let me see here. There's a gun battle in the streets wherein NO police were originally involved. The police respond, and one of the sides involved in the gun battle begin shooting at the police...

...and all of a sudden it's ALL BLM's and Obama's fault!!!!!!

View attachment 67204405

Stick to cartoons more your speed !
This is not Obama's fault. This is the fault of white police shooting and killing black citizens, or in the case of NYC just holding them down while they can't breath, and the prevalence of cell phones to record such activity today. Then the DA takes these cases to the grand jury where there is NO cross examination of evidence, the police give their side of the story, it goes unchallenged, they feared for their life, and they are No True Billed, and they suffer no repercussions from the legal system, no jail time. The people see they are not getting justice from their "justice system", and that is what is causing this problem, not Obama.

News flash 10,000 blacks are killed every year and it happens to be blacks doing ALL the killing , what cave were you spending time in the last 20 years ? Black citizen as you refer to are felons who can NOT legally have a gun and should NOT resist arrest and fight with law enforcement !
That is pure BS. Killing officer Jones for the alleged criminal misconduct of officer Smith simply because they share race and occupation is never justified no matter how wrong officer Smith's "crime" was.

I agree with you, it is never justified to kill officer a for something that officer b did.

I disagree with the original poster that it is Obama's fault.


Did you see any black officers killing Eric Garner? Did you see any white police officers face charges for any form of homicide, despite that he died as a direct result of their actions? Did the city of NY pay a huge settlement to the Garner family, indicating culpability, yes they did, just no police officers held accountable for their actions.

Now, this is how white lawbreakers who are armed and threatening law enforcement get treated, we negotiate with them for days. We didn't provoke them.

January 4, 2016

Two days after taking over a federal building, armed protesters in Oregon are refusing to budge until they get what they want.

The problem is, they haven't specified what it would take to get them to leave.
What started Saturday as a rally supporting two local ranchers led to a broader anti-government protest and now the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge building near Burns.
"We will be here as long as it takes," protest spokesman Ammon Bundy told CNN by phone from inside the refuge.
"We have no intentions of using force upon anyone, (but) if force is used against us, we would defend ourselves."
Armed protesters won't leave federal building in Oregon - CNN.com

Do you see the difference?
That is a very racist post...don't you think you might want to reword that?

No, I don't. Are you going to try and say that with all the cell phone video we have, there is NO problem with some white police using excessive force on black citizens?

Let's see, white officer shooting unarmed black man running away. Yea, there's a problem.
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