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#BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police floats (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
oronto held its annual gay pride parade on Sunday.
It went well until radical #BlackLivesMatter activists shut it down.

Of course, the organizers caved and gave the mob what they wanted.
The parade organizers banned police floats and gave black performers more cash.

Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

Why does BLM keep doing this? Why do they always have to be such attention whores?

Once the mob tastes power, it wants more.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

maybe they are tired of being killed by cops?
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

I suspect that people will rapidly get tired of these goons.

I don't know. We have been at it since the 1960s and in spite of having veered off into the mud, we still seem to plow on.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

maybe they are tired of being killed by cops?

If the statistics proved that to be a real issue maybe it would make sense. Considering most blacks are killed by other blacks the concern about police is well... misguided to say the least.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

If the statistics proved that to be a real issue maybe it would make sense. Considering most blacks are killed by other blacks the concern about police is well... misguided to say the least.

Go back and do your homework, you are incorrect
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

Once the mob tastes power, it wants more.

Well apparently, they "shut it down" to challenge and address the anti-Blackness in Pride Toronto (which I'm sure is complete bull****) and the increased police presence.

But seriously, this pride event has absolutely nothing to do with them or their movement. They always have to be such big attention whores, with the spotlight always on them, which is why they keep on taking over events like this. And they'll keep doing it if people let them, which we shouldn't do. We can't just keep capitulating to the mob of SJW's.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

maybe they are tired of being killed by cops?

If they want to address that then they can make their OWN. ****ING. EVENT.

They need to stop taking over other people's events that have absolutely nothing to do with their movement.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

not a relevant comment
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

I don't know. We have been at it since the 1960s and in spite of having veered off into the mud, we still seem to plow on.

Sorry, but there's no comparison between the civil rights activists of the '60s and BLM. It's like comparing Lincoln to Trump or FDR to Hillary.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

Sorry, but there's no comparison between the civil rights activists of the '60s and BLM. It's like comparing Lincoln to Trump or FDR to Hillary.

But it's funny how they try to act like they're like the Civil Rights Activists in the 60's. But they are sorely mistaken.

But they are sorely mistaken, because all BLM does is whine and act like total attention whores.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

more civil rights backlash
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

If they want to address that then they can make their OWN. ****ING. EVENT.

They need to stop taking over other people's events that have absolutely nothing to do with their movement.

Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

Let's put the blame exactly where it belongs - the Pride Parade organization here in Toronto. Rather than simply celebrate their accomplishments in the realm of improved rights and acceptance over the past decades, the politically correct fools on the organization committee decided to invite the BLM idiots to march in their parade. Previously, they've invited an Arab, anti-Israeli group to march in the parade totally ignoring that Israel is the only Middle Eastern country to acknowledge and accept LGBT rights while the Arab countries routinely stone to death and otherwise execute those same people.

The BLM fools are nothing but delusional deflectors and should never receive such validation - the result was fully expected by anyone with even half a brain and the Pride organizers deserve the fallout.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

Go back and do your homework, you are incorrect

Gang violence kills far more African Americans then police do.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

If the statistics proved that to be a real issue maybe it would make sense. Considering most blacks are killed by other blacks the concern about police is well... misguided to say the least.

You mean that it's not a real issue until the number of blacks killed or wounded by cops outnumbers the number of blacks killed or wounded by OTHER blacks? Surely you don't mean that.

It's way to easy to dismiss the stats by assuming that blacks had it coming due to their actions. If you haven't watched the Laquan McDonald video, have a go. Get cameras on all cops and watch these incidents go away.

Here's a synopsis of the autopsy locating his bullet wounds...from one cop...

Description of each of the gunshot wounds is exhaustive, noting where the bullet entered the body, the damage it did to tissue and bone, where it exited the body, and its direction. The numbering of the wounds in the report is arbitrary; it is "without regard to sequence or severity." Here is a summary:

1. Gunshot wound of the left scalp. (Directionality cannot be determined.)

2. Gunshot wound of the neck. (The direction is left to right, slightly front to back and slightly downward.)

3. Gunshot wound of the left chest. (The direction is front to back, right to left and downward.)

4. Gunshot wound of the right chest. (The direction is front to back, left to right and slightly downward.)

5. Gunshot wound of the left elbow. (The direction is left to right, back to front and slightly upward.)

6. Gunshot wound of the right upper arm. (The direction is back to front, downward and slightly left to right.)

7. Gunshot wound of the left forearm. (The direction is back to front, slightly right to left and slightly downward.)

8. Gunshot wound of the lateral right upper leg. (The direction is right to left, downward and slightly front to back.)

9. Gunshot wound of the left upper back. (The direction is right to left and downward with no significant forward or backward deviation.)

10. Gunshot wound of the left elbow. (The direction is left to right and downward with no significant forward or backward deviation.)

11. Gunshot wound of the posterior right upper arm. (The direction is right to left, downward and slightly front to back.)

12. Gunshot wound of the right arm. (The direction is back to front and upward with no significant lateral deviation.)

13. Gunshot wound of the right forearm. (The direction is upward and slightly back to front with no significant lateral deviation.)

14. Gunshot wound of the right hand. (The direction is slightly left to right and slightly upward with no significant forward or backward deviation.)

15. Gunshot wound of the right lower back. (The direction is back to front, right to left and upward.)

16. Gunshot wound of the right upper leg. (The direction is left to right and front to back with no significant vertical deviation.

This issue aside, there is no question there is a systemic problem with cops v blacks.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

Gang violence kills far more African Americans then police do.

obfuscation and irrelevance arent really relevant. do your homework before you post
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

obfuscation and irrelevance arent really relevant. do your homework before you post

No, it's especially relevant, given your complaining about the police.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

you conyinue to look ignorant. police killed 1,300 black men last year. something you would have found out if you had done your homework. the idea that it is ok for cops to kill blacks as long as blacks are killing each other is ridiculous.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

you conyinue to look ignorant. police killed 1,300 black men last year. something you would have found out if you had done your homework. the idea that it is ok for cops to kill blacks as long as blacks are killing each other is ridiculous.

That's all good and dandy. But if BLM wants to address those issues then fine, but they shouldn't hijack other people's events to do it.
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Shuts Down Toronto Gay Pride Parade Demand Cash, ban police flo

That's all good and dandy. But if BLM wants to address those issues then fine, but they shouldn't hijack other people's events to do it.

Best post on thread.

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