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Army to Begin Forcing Out Soldiers Who Refuse COVID Vaccine, Including Guardsmen (1 Viewer)

Get with the program, or walk.
Bold of you to assume that hitting the door isn't the plan.

Wouldn't be surprised if people are using this as a way to separate themselves from the Army.

I was thinking the same thing. I haven't heard anything from my neighbors on the issue.
Not the point. Reducing manpower weakens our capabilities and abilities to sustain action.

Allowing disease to run rampant through the ranks also weakens our capabilities and abilities to sustain action. The military has required quite a few vaccinations for decades, including some the general public doesn't receive. Kind of stupid to complain about this one in particular.
Considering how close together soldiers have to be when deployed (especially on ships) I see no problem with this.
It would be pretty stupid for a bunch of them to become unavailable for duty during a conflict because one person decided to not get vaccinated and infected and entire section who then become ill.
It's already happened on military ships where there's a covid breakout and the crew are pretty much screwed as there's just not enough room to isolate all the people infected and still run an actual battle-ready ship.
when u guys gonna touc grass
you guys are a bunch of nerds
My desktop was corrupted by a hacker who made these posts in my username, and who also changed some of my personal information in my profile.

I have made the corrections, changed my password and upgraded my antivirus systems to better prevent any such hacker recurrences.

I apologize for the inconvenience of a hacker penetrating my desktop and falsely making posts in my name. I am guarding against it specifically now.
Bold of you to assume that hitting the door isn't the plan.

Wouldn't be surprised if people are using this as a way to separate themselves from the Army.
so many other ways to leave without getting something other than an honorable discharge and keep one's benefits, this one is plain stupid.
Yeah, it's that simple. :rolleyes:
It's about readiness. Maintaining your medical readiness is part of doing your ****ing job. If you can't or won't do your ****ing job you shouldn't be in. This applies the the thousands of other regulations military members have to follow. If you can't comply with uniform regulations, fitness standards, customs and courtesies, and be able to train, get the **** out. If this is the hill you really want to die on, because you adhere to the politics of stupid, you're too ****ing stupid to deserve to be staying in anyway. The U.S. military doesn't need a bunch of Kyrie Irvings.

If you're a soldier who won't look out for your own health and well-being, much less that of your fellow soldiers, then you shouldn't be in the position of being a public servant, period, it's that simple. Anti-vaxxer nurses, cops, and soldiers don't get to gaslight people and be like "but y'all need me" no the **** we don't, go **** yourself.
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Yeah, it's that simple. :rolleyes:
When you served, didn't you have to maintain height/weight standards, pass your PT test, maintain your proficiency at the range, etc? If you refused a lawful order, weren't you subject to discipline? How is this any different?
When you served, didn't you have to maintain height/weight standards, pass your PT test, maintain your proficiency at the range, etc? If you refused a lawful order, weren't you subject to discipline? How is this any different?
I was never asked to take an injection of a quasi-effective, experimental drug, whose effectiveness fades in six months or so, and which the short and long term dangers to my health had not yet been determined. Nor, as far as I know have any of my shipmates died of the diseases were were vaccinated against.
They will be replaced just like all Soldiers, who can't meet standards, are replaced.
Assuming there are replacements to be had. It takes over a year to training a fighter pilot or an electronics technician responsible for maintaining complex weapon and communications equipment. And it can take over two years to qualify to operate and maintenance a nuclear propulsion system. And a FNG isn't going to have the experience and skills of that E-9 walking out the gate.
I was never asked to take an injection of a quasi-effective, experimental drug, whose effectiveness fades in six months or so, and which the short and long term dangers to my health had not yet been determined. Nor, as far as I know have any of my shipmates died of the diseases were were vaccinated against.
I had to take a six course anthrax series, which also required a yearly booster, for a total of 10 shots. I had to take vaccines before every deployment, so I have no idea what military you served in.
It's about readiness. Maintaining your medical readiness is part of doing your ****ing job. If you can't or won't do your ****ing job you shouldn't be in. This applies the the thousands of other regulations military members have to follow. If you can't comply with uniform regulations, fitness standards, customs and courtesies, and be able to train, get the **** out. If this is the hill you really want to die on, because you adhere to the politics of stupid, you're too ****ing stupid to deserve to be staying in anyway. The U.S. military doesn't need a bunch of Kyrie Irvings.

If you're a soldier who won't look out for your own health and well-being, much less that of your fellow soldiers, then you shouldn't be in the position of being a public servant, period, it's that simple. Anti-vaxxer nurses, cops, and soldiers don't get to gaslight people and be like "but y'all need me" no the **** we don't, go **** yourself.
Nice "pie-in-the-sky" words.
I had to take a six course anthrax series, which also required a yearly booster, for a total of 10 shots. I had to take vaccines before every deployment, so I have no idea what military you served in.
Navy - 22 years. I suspect that anthrax vaccine took a bit longer to develop and test than a 11 months.
Assuming there are replacements to be had. It takes over a year to training a fighter pilot or an electronics technician responsible for maintaining complex weapon and communications equipment. And it can take over two years to qualify to operate and maintenance a nuclear propulsion system. And a FNG isn't going to have the experience and skills of that E-9 walking out the gate.
Soldiers, sailors, Marines and Airmen are chaptered out, ETS and retire every day. I was replaced, you were replaced, MacArthur was replaced. This is nothing but an excuse for you to cry about the vaccine.
In the good old days when a soldier asked, "what are you injecting me with" Uncle Sam replied "none of your God damned business".
You severed, correct? How many vaccines or shots were you able to refuse?
Yes, I spent 22 years in the Navy and I received several vaccinations with vaccines that had been tested thoroughly and actually worked.
My desktop was corrupted by a hacker who made these posts in my username, and who also changed some of my personal information in my profile.

I have made the corrections, changed my password and upgraded my antivirus systems to better prevent any such hacker recurrences.

I apologize for the inconvenience of a hacker penetrating my desktop and falsely making posts in my name. I am guarding against it specifically now.

In the hacker's defense, we're nerds. And that weed tip might not be your worst post ever.
OK, doctor. :ROFLMAO:
So, you get a COVID vaccination - you're in the clear, right? No masks, no separation, no concerns about catching the virus, correct? You can't carry and infect anyone with the virus, right? Hard to explain why in some places 60-80% of serious cases and deaths are vaccinated. I don't recall that happening with any of my Navy vaccinations.

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