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Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim - RNC Speech [W:23] (1 Viewer)


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Trump was able to get two D-list celebrities to speak at the convention last night, Some guy named Antonio Sabato, who was apparently an actor, and Scott Baio, who at least is a name.

But the weirdness of Sabato's views are now becoming clearer.

The funny thing is, this stuff is so nuts, its like the tenth worst thing that happened last night.

Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim After RNC Speech - ABC News

Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim After RNC Speech
By MICHAEL EDISON HAYDEN Jul 18, 2016, 11:14 PM ET

Actor, former underwear model and reality show star Antonio Sabato Jr. — who stumped for Donald Trump on the floor of the Republican National Convention Monday — told ABC News that he "absolutely" believes President Barack Obama is a Muslim.

"We had a Muslim president for 7 1/2 years," Sabato said. "I don't believe he is [a Christian]."

Trump, who spearheaded the birther movement, repeatedly questioned whether the president is an American and if he is a Muslim.

Obama has repeatedly said that he is a Christian.

Sabato said that for the last 7 1/2 years, he has "seen this country take a bad turn" under Obama's leadership.

"This guy made it really hard for me to support him," he said about Obama, saying that the president entered office with an agenda to move the country to the left.
He said that police officers and the military don't like Obama and implied that he was not American.

"I believe that he's on the other side ... the Middle East," Sabato told ABC News. "He's with the bad guys."

He said that he was not concerned about vocally supporting Trump in liberal-leaning Hollywood and didn't care if that caused people to judge him.

"So be it," he said.
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Trump was able to get two D-list celebrities to speak at the convention last night, Some guy named Antonio Sabato, who was apparently an actor, and Scott Baio, who at least is a name.

But the weirdness of Sabato's views are now becoming clearer.

The funny thing is, this stuff is so nuts, its like the tenth worst thing that happened last night.

Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim After RNC Speech - ABC News

Well this is dumb. Politics!
A Muslim ? Who knows and really who cares ?

Now him destabilizing the ME and his policy which supports the creation of hard line Islamic states over secular Governments should concern everyone

Or did we forget his support of the Muslim Brotherhood over a decades old US ally in Egypt ?
A Muslim ? Who knows and really who cares ?

Now him destabilizing the ME and his policy which supports the creation of hard line Islamic states over secular Governments should concern everyone

Or did we forget his support of the Muslim Brotherhood over a decades old US ally in Egypt ?

He wasn't the one who destabilized the ME, sport. And he fully backs the regime that ousted Morsi. Still sells them F-16s, etc...

Reality is frightening, but I think you ought to look into it.
I think Obama isn't a Christian and touts the label for political reasons, but I'd hardly say an LGBT supporting, alcohol drinking, non-mosque going person is a "Muslim." I don't think one can profess to be a Christian and be a Muslim either.
A Muslim ? Who knows and really who cares ?

Now him destabilizing the ME and his policy which supports the creation of hard line Islamic states over secular Governments should concern everyone

Or did we forget his support of the Muslim Brotherhood over a decades old US ally in Egypt ?

Obama destabilizing the middle east :lamo

Jesus Christ these people.
I think Obama isn't a Christian and touts the label for political reasons, but I'd hardly say an LGBT supporting, alcohol drinking, non-mosque going person is a "Muslim." I don't think one can profess to be a Christian and be a Muslim either.

He would support genocide if Mr. Soros told him to.
Trump was able to get two D-list celebrities to speak at the convention last night, Some guy named Antonio Sabato, who was apparently an actor, and Scott Baio, who at least is a name.

But the weirdness of Sabato's views are now becoming clearer.

The funny thing is, this stuff is so nuts, its like the tenth worst thing that happened last night.

Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim After RNC Speech - ABC News

Obama clearly seems to be for muslims.... what one sees is his speeding up to help muslims before his term ends...HE is trying to fool women to think muslims ARE NOT THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE... BUT THEY ARE !! and hillary could care less if she can gain power
Trump was able to get two D-list celebrities to speak at the convention last night, Some guy named Antonio Sabato, who was apparently an actor, and Scott Baio, who at least is a name.

But the weirdness of Sabato's views are now becoming clearer.

The funny thing is, this stuff is so nuts, its like the tenth worst thing that happened last night.

Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim After RNC Speech - ABC News

Even D-List Celebrities are usually more successful than basement dwelling, nipple-ringed computer hacks. Wouldn't you agree?
Why are Liberals so uptight over the possibility that Obama could be a Muslim?
Even D-List Celebrities are usually more successful than basement dwelling, nipple-ringed computer hacks. Wouldn't you agree?

Who are you referring to?
What? That doesn't even make sense. Were you referring to the person you quoted?

Don't pester me. I answered you once. I'm not going to answer you again.
Obama clearly seems to be for muslims.... what one sees is his speeding up to help muslims before his term ends...HE is trying to fool women to think muslims ARE NOT THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE... BUT THEY ARE !! and hillary could care less if she can gain power

Nice non sequitur.

And you know that roughly half of Muslims are women, right?
Why are Liberals so uptight over the possibility that Obama could be a Muslim?

Right. The RNC has speakers who are fans of the Secret Muslim Conspiracy, and a candidate who is the king of the goddamned birthers, but it's liberals who are obsessed with this :lamo

Oh I love right wingers.
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Re: Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim - RNC Speech [W:

The only thing I remember watching Antonio Sabato Jr in was "Earth 2"

Re: Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim - RNC Speech [W:

Trump was able to get two D-list celebrities to speak at the convention last night, Some guy named Antonio Sabato, who was apparently an actor, and Scott Baio, who at least is a name.

But the weirdness of Sabato's views are now becoming clearer.

The funny thing is, this stuff is so nuts, its like the tenth worst thing that happened last night.

Antonio Sabato Jr. Says He's 'Absolutely' Sure Obama's a Muslim After RNC Speech - ABC News

Sabato is an idiot, maybe he and Trump are members of the same conspiracy theory coffee drinkers club. Both prone to idiotic conspiracy theories, or, which is more likely, Sabato is an idiot or a talking head hired by the Trump campaign to make ridiculous comments about Obama.

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