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All Our Liberals Are Hypocrites (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Bernie Sanders has again and again and again complained about how little rich people and corporations pay in taxes.

Bernie and his wife are among the top 1% of wage earners. Guess what percentage of their income they pay in federal taxes.

Less than 14%. Boy, I'd like to know how they managed that.

And his followers are pledging to go right off the cliff for his ideas. They will carry on with or without the Democratic Party, some of them say. An authenticity in his fans that is not matched by Bernie himself, who turns out to be a 4 star phony.

And John Kerry and his wife have hundreds of millions stashed in offshore tax havens.

And Hillary has accepted hundreds of thousands if not millions from big corporations. But we all knew that; it's like a cliché. Nobody even seems to care what a freaking phony the woman is. It's all we deserve in our leaders, I guess.

And LBJ, who spent his entire life in public service and ended up a multi-millionaire. How did he do that? Examples of that sort of thing among liberals are numerous. It's almost like the whole point of progressive politics is to garner a lot of money and power for the individual progressives.
Bernie Sanders has again and again and again complained about how little rich people and corporations pay in taxes.

Bernie and his wife are among the top 1% of wage earners. Guess what percentage of their income they pay in federal taxes.

Less than 14%. Boy, I'd like to know how they managed that.

And his followers are pledging to go right off the cliff for his ideas. They will carry on with or without the Democratic Party, some of them say. An authenticity in his fans that is not matched by Bernie himself, who turns out to be a 4 star phony.

And John Kerry and his wife have hundreds of millions stashed in offshore tax havens.

And Hillary has accepted hundreds of thousands if not millions from big corporations. But we all knew that; it's like a cliché. Nobody even seems to care what a freaking phony the woman is. It's all we deserve in our leaders, I guess.

And LBJ, who spent his entire life in public service and ended up a multi-millionaire. How did he do that? Examples of that sort of thing among liberals are numerous. It's almost like the whole point of progressive politics is to garner a lot of money and power for the individual progressives.

Most of that is true there is much hypocrisy but you need to mention republicans in the same context, they are not only not any better they are more blatant about it. Both parties suck imho. I have no use for either of them anymore
You can safely say that wealthy liberal politicians generally take advantage of tax avoidance avenues as conservative politicians do. Hypocrites, perhaps. But what you do not see happening is Republicans campaigning on changing the tax code near to the degree that Democrats do. Awkward I would agree, but at least liberals are talking about this off and on.

I would be willing to say that Hillary, of the list, seems to be the most disconnected from main street in this regard. Ironic, as she will end up the nominee anyway.
Bernie Sanders has again and again and again complained about how little rich people and corporations pay in taxes.

Bernie and his wife are among the top 1% of wage earners. Guess what percentage of their income they pay in federal taxes.

Less than 14%. Boy, I'd like to know how they managed that.

And his followers are pledging to go right off the cliff for his ideas. They will carry on with or without the Democratic Party, some of them say. An authenticity in his fans that is not matched by Bernie himself, who turns out to be a 4 star phony.

And John Kerry and his wife have hundreds of millions stashed in offshore tax havens.

And Hillary has accepted hundreds of thousands if not millions from big corporations. But we all knew that; it's like a cliché. Nobody even seems to care what a freaking phony the woman is. It's all we deserve in our leaders, I guess.

And LBJ, who spent his entire life in public service and ended up a multi-millionaire. How did he do that? Examples of that sort of thing among liberals are numerous. It's almost like the whole point of progressive politics is to garner a lot of money and power for the individual progressives.

Are you really going to try and pretend this is strictly a liberal problem?
Bernie Sanders has again and again and again complained about how little rich people and corporations pay in taxes.

Bernie and his wife are among the top 1% of wage earners. Guess what percentage of their income they pay in federal taxes.

Less than 14%. Boy, I'd like to know how they managed that.

And his followers are pledging to go right off the cliff for his ideas. They will carry on with or without the Democratic Party, some of them say. An authenticity in his fans that is not matched by Bernie himself, who turns out to be a 4 star phony.

And John Kerry and his wife have hundreds of millions stashed in offshore tax havens.

And Hillary has accepted hundreds of thousands if not millions from big corporations. But we all knew that; it's like a cliché. Nobody even seems to care what a freaking phony the woman is. It's all we deserve in our leaders, I guess.

And LBJ, who spent his entire life in public service and ended up a multi-millionaire. How did he do that? Examples of that sort of thing among liberals are numerous. It's almost like the whole point of progressive politics is to garner a lot of money and power for the individual progressives.

Something we all know , and very funny to watch !:lamo You have to love the $15 an hour BS , then the firing of 500 and the unions wanting to be exempt because they cant afford it , you cant make up this crazy crap ! :lamo
Bernie Sanders has again and again and again complained about how little rich people and corporations pay in taxes.

Bernie and his wife are among the top 1% of wage earners. Guess what percentage of their income they pay in federal taxes.

Less than 14%. Boy, I'd like to know how they managed that.

And his followers are pledging to go right off the cliff for his ideas. They will carry on with or without the Democratic Party, some of them say. An authenticity in his fans that is not matched by Bernie himself, who turns out to be a 4 star phony.

And John Kerry and his wife have hundreds of millions stashed in offshore tax havens.

And Hillary has accepted hundreds of thousands if not millions from big corporations. But we all knew that; it's like a cliché. Nobody even seems to care what a freaking phony the woman is. It's all we deserve in our leaders, I guess.

And LBJ, who spent his entire life in public service and ended up a multi-millionaire. How did he do that? Examples of that sort of thing among liberals are numerous. It's almost like the whole point of progressive politics is to garner a lot of money and power for the individual progressives.

Stupid bunch of bull****. Good lord.

He paid his taxes and did nothing wrong. He took very standard deductions. He doesn't have to willfully pay more in taxes than he owes in order to not be a hypocrite. That's a stupid argument. You are allowed to play by the rules while advocating that they need to be changed. As long as you aren't arguing that they should be changed for everyone but yourself, then you aren't a hypocrite.

Not that any of the people that find this stupid **** convincing will actually understand what I'm saying.
Republicans usually cheer and applaud the rich and the Corps who pay lower or even NO taxes via loopholes and standard deductions. It's looked at as being smart.

Why is Bernie and Kerry different?

No need for an answer. I know.
Republicans usually cheer and applaud the rich and the Corps who pay lower or even NO taxes via loopholes and standard deductions. It's looked at as being smart.

Why is Bernie and Kerry different?

No need for an answer. I know.
Because they have D's next to their names. That's why.

But you and I already knew that.
Hypocrisy is not a good thing.
But it may be a lesser evil than the Republican candidates who just admit they are rich and greedy and intend to stay that way without any change to how much of their share they give.
I am the first person who will carry the flag for honesty. But simply dodging questions about your wealth and how you've made it like Trump does is not exactly the honest approach either.
In the end, all politicians are wealthy and a majority of them cannot relate to average Americans because of this. I can't follow people who I can't relate to.

On the other hand, I am not sure Sanders at least, has tried to hide any of the information about himself. He is also still the candidate that I don't feel the need for there to be a "wink wink nudge nudge" after all of his speeches (I don't get that same feeling from Clinton, Trump, Cruz, or even Kasich). Whatever else he is, I think Sanders actually believes his own crazy ideas.

That being said. I am not "excited" about Sanders. I haven't been "excited" about a candidate my entire voting adult life. And I've said on several occasions that this saddens me a bit. Because it would be nice if there was an honest, open politician who is out to serve the people more than themselves who I can get behind.
When that unicorn is born I will be a happy voter.

Until then, Sanders seems the least self important, he also seems the least blatant about lying to your face (which is supported by the pants on fire studies, whereas the studies show Clinton as telling less untruths it also shows that she has told more "whoppers" than Sanders and we won't even approach Trump on honesty. I doubt even he believes his own rhetoric).

That's where I stand in it all. But that's just me.
People are hypocrites. A show for others, a different set of rules for self.
Nearly as I can tell, exaggerating is a part of being a human. I try to keep my own exaggerating to a minimum...but I most assuredly have exaggerated at times.

Outright lying is difficult for me...and I doubt anyone would need a lie-detector to tell when I am. So, for the most part, I don't. This probably accounts for people who know me not asking questions like, "Does this dress make me look fat?" or "I think my swing is improving...right?"

Hillary lies; Donald lies; Bernie lies; Ted LIES; John lies...and so do all the others who dropped out.

I'm not looking for a saint as my next president. In fact, being a good liar might be a qualifier in my book.
Bernie Sanders has again and again and again complained about how little rich people and corporations pay in taxes.

Bernie and his wife are among the top 1% of wage earners. Guess what percentage of their income they pay in federal taxes.

Less than 14%. Boy, I'd like to know how they managed that.

And his followers are pledging to go right off the cliff for his ideas. They will carry on with or without the Democratic Party, some of them say. An authenticity in his fans that is not matched by Bernie himself, who turns out to be a 4 star phony.

And John Kerry and his wife have hundreds of millions stashed in offshore tax havens.

And Hillary has accepted hundreds of thousands if not millions from big corporations. But we all knew that; it's like a cliché. Nobody even seems to care what a freaking phony the woman is. It's all we deserve in our leaders, I guess.

And LBJ, who spent his entire life in public service and ended up a multi-millionaire. How did he do that? Examples of that sort of thing among liberals are numerous. It's almost like the whole point of progressive politics is to garner a lot of money and power for the individual progressives.

first of all, NO, the Sanders are NOT among the top 1% income earners:
The latest numbers from the IRS—based on just-released data from 2013 tax returns—show what it takes to be among the top 1% of income earners: At least $428,713 of adjusted gross income. That's about $6,000 less than it took to buy into this rarified status a year earlier.Apr 19, 2016
https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=what is top 1% income

Bernie Sanders released his 2014 tax return this weekend, revealing that he and his wife took $60,208 in deductions from their taxable income. These deductions are all perfectly legal and permitted under the U.S. tax code ...
Bernie Sanders's Tax Returns Reveal His Hypocrisy

Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes.
Helvering v. Gregory, 69 F.2d 809, 810-11 (2d Cir. 1934). ~ Judge Learned Hand

that Bernie seeks to revise the tax requirements does not mean he should impose them on himself when not required. this thread illustrates how little the opposition has on Bernie, so they have to make **** up
How is he a hypocrite? He isn't advocating different rules for himself. If his policies are enacted he will have to pay more as well.
first of all, NO, the Sanders are NOT among the top 1% income earners:

https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=what is top 1% income

Bernie Sanders's Tax Returns Reveal His Hypocrisy


that Bernie seeks to revise the tax requirements does not mean he should impose them on himself when not required. this thread illustrates how little the opposition has on Bernie, so they have to make **** up
Well you know how conservatives are, they tend to make **** up all the time.

That's why I have to constantly defend politicians like Obama even though I don't like him that much, because instead of criticising him for legitimate reasons (and trust me there's a lot of that), a bunch of conservatives just make up insane bull**** that is completely untrue and downright preposterous.
Well you know how conservatives are, they tend to make **** up all the time.

That's why I have to constantly defend politicians like Obama even though I don't like him that much, because instead of criticising him for legitimate reasons (and trust me there's a lot of that), a bunch of conservatives just make up insane bull**** that is completely untrue and downright preposterous.

i believe much of that is because today's 'conservatives'/republicans are not FOR anything
they are only against progressive policies
which is why we see a republican dominated congress flailing; it accomplishes nothing
the regressives cannot lead. they can only oppose
Bernie Sanders has again and again and again complained about how little rich people and corporations pay in taxes.

Bernie and his wife are among the top 1% of wage earners. Guess what percentage of their income they pay in federal taxes.

Less than 14%. Boy, I'd like to know how they managed that.

And his followers are pledging to go right off the cliff for his ideas. They will carry on with or without the Democratic Party, some of them say. An authenticity in his fans that is not matched by Bernie himself, who turns out to be a 4 star phony.

And John Kerry and his wife have hundreds of millions stashed in offshore tax havens.

And Hillary has accepted hundreds of thousands if not millions from big corporations. But we all knew that; it's like a cliché. Nobody even seems to care what a freaking phony the woman is. It's all we deserve in our leaders, I guess.

And LBJ, who spent his entire life in public service and ended up a multi-millionaire. How did he do that? Examples of that sort of thing among liberals are numerous. It's almost like the whole point of progressive politics is to garner a lot of money and power for the individual progressives.

The problem here is Authoritarian Centrists which control the elite of both parties. While Bernie isn't a Centrist, he's on the line separating Authoritarian from Libertarian, and in all honesty - he probably leans more toward the former, unfortunately. I think we should put Trump in the White House, get it over with, and pop the corrupt establishment like the puss-infected zit that it is.

So - yeah. Trump 2016. Because the Underwoods don't exist (unfortunately).
The problem here is Authoritarian Centrists which control the elite of both parties. While Bernie isn't a Centrist, he's on the line separating Authoritarian from Libertarian, and in all honesty - he probably leans more toward the former, unfortunately. I think we should put Trump in the White House, get it over with, and pop the corrupt establishment like the puss-infected zit that it is.

So - yeah. Trump 2016. Because the Underwoods don't exist (unfortunately).

anyone want this untouched breakfast
for some reason i am no longer hungry
i believe much of that is because today's 'conservatives'/republicans are not FOR anything
they are only against progressive policies
which is why we see a republican dominated congress flailing; it accomplishes nothing
the regressives cannot lead. they can only oppose

Most people are content as long as their own pockets are filled. To hell with everyone else. I have healthy and able people in my own family who screech about "inner city moochers" while living in the city, on social security disability, for crying out loud. They are trying to avoid me like the devil.
Most people are content as long as their own pockets are filled. To hell with everyone else. I have healthy and able people in my own family who screech about "inner city moochers" while living in the city, on social security disability, for crying out loud. They are trying to avoid me like the devil.

i feel your pain

at the soup kitchen had a disabled volunteer who was absolutely opposed to government safety net programs. the irony is that he was provided a full-time aide who drove and accompanied him anywhere he wanted to go ... paid for at government expense. ditto for his quarters and food. never had a job because he was incapable of working. never earned a dime, yet was quite vocal about government spending on social programs

one of my former scouts now has a family of his own. his eldest will never be other than a child, with severe physical limitations. ongoing medical costs and physical therapists have been and are covered by - you guessed it - the government. and yet this fellow - a really decent, very Christian guy - rails against liberal politicians foolishly spending taxpayer money on social assistance programs. i still can't figure it out. my only guess is that he subscribes to the very conservative views of his parents without thinking for himself
No, they aren't liberal in the slightest. They're centrists if anything.

In my book, they're the same thing. I think Kerry and Clinton are 100% liberals. If they were leftists or social democrats or socialists, they would not be so cosy with corporate capitalism. Centrists and liberals have no such problems with corporatism of the MIC. Economically speaking, I think Clinton and Kerry are essentially neo-liberals. Anyone on the left of centre on economic matters should want nothing to do with them.
Bernie Sanders has again and again and again complained about how little rich people and corporations pay in taxes.

Bernie and his wife are among the top 1% of wage earners. Guess what percentage of their income they pay in federal taxes.

Less than 14%. Boy, I'd like to know how they managed that.

And his followers are pledging to go right off the cliff for his ideas. They will carry on with or without the Democratic Party, some of them say. An authenticity in his fans that is not matched by Bernie himself, who turns out to be a 4 star phony.

And John Kerry and his wife have hundreds of millions stashed in offshore tax havens.

And Hillary has accepted hundreds of thousands if not millions from big corporations. But we all knew that; it's like a cliché. Nobody even seems to care what a freaking phony the woman is. It's all we deserve in our leaders, I guess.

And LBJ, who spent his entire life in public service and ended up a multi-millionaire. How did he do that? Examples of that sort of thing among liberals are numerous. It's almost like the whole point of progressive politics is to garner a lot of money and power for the individual progressives.

I don't agree with your thread title, but the Sanders fanatics are certainly ignorant.
Most of that is true there is much hypocrisy but you need to mention republicans in the same context, they are not only not any better they are more blatant about it. Both parties suck imho. I have no use for either of them anymore

Bingo! It seems that some seem real good at pointing out the faults of others while totally ignoring the faults of themselves, and yet they still have the nerve to call others Hypocrites.
Stupid bunch of bull****. Good lord.

He paid his taxes and did nothing wrong. He took very standard deductions. He doesn't have to willfully pay more in taxes than he owes in order to not be a hypocrite. That's a stupid argument. You are allowed to play by the rules while advocating that they need to be changed. As long as you aren't arguing that they should be changed for everyone but yourself, then you aren't a hypocrite.

Not that any of the people that find this stupid **** convincing will actually understand what I'm saying.

I'm no fan of Bernie, but 14% sounds about right to me...

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