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$590M-plus Powerball: 1 winning ticket sold in Fla (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
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Political Leaning
my advice, take all the money over 25 years.


DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — It's all about the odds, and one single ticket in Florida has beaten them all by matching the numbers drawn for the highest Powerball jackpot in history at an estimated $590.5 million, lottery officials disclosed Sunday.

$590M-plus Powerball: 1 winning ticket sold in Fla
my advice, take all the money over 25 years.


DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — It's all about the odds, and one single ticket in Florida has beaten them all by matching the numbers drawn for the highest Powerball jackpot in history at an estimated $590.5 million, lottery officials disclosed Sunday.

$590M-plus Powerball: 1 winning ticket sold in Fla

My advice is to point out all the idiots who wasted money instead of focusing your attention on the newest millionaire who became such on pure dumb luck.
My advice is to point out all the idiots who wasted money instead of focusing your attention on the newest millionaire who became such on pure dumb luck.

I'd wager that spending $2 on a ticket requires less effort than all of your posts calling people idiots.
I'd wager that spending $2 on a ticket requires less effort than all of your posts calling people idiots.

People aren't limited to one ticket. I'll bet you $100 that someone collecting welfare or food stamps spent $100 or more on lottery tickets.
People aren't limited to one ticket. I'll bet you $100 that someone collecting welfare or food stamps spent $100 or more on lottery tickets.

It's good to know that you don't look down on people from your high horse.
I didn't win. :(
People aren't limited to one ticket. I'll bet you $100 that someone collecting welfare or food stamps spent $100 or more on lottery tickets.

Hey, one less person on welfare now.... One at a time, one at time.
my advice, take all the money over 25 years.


DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — It's all about the odds, and one single ticket in Florida has beaten them all by matching the numbers drawn for the highest Powerball jackpot in history at an estimated $590.5 million, lottery officials disclosed Sunday.

$590M-plus Powerball: 1 winning ticket sold in Fla

If you die does it carry on to your family? If it doesn't I would say take the lump. Otherwise if you know you're irresponsible, take the yearly payout.
I'd wager that spending $2 on a ticket requires less effort than all of your posts calling people idiots.

People who play the lottery are mostly idiots, he's right. Instead of spending money on something you have 1 in 100 million chance of winning, you could take it down to the roulette table and have MUCH better odds. Say you took that $100 in question, put it on say, a 30:1 shot, then kept rebetting the money.

1st win: $3,000 (1 in 30 shot)
2nd win: $90,000 (1 in 900 shot)
3rd win: $2.7 million (1 in 27,000 shot)
4th win: $81 million (1 in 810,000 shot)
5th win: $218 million (1 in 24.3 mil shot)

The lottery is a tax on people who are really bad at math.
People who play the lottery are mostly idiots, he's right. Instead of spending money on something you have 1 in 100 million chance of winning, you could take it down to the roulette table and have MUCH better odds.

You miss the point of buying a ticket. No one reasonably expects to win. When you buy a ticket (or tickets), you're essentially making a wish. Let people enjoy the dream, rather then calling them all idiots.
You miss the point of buying a ticket. No one reasonably expects to win. When you buy a ticket (or tickets), you're essentially making a wish. Let people enjoy the dream, rather then calling them all idiots.

Saying nobody expects to win is equivalent to saying everyone expects to lose, which is mathematically reasonable. But if that's the case, you're admitting that these people are willingly throwing away money. Wasted money adds up.

"You can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which gets filled first."
People aren't limited to one ticket. I'll bet you $100 that someone collecting welfare or food stamps spent $100 or more on lottery tickets.

yes there might be ONE person on welfare/food stamps that might have spent 100 dollars on the lottery. their lose!!
yes there might be ONE person on welfare/food stamps that might have spent 100 dollars on the lottery. their lose!!

Based on the number of tickets sold, you want to say maybe one?

You miss the point of buying a ticket. No one reasonably expects to win. When you buy a ticket (or tickets), you're essentially making a wish. Let people enjoy the dream, rather then calling them all idiots.
That's the pernicious problem with the lottery and gambling in general, that wish for a better life that will never be fulfilled. As a Hitchens fan I'm surprised you advocate such fruitless shows of faith, especially since they cost money.
i got the powerball right, so i at least recouped my $4 investment.
yes there might be ONE person on welfare/food stamps that might have spent 100 dollars on the lottery. their lose!!

There are possibly many thousands of people on government assistance that play all forms of state lotteries/games to the tune of 100 dollars a week, maybe more. Go ask the proprietors of liquor stores in the hood that sell lottery tickets, they'll tell you.
You miss the point of buying a ticket. No one reasonably expects to win. When you buy a ticket (or tickets), you're essentially making a wish. Let people enjoy the dream, rather then calling them all idiots.

i almost never play; just when it gets really big. i look at it as spending a few bucks so i can walk around thinking "what if" for a day. doing that all of the time wouldn't be wise, though.
Lottery is a waste of money.
doing that all of the time wouldn't be wise, though.

...and that's why gambling is bad, lottery in particular. It increases your dissatisfaction with your own life, but requires no actual effort on your part to improve your life. Catholics have no problem with gambling but I'm with the fundamentalist Christians in being against it.
I never play the lottery but I admit I did this time. Bought $10 worth, and... Lost it, but hey $10 bucks for a chance at 600 million seemed like a good idea at the time. :)

I live near the winning location and bought a few tickets here and there in my driving about. Maybe I should check my tickets?

If I won what would I do with it? Donate it all to DP of course. :cool:
If you die does it carry on to your family? If it doesn't I would say take the lump. Otherwise if you know you're irresponsible, take the yearly payout.

Thats what I would probably do if I won the lottery.Because I can speculate and plan all I want what I would do if I had such money,but there is no telling how responsible I would be with such money until I got it.
I buy a couple of lottery tickets once or twice a year (I spend about $6 total per year on it). I don't look at it as throwing money away, I see it as donating money to 'older Pennsylvanians', as the PA Lottery commercials tell me the proceeds go to. So I'm not an idiot, I'm a philanthropist! :)

I never play Powerball or Megamillions though.
as much as winning would salve all my problems etc., id hate to let my name be plastered all over the place for having had come into a large sum of money.

and yes you bet your ash I bought a ticket, which is far from the worst thing ive ever wasted money on..
There are possibly many thousands of people on government assistance that play all forms of state lotteries/games to the tune of 100 dollars a week, maybe more. Go ask the proprietors of liquor stores in the hood that sell lottery tickets, they'll tell you.

Go there often do you?

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