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Yes, there is bias. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Sept-Mar of this past year, more than 500 US soldiers were killed in Iraq.

This was one of the most violent periods of the war...and all this coming after the elections in Iraq.

Yet, the Los Angeles Times reports ( I can hear the neo-cons now..."Oh no, not that rag the LA Times) but during those 6 months, not a single photo of an American killed in action appeared in 6 of the largest U.S. newspapers, and Time and Newsweek also ran no photos of Americans killed in action.

The "right' is always accusing the media of being too negative on the war in Iraq, then why the self-censorship in this area?

I'm sure if you asked the editors of these publications, they'd say..."Well, photos of dead GI's is just too sensitive a subject and is not in good taste."

Yet...during the recent Tsunami disaster...we had photos of dead all over the media!

I guess that's ok, as long as they're not American GI's?

The real truth is, publishing photos of dead GI's would bring out the rabid right wing who would scream "liberal bias" etc..etc...blah blah blah.

That's why these photos aren't published...fear of being accussed by the right wing of having some sort of "secret political agenda."

There's bias in the media, allright, only the pressure isn't coming from the left, it's coming from the right.
The right wing has ALWAYS complained of the media having a political bias. I still don't follow your reasoning. Besides, the names of the soldiers wounded or killed are released as well. And there is always local coverage when a "hometownboy or girl" is wounded or killed.
The media is as self serving as any political party or government. If it sells papers, the media will report it with complete disregard of the repercussions. It has nothing to do with the truth. It has everything to do with money. I believe the last few years of "reporting" has proven this.

We don't want our dead on a front page newspaper. We don't want to be disrespected and used to further some pacifist's agenda. We already know that men die in combat. We don't need to display their bodies for all to see and make it harder for the families. Leftists are always looking for some conspiracy. Give it a rest.
Capitalist media is biased to increase their profits, thay don't care if the news is real or not just as long as they get more ratings, like the Spanish-American War, started by two paper companies competing, and when they say the media is leftist, they're lying left-wing really doesn't include dems, dems are very moderate though not as anti-labor than conservatives, and places like FOXNEWS accuses the leftist bias because it increases their ratings and profits.
Socialism might have a noble goal, but it will always be destined to end up as Communism or Dictatorship.
Comrade Brian said:
Capitalist media is biased to increase their profits, thay don't care if the news is real or not just as long as they get more ratings, .

I agree the media is about "ratings" I hardly watch news because it has become "Michael Jackson, the pope, terry shavio, robert blake, scott peterson" 24/7...how are these issues "news" There is actually bad and good things going on in the world and our news media focuses on tabloids..I am very disappointed in the news media anymore
Hoot said:
Sept-Mar of this past year, more than 500 US soldiers were killed in Iraq.
A sad fact, but the worst month in Vietnam was 640 dead, and about 210 dead a month on average, there was little or no reason to be there. 1400 american dead on D-Day, every reason to fight that one. You are basically saying that this war isn't going as badly as others, so what's your complaint.

This was one of the most violent periods of the war...and all this coming after the elections in Iraq.
If you'd study more war history you would find that the ugliest times in most war come at the end of major combat.

Yet, the Los Angeles Times reports ( I can hear the neo-cons now..."Oh no, not that rag the LA Times) but during those 6 months, not a single photo of an American killed in action appeared in 6 of the largest U.S. newspapers, and Time and Newsweek also ran no photos of Americans killed in action.
Is that what you really want to see? First you speak of the 500 soldiers dead and then you ask for the paper to show it to you, make up your mind.

The "right' is always accusing the media of being too negative on the war in Iraq, then why the self-censorship in this area?
I am a broadcasting major and have to study all media forms, it does NOT sell papers.

I'm sure if you asked the editors of these publications, they'd say..."Well, photos of dead GI's is just too sensitive a subject and is not in good taste."
Speculation on your part. besides, whats wrong with Bshowing a little class and giving these brave men some dignity?

Yet...during the recent Tsunami disaster...we had photos of dead all over the media!
I saw very little graphic photos of the dead, and it is a completely different subject.

I guess that's ok, as long as they're not American GI's?
Now you're just rambling.

The real truth is, publishing photos of dead GI's would bring out the rabid right wing who would scream "liberal bias" etc..etc...blah blah blah.
No, it would upset ALL patriotic americans on all sides, and would thin out readership.

That's why these photos aren't published...fear of being accussed by the right wing of having some sort of "secret political agenda."
At least you are being honest about your own bias when you make statements like this

There's bias in the media, allright, only the pressure isn't coming from the left, it's coming from the right.
It comes from all decent people who want fair, complete, and truthful reporting, as is a journalists duty.
Hoot said:
Sept-Mar of this past year, more than 500 US soldiers were killed in Iraq.

This was one of the most violent periods of the war...and all this coming after the elections in Iraq.

Yet, the Los Angeles Times reports ( I can hear the neo-cons now..."Oh no, not that rag the LA Times) but during those 6 months, not a single photo of an American killed in action appeared in 6 of the largest U.S. newspapers, and Time and Newsweek also ran no photos of Americans killed in action.

The "right' is always accusing the media of being too negative on the war in Iraq, then why the self-censorship in this area?

I'm sure if you asked the editors of these publications, they'd say..."Well, photos of dead GI's is just too sensitive a subject and is not in good taste."

Yet...during the recent Tsunami disaster...we had photos of dead all over the media!

I guess that's ok, as long as they're not American GI's?

The real truth is, publishing photos of dead GI's would bring out the rabid right wing who would scream "liberal bias" etc..etc...blah blah blah.

That's why these photos aren't published...fear of being accussed by the right wing of having some sort of "secret political agenda."

There's bias in the media, allright, only the pressure isn't coming from the left, it's coming from the right.

You are right, any objective person is going to ignore Michael Kinsley and the far left LA Times, which is about as anti-america in its reporting as Al-Jazeera. There is no logical, sane reason to put pics of dead GIs on the front page. It would be done just to appease the pathetic mentalities of the radical far left. We have watched group after group strive to put out articles that would incite violence against our troops. Magazines like newsweek or the ACLU. The left controls most major newspapers, ABC,NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN and PBS. The right controls talk radio because no one will sit and listen to any far lefters rant for 3 hours about how their taxes should be raised, their babies aborted and appeasing countries like France or Russia. Fox news is far ahead of all the other news outlets in ratings because mainstream america hates the far left's dribble. Get a clue!
I scoff at all news reports and except the fact that I will only ever receive half of the story from it. What's sad is that some people stand on soap boxes based on them, but claim otherwise.
I placed my previous post, not because I want to see photos of our dead soldiers in the press, but to ask those of you who so strongly believe in the myth of a 'liberal media' why they're not taking advantage?

Can anyone in here honestly say that seeing photos of our dead soldiers in the press would do two things....

1) Create a backlash against the publication that would be devasting to their "bottom line."

2) Turn more people against the war, and the policies of Bush.

It's easy for most of us to sit in our quiet little suburbia's with our nice little spot of tea, and not think about death and destruction half-way across the globe.

With all respect to the families of the deceased, if we hit complacent people in the face with grahic photos, wouldn't that bring the true horrors of war closer to home? Wouldn't this help end the war? Wouldn't this help expose the flimsy reasons we were given for this undertaking? ( No pun meant on the word 'undertaking')

Again...I'm just asking...I'm not saying this is something we should do. I come from a military family and I've served myself...most of you war-mongers have never spent one day in boot camp.
To us, it's disrespectful. Nothing more. Any political agenda that is spun on it further disrespects the sacrifice.

Hypothetical......It would only end the war in a sense that we would get pulled out of the Middle East and Americans would be afforded the opportunity to once again don their blinders. That is, of course, until the next skyjacking or embassy bombing. But even then, like for so long before, Americans will try to ignore it as a military problem, not an American problem.
Hoot said:
I placed my previous post, not because I want to see photos of our dead soldiers in the press, but to ask those of you who so strongly believe in the myth of a 'liberal media' why they're not taking advantage?

Liberal media is not a myth, or legend. It exists, and its not my fault you cant see beyond the obvious. Why do you want to exploit dead soldiers so bady, and yet you tell me you served in the Military? That's like exploiting a comrad you work with to promote yourself. So stop it with your left wing agenda. People like you destroy the moral, of the soldiers you bravely serve with. Besides the fact, you signed a paper when you joined the military. You and I qoute "Cannot protest war, and serve in the military; because that is treason". So you still want to sell newspapers?

Can anyone in here honestly say that seeing photos of our dead soldiers in the press would do two things....

1) Create a backlash against the publication that would be devasting to their "bottom line."

2) Turn more people against the war, and the policies of Bush.
Once again, you point back to your agenda. 1: Turn people against the war in Iraq, 2: Turn people against Bush, 3: and hopefully use "Media" to exploit dead soldiers, to somehow sell "Right Wing" modivation to censor the media that you say isnt "Left Wing = Liberal". Personally I dont think you agenda has anything to do with Bush. I think it has to do with your backround. You disliked your service in the Military Service, so this is your only way to lash out. Once again, you put your self in the military service. You are suppose to follow all orders and not commit "Treason" by Blasphemy your fellow soldiers.

It's easy for most of us to sit in our quiet little suburbia's with our nice little spot of tea, and not think about death and destruction half-way across the globe.
Wow, you must live in the 1700's. What do you think us Americans dont weap everyday, when our mothers, fathers, and sons, daughers, serve over seas. How Narrow Minded Are You? We cant wait for them to come home, but if there not done, we shouldnt think selfishly about them keeping them here and ignoring a problem you dont think exists.

With all respect to the families of the deceased, if we hit complacent people in the face with grahic photos, wouldn't that bring the true horrors of war closer to home? Wouldn't this help end the war? Wouldn't this help expose the flimsy reasons we were given for this undertaking? ( No pun meant on the word 'undertaking')
You love Media, yet you say its not "Liberal." You have no respect for the families by displaying their relatives on front of newspapers, and top of headlines on "popular Media outlets". What horror are you talking about? Yes people die in war, but it should not be a public spectical. What century do you live in, public hangings. It is not of your "Patriotic" duty to sell pictures of dead people to promote your Pesimistic values. You are no better than your enemy!

Again...I'm just asking...I'm not saying this is something we should do. I come from a military family and I've served myself...most of you war-mongers have never spent one day in boot camp.
Yes sure I may have not "spent one day in boot camp", nor do you clarify your own experience. So what are you ranting about. Somehow, you think because you come from a "Military Family" that somehow makes you more supierior to the people who post on this forum. Yet you still call Americans war-mongers and, yet you are trained to kill people with your bare hands. So who's really the War-Monger, "the Anonmous Forum Poster", or "a Trained Mercenary"? When you can get real, feel free to post a response.
Most reporters and 'journalists' are liberal, no question. Most pundits are hard right. Most publishers are money makers (or losers). Editors tend to be more conservative, but it's close. Maybe, and this is of course, a guess, about 55% con, 40% lib, and 5% something else. Columnists split about 50 - 50, depending on the paper. Talking heads are almost all liberal.

I am enamored of Ann Coulter. I would like to cover her conservative, angular body with kisses - would take about three weeks. She is eight feet tall by her own reckoning. Afterwards, we could talk politics...
stsburns said:
So stop it with your left wing agenda. People like you destroy the moral, of the soldiers you bravely serve with. I think it has to do with your backround. You disliked your service in the Military Service, so this is your only way to lash out. Wow, you must live in the 1700's. How Narrow Minded Are You? You love Media, yet you say its not "Liberal." When you can get real, feel free to post a response.

How can I possibly respond?

I just wanted to thank you for the therapy and excellent psychoanalysis.

I'm sure I've saved a ton of money on doctor's bills.
BIG STORY: Northwest Ohio...Tom Noe a large contributor to republicans is investing state money on the state's behalf into rare coins...reports have had the missing amount from 10 million to 30 million dollars...the Toledo Blade jumped all over the story choosing it to be the biggest headline instead of any number of other big stories. Now that all but two coins have been recovered (actually a recount of inventory shows them accounted for...likely never missing at all). The Blade buries that story on page five with a headline that was barely larger than the print they used for the story. This is consistent around the country. Just because the LA TIMES changed their practice for a few months doesn't erase their history.
And what radical left wing propagandists like the comically named group, FAIR, have figured out is that if they respond to constant examples of blindingly obvious proof (like how quickly the three major networks jumped on Karl Rove's recent comments-within hours-after taking over a week to grudgingly even mention the 2nd most powerful Democrat comparing conservatives to Nazis-and CBS never even reported on the latter) of liberal media bias with a wall of bogus noise about "conservative bias" (from the same media that just admitted for the third Presidential election in a row to have voted overwhelmingly for the liberal candidate), then people who don't yet know how to identify BS in politics will come to the naive and nauseating "bias is in the eye of the beholder" conclusion.
torch said:
I agree the media is about "ratings" I hardly watch news because it has become "Michael Jackson, the pope, terry shavio, robert blake, scott peterson" 24/7...how are these issues "news" There is actually bad and good things going on in the world and our news media focuses on tabloids..I am very disappointed in the news media anymore

I totally agree. And because of this I have been watching The News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS. Straight-forward news for a change.
Anyone who don't think that there's a liberal bias in the media needs a check up from the neck up.
When I was a kid in the NJ / NY metropolitan area.There were 7 TV stations all liberal.No one said boo.Now with cable I have around fifty. Two are conservative and the liberals are having apple plexy. The nations endangered, the Republic is going to collapse,over 2 out of 50 TV stations.What are they afraid of ?
If that's the case, why isn't Newsweek making public the whole story of the outing of Valorie Plame. And why haven't they revealed what she knows? They could be selling millions of copies from that subject alone if the would.
I don't think its a matter of money. I think its a matter of government suppression. Herr Busch and his handlers now own the whole country, including the press.
LaMidRighter said:
A sad fact, but the worst month in Vietnam was 640 dead, and about 210 dead a month on average, there was little or no reason to be there. 1400 american dead on D-Day, every reason to fight that one. You are basically saying that this war isn't going as badly as others, so what's your complaint.
More people have died in the first two years of this conflict than in the first two years of Nam. Nam lasted 17 years so there is plenty of time to catch up.
View At Your Own Risk!!!

Hoot said:
I placed my previous post, not because I want to see photos of our dead soldiers in the press, but to ask those of you who so strongly believe in the myth of a 'liberal media' why they're not taking advantage?

Can anyone in here honestly say that seeing photos of our dead soldiers in the press would do two things....

1) Create a backlash against the publication that would be devasting to their "bottom line."

2) Turn more people against the war, and the policies of Bush.

It's easy for most of us to sit in our quiet little suburbia's with our nice little spot of tea, and not think about death and destruction half-way across the globe.

With all respect to the families of the deceased, if we hit complacent people in the face with grahic photos, wouldn't that bring the true horrors of war closer to home? Wouldn't this help end the war? Wouldn't this help expose the flimsy reasons we were given for this undertaking? ( No pun meant on the word 'undertaking')

Again...I'm just asking...I'm not saying this is something we should do. I come from a military family and I've served myself...most of you war-mongers have never spent one day in boot camp.

VIEW WITH CAUTION!! Well, I have a contact who is a photo-journalist in Iraq. Let's see what the reaction is here... VIEW WITH CAUTION!!


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If for some reason these images from the war in Iraq are removed without my knowledge, feel free to PM me. I must warn you though, they are not for the faint of heart.

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