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Would you rather go riding in a car with Kennedy or go hunting with Cheney? (1 Viewer)

Would you rather fo riding in a car with Kennedy or hunting with Cheney?

  • Riding with Kennedy

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Hunting with Cheney

    Votes: 19 76.0%

  • Total voters
I would rather go riding with Cheney while Hunting Kennedy :lol:
I would rather hunting with Cheney..At least the guy that went with him is still alive...........You can't say the same for Mary Jo no thanks to Teddy....
At least with Cheney you will get help, and they won't wait until your dead and they got the story straight to get you help. But I like DeeJayH's answer.
Well if I drive with Kennedy and drown then at least I can have an open casket funeral.

Hypothetically, if I died from the 'buckshot,' some of which that scarred my face, and also induced a heart attack, then I would have to have a closed casket funeral due to disfiguring. :(
Another stupid poll.

I'm not going to defend Kennedy. I'm not going to defend Cheney. Both actions were wrong, but it's reasonable to believe anyone involved in a car accident can become disoriented, and even go into a mild form of shock.

It's the old republican strategy...can't defend the actions of Cheney, change the subject and attack another Dem to take the focus off the issue at hand.

Cheney was at fault..he didn't follow gun safety...he'd been drinking that day ( was that why he delayed reporting the story?) and the man didn't even have the proper license. Anyone else would face a hefty fine.

And as Jon Stewart alluded too....when Cheney said he delayed the story to make sure of accuracy...you mean like he made sure of the accuracy of WMD? LOL
An old man mishandling a hunting rifle is a far lesser offense than what Ted "O.J." Kennedy did, but I would still rather go night fishing with Scott Peterson than hang with either of these two.
Hoot said:
Another stupid poll.

I'm not going to defend Kennedy. I'm not going to defend Cheney. Both actions were wrong, but it's reasonable to believe anyone involved in a car accident can become disoriented, and even go into a mild form of shock.

It's the old republican strategy...can't defend the actions of Cheney, change the subject and attack another Dem to take the focus off the issue at hand.

Cheney was at fault..he didn't follow gun safety...he'd been drinking that day ( was that why he delayed reporting the story?) and the man didn't even have the proper license. Anyone else would face a hefty fine.

And as Jon Stewart alluded too....when Cheney said he delayed the story to make sure of accuracy...you mean like he made sure of the accuracy of WMD? LOL

LOL? Are you kidding? The WMD assertions they made were accurate, genius. Liberals can't reason based on facts. Instead, they spew based on conspiracy theories. THAT'S what you should be laughing at (at least it's what I'm laughing at :lol: ).

And Navy Pride didn't wickedly craft this poll to cleverly make liberals forget about this incredibly lame and unimportant story. He obviously made this poll out of harmless humor. Jesus. Get a grip. :roll:
This type of thread is why I consider myself a centrist.

THe answer is NO. Neither.
Conflict said:
This type of thread is why I consider myself a centrist.

THe answer is NO. Neither.

That is like saying Michael Moore is a Conservative........;)
aquapub said:
An old man mishandling a hunting rifle is a far lesser offense than what Ted "O.J." Kennedy did, but I would still rather go night fishing with Scott Peterson than hang with either of these two.

How Classy.

Additionaly your sig speaks of individual responsibility.

(don't tell Bush about that.)
Navy Pride said:
That is like saying Michael Moore is a Conservative........;)


You know I only saw F911 a couple of months ago... only because quasi-patriots like yourself were so opposed to it.

It was somewhat enlightening... I see why you are so quick to act like it is complete balogna.

I did object to the movie in the sense that it played a subjective role in which emotions should lend an ear to what's best for our nation. I disagreed with the whole emotional basis of the movie.

However, Moore did make light of the economic right/left tribulation which did serve to expose that Bush is the boogeyman. I actually already knew that much so it was somewhat redundant.

I can see the fallacy that moderate conservatives see in the movie, however I do not deny the truths regarding the collusion betwenn the Bin Ladens and the Bushes. Aside from that I know a little more about the "situation" than Michael Moore did.

But have a hayday. I'm not here to defend Michael Moore... I'm here to defend our nation from cognitive hacks. (not you, you're a pea in a pod). ;)
Conflict said:

You know I only saw F911 a couple of months ago... only because quasi-patriots like yourself were so opposed to it.

It was somewhat enlightening... I see why you are so quick to act like it is complete balogna.

I did object to the movie in the sense that it played a subjective role in which emotions should lend an ear to what's best for our nation. I disagreed with the whole emotional basis of the movie.

However, Moore did make light of the economic right/left tribulation which did serve to expose that Bush is the boogeyman. I actually already knew that much so it was somewhat redundant.

I can see the fallacy that moderate conservatives see in the movie, however I do not deny the truths regarding the collusion betwenn the Bin Ladens and the Bushes. Aside from that I know a little more about the "situation" than Michael Moore did.

But have a hayday. I'm not here to defend Michael Moore... I'm here to defend our nation from cognitive hacks. (not you, you're a pea in a pod). ;)

You did not catch my drift.The point I was trying to make to you is you calling yourself a moderate is like MM calling himself a conservative........No one will ever believe it.......
Navy Pride said:
You did not catch my drift.The point I was trying to make to you is you calling yourself a moderate is like MM calling himself a conservative........No one will ever believe it.......

I got what you thought was your point.

I oppose extreme left wing diatribe just as I oppose your extreme right wing diatribe. Sometimes with Bush it's difficult to discern wether or not his extreme is to the authoratirian left or right... all I know for sure is that it is extremely authoritarian.
"Cheney was at fault..he didn't follow gun safety...he'd been drinking that day ( was that why he delayed reporting the story?) and the man didn't even have the proper license. Anyone else would face a hefty fine."

What penalty did Clinton get for lying under oath? Just based on that Cheney should get nothing.

What penalty did Kennedy get for leaving the scene then running to Hyannisport to hide?
"Cheney was at fault..he didn't follow gun safety...he'd been drinking that day ( was that why he delayed reporting the story?) and the man didn't even have the proper license. Anyone else would face a hefty fine."

What penalty did Clinton get for lying under oath? Just based on that Cheney should get nothing.

What penalty did Kennedy get for leaving the scene then running to Hyannisport to hide?
doughgirl said:
"Cheney was at fault..he didn't follow gun safety...he'd been drinking that day ( was that why he delayed reporting the story?) and the man didn't even have the proper license. Anyone else would face a hefty fine."

What penalty did Clinton get for lying under oath? Just based on that Cheney should get nothing.

What penalty did Kennedy get for leaving the scene then running to Hyannisport to hide?

I haven't said a damn thing about Cheney's hunting accident. As a matter of fact I think democrats are blowing the situation way out of proportion.

However, as a centrist, I must adhere to the fact that if a person was (hypothetically) drinking while hunting, and shot a fellow hunter... a charge of wreckless endangerment would be in order for any "regular citizen".

I drink when I hunt, however, I've never shot anybody while doing so.
Hunting with the VP. He needs some pointers on the art of mixing alcohol and firearms. The drunker you get the more adhering to the rules of firearm safety you should instinctively become. There are a lot of guys in the woods drinking come the season. Very few incidents. Think about it.
Conflict said:
I haven't said a damn thing about Cheney's hunting accident. As a matter of fact I think democrats are blowing the situation way out of proportion.

However, as a centrist, I must adhere to the fact that if a person was (hypothetically) drinking while hunting, and shot a fellow hunter... a charge of wreckless endangerment would be in order for any "regular citizen".

I drink when I hunt, however, I've never shot anybody while doing so.

I may be fairly ignorant on this term but what exactly is the ideology of a CENTRIST? Is this a synonymous term with MODERATE?
SixStringHero said:
I may be fairly ignorant on this term but what exactly is the ideology of a CENTRIST?

Sitting on Teds car(out of gas) while waiting for Dick to fetch some dinner with no ammo.
Navy Pride said:
Your comments please:

I am going to have to say hunting with Dick Cheney.At least Dick Cheney calls emergency help immidiatly.
Well, as was pointed out a few times, with Cheney, you may live...

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