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Women: pick a side are you an adult or... (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2004
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We're coming to the end of 2004 , and still women have yet to declare:

true equality as an adult


second class citizen grouped with the children

If you think that is harsh, just ponder:

Women expect men to hold the door for them, carry heavy packages, pay for meals, confront attackers....

Women seek a mate that earns more money than they do, if they plan to earn at all. While men won't accept a woman who earns more or even equal....

Women have voted for all male Presidents, and support a Laura Bush over an independent woman....

Women routinely change the name they've lived with all their lives to assume the last name of someone who wouldn't do likewise for them...

.... the proof of second class status is endless while:

there are increased demands for equality in education, in the work-place, and throughout our society.

Any overt discrimination of women is RIGHTFULLY stifled, and addressed, yet at what point do we make that tough decision to demand the same responsibility of women as of men?

see the rest at :

Craig Farmer
making the word "liberal" safe again!
Indeed, Welcome!

Interesting position.

At what point do we think that women WANT that same equality?

I am wipped, and I like it that way.
I honestly think women don't want equality. I am true to my words to being a Newliberal, so I remain open-minded to new evidence. Of course there are exceptions, but they serve to prove the rule.

My best guess is that women don't want to be overtly discriminated against in something they really want.

Well, me neither. But as a man, I don't get to cherry pick when I'm a full adult, or when I can melt into the background.

For example, I was forced to register for the draft at 18. I didn't get to choose. Also, when a stranger knocks on the door, my wife doesn't have an "equal rights" debate about who should get the door.

My honest suggestions would be for us a society to "even out" the social norms so men get a more fair shake. This would decrease the tensions in male/female relationships, and actually promote better mental health in the general population.
I can agree with that, but only to an extent. Taking the gender out of everything is NOT healthy for the US as a whole in my opinion.
I am proposing the exact opposite: Gender should be put back in our society more forcefully.

The increased problems with male/female relationships have come because men have tried to "respect" women.

I'm saying, women have chosen not to deserve full respect, by not accepting equal responsibility throughout our society.

I'm saying men shouldn't have to pay Half at divorces because on average women aren't 50% of the unit. They often provide much less than that.

I'm saying men should be able to make more in certain jobs because they do more. Take a male fire-fighter or policeman. They routinely carry a heavier load than their female counterparts.

Of course there are individual women who do choose totally equality, but most women don't want it. So I say we should re-calculate the benefits of manhood in men's favor.
Ok, I think I see what you are saying.

You are advocating MORE seperation of gender.
For instance, boys and girls club should go back to being boys club?
craigfarmer said:
I am proposing the exact opposite: Gender should be put back in our society more forcefully.

The increased problems with male/female relationships have come because men have tried to "respect" women.

I'm saying, women have chosen not to deserve full respect, by not accepting equal responsibility throughout our society.

I'm saying men shouldn't have to pay Half at divorces because on average women aren't 50% of the unit. They often provide much less than that.

I'm saying men should be able to make more in certain jobs because they do more. Take a male fire-fighter or policeman. They routinely carry a heavier load than their female counterparts.

Of course there are individual women who do choose totally equality, but most women don't want it. So I say we should re-calculate the benefits of manhood in men's favor.
How exactly do you arrive at the fact that women are not 50% of a marriage unit?

And I spent 16 plus years working in Law Enforcement, along side some very capable women, who pulled all if not more then their fair share of the work load. I will say in 4 years of military duty (Navy) I wasn't impressed with the female participation. But I think that had more to do with the senior officers not allowing them to pull their weight.
craigfarmer said:
I'm saying men shouldn't have to pay Half at divorces because on average women aren't 50% of the unit. They often provide much less than that.

I'm saying men should be able to make more in certain jobs because they do more. Take a male fire-fighter or policeman. They routinely carry a heavier load than their female counterparts.

Of course there are individual women who do choose totally equality, but most women don't want it. So I say we should re-calculate the benefits of manhood in men's favor.

I am a firefighter so add one more thing and that is the hassel you get from your wife for having to SLEEP with another woman at work!
craigfarmer said:
We're coming to the end of 2004 , and still women have yet to declare:

true equality as an adult


second class citizen grouped with the children

Hi. Welcome to the forum. I am an adult. There. I've declared it.

craigfarmer said:
Women expect men to hold the door for them, carry heavy packages, pay for meals, confront attackers....

No. No. No. And just for a little variety: no. I hold the door open for everyone because it's polite. If I notice a guy doing it consistently for girls and not guys(and he is a friend obviously) I will call him on it. It's wildly hypocritical to respect someone just for their gender.

I swim at least a mile a day. I pride myself on my arm muscles. My mom and I moved a two bedroom apartment on our own with not a man in sight. Although, admittidly, she's much buffer than I am...:mrgreen:

If I ask, I pay. If the guys a jerk about it, and throws a fit, there's no second date. :lol: On the other hand, if he asks me out, I will offer once to go halves, and than drop it if he says no.

And I've never had an attacker...so I can't really comment. Although I do refuse all attempts to walk me to my car at night from boy "space" friends. So in theory, I am prepared to confront my own attackers. Like I said...big arm muscles. ;)

craigfarmer said:
Women seek a mate that earns more money than they do, if they plan to earn at all. While men won't accept a woman who earns more or even equal....

Actually, I fully plan on making more than my husband.

craigfarmer said:
Women have voted for all male Presidents, and support a Laura Bush over an independent woman....

As if we've had an option to vote for a female president. :roll: And if a women runs, I will vote for her...but only if I like her politics.

craigfarmer said:
Women routinely change the name they've lived with all their lives to assume the last name of someone who wouldn't do likewise for them...

After seeing what a pain it is to get your named change, I really don't plan on it.

craigfarmer said:
.... the proof of second class status is endless while:

there are increased demands for equality in education, in the work-place, and throughout our society.

Yes, heaven forbid women want equal opportunities. I hope you didn't mean it like that.

craigfarmer said:
Any overt discrimination of women is RIGHTFULLY stifled, and addressed, yet at what point do we make that tough decision to demand the same responsibility of women as of men?

see the rest at :

Craig Farmer
making the word "liberal" safe again!

What responsibilities do you think women are not accepting? Cause I'm not seeing any.
MrFungus420 said:
Will you marry me?

:lol: I also won't allow dead animals in my house...still sound like a good idea to you? ;)
Kelzie said:
:lol: I also won't allow dead animals in my house...still sound like a good idea to you? ;)

See ya tonight...I'll bring the outdoor grill and the ribs...:cool:
Kelzie said:
I also won't allow dead animals in my house...still sound like a good idea to you?

Oh, that's right, vegan. :screwy ;) :lamo

I might be able to get rid of my leather jacket, but I don't think I could give up meat and cheese.

Oh well. :sigh:
Kelzie is the type of women I'd enjoy knowing

Has more intelligence than the average person which is good

Is independant, which is a big bonus, cause I'm that way too.

the only beef I'd have (get it? hehe) is we could never agree politically nor do I like the musclar thing on most women, though, thats pre-judgemental. I'm probably not having the right mental picture in my head on that one...

Please tell me you're not east german looking though
128shot said:
Kelzie is the type of women I'd enjoy knowing

Has more intelligence than the average person which is good

Is independant, which is a big bonus, cause I'm that way too.

the only beef I'd have (get it? hehe) is we could never agree politically nor do I like the musclar thing on most women, though, thats pre-judgemental. I'm probably not having the right mental picture in my head on that one...

Please tell me you're not east german looking though

Strangely enough, I can't successfully date guys I agree with politically. I have no idea why, other than I couldn't imagine agreeing with someone my whole life. I like having intelligent arguments.

Brown curly hair, green eyes...not really east german! :mrgreen:

I just wish my arms were buff....I'm in love with triceps (well, mine anyway) but being vegan, I don't really get as much protein as I would need to get really big. Probably for the best I suppose. ;)
Lately, the solution to all problems has been..

Dude, they have pills for that !
128shot said:
Lately, the solution to all problems has been..

Dude, they have pills for that !

Problems...pills....I don't understand....Somehow connects to protein maybe? Or triceps? Have they found a pill to give you bigger triceps?!? Cause that would be really cool...:mrgreen:
Creatine maybe?

or maybe you could just get some protein pills..
128shot said:
Creatine maybe?

or maybe you could just get some protein pills..

Nah, I don't care that much. I figure if my muscles needed to be bigger, they would be. :lol:
welcome to the forum brother?

Its a cult thing isn't it?

Damn cults, I can't even get into the most lowly social groups without encountering one.

Here's what women want:

To be able to claim they are 2nd class citizens compared to men, but then they won't talk about how they get to live longer, the ultimate barometer of power.

To be able to lie and say they earn 70 cents to a mans dollar, but then be silent when they get to choose more satisfying careers they like more because their husbands took on more dangerous jobs that pay more so they could

To be able to demand equality, but then deny men that right when it comes to reproductive rights

To be able to whine for breast cance rresearch funds and get 6 times more then prostate cancer research when about as many men will die, then claim we need to fund breast cancer research more!

They demand equality, then any man who doesn't pay for the date is a "loser".

They demand to be treated equally, but expect the man to change the tire and the oil.

They demand men to take them seriously, then they turn around and cry when they break a nail or rave about their new duve cover they bought on sale.

They claim they are "shortchanged in schools", but are silent when it is pointed out that females graduate from every levels in greate rpercentages and go on to earn more degrees.

They claim there is a "crisis in self esteem in girls" but are silent when it is pointed out that boys more sucesfully commit suicide.

They demand equality, but never lobby for legislation making them register for selective service.

They say they are proud, strong woman that can stand up to any man, then whine that the mechanic took advantage of them just because they are a woman.

They say "my body, my choice" but then demand that a man pay 50% for what is 100% her choice, only 50% her responsbility.

They via superior electoral numbers put all politicians in office, then when things don't go their way, they blame it on the male politicians they elected

They say they don't need a man or his money, then flee garbage men and McDonalds cooks like the plague.

You want to know what women want?

They want their cake and to eat it too.
craigfarmer said:
We're coming to the end of 2004 , and still women have yet to declare:

true equality as an adult


second class citizen grouped with the children

If you think that is harsh, just ponder:

Women expect men to hold the door for them, carry heavy packages, pay for meals, confront attackers....

Women seek a mate that earns more money than they do, if they plan to earn at all. While men won't accept a woman who earns more or even equal....

Women have voted for all male Presidents, and support a Laura Bush over an independent woman....

Women routinely change the name they've lived with all their lives to assume the last name of someone who wouldn't do likewise for them...

You speak for all women there, do you? :roll: I had no idea I was so annoying.
"Who is June Cleaver?"

"Thank you Alex. I'll continue on in the category "1960's sitcom gender stereotypes for 300......."
I'm going to take the antithesis view from everyone on this one and say that the rolls (atleast in my case) should be reversed I want a sugar momma, yay yah, I want to be the lazy cabana boy sponging off the hot and rich 35-40 year old MILF she can open the doors for me especially the one to my free Mercedes. Ya you heard me right I said it.

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